Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Kambwili happy with overwhelming response from Mongu Stadium bidders


Chisimba Kambwili
Chisimba Kambwili

Sports Minister Chishimba Kambwili says he is happy with the overwhelming response from companies bidding for the construction of the Mongu stadium.

Kambwili has also disclosed that government through the relevant channel will soon advertise tenders for the construction of another ultra modern stadium in Livingstone.

The bidding process for the construction of the Mongu stadium which comes to a close on the first of March has attracted several companies.

In an interview with ZANIS in Lusaka today, Kambwili said government will give first priority to the use of locally produced materials for the construction of the two stadiums.

He said government will seriously monitor the construction of the two stadiums so that it does not delay the country’s hopes of bidding to host the 2019 Africa cup of nation’s tournament.

Kambwili said government is keen in ensuring that compliance from contractors is upheld so that the projects can be completed within the agreed contractual period.

Government has embarked on a project to build a 20 thousand capacity stadium in Mongu and another ultra modern stadium in Livingstone a move that will enhance Zambia’s chances of hosting the Africa cup of nation’s tournament in 2019.



    • There’s a reason why a government has several ministries. Each ministry has the responsibility of focussing on a specific priority area for which it is continually funded every year. So, don’t make it sound like money initially voted into the education budget is being misapplied to build stadia, that’s wrong. Or should we choose to spend all our money on one priority area each year so that before we attend to all of them, there’s a total delapidation of all previous works due to lack of maintenance and repairs?

    • All the ministries have their own budgets, speaks to the ministries concerned, thank God the sports department are working hard!!

    • I feel pity on people like you.. how can you compare Zambia or call Zambia you mother? “MOTHER Zambia”, same as imagining your mother being managed by Sata. Zambia is messed up, corrupt by MMD and now worse by polluted by PF thugs. Better find a better “mother”, like “Barotseland Mother”.

    • Nostardamus Nostradamus, I am sure next you’ll suggest that we set everything on fire and start afresh. Is there anything good you’ve seen in Zambia? Come back from the diaspora and offer alternatives

  1. Work and play must go parallel, balancing development infrastructure is key. In Zambia the main key areas remain water, shelter, food, education, health care and education but social infrastructure has proved to bring people together and hence promoting that conducive environment for positive development for all Zambian.

  2. Misplaced priorities! Ultra-modern stadium in Mongu, the poorest region in the country? Can someone educated us on the logic being applied here?

  3. Come on guys let us move the country forward.Coming of Zambia Airways an indigeneos zambian airways.Please PF pick it up and continue with the progress you are making

    • Mongu like most of Western Province is a food deficient area. People here need food security and useful employment. Job creation has yet to happen here in Mongu. Building a stadium will provide employment for a few people for a few years – nothing permanent. I fail to see how anyone can call this “good progress” ! Come visit with us in Mongu and see the reality of people’s situation.

    • No Sean. Those to be employed will, in my view, have Tutemba built for their families. This will create a sustainable source of income. World wide, there is no Government programmes that cuts across all sectors of life at a given time. Lets educate our people to take such opportunities and diversify into other income generating ventures during their employment period. That is development to me. I do not know what you think.

  4. ..and just to add on to my earlier blogg, Kambwili is Sports Minister. He is doing what his Ministry has been tasked to do. For indfrastructure in education, health, agric., etc.. talk to the relevant Minitries. Kambwili is hardworking and it is a well known fact.

    Why do you want Kambwili to start putting up schools, health posts, etc, infrastracture which doea not fall under his ministry. This is a wake up call to Ministers in other minitries to emulate Kambwili’s visionary leadership

    Zwa you arm chair critics!

    • What visionary leadership na imwe? If he is such a visionary leader as you claim ask him how many athletics he is going to spend to the Olympics in Brazil and what his medal projection is?
      FYI there is nothing visionary about spending money people do that everyday…haven’t you heard of the term “busy idi*t”?? when are you going to wake up!!
      Wake up!!

