Friday, March 7, 2025

MISA Zambia concerned with unlawful confinement of two journalists


Press Statement

MISA Zambia concerned with unlawful confinement of two journalists

The Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) Zambia is concerned with the unlawful confinement of two journalists, Mr Clayson Hamasaka and Mr Thomas Zyambo, who were picked up in the early hours of this morning, 9 July 2013, by the Zambia Police Service.

MISA Zambia is worried that the two journalists who are not criminals were picked up by Police without any charge and have been in Police confinement since then. The two have not even been formerly charged and still awaiting formal interrogation.

We consider the raid on the two journalists’ homes and their subsequent confinement at Zambia Police Headquarters as illegal and an indication that Zambia’s human right record is deteriorating. It is worrying that the two who are not criminals were subject of an early morning Police Raid although there is no state of emergency in the country where people’s human rights can be suspended.

This act is also a clear abuse of the rights of the two to freedom of movement. According to the Zambian law, a person should be charged, formerly arrested and then then take to court, but this was not the case for the two.

This should not be happening in a democratic society. We appeal to the Police to release the two journalists without any further delay as their continued confinement is not legal.

While MISA Zambia is glad that two lawyers, Mr Jack Mwiinmbu and Mr Gilbert Phiri, are handling the issue, it has also engaged Kabesha and Company to assist the team of lawyers representing the two Journalists.

MISA Zambia is also in touch with the Law Association of Zambia over the increasing media freedom violations.

Nalumino Nalumino
Chairperson – MISA Zambia
9 July 2013


  1. To put it mildly, this putrid decay is despicable. Hopefully MISA, TIZ, LAZ at al can provide the needed challenge to govt. as to the legality of this.

  2. Misa ,yo are just another bunch of stooges who think scandalising others is okey as long as u a journalist . Why can’t the very journalists respect other pipo’s rights. SUPOSE NIWISO NANOKO THEY INSULT THE WAY THEY DO HOW WOULD U FEEL U ID I OTS?

    • @ Osmore…. you are a very bigggggg foool u know, unmannerd nd if u are a girl, uncultured……..shame upon you nd what is between………………….keep quiet if u donot knw anything about journalism.

  3. If these journalists are indeed behind Zambian watchdog then I have no pity for them. Though we are against some of the decision the current government make the way watchdog reports is very unprofessional. Nangula maisosele kula lemba icilimbelembe. Boma ni boma, cane them.

    • remember how Membe used to insult RB and call him all sorts including thief etc etc – with NO shred of evidence whatsoever – who bundled any post reporters in the middle of the night? This is a WRONG and dustardly act!!!

  4. I dont know where Zambia is going. Do we really understand this animal Human right? is like we want to run this country without guidance and law. Any arrest in Zambia is not a genuine arrest especially concerning people with money. Freedom of expression and association we are miss using it. we are going beyond its definition. Some of the news or rather information we publish is not good and you dont condemn but when security wings of the country act on that it become an issue.
    Think twice. The way ZWD publisise issue on the that website most of them are bad to the country they think that they are destroying PF and SATA insteady they are painting a bad picture of the country which they will fail to rebuilt when they by chance get into power which they are fighting for.

    • Well put Kunta. How can a responsible Journalist publish a story such as ’12 years from time Sata and his MMD murdered Paul Tembo’? Did this so called MISA censure ZWD for such an irresponsible story? Counsel your members ba MISA don’t try and play the ‘human rights’ and ‘freedom of expression’ cards every time your members are found wanting.

  5. @ # 7 just like you.
    Zedian we just talk no action.Any one with a memory can tell you that we forget easily.
    Look at a story of subsidies it is history,sooner or later all these groups like misa Zambia they will go mute and the abuse will still continue.

  6. Extremism, revisionism and denial can not be condoned. Even journalists are not above the law. If hate speech can be retrieved, then the authors must be be held answerable.

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