By G.Mtonga
I received a call from a friend of mine telling me about a shooting in my community Kabushi Constituency. At first, my initial reaction was “Robbers” and I asked him what was going on what were these guys trying to steal. In fact, I couldn’t be more wrong the shooting was of a “houseboy” who had gone to demand for his wages which had not been paid for the last two months by his Somalian Boss. The boy was shot in cold blood by a Somalian over K400, 000; that is less than $90.
Not long ago, Zambians had killed a Chinese man over wages at a mine he operated. The international community took to the story; and reports came out suggesting “ruined” relations of Zambians and Chinese. Justice was demanded! However, we have witnessed gross injustice against our own people at the hands of foreigners and no one calls for justice. Justice for Zambians who suffer at the hands of their boss does not exist; in fact injustice is the normal course of the day as there are no mechanisms for Zambian employees to seek recourse for the actions of their boss; from sexual harassment to pure inhumane killings such as the one by the Somalian national.[pullquote]In Zambia foreigners are treated better than Zambians; this is a fact from restaurants to the police![/pullquote]
Somalians have been part of my community which is part of Kabushi Constituency since I was a child. Like most foreigners, they often occupy commercial circles in the community. They are generally perceived to be peaceful and very business-minded; and they practice their religion with the tolerance that rivals the western world . The story of the Somalian national killing a Zambian national because he came to ask for his wages is a reflection of the continued injustice that Zambians are suffering in their country. In Zambia foreigners are treated better than Zambians; this is a fact from restaurants to the police!
I scanned the internet looking to see if anyone had reported the shooting and there was nothing; simply because a Zambian was a victim, and he was poor! I was hurt, personally because this happened in the community I love and the person responsible is part of a community that Zambians have notably tolerated. There has not been a case were Zambians have with impunity threatened the Somalian community in Skyways, Ndola. The community in-fact has thrived:using Zambian labor, they have built houses and businesses. Now we all know what their prospects would be if they were sent back to Somali. So why should Zambians suffer at their hands when we have tolerated their relocation and in fact branded them as adopted Zambians?
Foreigners in general do no respect our country; they do not respect our laws, they in fact do not respect our culture. Our government, our Zambian government, our own leaders should be the one at the front of these problems. I’m calling on the Member of Parliament for Kabushi Constituency to take an aggressive stance on the shooting and I expect the family of the victim to be compensated and the Somalian nation to face life imprisonment and their after deportation. The riots in Ndola reflect the fact that our people do not believe in the proper channels of justice in our country; because many times this system has failed us, many times foreign nationals who should be jailed have walked free, many times Zambians have been paid and the perpetrators have walked away without justice prevailing.
[pullquote]The riots in Ndola reflect the fact that our people do not believe in the proper channels of justice in our country; because many times this system has failed us[/pullquote]
I’m not xenophobic! I have always and will always believe diversity is always good for a country. But this is Zambia and it is for Zambians. If we welcome foreign nationals we expect them to follow the laws and regulations of our country. If I visit a friend of mine in his house, I behave a certain way because that is not my house; the same gesture is extended to me when that person visits my house. I don’t expect simply because we want diversity we should sacrifice our countrymen and women.
Zambians are being enslaved, working in horrible conditions, and still are expected to be productive. Our labor ministries have not done the proper work to ensure the safety of our citizens who occupy lesser jobs in the country. The man who was killed worked as a houseboy, he was a brother, he was a friend, and he was a resident of a community that cherished him; to shoot him in cold blood is a reflection of the perception that the Somalian Community has of Zambians. I’m hurt because this is my community, this is the place were i played, were i learned a lot about diversity and tolerance. For us to live with the Somalian Community all these years is indicative of our progressive values; but for that community to kill our own and expect us to look at them the same way is not only foolish it is a mockery of our priorities as a community.
