Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Mbesuma and Jacob Mulenga back in Chipolopolo squad


African champion coach Herve Renard has named a 24 man strong squad to face 2013 Nations Cup hosts South Africa in the November 14 Nelson Mandela Challenge match at Soccer City in Johannesburg.

FAZ spokesperson Erick Mwanza unveiled the squad list today and said the match was important in setting the tone for the African champions before the provisional squad for Zambia’s title defence is announced.

“As we have demonstrated over the last five years, FIFA International Calendar dates are an integral part of providing the Chipolopolo an opportunity to get together and work together. In playing these matches, we continue our wonderful development path which is aimed at sustaining and enhancing our high levels of competitiveness,” Mwanza said.

“Herve Renard is taking this match with the seriousness it deserves and while we are going into to win it, the main thrust is for the players to enjoy the time together and keep the African winning championship spirit going. We are looking forward to the match which is the venue of the opening and closing ceremonies and without taking anything for granted, it’s a venue we would like to return to on 10th February next year,” he said.

In a squad which has seen the return of Orlando Pirates robust striker Collins Mbesuma, there were no major surprise inclusions or exclusions as the coach retrained the greater majority of the squad which won the Nations Cup last February.

Since calling the duo for the final Nations Cup qualifier against Uganda early this month, Renard has maintained midfield teenagers Mukuka Mulenga and Shadreck Malambo.

Top striker Jacob Mulenga, a leading goal scorer in the Dutch Eredivise, is included and fans who have not seen him in  a Chipolopolo shirt for a year now will hope the highly rated sharp-shooter will make his long awaited return to action when Chipolopolo take on a Bafana Bafana side which has not been to the last two Nations Cup finals and makes a return only in 2013 as hosts.

The full squad:
Kennedy Mweene (Free State Stars, RSA), Danny Munyau (Red Arrows), Joshua Titima (Power Dynamos), Emmanuel Mbola (FC Porto, Portugal), Joseph Musonda (Golden Arrows, RSA), Davies Nkausu (SuperSport United, RSA), Chintu Kampamba (Unattached), Stoppila Sunzu (TP Mazembe, DRC), Hichani Himoonde (TP Mazembe, DRC), Nathan Sinkala (TP Mazembe, DRC), William Njobvu (Hapoel Be’er Sheva, Israel), Noah Chivuta (Free State Stars, RSA), Isaac Chansa (Henan Jienye, China), Mukuka Mulenga (Power Dynamos), Rainford Kalaba (TP Mazembe, DRC), Chisamba Lungu (FC Urals, Russia), Shadreck Malambo (Zanaco), Felix Katongo (Primero de Agosto, Angola), Jonas Sakuwaha (El Merreikh, Sudan), James Chamanga (Dalian Shide, China), Collins Mbesuma (Orlando Pirates, RSA), Chris Katongo (Henan Jienye, China), Emmanuel Mayuka (Southampton, England), Jacob Mulenga (FC Utrecht, Holland)


  1. At least there is sense in the selection of the
    team now. Please, let the technical bench not use names this time, I rest my case.

  2. Oh please, FAT BOY Mbesuma again? Yes I agree with 1 no why not Clifford Mulenga ? Why is the coach so unforgiving. The guy has apologised ..what more does this P.E teacher want from the kid. FAT BOY has had his many chances which he blew away with his insatiable thirst for Shakers!!!. Time to give others a chance please.

  3. Cliff can hang off the cliff for all we care there is enough talent in the squad which is displined. if cliff was as good as what you bloggers say he would be pltying his trade in the EPL or SLL or Sirie A

  4. Cliff can hang off the cliff for all we care there is enough talent in the squad which is displined. if cliff was as good as what you bloggers say he would be pltying his trade in the EPL or SLL or Serie A

  5. Are we ever going to see Roger Kola or we need another coach? The 2 young boys r better for developmental side CAN teams and here we needed Zambia’s best players which includes Aaron Katebe, Luka Lungu and Given Singuluma. Hop they wil called for India camp

  6. imwe can we start a petition to keep Mbesuma out. 1,000,000 votes can do. There are no under 21 boys we can draft in. This may sound like bush coaching ‘ kaili ekala ku south so ku bika uteya ku soufu baka’amba’

  7. Please please..James Chamanga is not needed anymore in the squad…Clifford and FWAYO tembo are far much better than some guys in the team…James Chamanga has never been impressive to me and other soccer fans i believe..our coach is biased and corrupt


    • i cudnt agree with you more… chamanga has no place in the team… he has consistently failed to impress.. his best days r behind him, we shud gv other strikers a chance!

