Sunday, September 8, 2024

Chikopa tribunal starts sitting, adjourns to July 15


Judge Chikopa -Malawian high Court judge chosen to head the Tribunal
Judge Chikopa -Malawian high Court judge chosen to head the Tribunal

The tribunal appointed by President Michael Sata to investigate the professional conduct of three judges has begun its sittings in Lusaka.

The tribunal led by Malawian Judge Lovemore Chikopa commenced its siting this morning after the state led by Attorney General Mumba Malila indicated that the state was ready to proceed.

Mr. Malila told the tribunal that the state was ready to start sitting and submitted documents to that effect.

And Judge Chikopa objected to an application by the defence team that the tribunal be disbanded following the retirement of Judge Philip Musonda.

He said it was not the mandate of the tribunal to cancel its own sittings but that it can merely recommend to the appointing authority.

This was after the defence team led by Sakwiba Sikota objected and asked that his team be given more time to study the documents submitted by the state and further get instructions from his client Judge Musonda.

The state did not object to the request and Judge Chikopa adjourned the proceedings to July 15 2013 at 09 Hours.

High Court Registrar Chilombo Phiri has been enlisted as the first witness.


  1. Cool ! Do that academic exercise and get lost.Thank God this thing has come to an end.All the best ba Chikopa.

    • Hahaha,ati too much foreign influence? We fly kenyan/Ethiopian airlines,we shop at S.African shoprite,we fill up at kenyan Kenol,our copper is mined by Chinese and even our VP is of British extraction.

      Zed,the land of foreigners where the natives are just spectators.

    • If Chikopa were white, most of you would not be criticizing him. Why do Africans have a problem with their own? We are all Africans. Get used to it! In American foreign white people treat black Americans as if they were the foreigners. It would be refreshing for black people to feel at home at least in Africa, instead of being persecuted everywhere they go. I for one thinks Chikopa can do a better job than the charlatans we have masquerading as lawyers in Lusaka. They drag out cases for over a decade without any end in sight. Already our so called judiciary has delayed this matter for almost a year – just protecting themselves. Give the man a chance. May be we need foreigners who are objective to help us. God knows our country need help!

  2. incase of natural disaster, will Zambia foot the bills of taking the remains of the judge back to his homeland..?? just thinking…!!

  3. This man should have the decency to pack up and go home. We all know that this tribunal is a short cut and witchunt to silence anyone blocking the interests of the DPP and his cartel.

  4. We should also have a tribunal to investigate Michael Chilufya Sata after the expiry of his term for abuse of office,unlawful acts and human rights violations.


  6. Chisenga unfortunately your Judge Chikopa is a big liability
    we have lost a lot of money on him, he hasn’t accomplished
    anything,mind you those are judges too and they know the law
    so your Judge Chikopa is just setting himself for failure by being
    too greedy, so the next government is going to follow him in Malawi
    and recoup our money he has chewed

  7. Tell that maggot to go back to his country. He’s depleting the stock of ARVs meant for Zambians. Mmembe and Nchitos will be made to pay back the money been wasted on this circus. And of course we haven’t forgotten the $5 million they acquired through misrepresentation from DBZ.

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