Sunday, October 6, 2024

Sata rebukes foreign affairs minister Effron Lungu


President Michael Sata
President Michael Sata

Republican President Michael Sata has rebuked Foreign Affairs Minister,Effron Lungu for writing him a letter and copying it to Foreign Affairs Permanent Secretary, Margaret Miyoba.

Speaking when he swore-in during Kaizer Zulu as State House Permanent Secretary this morning, Mr. Sata said he was very disappointed when he received a letter from the Foreign Affairs Minister which was also copied to the Foreign Affairs Permanent Secretary.

“How can someone write a letter to me and copy it to other people, that is not right!” Mr Sata noted.

Mr. Sata said he did not even read the letter because there was no need of reading it when other people had read its contents.

The President said he has served in various governments before and has never seen a minister writing a letter to the President and copying it to other people such as Permanent Secretaries or any other person.

“The letter that you wrote to me and copied to other people, I shredded it because I do not expect you to copy a letter that is coming to me,” President Sata said.

The visibly disappointed Head of State stated that he has never encountered such a thing in his political career and has since advised Dr Lungu to be serious with his work.

President Sata has further urged other Ministers to learn from Dr. Lungu’s mistake and never copy other government officials important letters meant for him.

And newly appointed State House Permanent Secretary, Kaizer Zulu, says he will dedicate most of his time to the serve the Republican President.

Mr. Zulu has pledged confidentiality in his daily duties as a Permanent Secretary at State House and never to disclose any information that is not meant for the public.

He also pledged to work hard and try to make a difference to the affairs of State house.


    • hahahahahhaha,,,,,
      communication!! so that everyone is on the same page,,,, i guess mr president that alot has changed in communications techniques and skills since you last worked in london. There was no disrespect there,,, unless you are talking about state security… but if its normal national business ,,,there is nothing wrong…And that was Dr lungu writing,,, its no joke to be a doctor that man has been to school, so he knows what effective communication is…
      hahahahahahahah…great drama coming from the presido

    • There is such a thing as a blind copy and Sata would not have known. Start looking for another job baba Lungu! You have pissed off the cobra!

    • Yet again the president is spot on
      I would never text my fiancé and copy in my friends when
      Discussing ‘sensitive’ issues or indeed how would you explain that

      I am shocked that is is appearing to be just a rebuke, please sack him
      In ‘public interest’ as per your explanation of ridding of Prof Chirwa

      Remember the majority of people are behind you, and predominantly
      The whole entourage on LusakaTimes


    • This chap was trying hide the budget overrun at foreign affairs – 16000000 spent instead of 8000000 due to sata employing his relatives.

    • I think the President is right about a minister not copying a letter they write to the President to anyone else, but the President can copy his reply to the minister to other relevant people. Unfortunately, the president has no control over who else sees the letter nor does he have a way of knowing if a third party has read it.

    • The only mistake Sata has made is to rebuke his minister in public. Otherwise what he is saying is right. Perhaps we needed to know what the subject matter was in that letter. A minister in the political head of any ministry while the PS is the administrative head. So, if the letter was about the political dynamics or implications of certain operations of his ministry, then in my view the minister may have been wrong to copy the letter to his PS.

  1. Please please…allow your 2 year olds to throw tantrums and by age 4 start teaching them consequences of such childish behavior so that when they grow up they don’t continue throwing tantrums over petty issues.

    • Are you out of your mind, Saulosi?
      Even your own ministers belittle him to a level of a Permanent Secretary. KK told them that, the man is best as minister-without-portfolio. Meaning, minister-without-ministry.

    • @saulosi
      ati discipline…. that was effective communication from Dr lungu,,, communicating so that everyone concerned is on the same page…

      Why too much kabisila imwe ba PF so… you are heck scared of the zambian watchdog??

    • Surely you can’t share Sata’s little knowledge bcoz little knowledge is dangerous.You can never share with folks like Sata who thinks his knowledge is the alpha and the omega.Sata thinks he’s the reference book and nobody else can be one.

