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Another one of those. Why not fix the roads and other basic needs in Western province
MISPLACED or just JEALOUS??? People in Mongu need a recreation centre too. Well done PF. The bitter peoples online publication will not cover such developments. Their agenda is negative publicity…Well thanks to LT we can see some improvements in some areas. AGAIN MWABOMBENI BA PF….AND KEEP IT UP LUSAKA TIMES..FAIR COVERAGE INDEED
Mwamukolo 2016
Emmanuel Mwamba is simply the best, why is not minister without portfolio so he can make those immunity-removers to work?
Useless boma have you seen any potholes on those roads?
Its a path to right direction, but don’t tier here, do more on other important social issues for the province. Thanx
i totally agree with you
Kachali, you took the words right out of my mouth!!
Politics of pacification!!!
I can see they are using the old ZNS dozer. Just go and check after two weeks, you will find it abandoned at this same site.
This Lozi chaps are very fake with their snile King.
I dont see any China man here…
pf at work nothing less
Taking a stadium of this magnitude to that corner of the country is one of the lamest things the Pf government has done.It is not all about building it ,but about the attendance concerns.I wonder if it will ever even be half filled to capacity.
My Brother Mo taim,I totally agree with you on the issue of filling this stadium with fans.But i strongly believe that once this stadium is constructed,it will open this corner of the country to improved sports infrastructure and and other economic Activities.I also believe that through initiatives like this other corners will be opened up and we will not shun them anymore.
Governments have to take development to all it’s people regardless of the cost benefit analysis. If at all we used that type of thinking,all developmental projects will only be carried out in places with economic benefits.
Stop thinking like a private equity fund manager.
we can play any game there. We need to travel like you did in southafrica recently. There is no problem there my friend. I will now see western province
Zambians you never cease to amuse. Are you saying Lozis and people in western province do not deserve this stadium? If so who do you think deserves a stadium in Zambia?
Dong forget that problems never end. You cannot say first let us solve all the hunger problems then we start building a stadium – you will never build my dear. This is wonderful what the PF have done. We just hope it will not stop half way in its implementation.
Mmmh mmh mmhhh
Ba LT, that is a dozer and not a caterpillar. It’s like calling every car a Toyota or every brand of cooking oil, saladi. C’mon now!
It is perfectly legitimate to call a bulldozer a “caterpillar” because when the crawler tractor was first invented it moved like a caterpillar, the wormlike larva of a butterfly or moth of the same name. The company that started making these machines named itself Caterpillar. The name stuck.
Or every toothpaste colgate, or every washing powder surf, or every motor cycle honda, or every hot beverage tea, or traffic lights robots
Originally “bulldozing” meant the use of brawny force to push over or through any obstacle. Because the caterpillar when it was invented in the early 20th entury was pushing through obstacles including uprooting of trees it also came to be known as a bulldozer.
Senior Engineer RTD – You’re disappointing. Just stay retired.
Ubufotine, teach them Mwadi, catapila is Brand, that cud be Telex Machine.
give credit where its due…this a good move it will promote many other economic activities within the region. on this one i say good move by the government
Be a bit wiser my friends. You cannot start development with a sports stadium but more with projects that create opportunity for sustainable employment growth. Consider an area and look for industrial potential- the larger the better which will create long term employment for local people. Supply and other off shoot business opportunities for local people and that way you create wealth in an area which in turn can support and sustain sporting events and facilities like football. Currently Western Province does not even have a football team worthy of headlines in the country and unless Sata issues a decree that all national team games to be played there then this will simply be a waste of resources and a white elephant.
I agree. We can even be watching some international matches in Mongu.
Well I would like to watch the first International Football game between Northen Rhodesia and Barotseland in this stadium as Barotseland will be free and detached from present day Zambia soon.
he he he he….
Why not build a college or university? A modern stadium is not cheap to maintain if it is rarely used, It should be self sustaining.
Anyway, it will also be good to take some international games there and promote tourism at the same time.
Thats the Idea my Bro SK,the university is also on cards.Hopefully it will be taken as serious as the stadium construction.
So you have not heard about King Lewanika University in the making?
Yet there is no money for dual carriage ways on our roads…
The contract for a dual carriage way from chi goal was signed 1 week ago.
Meant Chingola
Why alot of men in zambia black men for that matter have big stomachs? Its a sign they are not fit, and that PS are you sure he can operate that dozer? or just posing in the machine which is typical of black men?
Baba, travel outside your comfort zone for once and see the world! Have you ever been to the United States ‘iwe kapoli’ and seen how many White folks and people of other races with huge stomachs?
