Friday, February 7, 2025

Milupi calls for opposition alliance


 Charles Milupi
Charles Milupi

Alliance for Democracy and Development (ADD) president Charles Milupi has called for genuine opposition alliance to confront the Patriotic Front.

Mr Milupi an interview with QFM News said there is need for opposition political parties to consider working together to take on the PF in view of what he has described as dictatorial tendencies by the ruling party.

He said opposition political parties should be sincere to each other and desist from the trend of poaching members amongst themselves, which he described as worrying.

Mr. Milupi said the practice shows insincerity by the political parties involved.

He added that it is sad that the same opposition political parties that meet during the day to plan a common strategy on how to confront the ruling party are the same ones poaching members from each other.

Mr Milupi has further described as unfortunate the continued disunity among the opposition political parties.

He noted the need for opposition political parties to draw lessons from what is happening to the country’s democracy and unity.

Zambia is plagued with a fragmented opposition.


  1. That can`t work sir judging from the past experience.You opposition leaders are just too selfish and ambitious to give chance to the other.I can`t foresee your egos en self interests reducing in the near future.

  2. Very hyprocritical of you Milupi,after you have been an independent MP for and after you felt so lonely you went on to form your own under five party instead of joining the big two opposition in MMD or UPND!

    • Totally agree! Bo Milupi would have added more weight had he joined any of the above stated parties. Each leader of the other opposition parties feels they can make it by themselves. Look at General Miyanda. It may be good to adhere to ones principles but in politics compromise is of the essence. In this year alone how many new opposition parties have we had? One Fr Bwalya has formed a party, then Bwana Mulongoti formed his. Mpombo is considering forming his. Kachingwe was/is in the process of forming an MMD splinter group. With such a mentality, how would the opposition ever dream of dislodging PF. A concerted effort needs to be made by the opposition parties to whittle down there numbers and form a united front. Bo Milupi you would make a good leader but not as a lone ranger!

  3. Mr Charles Milupi, you should lead by good example! Charity begins at home. The Last time you spoke you were condemning the opposition of being unpatriotic by taking matters of internal nature to the outside world, and for being funded by RB. These are some of the issues that divide the opposition.

    Two wrongs do not make it right. Your idea is good, but it must be supported by efforts. There is need for sacrifice. You people can not be Presidents at the same time. You should coordinate your activities, albeit you have different idiologies and manifestos – form a ‘national opposition team’ from your independent parties. The opposition leaders should not fear the notion of ‘escoting others to State House’ – there can only be one winner.

  4. The way we do things in Africa, we need fear and that fear makes us think normally. We fear whitch craft so much and we are made to live in those percieved boundaries or one faces being bewitched by some socerer. Same in politics we need fear if not we become crazy and say and/or do anything even to the detriment of national security or local community. We take recourse to insults, demeaning, unnecessary bitterness in the name of democracy. Sometimes we do not even know whether we are capitalists, socialists, communists or humanists. We are simply comfused at base. That why we need strong leadership otherwise we can end up like in Egypt were straight lines are drawn and no compromises. Afroca need strong men to lead. Even a bit dictatorship is necessary. We can sell out our own country.

  5. Hypocricy at its highest level bo nda bo MILUPI. You are on record denouncing the move talen by UPND, MMD and ULP on petioning the commonwealth Africa secretariat over supression of civil and politica l rights of oppsition members by the PF, what has changed ndate? Musike mwaluswabisa, sha.

  6. NONSENSE! If big opposition parties overcome the government, then what’s next? They turn themselves as a political war to take over the ruling of the country.

  7. who is better for the role being played? whos is doing the best job?: Chikopa of Malawi or Amsterdam of Canada. You gut feeling says it all, Afric, init.

  8. That’s why i always say Milupi is a hired gun for the POST. So milupi is telling us that since he is a member of ADD he cant move to another Political party even if things are not okay in ADD and that the only move one can make is to join the ruling PF since joining another opposition party is weakening the opposition. What sort of nonsense is this? Is milupi telling us that it is forbidden for an opposition member to join another opposition party or what. Before Elections in 2011 a lot of UPND members joined the PF when both where in opposition where were you and Fred not to have condemned that? Milupi, just because Fred condemns something you also want to follow suit are you that useless. Any movement towards UPND makes Mmembe sick so Bo Milupi if you have stopped thing just shut up.

  9. For me UPND should be sincere,because at the rate it’s conducting it’s politics,does not insipire confidence,trust and unity of purpose.PF wants presence in the areas they have petitioned all elections.So also the UPND wants presence in the areas they don’t seem to have presence.But sometimes they’re doing the wrong way.

  10. I agree with Mr milupi. To dislodge p.f opposition must unite otherwise forget. Put your personal squables, selfishness and self centeredness aside, pool together paku chimfya umulwani. Ala where there is unity god casts a blessing!

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