  5. Some of you bloggers especially UPNDs muli fipuba , ever heard of this building: Guggenheim Museum Bilbao ? It was built in a town that was economically troubled to boost the falling economy. Lets build a stadium in Mongu and bid to host Africa cup so that these Lozis can earn some forex and stop dying with police bullets unnecessarily, ati comonwealthy sunctions. Mwanya we are going to finish you. Mwefipuba mweee.

  6. everyone knows that kambwili is the president in waiting, the man has natural leadership and he is the only credible minister that could move the country forward, the stadium will bring jobs and it will bring business … analyse before you criticise… viva kambwili u will be president in 2016 u mark my words bloggers

    • Here is a buffoon who lamentably failed to carry out simple diplomatic chores in ministry of foreign affairs and you are vouching for him to be your head of state!! **shaking my head***

  7. On this one PF is wrong even if I am your follower, The Livingstone stadium should have been in Kitwe, now you are trying to coax people that never voted for you and neglet those that put you in power and i mean Northern province, copperbelt, Luapula, Lusaka and Kabwe central. MMd negleted copperbelt for 20 years apart from Ndola and the copperblet was the first to move away from MMD. Watch your moves, 2016 is not very far.

  8. Also finish Mongu – Kalabo rd, repair Kaoma – Mongu rd and connect Senanga – Sesheke rd so that we can easily drive there to watch matches. Building a stadium is not leisure. It is a noble investment in this age when soccer has really gone commercial.

    Mushota, take note.

    • Noble!!!
      What noble investment? Are you going to recoup that investment from ticket sales? How many matches are they going to host every weekend – even filling up Levy Stadium for a mere international friendly is a tall order how do you expect to fill up the stadium in Mongu.
      Wake up!!

  9. Wrong priority. Western province needs other things urgently that will benefit people than this stadium. PF should learn to consult before spending tax payers money!! How can one man thinking be better than the masses? CONSULT!!

  10. I’m not surprised that a buffoon like Kambwili is amazed by this response….this is another typical example of misplaced priorities by these clueless people. People have no beds in hospitals, no medicine in clinics, children in rural parts of western province have no desks, no windows, load-shedding is the order of the day and this buffoon thinks a football stadium is a priority “A” project for the area. This is the selfsame reason why we should proceed steadfastly with decentralisation – let the provinces decide for themselves what they want not the suits in the capital.

    Instead of investing in a solar farm plant to relieve the grid or the cashew nut farm advertised on ZDA to create employment and forex from exporting the expensive nuts abroad they get carried away with football!!

    • Jay Jay you seem to imply that the poor must be relegated to their abject poverty, only ensure they have food and medicines to keep them alive? Certainly, not an idea I would subscribe to. The Almighty United States government had to make an exception for resource poor Nevada, allowing the state to have the infamous Las Vegas and its casinos, thus making it a viable economy. An ultra modern stadium in Mongu must not be built at the exclusion of medicines and food. It’s meant to improve sports and boost tourism in the area. This is certainly one of many other ways to fight against poverty in Mongu and the surrounding areas.

  11. Theres no point of people proposing that the stadia need not be built but hospitals should be built. I take it some bloggers are looking forward to through infant tantrums at the govt. mind you, theres a proposed hospital coming in livingstone. tenders were collected way back in december last year, the govt is also proposing to put up ten other hospitals in other districts including mongu. All these projects are turkey type of projects, meaning design and built set up.

  12. Who can listen to u @Notsdradum ,jay jay and other arm chair critics especially upnd? Just as Lusifa’s wish is distruction upon a human being so are yos .@Mushota ,u must have a mind of the acient days wen soccer or sport were not commencial.

  13. thats the way to go. Zambia Lack reasonable infrastructure to attract international gatherings.A team in europe may wish to camp in western or southern province before proceeding to South America.

  14. I think all these a stadium in Kitwe or kabwe makes sense for local support. The passion for Zambian football is in Kitwe, then Mufulira, Chingola/chililabombwe, then Lusaka and kabwe the rest follows. Ndola resdients have no pasion for Zambian football thats why the Ndola stadium was some how misplaced as well as observed from the low attendance on local matches also Zambia Norway game. I think Faz should built one in Kitwe or between Kitwe/kalulushi and Mufulira otherwise the current locations will be receiving minimal attendance especially on local matches resultuing into white elephants.

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