Friday, March 7, 2025

Ndola DC removes street kids from the town centre


THE Ndola District Administration is in the processes of removing more street kid from the city in a bid to empower them with funds and skills training.

Last year, the District through Ministry o f Gender and Child Development removed 19 street children above the age of 15 from town centre.

KR150 000 that was funded to the District Administration and was used for transport, to buy food, clothes as well as to empower older trained street youths with different skills to set up their own business.

District Commissioner Rebby Chanda in an interview in Ndola said his administration was targeting to remove 150 streets children as soon as funds are made available.

He said about KR200 00 in the next national budge was put aside to remove street children from the City of Ndola.

“We want to remove more street kid from the city of Ndola, we will take them to Cicetekelo Youths Training Centre where they will be trained in skills like metal welding, carpentry and others, we will also need to find homes for the little children,” he said.

Mr Chanda said the streets children who were removed and empowered last year with funds and training were doing well adding that there was need to remove and empower more youths from the streets.

“We do not want to see productive youths roaming the streets day and night without food and shelter, the Government is concerned with their life, removing from the streets and empowering them with skills and funds will help them become better citizens and contribute to the development o f the nation,” he said


    • Its good development, but not only carpentry and welding. In fact its more expensive to train people with trade skills compared to Police Force and Security Guard. Street youths who were sent to train as Police Officers in colonial era are doing good, one is now a PF President.

    • @1.1 what do you understand about EDUCATION? You can’t send TRAUMATIZED street kids to such a training, think about the tone which waves in those army/police training that is not what street kids, they need people who have empathy with them, not who looks down on them.they need loving/warm hearted guidance not commands, people need to understand these kids. They are in need of psychological help to create a solid foundation of trust in themselves and in people in general. I can write a lot that some people should under the mechanism working here, why they fail till after there training. Do only teach certain skills, make a person under go a process of reasoning too…. Zambian social workers are the most useless ones I have seen so far, how can you look down on people you need to help.

  1. Where do you take those below 15 who must be the majority, some of them children f PF politicians born from concubines they impregnated on promisory notes of more money in there bras.

  2. Not nearly enough.
    Get back all the money that’s been plundered and save all children from abject poverty. The AIDS orphans especially break my heart.

  3. Did the children just drop from heaven? Find their extended families or parents and hold them accountable.

    • Their parents are dead (AIDS) and quite possibly the extended family is also either dead or over-extended and can’t fit in more kids.

  4. Find their extended families, offer to help the families financially and have social workers check up on them monthly.

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