The Zambian victim should receive justice; a crime has been committed if the government wants us to believe in the institutions of this country so that when something like this happens we do not riot and destroy foreign-owned business: GIVE US JUSTICE!! We want employment justice, we want our human rights to be respected, and we want our social and economic rights to equally be respected!! May Holland Kabaso, the victim, be indicative of the injustice in this country and may his soul rest in peace for this was his country in which a foreigner killed him like a dog! IT IS UP TO ZAMBIANS; IF WE ARE NOT CAREFUL ZAMBIANS WILL BY DYING IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY AT THE HANDS OF FOREIGNERS WITH IMPUNITY.
Please get them out of Zambia, how can they say we will fight back?
Don’t be too emotional. Deal with the issue at hand.
How would you feel if the US government deported you
and took away your citizenship for a crime committed by another Zambian.
Would that be justice? of course not.
The Zambian system is too old and out of date.
Yes all the Somalians in Zambia should be deported.
we need to be like south africans ROUGH!
We need to make our people aware of Respect for fellow citizens. You can see this from even airports were Foreigners are treated with much more respect than their own people. Let this be a wakeup call to respect our own Zambians. Be patriotic, Love your own. Once that is achieved, Foreigners will be dead scared to touch any Zambian. Police are the weakest institution, as their service men are so corrupt. In the way we wear our Zambian colors “Jerseys” ?? Let us also wear the love for every Zambian. ONE ZAMBIAN ONE NATION, ONE CITIZEN.
Sad cold blood death, late Holland Kabaso. Who was there to protect you. The Taxi driver did his best at least to corner the culprit so that he can face the law, but too late, Holland. You are gone and gone forever! What a sad way of loosing you dear one. Wishing you lived one and continued your life. May your soul rest in peace. The Somali man knows why he came to Zambia. You may be a businessman, but more so an economic migrant. your country is in ruins because of the way you and your people think. The law must justifiably be applied on you. Life sentense would be ideal for your barbaric act.
What a whole load of rubbish!!!!!Yes it is heart breaking that somebody was killed but just coz it happened to be a foreigner you wanna make noise about it. how about those men that peeled a NIPA students face and killed her, was that justified because they are Zambians killing Zambians?? What if this Somali man was a psycho or was depressed, it has nothing to do with where he comes from, its about who he is as a person.dont get me wrong im not supporting the somali man,all i am saying is looting and destroying property is not the way to develop Zambia. i hope the killer gets locked up for life. RIP Holland
were you an accomplice, coz thats how you sound. Nonsense!!!
Dude you have some issues
Sunny, i will peel your facial skin.
Sunny, you are the most stupid, senseless and misguided person on earth! The fact that so many of these foreigners can kill Zambians with impunity is the issue here and it happens all the time. The case of the NIPA student is irrelevant here – what are the parallels – tell me Mr Dead-fish? The fact is you sound like a foreigner and you should know that such incidences change people’s attitudes and Zambians will be less welcoming and tolerant after this. As a police officer, I will look away if any Zambian kills or harasses a foreigner!! Enough of you immigrants and now have even started killing us!!
How many Zambians have killed fellow Zambians and hw many foreigners have killed Zambians.this is just an isolated incident….u re spot on my brother….let people not look at nationality….lets look at the wrong committed
iwe sunny, walitupa sana! i hope next will be your brother, sister or even the person you sllep with! then we can hear you say rubish! chikambacho
In bots, Zim, and even Malawi, they count themselves first. South Africa is a unique case and they make sure their nationals come first. Only in Zambia do we find workers at restaurants airports any service industry prefer serving foreigner first. Even the government is ahead at giving foreigners carte blancha
Ephesians 4:32 ” Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” We cant be stoning and killing our Somali friends. it pained me to see a mother run with her child to protect her child. dont be that way. lets forgive. #4 is spot on.
