The Football Association of Zambia will not file any official complaint against SAFA after an attack on the team bus on Wednesday.
The Zambia team bus was stoned as it left Soccer City at the end of the Nelson Mandela Challenge against South Africa that the latter lost 1-0.
Zambia goalkeeper Kennedy Mweene was reportedly hurt during the attack.
Faz spokesperson Erick Mwanza said they will not pursue any case after two juveniles were arrested for their alleged role in the incident.
“Yes Kennedy was in pain he did not bleed profusely but was in pain. He is fine and did not need to go to hospital after receiving treatment from the team Doctor,” Mwanza said.
“But out appeal was not an act by ordinary and good and well meaning citizens but rather two children who were acting in an unpremeditated manner.
“There was no animosity between FAZ and SAFA.”
We knew. Kalu has a begger mentality and an inferiority complex. Crimes should be made know to authorities. We are not asking FIFA and CAF to punish SA but SA should be warned to make sure that we do not have a thousand SA children throwing stones during the Afcon this January. I do not believe it was two kids that made even the driver to abandom the bus. Someone is playing this under the carpet.
Why am I not surprised; FAZ crooks camps in RSA, Kalu stays in RSA and cuts his under the table deals in RSA….this is why you need a FAZ president who resides in Zambia with business interests in Zambia.Â
A goalkeeper gets injuries close to his eye and you don’t file complain…any inches closer and that would have been goodbye to Mweene’s career..only in Zambia. I can only imagine if the same happened at Levy Stadium if SAFA would be this forgiving.
And we they call us docile we get surprised…….children indeed…Zambians never seize to disappoint me
oh sorry that should read CEASE
fellow bloggers look at the bigger picture here, what do we stand to gain by lodging a complaint? SAFA has watered down this case by immediately arresting kids below 18 years old meaning the kids are not legally responsible as they are considered minors. secondly no one has even seen the damage done to the bus to warrant a complaint. we ve only seen one picture of Mweene being eye washed . not even blood on his shirt. a stone or two could have been thrown but does that warrant us to lose our heads over that. if guns were used then security concern should have come to play but a stone , come on guys
“A stone” MUST NEVER be thrown at ANY player we chipuba. Is this what you call a bigger picture?
@kci- spot on!
#5 ulichipuba. It not about what we gain, it is about doing things right. Crime must be reported no matter how small. It is about preventing future occurances. That is how civilization comes about. South Africa is a crime infested country and one of the reasons they cannot control crime is they sweep crime under the carpet. Anyway Kalu does not have to complain because FIFA and CAF already have the video footing from a BBC correspondant.
I’m very disappointed with FAZ, the complaint should be filed even when you have accepted their apology for records sake. Poverty is really bad. If FAZ is not willing to file a complaint, my main man Imbwili I’m very sure will do so. You are proud being peaceful for nothing
Dada Man
Its not about gaining anything..its about cautioning them so the take preventative measures next-time…next time it will be at AFCON Finals and some irate fan will be brandishing a pistol and firing gunshots at the windows.
Do you think Southampton FC will happily release their £4 million investment next time you call them for Mayuka for a friendly match…if FAZ take such a laid-back cavalier attitude towards such serious issues.   Â
#5 Dada man, ulichupuba zoona iwe ayi. I concur with kci that, it’s not about what we gain but rather what CAF and FIFA will decide to do after the fact. FAZ can not just sit there as though nothing happened. In other words, besides the pictures, videos (if any) and eye witness statements, this incident serious or not, should still be on record officially. Just because there are minors involved doesn’t make this terrible incident excusable. FAZ should follow through with an OFFICIAL complaint regardless of SAFA’s apology to ZAMBIA, period. Whatever action that will or will not be taken by the necessary soccer authorities after our complaint should be respected. SAFA should be warned and ka Kalusha should be very careful with reagrds to his position…bruce lee tapompele careful.
Guys the whole world is watching us. Sudan are watching, Ghana are watching remember we complained over Sudan. We are puting a lot of African countries in danger this January if this incident is not addressed. Zambia will even be training in a stadium located near these thugs, hooligans, savages uneducated poor black people live.
