Chief Mpezeni of the Ngoni speaking people has urged opposition political leaders in Zambia to fine tune their politics instead of perpetually fighting the party in government at the expense of development even after elections.
Paramount Chief Mpezeni has since urged Zambian politicians to emulate the American model of politics which gave chance to the president elect to run governance affairs in a conducive environment.
The traditional leader has also urged the opposition leaders to stop politicking and give President Michael Sata chance to run the affairs of the country.
The chief made the remarks when he met several Bemba chiefs at Senior Chief Chibesakunda’s palace in Chinsali yesterday before gracing the Isonge Traditional Ceremony.
Chiefs present in the meeting were Chief Chewe, Chief Chinkamba, Chief Kabungo, Chief Nkweto and Chief Mubanga.
“You must talk to your subject, Nevers Mumba and advise him to stop politicking and talk without having points. We need to unite and work with the government of the day which is the PF.
“We should not make their work difficult. It is important that we give President Sata a chance to work and develop Zambia,” Chief Mpezeni said.
He said it was unfortunate that President Sata had become a subject of debate by some politicians even at unnecessary fora.
He said Zambians must learn that time for politicking was long gone and that efforts and energies should be directed towards reconstructing the country.
The Paramount Chief called for unity among traditional leaders and take advantage of the political will exhibited by the government in recognising their important role in the governance process.
The traditional leader said the colonisers recognised the importance of traditional leaders hence the establishment of Native Authorities.
Chief Mpezeni, who was beaming with joy, during his first trip to Chinsala, said traditional leaders were better placed to give government accurate information and should therefore interact with it regularly to bring to the fore problems that people were faced with.
“I am happy to see that the PF administration is working hard to empower traditional leaders who are actively participating in governance matters. We know our people so well and what they need,” he said.
He said President Sata should be commended for his efforts to unite chiefs and improve their welfare through the introduction of the Ministry of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs.
And Chief Chewe said the government needed the chiefs in the governance process in order to have an inclusive approach.
Chief Chewe said President Sata should be commended for recognising the importance traditional leaders played in national development.
He called on chiefs to embrace this opportunity and work hard to better the living standards of the people.
Senior Chief Chibesakunda said the non-involvement of chiefs in governance issues had led to the underdevelopment in rural areas.
Senior Chief Chibesakunda said chiefs in the past had been disgraced by selfish politicians who just wanted their help when they wanted to canvass votes during election times.
“We are happy that President Sata’s Government has taken a new stance in relation to traditional leader’s issues. Leaving out traditional leaders in the process is like trying to climb a tree using the leafs.
“Similarly development should start from the roots of the tree, then the stems, branches and leafs,” he said.
Chief Chibesakunda said the PF administration has shown political will towards the development of rural areas and should be encouraged to continue on the same path.
He also urged traditional leaders not to be used by politicians and that their authority should be respected.
Chief Chinkamba said the visit by Paramount Chief Mpezeni was inspiring and a uniting factor.
Chief Chinkamba said chiefs should not only wait to meet during the House of Chiefs sitting but develop networks and visit each other regularly.
He said not all chiefs were members of the House of Chiefs hence the need to have regular visits to other chiefdoms and discuss issues affecting their subjects.
i think this man has nothing to say!
Millsz, he is my chief but i agree with you.:d
ala this ka chief!
too bad they moved chiefs from local govt ministry Mpezeni would have been best friends with Masumba both love booze, rhumba, dancing and women!
Seleni tubombeko !
ba mpenzeni i think you are looking for a khak envelop.I rest mycase
Nonses, mpezene much in luv of money nd woman.
Chief Mpenzeni the same accusations could well apply to PF and Sata.In fact they’re worse since they’re in govt to deliver but all they do is eat,dream & sleep ba opposition.
Senior Chief Kopa is the only senior chief of the Bisa. Chief Chibesakunda is an ordinary chief of the Bisa. Stop your ignorance henceforth.
What are those women doing? I dont understand this sh***t going down in that manner just for a little man? i wouldnt do that in the name of tradition, please pipo these are not king Aurthur`s days, wake up women, and what i dont understand is, only women are hugging and kissing the ground, not good not good at all, stop abusing women, this is abuse 100%.
respect our chief *****s
Your chief!
these women are just PF carders…. like Mpezeni
you have spoken something for the unity of One Zambia One Nation
Teach also other Chiefs.
But the the Cadres united
The man has said a lot of nonsense which makes sense to the undeducated with no internet like ourselves here. if Zambia has to develop, the govt of the day s to tap into the common man who is a kaponya or a villager under a chief. us educated ones are less than 15%! so the man has a point. only problem is that the people uniting the country are crazy and selfish, and the man fails to see that. but in a democracy the majority wins, so hey. good luck to us the 15% governed by the dull 85%
so even the MMD which is in opposition all their suppoters are not educated?..konkanyapo nensoselo shobe isho.Government is bigger than you HH
One way of begging for money for salt. Tikaziba kamanbala aka, skelotone of a person, fuseke
Just concentrate on taking your ARVS IWE, ala
These Bemba women don’t know Mupezeni. He can jump on them all like a “kombwe”. He is crazy and most dull chief Zambia has ever had. Just go and get your ARVs Ka Chief Kabene. This cannot be my chief…NEVER….
Having such a chief…”I can’t never”, A chief who goes on bootliking cannot be trusted. That is why chiefs cry foul everytime and say “I was misquoted”, fuuuulish…mwe….kawalala
The par chief is correct the oposition need to wait until 2016 .see what happened in usa the repulicans have to try there luck 4 yrs from now.
Republicans are dead! next president is Hillary Clinton.
Huh,what is this? I guess its just 3rd world fu#@kery kneeling and prostrating oneself before a mere human being who is as poor as because he has no idea how to lead a better life.How can he lead others if he has failed to deliver himself from the jaws of poverty?
Repblicans are DEAD! next president is Hillary Clinton.
Mpezeni Sata insulted every leader who defeated him from day one until the next elections. So what is ka mpezeni saying? sata never Gave a chance to anybody to rule in peace.
ka Mpezeni after being heavily bribed, he wants to seem like he cares for Zambia? Foseki
Kekekekekekeke….ka mpezeni takomfwa nikamuselela kwakaba..confirmed bootlicker.
AMA ZAMBIANS what brown Envelop, Mpezeni has cash he is a ka Smart chief. Mwilaponta. VIVA Mpezen, inspecting which Mbuya to chop in the Nite. Bembas I salut you you have respect for ur Mbuyas. How nice to see such cousinship going strong and in existence. Ati Buzz Na Rumba??? Of course Ukukota kuifwaila. Let the Man enjoy we only live once.
Women and Chiefs !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ……only in Africa.
I guess it is one’s democratic right to listen to the chief’s advice – that is if you want to take advice from a womanising, alcoholic child abuser.
Fake Mfumu
He is not Chief Mpezeni. He is King Mpezeni of the Ngoni people. Stop underrating our King!
Iwe Nubian princess uzinkhala naulemu. Osatukwana Mfumu. He is Nkhosi ya Mankhosi Mpezeni IV. King of Kings. Bayeete Nkhosi ya ma Nkhosi!
sebana wikute Mpezeni. ya ndeloleshafye.