Sad truth is africans don’t like each other.You’ll be called kwerekwere but an Omani wud be more welcome,a Tutsi will hack a Hutu but spare a Chinese,a Luo will kill kikuyu but spare a Turk and a Hausa will chop an Igbo but spare an Israeli.In zed a Bemba would rather see a Thai get rich in Lsk but will kill not to see a Tonga as president.
why always sounding tribal?? Always Bemba this , Tonga this…Nonsense!!!
I wonder what bembas have done to you people.
Enka Rasha, just keep on working in a nursing home. You should very ignorant.
Go back to somalia, bin laden!
Stupid Arab DOG! kafunika ku ka twola kachikala aka, just who the fu.ck do you think you are fu.cking terrorist??????????
$tup!d Arab D0G! kafunika ku ka twola kachikala aka, just who tha fu*.k do you think you are fu*.kn terr0rist??????????
So-called “foreigners” will not respect you when they discover you do not respect yourselves. You bury cash, your pastors remarry and impregnate innocent congregants, accused persons carry cadres to interviews … need I continue. Things that appear disparately distant from the scene add up to creating loopholes that the so-called “foreigners” will settle into with impunity. So before we choose the cheap, senseless route of xenophobia, let us start by self-respect. Repair things when they first appear in disrepair, restrain one another when one loses one’s way – that is the beginning of self-respect, amongst other things.
Does all that compare to cold-blooded murder?
Life is precious be it of a dog or a mosquito; What more of a HUMAN BEING. What happened in Kabushi is inhuman and barbaric. Why shoot your labourer who was not even armed. Now look, because of ones evil deeds, the whole foreign habitat is labelled inhuman.
My the soul of Holland “though also foreign” name rest in eternal peace and only pray to God to accord full justice. Thou shall not kill. Messiah bwelani mukwapule nafuti…..
Ba sunny bwaba etole,supportin da killing of your own Brother. Ma rubbish!!!!!!
These guys the foreigners nabatubelesha sana bane. They think they are more Zambians than us Zambians. I this RB is the one who has caused all this. He said Zambians were being shot by every foreigner why single out only the chinese? Sure now its a Somalian, then it will be a whatever while Zambians will be dying just like that. What a country that has sold out its own to foreigners….Shaaaa.
Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia.
It’s not an epidemic ba LT.its the new normal.Get used to it.
ulika puba
The shooting happened in Ndola central constituency and not Kabushi.It is Northrise residential area and not skyways. Good points you have raised though in this article.It also hurts me when i see how foreigners are accorded more respect in our country.This trend starts showing its ugly face right at the airport to the clubs at arcades.I wonder why we should expect to be treated with respect when we cant first give respect to ourselves.
Very sad for the loss of this chaps life but I have to ask myself if any noise would even be made if it was a Zambian who has killed a Zambian? Also are we branding him a Somalian just because of his appearance or is he second or third generation Somalian but a Zambian? Justice must be served but to turn this into an anti Somali and Anti Foriegn propaganda and loot and rob innocent people is also wrong!
How we love seeing each other suffer!! The Back biting; pull him down; even when you facilitate contracts to your fellow Zambians they turn a blind eye and bribe foreigners in the company believing you did not pull the strings; the list is on and on. We are a people the came to exist in one place but have never united at all.
Somalians are generally peace loving and have lived in harmony with Zambians, but this one probably had too much Mira!!
Somalians are NOT peace loving people and they’re not afraid to show it. They despise and are contemptuous of everything and everyone that is not Somalian, even in lands and places they don’t belong. They are a plague not unlike Indians, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis.
Somali’s are not peace loving people, just look at the country they come from. They have brought their foolish Islamic manners to this country and the corrupt police and polititians foolishly serve their interests before those of there own people. Things have become so bad that the arrogant bastards have the audacity to shoot Zambians. I personally am glad that Zambians are looting and burning their shops and home’s. Please burn their mosques and lets drive these bastards back to there war torn country. Next we will deal with the Lebanese and all these insolent foreigners.