By the way, why can’t you just say “Zambian men” instead of saying “Zambian black men”? I sure hope you know that Zambia consists only about 1% or so other racial groups. So in that scenario how do you expect to see the majority, other than blacks, with big stomachs?
You should also stop pretending to “hate unfitness” when your racist tainted attitude comes through loud and clear in your rants!!
How does 1 bull-dozer clear a whole stadium – politics of deception and appeasement as it will never be constructed.
1 bulldozer and 100 youth very inefficient use of construction machinery and manpower in the name of job creation!!
that is the appropriate technology we need to use that create some jobs for the the locals,its a good initiative.
There are more innovative ways to create proper jobs those are temporary casual jobs for George Chellah’s stats. What are those people going to be doing on site??
Wake up!!
This surely is positive development, i can imagine when the Mongu Kalabo rd is complete, it means the route to Angola is open. Mongu is very hot, this will be good traning ground for chipolopolo when they have matches against teams from the north where is hot.
Mongu is very hot? Careful with your claims. Try living in Mongu from May to August and you wish you were in your Copperbelt. The temperatures do plunge between May and August down to 0 sometimes into the negative especially at night. The hottest months naturally are from September to April when temperaturs can rich as high as 33 degrees.
mwebantu shuwa, can anyone see the logic in building a stadium in Mongu?
So, if we assume that Zambia is playing Ghana in a world cup qualifier, do we see that game played in Mongu? If so, will people afford to pay those K150 entry fees we saw at Levy Stadium? Will soccer fans travel from Kitwe and Lusaka to go and watch bola kwa Haye????
Lets face facts, anywhere outside the line of rail is not feasible for a stadium. People in Kasama, Chipanta, Mansa, etc will not fill the stadia.
Build the people of the Barotseland a training school to teach rice-growing skill and fish production, timber production etc which will boost the economy in the region!
so you expect one way direction where its only south to the north?even north to the south west, we do go watch kuomboka as well to the southwest boss if you dont know!
@barotse-watchman, dull thinking…….just like many others on the blog. stadium in mongu or any town of the country is good, so please sir, go ahead.
Very dull thinking indeed. If the stadium was to be built in Kasama or Mansa you would be the first to cry trabalism against Sata. Why do you behave like this guys. Always trying to find something wrong with the PF govnt. So to you Mongu people dont deserve a stadium? Rubbish rantings indeed.
Misplaced project as those white overcoats and helmets on a proposed construction site with no structures.
and that launching marked the end of the project! watch this space!
Why build stadiums when there more important economic problems? Of what economic benefit is a stadium? Someone pleads inform me. Who is even going to the stadium, the chinese? because people cannot even afford the basic amenities. Please PF if you do not know what you are doing, get out. You are destroying my country with these highly misplaced priorities.
Good work PF.
We can fill the stadium with pupils and have a giant school. Kidding. Personally, I have no problem with stadium building when put in to context with other development plans. The important thing is to ensure all the more directly relevant developmental projects that affect daily life, health, education and general welfare are pushed as it would be good to see the West drastically improve alongside other under developed communities in Zed. My favourite pic is 16. The caption and the picture are hilarious. Straight indeed.
Next they should build modern shopping malls around the stadium, so that it should not be a stand alone structure. Next they should build a rail line going round mongu, limulunga, namshakende, senanga passing by the plain view for soccer fans when they come to watch games. Next they should plant trees in mongu, its too scanty. Next….next ….next..
They, they, they always. Who? You can also plan on owning a strip mall around the stadium. Everything has to be government. Be creative as individuals. Kano lyonse fye ati John solye ubwali
And John buka tupyange ,even planting of trees you want kafulumende to do that?Lazy chaps.
@KC & Zanji, don’t blame him/her, Kaunda era socialist mentality is still rampant in Zambia. Unfortunately, it is going to take more than a generation or two to change it—socialist indoctrination was no joke!
This will be a host city for the 2018 Africa cup of nations. This stadium should have been placed on a pleasant view overlooking the Barotse plains, like the Cape town stadium. Otherwise, this is great! We cant wait to see the launch of the King Lewanika University next week.
One might say SA is doing that when one looks at our malls, shops, business climate and tourism. One might be that cynical. Not so?
And what is being MILKED out of Western province which does not belong to Zambia already?
Like @A Phiri ana bwe has put it, foreigners are MILKING our country every day and you seem very CALM about it. Yet when the Zambian govt spreads development around, you call it “KEEPING THE COW CALM.” How silly are some people willing to get? Really…!