  8. Can this corrupt FAZ please tell us the sin Clifford Mulenga has committed to deserve this Hell. Akalimbusha ati HR balelya bonse Mampi no mwaiche. We want the boy back!!

  9. Ba coach and FAZ please twapapata,include Clifford mulenga,for the sake of mother Zambia.Let’s put differences aside.Clifford and kalaba add spices to the team.

  10. Have Clifford Mulenga, Given Singuluma and Fwayo Tembo slept with Herve Renard’ & Kalu’s girl friends to deserve such maltreatment at the hands of this French man and Kalusha? This is so not right, look how off form Mbola, and Captain Chris have been is Renard wearing contacts and can’t see which players are really consistent??

    • Well said Chibesa. And I am sure we can still do better without clifford. He must learn that he should not only be disciplined in RSA but even in the Zambian team.

  11. Kalusha bwalwa pliz hear the cry from my fellow football fan clisfford mulenga must not be omitted from the squad.
    Other important point to consider is that we don’t want weak diffense like the prefous match i watched were mwene become under presure.

  12. Kalusha bwalwa please hear the cry from my fellow football fan clisfford mulenga must not be omitted from the squad.
    Other important point to consider is that we don’t want weak diffense like the prefous match i watched were kennedy mwene become under presure.

  13. who is clifford imwe bantu kanshini? what role did he play in our winning of the AFCON? renard is a chief architect. leave it to him to decide who he wants to work with. just like micheal satana chooses which fool to work with from Paya Farner pool of fools

  14. kalu wakaso sana! He knows that Clifford has the potential to achieve and do better than him. We had players like Kapambwe Mulenga very indispline in camp but he used to deliver on the pitch. Kalu na Renard mukamona ngatwalusa…

  15. Bwalya Ichiselema, Clifford has won the African youngest footballer of the year once ,the trophy nearest to Kalu’s in the southern of equator. He’s one of the courageous players to tell ba FAZ that he wont bribe any official to be called for national duties as his talent is good enough to deserve a place. They want to prove him wrong. WHICH WRONG??? Do you know how much Chris,Felix and Chamanga gave Kalu after winning AFCON 2012? We want talent and not to bribe FAZ to be picked.

  16. Ichongo ba ngwele. You are not allowed to pick players for the national team based on your street analysis. Efyo yaba fye, even if it were you, it is not possible to include everybody who kicks ball in the national team. Attitude, loyalty, skill, team spirit, cooperation, shared vision, hardwork and many other attributes matter! Renard left Angola because street chaps like you fake analysts wanted to dictate the team to him! Why are you not coachez then?

    • Tulu….
      aba bafikala should just start training as coaches!!Bush manners…If a Lecturer from UNZA has got favourites in class then who the HELL is Renard

  17. No one is perfect.I agree that Clifford Mulenga made a mistake but was punished and yet still not forgiven.Mbesuma has made mistakes previously too, but has been forgiven.Clifford has talent and is still young and therefore, HR must be advised correctly but the right people who are without malice.I equally agree that Chamanga and Chris Katongo’s performances have been below national expectations. Additionally, Sakuwaha must be allocated more time to play next time and Jacob Mulenga must also be utilized.    

  18. Ddidddd I hear Mbesuma & which Mulenga,.. upfront. Did I hear Mukuka Mulenga & Shadrick will take up the wings?
    Mbola & Nkausu should be rested, use Chivuta ku left, Chisamba ku 2. Mid-defense just Stopilla & Hichani or that guy from NAPSA. Yayayaya Mamama ine Selako iwe tutambe bola.