#5 Dada man, ulichupuba zoona iwe ayi. I concur with kci that, it’s not about what we gain but rather what CAF and FIFA will decide to do after the fact. FAZ can not just sit there as though nothing happened. In other words, besides the pictures, videos (if any) and eye witness statements, this incident serious or not, should still be on record officially. Just because there are minors involved doesn’t make this terrible incident excusable. FAZ should follow through with an OFFICIAL complaint regardless of SAFA’s obvious apology. Whatever action that will or will not be taken by the necessary soccer authorities after our complaint should be respected. SAFA should be warned and ka Kalusha should be very careful with regards to his position…bruce lee tapompele careful.
Why not?oh ok,its becoz kalu has been bribed again.
FAZ is run by an under 5, by the name of Kalusha Bwalya. Ninshi mwenso so iwe ka chik.a.la? Somebody stones your bus in another country by some kids (or it could have been adults) and you decide NOT to put in an official complaint?
Why? Just because you live in SA? Iwe Kalusha, ubeko serious boyi ayi.
Chasoni sana…even saying that, we must forgive and move on? Ka chika.la ka Kalu naka tumpa nomba atase. We know u live in SA with your kama wife and vima kids. This is official soccer business, why should you bring in your personal feelings? Ala, I wish I were on the board of FAZ, I’ll write Kalu a real stinker. Ma kaka.
dont get me wrong, when i say look at the bigger picture. as it stands the case against the two boys who threw the stones has been thrown out of court on account of them being minors. South africa has hosted a Rugby world cup, cricket world cup, Football world etc and not a single incident security related was reported. Then you take a case of two boys throwing stones at a bus to FIFA, CAF. Once again has anyone seen the picture of the bus? or everyone is just reacting blindly
In short FAZ is compromised too many interest$ in RSA!!
Stupidity to a point of insanity. Door mats of the worst kind. They spit in our face and we just look the other way. So what if these were juveniles? Do it give them the right to behave like hooligans? Erick Mwanza, Kalusha Bwalya and team are *****s par excellence.
Ba Kalu we know you are doing this coz south Africa is where your mula comes from.Everything here is all about you.
# 9 AFCON 2013 is not the first big event RSA will be hosting. this stone throwing is just a one off incident. it was on a road side incident which can happen any where in the world
#13 all those cups SA has hosted with no “incidences” come out clean because complaints are swept under the carpet just like ours. It is imposible for no “incidence” to happen in SA. SA is full of murderers, thieves, rapists, barbarians, Savages. We should not glorify these people crime. We understand FAZ is run by a inferiority complex person who has a begger mentality. He lives in SA for christ sake. I wonder what Kambwili and Sata will say tommorow.
Just stone them back at the next meeting
# 17 my point exactly, so why should the world listen to an incident of stone throwing. lets face it our mweene exaggerated his injury. he said he was stitched on the bus by our doctor???? when the nearsest hospital is less than 5 km from the stadium
you *****s..pursue that case..its not fair..just because you were not hurt..!
Stone them also when they come to Zambia, i have two kids who can do this job, they are minors so even SAFA wont launch complaint to FIFA or CAF as well.
Dada Man
What’s your problem? Are you half South African or have you got interests there like our compromised FA CHIEF Kalu? lol
The team doctor and his assistant are highly capable of carrying out such procedures they do them on the touchline when one is injured. Â
I told you people, stop insulting those South Africans, you see now those were just juveniles from Soweto.
Kalusha Bwalya mbuli iwe!!! the reason why cannot pursue it is because you are a beggar, fearing to lose the little you get from south africa e.g. supersport appearances. You played in Europe and South America for a long time, you should have saved enough to be independent by now. Njala yakunyokola!!!
Kalu is a South African ‘citizen’ what do you expect.
we should have complained to set a record.am very disappointed with FAZ
We hear from kennedy and chris, galu wz not stoned no wounder Y he cannot complain.so its high tym galu and this ka chola boy mwanza to stop insulting us.we wait to hear frm kennedy,chris,hon kambwilia,HE sata and us Zambians.galu shud only pass a verdict if it we’re his relatives involved ie wife,children,parents or joe bwalya.