Hatred of other races wont help you. In any where. Indians lebanese and chinese have all experience a loss of their loved ones per zed through killings by black criminalls.so plse dont generalise this issue even robbed of hard earned money so spare me your f####k crap .
Nice article though too long and it’s like this article is biased and encouraging xenophobic revenge. Why route and attacking innocent Somalians not all of them are bad persons, even that killer he needs to be protected, I wish I can come to Zambia to defend him on grounds that he has a mental disorder and all that he deed was under influence of medicines so his case can be reduced from murder to man slaughter eventually released,
The looting and rioting is not justice either.
#4 Iwe Sunny: who are you trying to please, to impress? Unpatriotic ‘Zambian’! A death of one Zambian at the hands of an ungrateful Somalian refugee must be condemned unreservedly by every Zambian. We do not accept apologists, such as you, to dwell in our midst.
I think Sunny is not Zedian, he might have been a Somalian who might have lived in Zed before crossing.
Ba guy in the blue tshirt kulootinga tuma pepala chabe mkwai. limbi matitle deeds?
Iwe #19 uli chipuba. This will start a revolution among Zambians who have been passive for years.
We are deporting all Somalians for their own safety
It’s about Zambians awoke from their slumber and took matters in they’re own hands. This is the only way that foreign nationals living in our own backyard will respect us. I think Indians and Pakistanis should be next.
@sumerian what a f####k you are did not realise how a black black racists you are .you think you can incite your fellow kaponyas in this kind of act you might be the next victim if you continue with this behaviour
I cut my teeth, literally, all those years ago, in the Kabushi Constituency. I have great attachment to the area, and the City of Ndola generally. Anything untoward that happens in the city affects me strongly. Those Somalis were then piled up around the Ndeni area. Now they are even able to maim and kill Zambians, why?
I cut my teeth, literally, all those years ago, in the Kabushi Constituency. I have great attachment to the area, and the City of Ndola generally. Anything untoward that happens in the city affects me strongly, such is the attachment. Those Somalis were then piled up around the Ndeni area. Now they are even able to maim and kill Zambians, why?
Uncalled for barbaric behaviour that should be criticised at every given opportunity only when you live as a minority in in foreign land will you understand where I’m coming from…they guy has been arrested anything else is xenophobic behaviour…how would you feel if all Americans went up in arms when they heard on the news that a Zambian woman had ripped off their gov’t off half a million pounds..and started attacking every Zambian??
Wake up people!!!
Jay Jay, American’s do that all the time
What all Zambian’s need to understand is that Somalian’s have been in Ndola for years. The Ndola residents know What these guys are capable of, that’s why they reacted like that. Zambian’s have lost faith in the Justice system, they let the Chinese who shoot the miners walk free. What makes you think they won’t let this Somalian guy walk free? believe me the Somalian community will come together, get the best lawyers infact they’ll even try and bribe the judges, YOU WATCH!! This MURDERER came from a community, this MURDERER had friends, this MURDERER has a family. Why didn’t any body from his circle report that this man was unstable?. ZAMBIAN’S YOU NEED TO LEARN TO STAND FOR ONE ANOTHER, NOBODY ELSE WILL! Its up to you to let the foreigners know that we’ll not tolerate nonsense!
Did you know there are only 11 million Somalians on earth? But any country you go to you see many of them. Why?
Hitler could have been best person to answer that or find solution.
…’Zambians being killed by a foreigner’…???. At the end of the day, a person has died. He went to ask for his rightful wages and was killed. I fail to see the merit or any point on whether he was killed by a black or white, zambian or non zambian. Would it be less of a crime if it was committed by a zambian. At the end of the day, a crime was committed and perperators need to be brought to justice. If the perperator is not brough to justice, then it is the justice system and people who implement that is at fault. Again, no relevan of zambian or non zambian.
Yes most foreingners in Zambia have no respect for Zambians.Even when they are renting your house and leave they do not respect the contract because they know you can not take them anywhere and them have the money to maipulate people supposed to help you. Its a shame to be ill treated in our own nation.But God will vindicate them.He is a God of justice.