Trying to put out fires. Panicking PF. Just irritates me
Mongu is on fire, since when? And arsonists like you do not belong anywhere near were fires are burning. Get the he11 out now!!!!
Emmanuel Mwamba is on a serious publicity drive, inviting his journalist friends to follow him everywhere.
Why not use the money to improve the dilapidated schools, teachers’ houses, clinics and hospitals in Mongu? This is high level foolishness!
It bad people are being decieved.if pf are serious of development .they should have worked on poor health system and transport .the stadium will be just a white elephant .let has learn to use our little resources well.from my person experience .you will not find a big stadium in country side in the United Kingdom but you will find a well equipped hospital .l stand to be corrected.
he he he he he he!!!
Reminds me of the days we built our footbal “stadium” at my school.
Ba Lozi are being cheated with their eyes wide open.
MWe Bantu ta mwakwata chisuma since48 years there where no development on your of action Michel chilufya kateka sata a mipelako stadium futi you’re complening. OK fine twalamweba afileke tu twale Ku mpika
1) The great Mongu Stadium
2) King Lewanika University
President Sata should be congratulated for these developments. We cannot always condem all that is done. This is development. Diversity and 100 youths have employment.
Complete waste of money,,yes it would be nice to have all these stadium facilities around the country if the basic needs of people are met like good schools,,good medical care,water ,electricity, good roads and rail networks,.Do you honestly think building this stadium will improve things can someone explian,,,, are you telling me investors will be saying “lets go to Mongu because they have a stadium” lol no wonder the developed world laugh at African politics spending millions on useless things,,,, look at that King of swaziland buying brand new BMW for his minister when his own people are suffering ,,How many games will played in Mongu in given year ,,maybe one or two the most and what happens during the rest of the year,,goats grazing in the centre half,chicken feeding by the…
spot on!!
We are disappointed once again that this project has been moved from Kaoma District to Mongu.
Again we witness the hands of tribal politics on display.
When the project was originally announced, a Mr. Kambwili said the stadium would be constructed in Kaoma and yet it has now been moved.
On top of that, the planned university will also be in Mongu.
One can clearly see that there is favoritism in the way projects are allocated in Western Zambia.
These are just some of the reasons that we advocate for the creation of Kafue Province so that other areas like Kaoma and other surrounding areas are not left behind in terms of development.
Western Province is too big to be managed from Mongu and it is simply not fair and democratic.
The PF government must do something…
Im sure the Chinese are behind this project,,, big chinese business men must have been saying “lets tell PF govt we will build a state of the art stadium in Mongu in return lets have more free or cheaper copper ” and PF said yes yes good idea and please put a giant TV screen at the stadium so all the people can see the elite rich Zed watching Mongu utd play against Munali utd lol with stadiums u also need hotels incase people want to stay after the match,u need proper hospital incase of any stadium accidents, u might laugh but things cud happens ,at AFCON look the stadium Zed used in SA,run down despite SA being richer then Zed, brianless politician can waste money soo easy when its not their own personel money.feel sori 4 local Mongu people u wont be able to afford tickets ,WASTE OF…
Not saying it is a priority but there is irony in the fact that those living in developed nations find sporting/entertainment facilities built many many decades before across those countries which grew industries and provide locals with regional access to them. During economically depressing times in the US for example, it was theatres, cinemas, clubs and sport that thrived and were built despite the need for hospitals, schools etc. Hollywood was born out of miserable times and the American dream was a non existent picture fictionally placed in movies that provided the catalyst for people to strive to get that dream. Just sayin’. There are many ways to make Mongu stadium turn a profit. Not sure the govt. has it figured but others will see opportunity. Pioneer spirits have vision.
Phiri ana was industries that came first in the US cities then sports followed,then cinema,then theatres ,then clubs etc followed, i dont think they said lets build a american football stadium first,,how will Mongu stadium make profit? explain, pioneer spirits may have visions more like personel gains for themselves then the ordinary local man n women..Since the WC 2010 inSA apart from Joburg,cape town n Durban the rest have struggled to be maintained and SA is a rich country ,,wake up please
At no point do I say industries did not exist prior to facilities being built. I say facilities thrived and were built during hard times. Hollywood started out as a ranch and a vision of a city with nothing to do with film. My example is very specific. Have a look at the history and draw the parallel of how something starts as one thing and ends up being another. There is also a correlation between economic slumps and the profits made by sport/entertainment. By pioneer spirit I refer to those who see something where others see nothing and make it work despite the challenges. Mongu is one thing today but could become something else in decades to come.