  2. Is not the Permanent secretary the public liason of a ministry. In an official and exemplary manner, the PS and Minister are the same entity on separating factor is their defacto stance of political affiliation. Ministers can be of a political inclination in office, while PS have to show impartiality and represent the will of the people disregarding political party of origin. A cc of a letter is indeed a professional courtesy to the PS by his peer showing transparency in governance. Also a high form of respect was shown to the president in this regard. Dr. Lungu is a technocrat that PF has little of, the wise came from the east and that’s a standard. Hmmm! Let’s embrace the smart technocrats.

  3. So this zwdog were actually right when they said,mcs will be swearing a PS,
    this proves that the online media has recruited agent within the govt.
    Well,2016 will be tough for pf.

    I am sure even you, you were not born with such know-how.
    The issue you have not solved is lack of employment for the youth and the looming uprising which whether you like it or not it will come according to prophecy !!!

  5. @Ex mom,ulichimwana chamubuule.How do say that? Wemwana wandoshi we. Demon! ls what Lungu did right?The education you are being offered today makes u behave like lunatics. fo ol grow up we chinkula wee.

    • Niwebo mwana wa ndoshi. You wouldnt be showing your stupidity if you know how govt operates, yet another clown

    • Isn’t the PS the CEO of any ministry who ought to know all? That’s the problem with our President he thinks his a God and everything is all about him….

  6. #5 you are right” A cc of a letter is indeed a professional courtesy to the PS by his peer showing transparency in governance.

    What the president is missing is that, whether he liked it of not, if Dr Lungu opted to send blind copy BCC. for transparency sake.
    But again you can understand that the two are @ different levels of articulation of matters/


  8. @General,that is the way to go wen advising elderly pipo. So u also the watch prophacies of the man of God T b Joshua?That’s great! However,sometimes it is neccessary to do in the open so that it has even a big impact.

    • @Osmore
      You have simply exposed yourself as a PEABRAIN ! Go to school please ! It’s never too late ! Better still GO HUG A MUKWA TREE !

  9. This is rediculous!

    People cc others (including their bosses!) on relevant matters all the time! Has Mr. Sata seriously NEVER HEARD OF THIS EVER BEFORE???

    Unless the subject was confidential (in which case it should not be discussed at a public swearing in ceremony!), there is no need for the President to insist on individual letters addressed ONLY to him. For what purpose? Does he want to make communications difficult by keeping everyone in his administration in the dark with what is going on? Hmmmm…… maybe this explains all the bad decisions and flip-flops we’ve seen?

    Truly, it goes from bad to worse.

    • We told ya not to elect a man with little education but you didn’t listen.I’m sure he still thinks Bush is a colonialist.

    • hahahahahah you have heck crap my ribs,, i even splashed my drink,,,,
      diwe mwana wa ba ndani iwe,,, thanks alots!!!!!

  10. Afisanji mambala? Why the secrecy? Well done Dr Lungu! We want a transparent government. My advice to the semi illiterates in government is that they should resign if they are not prepared to run a modern government.

    • Semi illiterates like Sata think power or might is more important than knowledge.I’d rather have a weak but very knowledgeable president than an all powerful but illiterate president.

  11. Say something affecting the nation Mr president, we know ur a president and we respect you but seeking respect in public is not in order for the head of state!!! Concentrate on national affairs than these petty issues PULIZIII… bufi?

  12. Ladies and gentlemen..for those of you that wondered why there is a lack of cohesion in this administration, this is the reason why. Ministers contradicting PSs (e.g miles sampa at Min of Finance). Its all starting to make sense!

  13. It is important to understand the purpose of the letter before we start throwing our spears at the minister. Permanent secretarys are like chief operating officers and hence one of their duties is to action directives from above. One would tend to assume that copying in the permanent secretary would have enabled him/her to start making the necessary preparations whilst at the same time fully informing the president on what was taking place. True wisdom would meant dealing with this quietly because the whole nation does not need to know. Then again, the mediocrity of this president has become a norm rather than an exception.

  14. That is your Enermy serving you sir, lay him off and bring back my handsome Given Lubinda, you now know how it feels like to be embarrassed publicly and betrayed, Given Lubinda needed to be warned if he at all he did anything wrong, please bring him back if you do i will vote for you 2016 just for GL i will, Kikikikiki. Seriously, who does that? I also have never seen he wants to prove something to someone thats thats for sure,this is the problem we have with these peopleparadingto be serving us, hidden agendas, always!