Comming to the crux of the authors point.. A person is the king of his own castle, i.e. house, that he paid for. However Zambia is not his. It is not a private entity that is owned by anyone. All people who reside in zambia are equals. Borders and passport is a recent phenomena and people are just fooled by it. I feel the author is making a great disservice to society and is only sowing division and hatred with no benefit to anyone. All are equal under the law and all have to abide by. The point should be whether the law is implement and if not why not?
You go to somalia and kill a somalian. they will skin you alive. and drag your body in Mogadishu. the way they did to one american.
Haha,wasomali wameleta vuguvugu na vita vyao zambia? Afadhali mimi niko na wazazi pande mbili za Nakonde,Zambia na Mbeya ,Tanzania.Nchi ikichafuka sana kukawa na vita nitaenda kwa baba yangu huko Mbeya,Tanzania.
sasa wakiingia upande wa Mbeya utakimbilia wapi?
@ Mo taim,
The man has not raised very good points but paint the whole Somalian community in bad light due to this case. He has brushed every foregin person in Zambia with a tainted brush. What is needed for Zambians to support other Zambians in business ventures and offer smooth passage ways.
I end there.
@lusberg: No need for profanity, now. I’m just a messenger. Indians and Pakistanis ought to be told nicely to change their attitude and disregard for locals. But since they don’t listen when people talk nicely, I suppose a Ndola style uprising might just drive the message home. You’ll see how Somalians’ regard for Zambians will improve after this incident.
There country is a lot more poorer than ours but they can afford to employ our people as house boys, not pay them and shot them thereafter atase!
danger stranger
I am very sad and upset for what happen in Zambia specially the meaningless and horrible death to the poor Zambia worker and my condolences to his family, relatives, friends and anyone who knew the deceased. I am British born Somali origin who has been working in Zambia for the last 4 years as an investor. I have invested more than 1 million dollars in Zambia and my business still exists and my company directly employs over 25 Zambian workers.
It’s one of the Islamic laws or pillars and to pay workers ASAP and I believe that as good Muslim that you have to pay your worker just before the month ends. This is always been my procedure and is the procedure of most of the Somalis I have known which is either invested in Zambia or around world.
Most of the Somali investors are either been living in Zambia long time (over 60 years) or they are from Europe or North America. Most of us (over 99% of the Somali investors) brought their initial investment which is 100 million of dollars with them to Zambia and did not make this fortune in Zambia. Due to civil war in Somalia for last 21 years made Zambia to become the chosen spot to invest in Africa.
It’s not true, we are not criminals nor do we threat our Zambia brothers and sisters harshly. I believe that most of Somali people in Zambia deal with their workers in respect and good manner. I am very disgusted with the action the Zambians took towards the Somali People in Ndola, despite the stupidity of what one Somali individual person done and the horrific crime he is committed.
On my personal knowledge I have been working/employing Zambians for the past 4 years, I rate them number in African in terms of education and attitude towards work ethic. I can’t believe this civilized people can take this kind of actions it’s unbelievable and very impressing towards the Zambian nations. I believe that the crime one person commuted can’t be punished to other good Somali citizens, it not right and not acceptable. Despite our origin, most of us are British, America and Canadian citizens and our wright, lives and fortune/assets is protected by one of the world super powers nations.
Iwe Abudullar, don’t tell lies. Many of the Somalis came in containers with no money. The Ndola riots should be blamed if they killed any Somali. Riots is practised everywhere when people are aggrieved. Remember the UNZA riots. The Ndola riots under KK.
Then, can you please tell me where the Somalis in Zambia got their money from if they are come in containers. You are an ***** person
Wariah Abdulla telling lies.Somalis are NOT big investors but dirt poor rufugees who cross borders in rickety trucks and live in the worst refugee camps in Ethiopia and Djibouti where they even bring guns and grenades.
