KEEMBE member of Parliament (MMD) Ronnie Shikapwasha on Friday told Parliament that MPs should be allowed to use cellphones and laptops instead of paper to conduct business in the House.
“Allow us to use our phones and laptops in Parliament because we are in a technological and information age. We are tired of hiding the equipment,” General Shikapwasha said.
He was contributing to a debate on the report of the Parliamentary Reforms and Modernisation Committee presented by its chairperson the Solwezi West MP (MMD) Humphrey Mwanza.
Gen Shikapwasha argued that in the information age, it is not necessary to restrict the use of electronic gadgets such as mobile phones, i-pads and laptops in Parliament.
“We need to be a paperless Parliament. We cannot continue to hide our phones and laptops. In this parliament, there’s paper everywhere,” Gen Shikapwasha said.
[pullquote]“We need to be a paperless Parliament. We cannot continue to hide our phones and laptops. In this parliament, there’s paper everywhere,” Gen Shikapwasha said.[/pullquote]
He said electronic devices are necessary in modern parliaments and gave an example of Rwanda.
“Mr Speaker, I was privileged to be among the MPs you sent to the Rwandan parliament and we found it totally paperless. We need to do the same here,” Gen Shikapwasha said.
Monze Central MP (UPND) Jack Mwiimbu said parliamentary reforms are needed to help members to contribute effectively.
“MPs even avoid sitting in the member’s room because it is small and stuffy. We need reforms in every aspect of our Parliament,” Mr Mwiimbu said.
And winding up the debate, Minister of Finance Alexander Chikwanda said reforms are inevitable.
“We must reform or perish. Parliament has a critical role to play in democracy and the governance of this country,” Mr Chikwanda said.
He appealed to opposition members to work with Government instead of being unnecessarily controversial.
“Take away the bitterness… the confrontation and the anger,” Mr Chikwanda said.
I support!
This has its own odds. Information will be leaking and slipping out, therefore often resulting in misinformation and chaos. In seconding this motion, security and information management must play a pivotal role. In Russia for instance, the Kremlin is resorting back to the “Typewriter” as a way of curtailing leaks! Whatever software package may be used for parley operations & communications, We should realize that “Big Brother” (USA) will be watching! They will know every turn embarked on, not only before its made, but even before we the citizens know of it. The IT era is also breaching Sovereignty of states. Just look at what is unraveling in Europe, Latin America & Asia following Edward Snowden’s revelations!
parliament and cabinent are two difference bodies… in parliament you can at least allow laptops and cellphones,,, its a public house thats why you have a public gallery ,,, in cabinet you can restrict those mobile phones and laptops to aviod leaks but not in parliament..
But knowing PF government and sata,, they are very scared of leaks to the zambian watchdog,,so they want everyone to use paper not computers…kekekekekekekekekek
parliament and cabinet are two different bodies *
The idea is fine but you are likely to misuse/misapply that privilege by being on face book and texting your girlfriends instead of engaging in serious parliamentary business.
We need serious parliamentarians not the goons that we currently have in that August house
Nonsense! concentrate on doing your job!
Agreed! I see it when students who are paying thousands of dollars to attend school use social media and online shopping sites in class, so what’s to stop those who are being paid to be in politics?
I second the Motion Mr Speaker sir, but not laptops……instead use I
ipads and smart phones with 4G- It’s faster, user friendly, saves time ,reduces secretaries duplicity ,easy of referencing the beauty and convenience is endless sir . I beg to move Mr speaker…..
…and these should be supplied to MPs by parliament and should stay in the confines of parliament at the end of each session. The software will be tailored to only assist MPs to consult each other during the sessions.
shikapwasha’s seat not yet nulified??? finshi balelolela
Do to others what u expect others to do to you…Shipapwasha was the minister of Information under the recent passed ruling party (MMD)…why is he bringing this issue today when he has become a dog without teeth?
Because he is a Member of Parliament and it’s his job to bring issues. That’s what he’s paid for!
Now as long as we are asking questions….. why are you so bitter…. not to mention, ignorant of the fact that technology changes even in the space of two years?
You can have typewriters.
The idea is good and welcome. However, for those raising security concerns, the matter can easily resolved by creating an intranet for Parliament. This will reduce the likelihood of leakages. Also, an intranet will definitely prevent the MPs from accessing facebook. We all know how productivity has suffered in some companies due to unrestricted access to the internet.
(I know that this is a very hypocritical post since I am doing it from the office laptop, but it is my break, so I can afford to take the liberties)
It is a pity that this technology came in 2013 when the PF has been in power. If it had come when MMD were in power, MPs would have been using their laptops, mobile phones and other technologies by now.
Its not a good idea because we need parliamentarians to do some research outside the house and not answer questions using gadgets because this can result in them not using their brains to tackle issues. When you research the chances that you will forget are very slim unlike when you just copy information, so a big NO Mr. Shikapwasha.
The only downside with this idea is that some people will start playing solitaire during the session and worse, if internet will be allowed some member will be busy facebooking rather than contributing positively
hahahahahah ati playing solitaire
I don’t see any difference. Whether you use a computer or a paper the story remains the same. What we need is a change in the mind set and approach to debates.
No conclusion? the speach ended up pointing a finger at the opposition.
Point and be on twitter all parliamentarians.
Show off
I cannot believe the negativity on this suggestion. What on earth are they doing using papers and pens, Shikapwasha is 100% correct, you have to keep up with times. Nothing wrong with turning cell phones on silence besides the mps could easily access information online quickly using laptops rather than waiting to do so on break time etc. this is a no brainer to anybody who has common sense. The people against it simply want to keep the stone age alive and then look for any bush reason to bar technology in parliament. How can Zambia be behind Rwanda of all people whats next Haiti and Afghanistan will be more technological advanced that Zambia too.