    • @cindy
      nawe cindy,,,, the president overracted there…there was no case there,,, and if the president felt very strong about the event he would have dealt with Dr lungu behind closed door or dropped him from cabinet all together…but it looks like we have slave trader and slave relationship wrapped in secrecy and fear

    • Ndobo, am still pissed for what they did to the GL, i think i will hold this grudge for so long as they dont find him a respectable post or the same, i dont matter, what they did to him was unfair, Mr Lungu, i say more copied letters please, maybe it will force his hand!

    • @cindy
      No cindy,,,you are going to shot a wrong person.. the man in question is Dr Effron Lungu minister of Foreign affairs NOT Mr `dizzy` Lungu, acting president and minister of home affairs

  15. Surely we can do better than that! If the matter Lungu was writing the President for was a policy matter, there’s no problem in copying the letter to the PS. The PS is the CEO of the Ministry while the Minister is the Board Chairman.

    The PS is a custodian of all data and systems and in a situation where the Minister leaves the Ministry, this information will have been in the data bank to ensure continuity.

    But if the letter was security in outlook or nature and the Minister still wanted the PS to ‘capture’ it, he can do a ‘blind’ copy to her and the President will never know because blind copies will never be ‘confessed’ by recipients.

  16. If a PS writes a letter to the president, it is expected that the minister is in copy. But if a minister decides to personally write to the president, then government etiquette requires that no other person is in copy. Unfortunately this has nothing to do with effective communication, but procedure, and governments all over the world are like that. What Dr. Lungu did may be a desirable thing, but it is against the current gvt procedure in Zed . That said, I also think the president could have corrected the minister during a cabinet meeting.

    • You are assuming it was an email…. the late Chiluba said Ukwa could not write nor use a computer… as SG of MMD he could not produce a single report.

      Thats the level of illiteracy you put in statehouse

    • that was an admistrative letter not a personal letter…dont be confused with bitternes , fear of the unknow and secrecy.. go back to the article and read to understand..

      And would Dr lungu write mr sata a personal letter and copy the PS??? Think!!!!

  17. Of all the numerous things that have occurred in the past 4 weeks he chooses something as useless as this…if Sata really wants to get things of his chest let him call for a press conference at State House.

    • Am I being too cynical in thinking that the whole idea of this swearing-in ceremony was to vent out his (Sata) frustrations to the cabinet and to the whole of Zambia by reminding us that he is the President and hence should be treated differently. I wonder if he has ever heard the maxim associated to the president or prime minister vis-a-vis the cabinet? He is “first among equals.” With this kind of behaviour, I wonder if cabinet ministers are equals of the president. Looks like he can rebuke or reprimand them in public at will without seeing anything wrong. Democracy at its best!

  18. Ukwa if you have been in government for a long time then you learnt nothing as reflected in your ignorance

  19. The minister knows effective communication and its importance. Sata has just shown how dull he is. Let Kaseba take over if cant manage……

  20. Atase, does this old clown think he is running a family business? All you people still supporting him are the biggest *****ss of all. The clown is only heard during by-election campaigns and swearing in ceremonies. Kudos to all those who voted for him and have realized early what a big mistake they made.

  21. Who voted this grade 3 dropout? he cant even fathom professional governance etiquette. There is nothing top secret about your abuse of the foreign affairs dept by employing that entire primitive village of yours.

  22. Still buried in the old style of leadership; today the world demands transparency and accountability. This is not KK’s time sir.

  23. I agree our President is right but he shouldnt be telling him off infront of the whole nation. This is a man who actually acts as President.

    • Sorry there are two Lungu’s; Mr Edgar Lungu (Min of Home Affairs) and Dr Efron Lungu (Min of Foreign Affairs). The one who occasionally acts when the president is out is Mr Edgar Lungu and not the one who has just been “horse whipped” in public.

  24. Hahahahahahahaha, what a clown of a President we have here. When the US President sends any letter, he copies his Chief of Staff. When anyone sends a letter, they have to copy their deputies, that’s normal practice. May this man get serious and stop stressing over protocol.

  25. Effron Lungu is usually not in the country and travels with his deputy so it is only logical that the PS is copied, this man’s career must have ended as a minister.

    • Yaba it explains why the madam is always on the road and on planes, who can live with such a nutcase.