Ati entertainment/sporting facilities came before industries? Who in their right mind spends money on frivolous pursuits when the economy is bad or without a means to earn a living? Very warped thinking.
Let’s keep it simple then. I see arts, entertainment, sport as billion dollar industries.
I am saying there is irony in the fact that facilities developed during hard times decades ago, actually proved to be the catalysts that developed those industries. I give film as an example of something people reach out for in hard times. One might say alcohol as our drinks industry is more developed than our sport and arts industry. More irony.
what next for pf ” lets build 23 storey building in chipata hehehe”
@Zambezi, it is not govts job to build skyscrapers for you! It is your entrepreneurial abilities as private Zambians to take care of such. Everything doesn’t have to be done by the govt.
Roads, stadiums, universities are being built, and rail ways revived. All these things can only mean a lot of “trickle down” business opportunities for people who really want to be serious entrepreneurs. Of course lazy people can only see the ‘cup’ as being half empty.
Government is opening up Zambia for you, go out and engage in business for yourself. Now that there will be a stadium in Mongu, start thinking about building yourself a world class lodge, hotel, or restaurant to cater to fans who will be soon trooping to Mongu to watch soccer matches—that’s how entrepreneurial minds think!
You will continue complaining while the real voter are happy…Mulimbe!!!!!!
BA the real voter is always told lies about how their lives wud change b4 they cast their vote
What a joke, who is the constractor?
Why is government doing the clearing on behalf of the contractor?
Kay im sure the chinese are behind this project inreturn for mineral rights ,,look at luanda angola how fast it has developed tall building, expensive apartments being built by chinese and whts going to china fron angola, oil ,minerals. its so easy to do business in africa lol
A Phiri ,im zed like you,ive seen friends in UTH hospital in lusaka looked after badly,even our politician dont use UTH,they fly to SA or India which you tax payers pay for, surely the basic need of every zed and i dont mean the elite zed is solid foundation for their children education, health care for all ,its no use being unhealthy dying of malaria or aids when the elite zed can fly of somewhere and get cured, people vote for ploticians inorder to get a better life,,BASIC NEEDS. with basic needs everything else comes into place,
Agreed. I am sure you noted my comment (19) is stating clearly where I think priorities lie. I know a senior citizen who despite her mobility being zero, voluntarily bakes twice a week and sends those baked goods to patients and staff in a Lusaka hospital without missing a week. All this because she appreciates what it takes to lie in a Zed hospital and to work in one. Knowing how she has always worked voluntarily for communities. makes me proud she is my mother. I see her and then I see people who ignore harsh realities or don’t do a thing for anyone else. My point. I could diss Zed all day or maybe be more like her and practically help in my own small way. We all need to find a positive way of interacting. Politicians and politics are always going to miss the mark.
The playing field will be worse that mbombela stadium. We are watching andseing
There is nothing wrong with this structure being built in Mongu. Development has start from somewhere and its not all about roads and hospitals or schools. The stadium will have a positive ripple effect especially when it comes to developing youth activities in the region. More time spent playing sport in the new facility means less time doing nothing out in the streets and getting involved in crime or other stuff, it will also improve youth health as they will be more active. Well done and please continue with the construction. Besides, the construction will create job opportunities. Look at the bright side people instead of criticising all the time.
In the west,rich people have small TV’s and big libraries and poorer people have big TV’s and small libraries.In ther words,they invest more time in productive endevours.Come to zambia and its only big TV’s,so to speak.
In Zed we invest more in consumption rather than in production and Mongu stadium is an example.Why do we wonder we’ve remained poor since 1964?
Development has to start from somewhere. Next there will be a railway line etc.
This stadium can be used by teams from other towns and this can bring economic development to Mongu. Very wise move by Govt.
I bet 2 years from now most you guys will be scratching your heads in amazement…while you are condemning every PF move the PF has not waited for campaign periods to start developmental projects…I agree they should have started with what most people consider priority but it is not always true that many people are always right….that’s why it is said you can’t please everyone….A University is undercards in Mongu…so pause and then let us revisit these utterances just before the 2016 elections.
* Correction * I bet 2 years from now most of you guys will be scratching your heads in amazement…
Va/ba Lusaka Times That machine is a Dozer therefore ,it should read as Dozer Operator in picture 15 . Caterpillar is the company which makes the mobile equipments among them is the grader which people also wrongly call it Mazembe.
We need the clearing of canals as Sata promised and a new hospital more than a stadium.
PF we hope you have something bigger and better for Kaoma.
Sometimes ye lozis ye should learn to work up please
This project is a misplaced priority.
