Sunday, October 6, 2024

President Michael Sata urges Zambia Security Intelligence Service to be proactive


President Michael Sata
President Michael Sata

President Michael Sata has urged the Zambia Security Intelligence Service (ZSIS) to adopt proactive measures and boost the efforts of other law enforcement agencies in fighting corruption.

Addressing the ZSIS senior officers’ conference yesterday, President Sata noted that the problem of corruption can be a hindrance to national development as public resources are susceptible to abuse by public officers.

“In this connection, my government will not relent in fighting the scourge as failure to do so could undermine economic development,” the Head of State said.

“In view of this, I would like you to take proactive measures to augment the efforts of other law enforcement agencies such, as the Zambia Police Service, Drug Enforcement Commission and the Anti-corruption Commission in fighting the vice.”

President Sata also urged the intelligence to not only continue monitoring the activities of subversive elements, but also take decisive measures as provided for in the Zambia Security Intelligence Service (ZSIS) Act.

“I expect the service to focus its energies on ensuring that national interests prevail over individual interests and should serve as a basis for the formulation of appropriate strategies that will direct the operations of the service in 2013” the President said.

“In this respect, I urge you to remain committed to your noble cause by maintaining high standard of professionalism and discipline.”

The President said he was confident that the intelligence service is focussing its operations in line with the PF Government’s policies.

And ZSIS Director General Mr. Martin Mwanambale pledged the intelligence service’s total loyalty to the Head of State, the Government and the people of Zambia.

This is contained in a statement signed by the the President’s Special Assistant for Press and Public Relations George Chella.


  1. That’s the only thing he knows giving instructions ( signs of a lazy person). His busy telling others to work when himself is also busy busking in the sun at State House all day long sipping exotic drinks and receiving massage from our good first lady doc while his bank account is swelling with Tax payers money. With this re-basing someone is going to be the only Millionaire in Zambia because as we all know that money isn’t going to be destroyed by BOZ maybe after been used 10 times by Sata.

  2. Speaking with a forked tongue! Shame on you Mr Prez. God will visit his wrath on you soon. Corruption in your cabinet goes on unabated whilst you continue harassing those opposed to you.

  3. This one man kind of leadership in Africa will take us nowhere, ..the president should be the first to know that praising and tasking one security Agency to teach other security Agencies is not smart. He should have however adviced agencies to share intelligence.

    ZAMBIA is a little monarch state where the king and his headsmen have their way while the subjects have their say..

  4. I am in full support of the President’s directive. Other countries are doing it harder with very good results. We should also discourage this laziness in our country. Zambia will only develop if we are fully patriotic.

    • Being patriotic is okay but blind patriotism is equal to stupidity. Remember Chiluba told the intelligence services to practice blind loyalty. In the end the intelligence was involved in the plunder of the country’s resources. It is therefore worrying when a president says the intelligence services should operate in line with PF government policies. What are those PF policies. Does this mean that the intelligence services has to act like a chameleon and change colour with every change of government?

  5. this all meant to rule, not to serve. also this is meant to quell subverssive elements in……… you know very well. one thing is obvious though, presido does not really understand what he is doing in state house, or should i say he understands leadership differently. had it not been for intelligent intervention by army staff, this man would have caused untold bloodshed in western province.

    i urge the ZSIS to also be intlligent in heir actions, and not serve the whims of one man.

    God bless Zambia and show His Power upon this nation.

  6. I am a strong believer in what Field Ruwe wrote a few days ago about this man. We will soon get back to Kaunda or Mugabe era were it is unholy to mention the name Sata.

  7. mr president sir the Lord God Almighty will soon visit you and your cohorts for your own corruption and injustice going on today in our country. you may be rejoicing today but your time of reckoning is coming and it will be bad sir in Jesus name. THE LORD JESUS WATCHES OVER THE INNOCENT POOR CITIZENS WHO ARE GETTING NOTHING FROM YOU AFTER THEY PUT YOU IN PLOT 1.

  8. Zambian intelligence is not an oxymoron :)Today’s oxymorons.

    1. Weapons of peace
    2. Silent screams
    3. Undocumented report
    4. Unfunny joke
    5. Thank God I’m an Atheist

    I’m off to show my sad smile to a relative stranger over strong decaf 🙂

  9. Please first sort out this mess
    Tourism minister and Justice minister Wynter Kabimba have a 24 year old son Dick Masebo junior who was appointed deputy ambassador to Japan earlier last year.

    When President Michael Sata visited Japan a few months ago, Dick Masebo as deputy ambassador could not properly organise the presidential visit resulting in the president sometimes photographed seated alone waiting for embassy staff.

    This prompted Lubinda to recall Dick Masebo, who, according to government sources is now 24 years old. He does not have any academic qualification required for civil servants especially senior diplomats.

    He has no work experience as this is his first job.


    • Easily sorted. Here’s the ad for future hires.

      Calling all young people. Ever wanted to beat VJ Mwaanga’s record of ambassadorship at 21? This is your chance. Senior diplomatic jobs available globally to all under 18’s. No work experience required but must have a valid link to person of influence who can vouch for your inability to follow instructions, verify your bloodline and ensure smooth career transition after you fail at your job. Must be good at facebooking. Immediate bragging rights assured. Short term roles only. Just in case…

  10. This little Tin Pot illiterate Dictator Sata means that the only time the security wing in Zambia can and will play a proactive role in fighting corruption is to undermine, persecute, stalk and arrest opposition leaders in Zambia.

    So that they wont be challenging this evil man called Sata!

    I miss Mwamba Luchembe who saved Zambians by doing what he did in 1990 despite Kaunda’s use of the best intelligence in Africa (Special Branch).
    Kaunda wetted his trousers at the Ndola Trade Fair Grounds when he misquoted Bible verses because of the great man Luchembe.

    Grey Zulu was recovering from the shock in Lusaka.

    Zambians are looking for another Mwamba Luchemba to save us from this Tin Pot Dictator called Sata! He is a manic!

    What a wasted time and life of voting this *****

  11. Ka George Chellah how can you publish this classified information on this website and your facebook? My goodness even if its to compete with the dogs isn’t like this. I wouldn’t even repeat the departments’ initials. Lord have mercy…

  12. been blogging for a long time now,but certain names of bloggers are always positive and others always negative this makes blogging unintresting,lets praise and do the opposite just when its due.there is no way ones activity can always be bad or always good so lets help in the governing by advising until 2016.

  13. I think i have picked samthing that crosed ma mind from the head of states speach sayin its good tht the zsis is workin arcondin to our party policy.i think ze intelligence shud work independently but yes thy shud report to the presindent not party policy couse thy it will have to save tht party endin up corrupt arctivities

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