Sunday, September 8, 2024

Lubinda’s outburst uncalled for – Silubanje


Information, Broadcasting and Tourism Minister Given Lubinda
Former Information, Broadcasting and Tourism Minister Given Lubinda

The Patriotic Front (PF) in Kabwata Constituency has reacted with surprise that suspended area Member Parliament (MP) Given Lubinda is now crying foul claiming that he is being persecuted.

This is in reaction to a statement Given Lubinda made during the Palm Sunday celebrations in Kabwata that he was being persecuted and accused of things which he did not even do but his day of victory was coming.

PF Kabwata Constituency chairperson David Silubanje said that Mr Lubinda’s outbursts were unfortunate and wondered how he was being persecuted.

“It’s very unfortunate that Honourable Given Lubinda feels that he’s being persecuted. In fact, the best thing he should do is to appreciate the committee which tabled his case. As far as I am concerned as a Constituency chairman, considering the charges he was facing, I think that was a fair judgement.

Mr Silubanje said if Mr. Lubinda was not happy with the verdict, he should have appealed, but the fact that he remained silent that means
that he had agreed with the verdict.He also wondered why Mr.Lubinda had taken so long to speak against the outcome of the verdict.

He urged Mr.Lubinda to respect the Central Committee’s decision, the party’s leadership as well as the PF structures in Kabwata Constituency as he served his suspension.

Mr Lubinda was also dropped as Foreign Affairs Minister for allegedly engaging in treacherous activities involving aligning himself with the opposition MMD and the UPND.

The other charges were that he leaked information to the online publication, Zambian Watchdog and the Daily Nation newspaper.


    • why would i hide?,,am not tonga, but i love tongas and mix with everyone. thats the problem with you lost bembas from copperbelt.. too tribal and foolish

    • @Kadoli if the guy is Tonga so what. You are Bemba so what… You need to stop fighting Tongas. They have done nothing to you. Just go and eat a monkey and enjoy your food, don’t bring your anger out on this forum you bitter chap. Son of a Kolwestan!!!

    • There are no bembas from the copperbelt in the sense of origin. The original inhabitant are the Lambas. COPPERBELT IS ONE OF THE PROVINCES THAT HAS ALL TRIBES FAIRLY REPRESENRED BUT some uninformed pipo like u think copperbelt is foR bembas. no no bhai.

  1. Not sure why some people always react when others speak. Silubanje (Dagga Snr in english terms), approach the media, put in a statement and wait on whether that will be captured as news worth by anyone.

    Though persecuted, Given Lubinda is the next republican president. MCS was the last individual from the order generation accepted to lead us, now we close that chapter and fo good. GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.

  2. When you dine with the devil you use a garden fork least he stabs you.
    Lubinda knew what he was getting into by joining and campaigning for the PF.
    Why cry now just because he is being disciplined internally?
    What the PF does to its members through elevations and demotions is not the business of outsiders including myself.
    You made your made and so have to lie in it.

  3. Nabo awisi dobo aba, what would have hurt him just to keep quiet. by doing this he is simply affirming Lubinda’s allegations.

  4. That is how you dull chaps think, you wanted Mr Lubinda to start talking while you were also talking? A wise Man lets a fool talk up to the end and let the fool cool his temper and stupidity, thats when he can talk. Mr Lubinda is one of the wise Men Zambia has. If you are wise, let Mr Lubinda talk as free as he wishes and let people judge and not you trying to tell people what they should judge.


  5. Given is relaxing, why the opponents a scared? Our Next President, all Zambians should make the right choice before we loss Him.

    • Because they know he’s the next Republican President, and will do well to represent majority of the voters in Zambia who are but the youths.

  6. Lubinda got off lightly. In some countries he would not only have been publicly censured and carpeted, he would have also been dropped from his position in the central committee. As for presidential ambitions (if he has any), as far as Iam concerned, he has no qualities going by the recent debacle where he seems to be quite incapable of holding on to confidentialities, once inebriated.

    • In your dreams. Funny how people don’t see beyond there noses. Surprise that up to now you do not know that FRED MMEMBE knew Lubinda was a probable successor to MCS, and wanted everyone framed and removed from the Party so his Summer Kamimbwa gets positioned to take over.

      This started with GBM, but couldnt take out a guy who has already spent so much for the party. Plan was to dent GBM and Lubinda’s image. Glad we still have people like GBM, who can’t easily be pushed by Mmembe and his minions.