Another one of those. Why not fix the roads and other basic needs in Western province
MISPLACED or just JEALOUS??? People in Mongu need a recreation centre too. Well done PF. The bitter peoples online publication will not cover such developments. Their agenda is negative publicity…Well thanks to LT we can see some improvements in some areas. AGAIN MWABOMBENI BA PF….AND KEEP IT UP LUSAKA TIMES..FAIR COVERAGE INDEED
Mwamukolo 2016
Emmanuel Mwamba is simply the best, why is not minister without portfolio so he can make those immunity-removers to work?
Useless boma have you seen any potholes on those roads?
Its a path to right direction, but don’t tier here, do more on other important social issues for the province. Thanx
i totally agree with you
Kachali, you took the words right out of my mouth!!
Politics of pacification!!!
I can see they are using the old ZNS dozer. Just go and check after two weeks, you will find it abandoned at this same site.
This Lozi chaps are very fake with their snile King.
I dont see any China man here…
pf at work nothing less
Taking a stadium of this magnitude to that corner of the country is one of the lamest things the Pf government has done.It is not all about building it ,but about the attendance concerns.I wonder if it will ever even be half filled to capacity.
My Brother Mo taim,I totally agree with you on the issue of filling this stadium with fans.But i strongly believe that once this stadium is constructed,it will open this corner of the country to improved sports infrastructure and and other economic Activities.I also believe that through initiatives like this other corners will be opened up and we will not shun them anymore.
Governments have to take development to all it’s people regardless of the cost benefit analysis. If at all we used that type of thinking,all developmental projects will only be carried out in places with economic benefits.
Stop thinking like a private equity fund manager.
we can play any game there. We need to travel like you did in southafrica recently. There is no problem there my friend. I will now see western province
Zambians you never cease to amuse. Are you saying Lozis and people in western province do not deserve this stadium? If so who do you think deserves a stadium in Zambia?
Dong forget that problems never end. You cannot say first let us solve all the hunger problems then we start building a stadium – you will never build my dear. This is wonderful what the PF have done. We just hope it will not stop half way in its implementation.
Mmmh mmh mmhhh
Ba LT, that is a dozer and not a caterpillar. It’s like calling every car a Toyota or every brand of cooking oil, saladi. C’mon now!
It is perfectly legitimate to call a bulldozer a “caterpillar” because when the crawler tractor was first invented it moved like a caterpillar, the wormlike larva of a butterfly or moth of the same name. The company that started making these machines named itself Caterpillar. The name stuck.
Or every toothpaste colgate, or every washing powder surf, or every motor cycle honda, or every hot beverage tea, or traffic lights robots
Originally “bulldozing” meant the use of brawny force to push over or through any obstacle. Because the caterpillar when it was invented in the early 20th entury was pushing through obstacles including uprooting of trees it also came to be known as a bulldozer.
Senior Engineer RTD – You’re disappointing. Just stay retired.
Ubufotine, teach them Mwadi, catapila is Brand, that cud be Telex Machine.
give credit where its due…this a good move it will promote many other economic activities within the region. on this one i say good move by the government
Be a bit wiser my friends. You cannot start development with a sports stadium but more with projects that create opportunity for sustainable employment growth. Consider an area and look for industrial potential- the larger the better which will create long term employment for local people. Supply and other off shoot business opportunities for local people and that way you create wealth in an area which in turn can support and sustain sporting events and facilities like football. Currently Western Province does not even have a football team worthy of headlines in the country and unless Sata issues a decree that all national team games to be played there then this will simply be a waste of resources and a white elephant.
I agree. We can even be watching some international matches in Mongu.
Well I would like to watch the first International Football game between Northen Rhodesia and Barotseland in this stadium as Barotseland will be free and detached from present day Zambia soon.
he he he he….
Why not build a college or university? A modern stadium is not cheap to maintain if it is rarely used, It should be self sustaining.
Anyway, it will also be good to take some international games there and promote tourism at the same time.
Thats the Idea my Bro SK,the university is also on cards.Hopefully it will be taken as serious as the stadium construction.
So you have not heard about King Lewanika University in the making?
Yet there is no money for dual carriage ways on our roads…
The contract for a dual carriage way from chi goal was signed 1 week ago.
Meant Chingola
Why alot of men in zambia black men for that matter have big stomachs? Its a sign they are not fit, and that PS are you sure he can operate that dozer? or just posing in the machine which is typical of black men?
Baba, travel outside your comfort zone for once and see the world! Have you ever been to the United States ‘iwe kapoli’ and seen how many White folks and people of other races with huge stomachs?
