Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Keshi Quits


Nigeria head coach, Stephen Keshi, has reportedly resigned from his position, supersport.com understands.

Keshi, 51, announced his resignation on the radio show of respected South African journalist and presenter Robert Marawa on Metro FM on Monday afternoon.

The South African posted on his Twitter account, @robertmarawa, on Monday after having the Nigerian manager as one of his guests on his radio show: “Stephen Keshi has just announced that he handed over his resignation letter after the game exclusively on 083Sport@6With Marawa on MetroFM.”

Keshi is said to have explained his reason for resignation by claiming that he was already sacked as the team’s coach before the quarterfinal clash over Cote d’Ivoire.

The Nigerian manager had hinted last week of quitting.

“It doesn’t really matter what people think about what Stephen Keshi is doing. The most important thing is what I am doing here and passing on to my team. If back home in my country, they don’t appreciate what I am doing with the team, so be it.

“You can’t force somebody to love you. You can’t force somebody to accept you. It has to come from within,” he stated.

Keshi guided Nigeria’s Super Eagles to a third African title after his team defeated Burkina Faso by a goal in Johannesburg on Sunday.

The Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) is yet to make an official statement on the latest development.
© supersport.com


  1. Bravo Big boss! Very few people would leave the stage while people were still clapping! You understand the naija football politics better! I could read your lips during your interview with Max mafa after the game last night on SABC TV. I wish you the best in your future endeavors!

    • I agree with you 100% or perhaps it is a way of showing off so that the Naija Football Association can plead with him to stay and be offered more Nairas. Keshi is playing a mind game here.

    • The bottom line is principle. It doesn’t matter who promised him heaven on earth, but what really matter is the principle behind his action. I respected you Stephen when you were the skipper of the Super Eagles way back and respect you now. You are truly the son of the soil. Few men would do that.

  2. Thats the acts of a principled man. He was fired, and it doesn’t matter if he wins AFCON or not, they Nigerians don’t have respect for him. Let him go and coach countries like Angola.

  3. while the stage is still clapping indeed.dont wait until you are exposed its by luck you won,leave while offers are still fresh, very wise move keshi people dont appreciate mwandi,make your money from your new long contract, i would do the same, Zambia should have also let renard leave after the no show at afcon,but why still keep him?

  4. Yes a $1m to be shared amongest the super eagles and their officials.for KESHI,yes you are a principled coach/player this move you have made,will make nigerians to respect you.look at what you done to them,its wonders.umuntu mubi.ala pa chalo tapaba ku wamya.salamaleko.

  5. If only our below average coach and the highly corrupt FAZ top brass would follow suit…as these people lack eye version. Please don’t except miracles at the World Cup if we ever qualify with that lot in charge.

    • *If only our below average coach and the highly corrupt FAZ top brass would follow suit…as these people lack vision. Please don’t expect miracles at the World Cup if we ever qualify with that lot in charge.

    • You are right. I even pray that we do not qualify for the world cup because we will be an embarassment. You remember Zaire’s story when they once qualified for the World Cup? They were thrashed 9-0 by the then Yugoslavia. We may go the same way if not worse, i am afraid.

    • Why not Zambia?

      Answer: The couch readily admitted failure and FAZ et al. are seemingly happy with that. We are back toSq1. I am afraid, that is how things work in that part of the World.

  6. he has some offers else were,i know keshi well.it was lucky that was on their side with the way the played the first three game,the didn’t deserve to be champion dats why he was sacked before the quater final.he was at togo,he went to mali and now in his country.nigeria and zambia are the same let down

  7. Renard should follow suit that is if we want to qualify to the world cup. He admitted on his own that our failure at Afcon was his fault. If he accepted failure why shud he continue as coach then?

  8. ” That Pope Benedict XVI has abdicated his throne, I hereby with the fullest freedom tender my resignation as President. This in view of the fact that my age and mental capacities cannot fully support the daily pressures of the presidency. I am fully aware of the gravity this decision weighs on the family forest and the wider jungle (tribe). The Pathetic Fullness party shall call for the college of party cadres (conclave) to choose a new leader before Easter. My resignation is effective 28th February at 20hrs.”

  9. It is one of those Nigerian things. There must be corruption and all kinds of crooked stuff involved in his resignation. That is if it is also true. I am sure soon another Nigerian willl want to make money out of this statement and it goes on and on …………..

    They are just a bunch of sick people full of confusion. Nothing sensible comes out of that country. I only supported Victor Moses in the whole team while I put my money the Burkinabes. It was a dignified loss considering that they went in as underdogs but only conceded one goal.