  7. Leave him alone, doesnt he have the right to react, call it what you want, he is right, you are the one is is bitter and you will pay for denting his name! MWAYA SANA BANE? LEAVE HIM ALONE OOOOOOO!

  8. Mulenga Sata can represent KABWATA better than this half chinese half zambian man. The man doesnt talk about the parents, why is he yellow? Is he a product from TAZARA when chinese built it?

  9. I would appeal to the Central committe for PF to fire Lubinda when his 6 months suspetion ends. By the way his case should be reviewed before admiting him in the Party or before lifting his suspetion. What I know is that there are terms to abide to when you are on suspetion, and the way Lubinda is partronizing him self as a victim is not good. Let PF move on and forget that there existed Lubinda. Fire this guy, he is a danger to the organization.

  10. Why do empty tins make the loudest noise? Because they are empty and add no value. Stop wasting bandwidth by diverting from the real discussion points and engaging in derogative remarks @ Anyoko. Word of advice, go find yourself a better pseudonym than that one that shows your shallowness. Please wake up and smell the coffee and get an education – be it night school.

  11. @ Matipa – If his conduct was gross and found in no uncertain terms guilty as charged. Why then was he only given a suspension rather than an outright kick out of the party? Analyse things properly. Do not get rid of people just because they are smarter than you. Harness there efforts into mainstream thought process to help build the nation. Plural politics calls for hard talk and hard skin. Don’t be intimidated just because someone has a different view point to yours.

    • Surprised that up to now you do not know that FRED MMEMBE knew Lubinda was a probable successor to MCS, and wanted everyone framed and removed from the Party so his Summer Kamimbwa gets positioned to take over.

      This started with GBM, but couldnt take out a guy who has already spent so much for the party. Plan was to dent GBM and Lubinda’s image. Glad we still have people like GBM, who can’t easily be pushed by Mmembe and his minions.

  12. in very simple terms lubinda knows that sata is sick and anytym he can die,so wen this comes to pass then lubinda will show his true colours,this guy knows alot about sata’illness,i know he will celebrate wen his boss dies.infact he is no longer pf.

  13. No matter what PF will say about Given, he is the next President with capital P. We re waiting for you sir. Let silubanje be waiting for Kabimba, ife tilindila agiveni kutisogolela. After bashikulu bas Sata, ni ba Brother Lubinda.

  14. ‘given’ can never ever be president of Zambia. to do so, he must first dribble kabimba and then chikwanda, and finally the tubulu monkeystan clan. read the zwd for more info on this and to avoid dreaming

    • Kabimba has only been a a factor in his own and Mmembe’s minds.

      With all due respect ABC will be happy relaxing at his farm, he’s past the stress tolerating age.

  15. This SILUBANJE wanted LUBINDA to be expelled so that he should adopted to stand on PF’s ticket as GREAT KABWATA’s mp. Lubinda outsmarted them all by keeping quiet. NOSIKU and your fellow useless ANYOKO,if LUBINDA was guilty, do think kabimba and the group would allow him stay.over your dead bodies ,the power hungry K couldn’t have allowed our next republican (coloured) president to remain in the party.

  16. Not worth discussing him. Silubanje can never be and will never be a factor.

    A Hungry fellow, that was just being used by Kabimba who in turn was being used by Mmembe. But evil has never won against good. This youthful Za Yellow is our next leader. Can’t wait.

  17. Inwe you don’t know why Given was disciplined and slapped with a case of treachery. No one to date has told us what that is. Given aletongola chiMadam kaili mudala doyo yalileka ukubaza. There are too many things attached to it umulandu wa prostate shani shani. Even those conversations they said they recorded, ninshi umwina alevoka nabena Kili pa Stately mwajaula ka.

  18. Ba Lusaka Times you can’t be condoning such RACIST statements like Anyoko’s. Please delete this and other racist posts. After all you moderate. Do you support racism? Do you support genocide? Do you support apartheid?

  19. Ba Lusaka Times you can’t be condoning such RACIST statements like Nosiku’s. Please delete this and other racist posts. After all you moderate. Do you support racism? Do you support genocide? Do you support apartheid?

  20. Silubanje simply means dagga smoker. Lubinda was persecuted u were shouting at the top of yo voices calling for his expulsion frm pf nothing less this is wat’s called persecution.

  21. Silubanje,

    Are you saying Lubinda should be gagged forever? Doesn’t Lubinda have the right to freedom of expression? You are certainly a hopeless and pathetic creature who belongs to the Dark Ages and not to this century and age!

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