By the way, why can’t you just say “Zambian men” instead of saying “Zambian black men”? I sure hope you know that Zambia consists only about 1% or so other racial groups. So in that scenario how do you expect to see the majority, other than blacks, with big stomachs?
You should also stop pretending to “hate unfitness” when your racist tainted attitude comes through loud and clear in your rants!!
How does 1 bull-dozer clear a whole stadium – politics of deception and appeasement as it will never be constructed.
1 bulldozer and 100 youth very inefficient use of construction machinery and manpower in the name of job creation!!
that is the appropriate technology we need to use that create some jobs for the the locals,its a good initiative.
There are more innovative ways to create proper jobs those are temporary casual jobs for George Chellah’s stats. What are those people going to be doing on site??
Wake up!!
This surely is positive development, i can imagine when the Mongu Kalabo rd is complete, it means the route to Angola is open. Mongu is very hot, this will be good traning ground for chipolopolo when they have matches against teams from the north where is hot.
Mongu is very hot? Careful with your claims. Try living in Mongu from May to August and you wish you were in your Copperbelt. The temperatures do plunge between May and August down to 0 sometimes into the negative especially at night. The hottest months naturally are from September to April when temperaturs can rich as high as 33 degrees.
mwebantu shuwa, can anyone see the logic in building a stadium in Mongu?
So, if we assume that Zambia is playing Ghana in a world cup qualifier, do we see that game played in Mongu? If so, will people afford to pay those K150 entry fees we saw at Levy Stadium? Will soccer fans travel from Kitwe and Lusaka to go and watch bola kwa Haye????
Lets face facts, anywhere outside the line of rail is not feasible for a stadium. People in Kasama, Chipanta, Mansa, etc will not fill the stadia.
Build the people of the Barotseland a training school to teach rice-growing skill and fish production, timber production etc which will boost the economy in the region!
so you expect one way direction where its only south to the north?even north to the south west, we do go watch kuomboka as well to the southwest boss if you dont know!
@barotse-watchman, dull thinking…….just like many others on the blog. stadium in mongu or any town of the country is good, so please sir, go ahead.
Very dull thinking indeed. If the stadium was to be built in Kasama or Mansa you would be the first to cry trabalism against Sata. Why do you behave like this guys. Always trying to find something wrong with the PF govnt. So to you Mongu people dont deserve a stadium? Rubbish rantings indeed.
Misplaced project as those white overcoats and helmets on a proposed construction site with no structures.
and that launching marked the end of the project! watch this space!
Why build stadiums when there more important economic problems? Of what economic benefit is a stadium? Someone pleads inform me. Who is even going to the stadium, the chinese? because people cannot even afford the basic amenities. Please PF if you do not know what you are doing, get out. You are destroying my country with these highly misplaced priorities.
Good work PF.
We can fill the stadium with pupils and have a giant school. Kidding. Personally, I have no problem with stadium building when put in to context with other development plans. The important thing is to ensure all the more directly relevant developmental projects that affect daily life, health, education and general welfare are pushed as it would be good to see the West drastically improve alongside other under developed communities in Zed. My favourite pic is 16. The caption and the picture are hilarious. Straight indeed.
Next they should build modern shopping malls around the stadium, so that it should not be a stand alone structure. Next they should build a rail line going round mongu, limulunga, namshakende, senanga passing by the plain view for soccer fans when they come to watch games. Next they should plant trees in mongu, its too scanty. Next….next ….next..
They, they, they always. Who? You can also plan on owning a strip mall around the stadium. Everything has to be government. Be creative as individuals. Kano lyonse fye ati John solye ubwali
And John buka tupyange ,even planting of trees you want kafulumende to do that?Lazy chaps.
@KC & Zanji, don’t blame him/her, Kaunda era socialist mentality is still rampant in Zambia. Unfortunately, it is going to take more than a generation or two to change it—socialist indoctrination was no joke!
This will be a host city for the 2018 Africa cup of nations. This stadium should have been placed on a pleasant view overlooking the Barotse plains, like the Cape town stadium. Otherwise, this is great! We cant wait to see the launch of the King Lewanika University next week.
One might say SA is doing that when one looks at our malls, shops, business climate and tourism. One might be that cynical. Not so?
And what is being MILKED out of Western province which does not belong to Zambia already?
Like @A Phiri ana bwe has put it, foreigners are MILKING our country every day and you seem very CALM about it. Yet when the Zambian govt spreads development around, you call it “KEEPING THE COW CALM.” How silly are some people willing to get? Really…!
Trying to put out fires. Panicking PF. Just irritates me
Mongu is on fire, since when? And arsonists like you do not belong anywhere near were fires are burning. Get the he11 out now!!!!