How come you know so much about them? who are you? tell us, because with your name and some of your comments yesterday, we are very suspicious of you and our tempers are high we might just kick you hard on LT, so i ask again, are you with us or you are one bloodline with Ossama bin? not that it was important before, but now it does since those skeleton somalis are killing our brothers, nafuti, niwenani?
These are issues which opposition leaders are suppose to discuss and find solutions together with the ruling party. injustice is done and all opposition leaders are quite. All what they talk about is President Sata or PF. Wake up opposition leaders and do your work. You see innocent and poor Zambian being killed by a Somalian and you see innocent Somalis being punished by Ndola residents. Nevers, HH and UNIP what solutions do you have to help Zambians come out of these problems as opposition leaders. What impact do exert on government resoving issues affecting our people, eg. poverty and injust. All what you are concerned is to come in power and start abusing power. We see how MMD Government abused the power by protecting the late President Dr. Titus Chiluba and others
I feel sorry wht is going on in zanbia. Zanbian are most hate full nation
That I ever read there sht.why you guys are so extrely hate one nation
I now one stupit person kill his empolyer thats not righ”s & not means all the pple
Are evil. a lot of Somalian, Indian & westren live in zanbia Who hire zanbian & Always
Help there community. So dont be anti for no reason………………………………move on
……;-) ……..i
So much vitriol,so much muck and hatred thrown freely for something that could happen to anyone anywhere.There are bad apples everywhere both foreigners and natives.
Innecont man killed his $ 90. Is such as a horrible thing but its un fair
to robbing,stealing innecont people becouse of there nationty is poor choose
F******k off you diseased taliban, you cant scream allah in America now you bring your sickness here, go hang a******h!
I understand you have your views but why so talking rubbish? Very much a Kaponya mentality and comment! Mwandi I am even shocked that you use these insults like someone calling for the busses!:o
Zambians are aloof and mean to one another. This has shown the foreigners that we do not stand up for one another chifukwa cha muzungu anikonde. Using “PHD” on each other is a thrill for most who even boast “ati uja tinamusiliza, palibe vamene ali” (that one, we have finished her/him. S/he is nothing). We need to love one another as a pipo.
somalians need to go back to there country for there only safety lies in there coountry first in kenya now somalis being chased away and now in zambia even if mogadishu is not safe then go to somali land and puntland you have the largest coastline in africa and you are the the lions of africa if our siyad bare was her we would rule africa but the this people so called zambians have to pay for they will pay and the somalian who killed the zambian should be killed coz he is the one who brought this incident so somalis wake up i heard that all somali flights from kenya are all booked this is a good thing go back to your country and invest in your cooountry ffor that is good for your long live somalia long live my country zambians and all africans we are arabs in the arab league .
This!! Somalis need to invest in their own country and bring up the economy of their own country.. Not Zambia, I have never met a Zambian but judging from all their hateful comments on this threat, they are truly barbaric animals that need to learn the definition of ‘generalisation’… Truly shocked at their behaviour :/ grow up.
respect somalians the way israel respects arabs and dont play with somalians coz egypt will help them their oour brothers and sisters in islam and all the arabs will stand beside them so get that in you minds
yes thats true as the people of yemen we will stand next to you dont worry somalians and so will all the arab state too
we as iran we will help u somalia as olways as we are powerful i hope ayatulah khameinie and ahmed najad look throungh this cas in this man eaters zambians
yes this what you should do so that christians and jews should be afrad go muslims go somalia go all arabs and zambia will pay for what they did to oour brothers in zambia oour somalian brothers
Barbaric Zambians have been released from their leashes :S .. Their calling the shooter an animal, cold blooded and a murderer.. However they have failed to see how their actually describing them selfs, tell me, exactly what are you doing to innocent Somalis right now in Zambia? Ponder that question. Judging a whole community by the actions of one man? You’re showing your truly colours… Good biddings from the UK!
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