    • U said nothing good??? Ok wait…We just won the AFCON cup with our own coach. Who was already an international coach before hiring him and he’s not the only one, we have more and u know them. In a twinkle of an eye The Glo CEO (owned by Nigerian in Nigeria) doled out $1.2M for Super Eagles on their victory. Glo is an official sponsor of Manchester United Football Club. U said nothing good? U can tell me about the goods from ur own country.
      Another CEO Dangote of Dangote Group, The richest black man in the world with Africa’s largest business empire splashed another $1M on Super Eagles and the crew on their victory… These are just individual business tycoons and not government. And u said nothing good? U can tell me about the goods from ur own country. Stop hating! its bad 4 ur…

  10. You do not have to have principles to resign as a coach. Keshi resigned because the NFF attempted to sack him after the first game. At that point he couldn’t quit because he would not have had a beefed up CV, now he is marketable and that’s what most managers in the game do.

  11. Soccer is a game domintaed by failures. Those who succed end up resigning or leaving failures in the game. This is why most of you bloggers are not soccer players.

  12. I wouldnt bet on principles or anything of the sort, he must be smelling something nice! A nigerian?!!!!! resigning just like that after a win of that magnitude? wabepafye, they are natural born players and crooks, however a small percentage of truth there might be, you guys are easily cheated eeh? even a young woman is capable of seeing things as clear as a blue sky on a beautiful summer day? wakeup boys!

    • IT’s nothing of the sort, just putting it as it is, otherwise, there are one or two honest one maybe yourself inclusive, but 99% are as i plainly put it above, by the way, i supported both Burkina faso and Nigeria at the finals, i have always given Nigeria my cheers at all competitions apart from when they play Zambia which is normal ofcourse, otherwise, dont be upset, lets call a spade a spade, Nigeria is nigeria who doesnt know that?

    • This is equivalent to saying all Zambians are drunks? About 90% of black doctors not trained in the UK are of Nigerian origin. So I guess we can say all black doctors in the UK are crooks.

      Making such generalization’s is wrong. If Nigerians had the same attitude then they would not have provided the support they have given other African countries. South Africa included.

      Agreed there are crooks amongst them but the British that created great damage in Africa are treated as lords. Why have undue black on black hatred. It only creates pride on the hater and shame is not too far from pride.

    • Honest brother,
      Dont hold me to it, i can tell you that in as much as i agree with you over blacks treating each other shameful and elavating the whites, which is another interesting topic, my comment is however towrds those , now i almost feel guilty saying ” nigerians”, who represent us blacks as thieves, which you and i know that all human beings are natural born greedy thieves in different ways, be it nigerian or Zambian, i however, was trying to point out to some guys here that it has nothing to do with pricinples but hes looking somewhere else or has already been promised, thereby, following it up with a bit of sacasm, nothing else, i know that we can sometimes be sacastic which makes it interesting right? cheer up and congrates with the cup hope to see u at the world cup.

    • @honestafrican… The problem is that they do not want to reason logically and or sincerely that is what is killing us the black race. They call Nigerians all sorts of names, but the reality is they are only paying attention to the parts that interests them. Nigerians are the most enterprising Africans all over the world. There are records everywhere on the internet… education, sport, innovations, entertainment, telecommunication, Business, etc. Nigerians are the most educated group of people in U.K and America, more educated than the native white Americans themselves (google it) but have u heard them talking about that when they discuss Nigerians? No they only want to talk about a Nigerian that was arrested for drugs just as if Nigeria is mexico. Hate!!!

  13. Keshi rezigning???? Nay, the man iz still at the helm of the Nigerian futbo team, at least that’s according to latest BBC report…

  14. “I am pleased to say that I have reconsidered my position and have decided to continue with my job,” Keshi said in a statement. (see BBC website).

    It was just a threat and bargaining stunt, following super eagles’ success at Afcon. Who says Zedians are poor at analyzing events? You have been vindicated.

  15. He has rescinded the decision. Meaning he was just using the resignation as a threat. Actually in the whole continent there is a big battle between footballers and Football Association management: Adebayor is fighting the Togo Association Abedi Pele fought Ghana FA, Samuel Etoo has had a war with the Camroonian Association. Even Kalusha fought these managers and after winning, the fight continued with Kamanga and Simataa threatening a break away. Today’s footballers are increasingly of the opinion that they should run their national associations. And after Kalusha’s success with FAZ the other players want to take over.

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