Emmanuel Mwamba is on a serious publicity drive, inviting his journalist friends to follow him everywhere.
Why not use the money to improve the dilapidated schools, teachers’ houses, clinics and hospitals in Mongu? This is high level foolishness!
It bad people are being decieved.if pf are serious of development .they should have worked on poor health system and transport .the stadium will be just a white elephant .let has learn to use our little resources well.from my person experience .you will not find a big stadium in country side in the United Kingdom but you will find a well equipped hospital .l stand to be corrected.
he he he he he he!!!
Reminds me of the days we built our footbal “stadium” at my school.
Ba Lozi are being cheated with their eyes wide open.
MWe Bantu ta mwakwata chisuma since48 years there where no development on your of action Michel chilufya kateka sata a mipelako stadium futi you’re complening. OK fine twalamweba afileke tu twale Ku mpika
Mwebantu Tamwaba nechisuma. Bushe ubuwelewele bukafuma lilali. Wait for 2016 bakambwanga imwe
1) The great Mongu Stadium
2) King Lewanika University
President Sata should be congratulated for these developments. We cannot always condem all that is done. This is development. Diversity and 100 youths have employment.
Complete waste of money,,yes it would be nice to have all these stadium facilities around the country if the basic needs of people are met like good schools,,good medical care,water ,electricity, good roads and rail networks,.Do you honestly think building this stadium will improve things can someone explian,,,, are you telling me investors will be saying “lets go to Mongu because they have a stadium” lol no wonder the developed world laugh at African politics spending millions on useless things,,,, look at that King of swaziland buying brand new BMW for his minister when his own people are suffering ,,How many games will played in Mongu in given year ,,maybe one or two the most and what happens during the rest of the year,,goats grazing in the centre half,chicken feeding by the…
spot on!!
We are disappointed once again that this project has been moved from Kaoma District to Mongu.
Again we witness the hands of tribal politics on display.
When the project was originally announced, a Mr. Kambwili said the stadium would be constructed in Kaoma and yet it has now been moved.
On top of that, the planned university will also be in Mongu.
One can clearly see that there is favoritism in the way projects are allocated in Western Zambia.
These are just some of the reasons that we advocate for the creation of Kafue Province so that other areas like Kaoma and other surrounding areas are not left behind in terms of development.
Western Province is too big to be managed from Mongu and it is simply not fair and democratic.
The PF government must do something…
Im sure the Chinese are behind this project,,, big chinese business men must have been saying “lets tell PF govt we will build a state of the art stadium in Mongu in return lets have more free or cheaper copper ” and PF said yes yes good idea and please put a giant TV screen at the stadium so all the people can see the elite rich Zed watching Mongu utd play against Munali utd lol with stadiums u also need hotels incase people want to stay after the match,u need proper hospital incase of any stadium accidents, u might laugh but things cud happens ,at AFCON look the stadium Zed used in SA,run down despite SA being richer then Zed, brianless politician can waste money soo easy when its not their own personel money.feel sori 4 local Mongu people u wont be able to afford tickets ,WASTE OF…
Not saying it is a priority but there is irony in the fact that those living in developed nations find sporting/entertainment facilities built many many decades before across those countries which grew industries and provide locals with regional access to them. During economically depressing times in the US for example, it was theatres, cinemas, clubs and sport that thrived and were built despite the need for hospitals, schools etc. Hollywood was born out of miserable times and the American dream was a non existent picture fictionally placed in movies that provided the catalyst for people to strive to get that dream. Just sayin’. There are many ways to make Mongu stadium turn a profit. Not sure the govt. has it figured but others will see opportunity. Pioneer spirits have vision.
Phiri ana was industries that came first in the US cities then sports followed,then cinema,then theatres ,then clubs etc followed, i dont think they said lets build a american football stadium first,,how will Mongu stadium make profit? explain, pioneer spirits may have visions more like personel gains for themselves then the ordinary local man n women..Since the WC 2010 inSA apart from Joburg,cape town n Durban the rest have struggled to be maintained and SA is a rich country ,,wake up please
At no point do I say industries did not exist prior to facilities being built. I say facilities thrived and were built during hard times. Hollywood started out as a ranch and a vision of a city with nothing to do with film. My example is very specific. Have a look at the history and draw the parallel of how something starts as one thing and ends up being another. There is also a correlation between economic slumps and the profits made by sport/entertainment. By pioneer spirit I refer to those who see something where others see nothing and make it work despite the challenges. Mongu is one thing today but could become something else in decades to come.