I think the decision by FAZ is the correct one. Ati “appeal to FIFA” because a 12 and 13 year old child throws a stone! Are you even listening to yourselves. The fact that the children have been dealt with by the police, that is good enough.
get your facts correct. it was not one stone thrown and it was not one child involved.
this fear of pursuing matters that Zambians like you have, is what is making people take us for granted. Even if it is one person or child involved, the host country is still liable
umwaumw@ dont waste your energy on this coward, Zambians are naturally born like that, they even fear their own shadows.
We do have short memories for real. Have we already forgotten how we behaved when we were beaten Senegal in Chililabombwe? Did anyone report us to FIFA or CAF.
There is no need to escalate an isolated incident. Kalu is right on this one. This incident has already done a lot of damage to South Africa’s image as the host of AFCON. What else do some people want? After all this was out of SAFAs hands and the minors acted alone. People should learn to look at the bigger picture and not focus on negatives. The tournament was otherwise very successful and both teams have come out with lessons. Let us move on!!
Hatred of an individual should not cloud our judgement. Kalu has acted in the spirit of promoting sport. You want to crucify him for not reporting SAFA to FIFA just because young confused arrested boys threw stones at the bus. Let us celebrate the win and let the law take its course regarding the boys. Which country does not have confused boys who can act in such a barbaric manner? Let us grow up and support the winning team.
I have understood the decicion takjen by FAZ not to report this incident, unfortunate as it is. For one thing, it will strain the relationship with not only with SAFA but the same hooligans may start targeting Zambian players in South Africa. In particular, Mweene, our treasured goal keeper and who was involved in this unfortunate incident would be exposed to abuse and potential danger, the other player, Felix is based in Angola and does not seem to have had a serious cut. In any case, whether we officially complain or not, FIFA and even CAF is already aware of this issus through the media and surely it will come up indirectly as they plan for 2013. Let us not endanger the lives of our several players based in South Africa, if it was only Kalusha based in South Africa, no worries!!
south africa hosted the world cup under intense pressure and protest from the whole world except one corrupt sepp blatter. This rotten filth infested crime country should be prevented from hosting any major football tournament. South african blacks are the most primitive, barbaric, savagely *****s on the face of the earth. Those police officers who killed some at RONMIN MINE should ve killed more so that the population of shaka’s descendants could reduce.
Much has been said about this and as foreign living in SA Zambian in particular I would say this kind of incidence is quiet an isolated one. SA has been peaceful when it comes to hosting of tournaments like this let us no take away the goodwill of this wonderful Country Â
Lets not forget what happened when Ghana players misbehaved in Levy stadium after loss.They blamed Zambia as having mistreated them.
Ine ndeloleshafye ubupuba ubuli apa. Iyo chachine mwalifulwa.
FAZ are saying they are not complaining Kabwili says we will lodge in a complaint to CAF…Please let us coordinate.
And LT what is this ““But out appeal was not an act by ordinary and good and well meaning citizens but rather two children who were acting in an unpremeditated manner.”?
Editor please do a better job!
Fraternal love Much has been said about this and as foreign living in SA Zambian in particular I would say this kind of incidence is quiet an isolated one. SA has been peaceful when it comes to hosting of tournaments like this let us no take away the goodwill of this wonderful Country Â
I am sure kalu has a south african permanent resident status being married to a south african white lady of italian origin, although heading FAZ. For kalu this causes conflict of interest and its difficult for him to speak against SA authorities. This situation will compromise his leadership all the time when there is anything between Zed and SA.
Ala mwaaandi its good ukuya kususukulu cause you have a liberated mind. # 42 you are right, the guy has a conflict of interest. so he can not say any eveil against RSA. but the Reality is that a wrong is a wrong. Infact even South Africa have raise a concern on how those so callled minors filtered to come to the stadium and cause such a drama. The best would have been to file a case and let courts determine that those are minors..who knows may be they were acting on instructions??? Kalu as you said bloggers he is a begger, so he will always be under their shoes.
Faz Will Not Pursue Case After Team Bus Attack???? I would have shocked if the opposite was true/ !!!!