  19. Chris Katongo made it in 24 men team, unbelievable. Last time my Haitian friend tried to give him worst game so he can leave the team unhurt, but since most of you didn’t watch how pathetic he was against Uganda… DON’T blame me, whatever will happen to Chris Katongo I am not the one who will bewitch him, not me.

  20. I think its time we started building other young players. Coach please start considering Kola, Cliford, Singuluma,Fwayo , the locals Kangwa and otehrs. Mbesuma has outlived his presence on the natonal team. He was given the best opprotunity in EPL. He embaransed the country due to nyee & chewing.

  21. I watched mayuka in the game Southampton played Leeds United. i have nothing against the young man. infact he, he is one of the few I see future in,but in the game his team lost 3-0 today, the boy was just running all over the pitch like a headless chicken. he made no serious attempt on go despite his coach letting him play 90 mins for the first time since moving to the club. The boy needs to put his act together or he’ll be warming the bench for a long time.

  22. ……………………….In-form striker Collins Mbesuma has been included in national team coach Herve Renard’s 24-member squad to play South Africa in a friendly on November 14 in Johannesburg.
    Renard has also included Netherlands-based striker Jacob Mulenga and under-20 players Mukuka Mulenga of Power Dynamos and Red Arrows’ Shadreck Malambo, but has left out South Africa-based Clifford Mulenga…………………………

    Herve Vs Clifford

  23. leave Renard alone infact Clifford is very rude, arrogant and pompus.He can be a bad influence to the team. Why are u not coatches and which cup have u won?

  24. Ba Mbesuma aba kamba.twanwa again ku mpatamatu.Aba kamba is in form and has been scoring braces lately.So good that he is back.We have not heard about Cliford anywhere near goal mouths of the SA league.


  26. After the drinking spree in Gabon Clifford was slapped by Renard, so in fact it was Renard who wz being indiscipline how can he slap an adult and expect him to apologize that’s unprofessional of Renard those are not his children.

  27. rude , arrogant name what ever you want, even the bible says ask for forgiveness it shall be so,Here we desperatly need cliffs talent in this afcon,the fact is we are not looking gud4 results. as a team.4get the past call the boy

  28. its the coach and technical bench who have the prevelege to select players to the national team…its just like the cabinet…the president appoints members whom he thinks will deliver even though at times the people appointed dont even deliver….but as long as the president feels he needs them ,they will always remain in the team………football is not different herve renard and his technical bench selects players they feel will deliver…infact their job is to win matches…so if they leave out a player dont fussssssszzzzzz about it.they know what they are doing.mind you sport encompasses discipline and commitment which clifford mulenga lacks.

  29. Good for Ntofo Ntofo but we also need Fwayo & Clifford Mulenga. Christopher Katongo, Felix & Chamanga should be dropped. If these 3 changes are made believe u me we will retain the CUP and surely make it to the World Cup.

  30. Whats the fuss about this ka rude boy Clifford! This boy is very rude and thinks too highly about himself. In his apology he said he did,nt do anything wrong. However, Singuluma is not in the team because he does’nt want to play for Zambia. He never shows up every time he is called.

  31. Singuluma has a difference with HR just like cliford. The problem with HR and Kalu they do not like dealing with intelligent players who make suggestions and question some instructions. They would rather work with the yes sirs of Katongo. There is also the issue of cuts. It is how much u cut to Kalu. The people that went out for a drinking spree are Hichani Himonde, both Katongos and cliford. The smaller Katongo did not even manage to work up on time for the morning training but Cliford was singled out because he expressed himself.

  32. Hallo KCI the so called “yes sirs”have won the africa cup and mind u,it matters how you put yo suggestions to yo leaders, u should not be seen to be in competition with them.Truthfully Clifford is a good player but he lacks discipline and this is likely to spoil his football career and it is my prayer that the guy finds a mentor.

  33. Inconsistent Zambians, was it not just last week when you were calling for the inclusion of Mbesuma in the national team? The coach has called him and here you are speaking a different language.

  34. with all due respect but how this squad managed to win the last AFCON is beyond me! Jeez!! Mbesuma could not even get a game for portsmouth and was released without him kicking a single ball!! lol

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