Ati entertainment/sporting facilities came before industries? Who in their right mind spends money on frivolous pursuits when the economy is bad or without a means to earn a living? Very warped thinking.
Let’s keep it simple then. I see arts, entertainment, sport as billion dollar industries.
I am saying there is irony in the fact that facilities developed during hard times decades ago, actually proved to be the catalysts that developed those industries. I give film as an example of something people reach out for in hard times. One might say alcohol as our drinks industry is more developed than our sport and arts industry. More irony.
what next for pf ” lets build 23 storey building in chipata hehehe”
@Zambezi, it is not govts job to build skyscrapers for you! It is your entrepreneurial abilities as private Zambians to take care of such. Everything doesn’t have to be done by the govt.
Roads, stadiums, universities are being built, and rail ways revived. All these things can only mean a lot of “trickle down” business opportunities for people who really want to be serious entrepreneurs. Of course lazy people can only see the ‘cup’ as being half empty.
Government is opening up Zambia for you, go out and engage in business for yourself. Now that there will be a stadium in Mongu, start thinking about building yourself a world class lodge, hotel, or restaurant to cater to fans who will be soon trooping to Mongu to watch soccer matches—that’s how entrepreneurial minds think!
You will continue complaining while the real voter are happy…Mulimbe!!!!!!
BA the real voter is always told lies about how their lives wud change b4 they cast their vote
What a joke, who is the constractor?
Why is government doing the clearing on behalf of the contractor?
Kay im sure the chinese are behind this project inreturn for mineral rights ,,look at luanda angola how fast it has developed tall building, expensive apartments being built by chinese and whts going to china fron angola, oil ,minerals. its so easy to do business in africa lol
A Phiri ,im zed like you,ive seen friends in UTH hospital in lusaka looked after badly,even our politician dont use UTH,they fly to SA or India which you tax payers pay for, surely the basic need of every zed and i dont mean the elite zed is solid foundation for their children education, health care for all ,its no use being unhealthy dying of malaria or aids when the elite zed can fly of somewhere and get cured, people vote for ploticians inorder to get a better life,,BASIC NEEDS. with basic needs everything else comes into place,
Agreed. I am sure you noted my comment (19) is stating clearly where I think priorities lie. I know a senior citizen who despite her mobility being zero, voluntarily bakes twice a week and sends those baked goods to patients and staff in a Lusaka hospital without missing a week. All this because she appreciates what it takes to lie in a Zed hospital and to work in one. Knowing how she has always worked voluntarily for communities. makes me proud she is my mother. I see her and then I see people who ignore harsh realities or don’t do a thing for anyone else. My point. I could diss Zed all day or maybe be more like her and practically help in my own small way. We all need to find a positive way of interacting. Politicians and politics are always going to miss the mark.
The playing field will be worse that mbombela stadium. We are watching andseing
There is nothing wrong with this structure being built in Mongu. Development has start from somewhere and its not all about roads and hospitals or schools. The stadium will have a positive ripple effect especially when it comes to developing youth activities in the region. More time spent playing sport in the new facility means less time doing nothing out in the streets and getting involved in crime or other stuff, it will also improve youth health as they will be more active. Well done and please continue with the construction. Besides, the construction will create job opportunities. Look at the bright side people instead of criticising all the time.
In the west,rich people have small TV’s and big libraries and poorer people have big TV’s and small libraries.In ther words,they invest more time in productive endevours.Come to zambia and its only big TV’s,so to speak.
In Zed we invest more in consumption rather than in production and Mongu stadium is an example.Why do we wonder we’ve remained poor since 1964?
Development has to start from somewhere. Next there will be a railway line etc.
This stadium can be used by teams from other towns and this can bring economic development to Mongu. Very wise move by Govt.
I bet 2 years from now most you guys will be scratching your heads in amazement…while you are condemning every PF move the PF has not waited for campaign periods to start developmental projects…I agree they should have started with what most people consider priority but it is not always true that many people are always right….that’s why it is said you can’t please everyone….A University is undercards in Mongu…so pause and then let us revisit these utterances just before the 2016 elections.
* Correction * I bet 2 years from now most of you guys will be scratching your heads in amazement…
Va/ba Lusaka Times That machine is a Dozer therefore ,it should read as Dozer Operator in picture 15 . Caterpillar is the company which makes the mobile equipments among them is the grader which people also wrongly call it Mazembe.
We need the clearing of canals as Sata promised and a new hospital more than a stadium.
PF we hope you have something bigger and better for Kaoma.
Sometimes ye lozis ye should learn to work up please