  26. President Sata has further urged other Ministers to learn from Dr. Lungu’s mistake and never copy other government officials IMPORTANT letters meant for him. By deduction this letter must have contained sensitive issues. Cannot comment further without knowledge of the contents

  27. Hahaha…Here are my top picks:

    2. The minister knows effective communication and its importance. Sata has just shown how dull he is. Let Kaseba take over if cant manage……
    3. With that kind of thinking, i guess Dr Kaseba is in a mess!
    4. Who voted this grade 3 dropout? he cant even fathom professional governance etiquette. There is nothing top secret about your abuse of the foreign affairs dept by employing that entire primitive village of yours.
    5. You can’t blind copy the King. Snowden will know and tell the King.

  28. Ukwa is TRULY Catholic!

  29. What’s up at Foreign Affairs, Kambwili, Lubinda and now Lungu, PhD? Beware of ‘Edward Snowden’ the whistleblower!

  30. the devil would no longer oppress Zambian people because God had turned the national situation around. And that Zambia was under the open heavens.

    His ministry has ushered in an intense change in the spiritual, social and economical realm to countries he has visited.

    “The God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, three Hebrews boys, Elijah and Joshua has sent me to say, ‘tell my Zambian people, that they will not be defeated by the devil again, they will know that they serve the only true living God. I will come into their families, troubles, burdens, grief, physical body and all they carry’.

    He is coming into the circumstances of the nation of Zambia. When God comes it’s for one purpose – to turn the situation around. ‘Tell my people that the devil is no longer in control of Zambia’…

  31. As a matter of policy the minister was right to copy to the P.S in his ministry.If i was Lungu i’d resign as a matter of principle bcoz this is standard practice all over the world.This faux pas is equal to that of calling George W. Bush a colonialist and it once again shows the dangers Sata’s of little knowlegde.Sata thinks his knowledge is the alpha and the omega and therefore everybody should check with him and not vice versa.

  32. President Sata has never impressed the nation on logical thinking and that alone makes him unique among leaders. Whether this is quality of renowned world leaders or effectively leadership never known anywhere in the world.
    Mr Sata wants to be a ‘god’ in a Zambian statehouse. His wishes are granted for indeed other people ‘worship’ him. What is more disappointing is his public disgraceful lashing at his ministers like little children incapable of doing any thing sensible. Sata is not the first and last to be president of Zambia. He has failed to imprint a positive legacy. That is a shame.

  33. Yaba drama pa zed. At- least politics pa zed is not boring lol. But seriously the president should learn to address such issues in private in the confines of his offices. Now its clear why they dont have press conferences. You just dont know what the president will do or say.

  34. We have had enough drama and data to enable psychologists come up with a good diagnosis of the man at plot 1. Can anyone with the right training take up the challenge before we see even more drama, because believe you me we are yet to see more. The other problem is that he has isolated himself from every other leader in the World such that sooner or later he will implode. It is just a question of time if he does not learn to embrace other people and hopefully learn from them. Even George Bush avoided him last time he was in the country.

  35. A simple question: what is the procedure for writing a letter to the head of state? Supposing the minister was letting the president know that he will be taking leave, is it wrong to also cc his permanent secretary? I don’t know — I don’t know what the procedure is.

    If the minister did not know what the procedure was, then by all means he needs to be made a aware of this and in and in a manner befitting a man serving the head of state of Zambia, who is in turn, serving Zambians.

    If the head of state was at all serious about his job, he simply should have read the letter and maturely advised the minister, in effect grooming a responsible leader — this issue would now be dead, and we would not be wasting time talking about it.

    But that would be progressive and who wants that…

  36. Our president is in his fiefdom, Plot 1 while the rest of African leaders are in Abuja discussing AIDS and Malaria!

    Come out of Presidential Lane sir and take your place in international affairs!

    Stop the cheap politicking and lead!

  37. The whole essence of swearing in ceremony was overtaken by the Presidents misplaced attack on his Minister Of Foreign Affaires to ridicule him publicly – surely he could have waited for a Cabinet meeting that he chairs to advise all Ministers not to make that mistake. No one or very few will remember Kaizer Zulu being sworn in as PS at State House other than the scorn of poor leadership exhibited by the President. Scolding your children in private yields better results than when done in public

  38. With due respect mr president, your position was handed to you by the voting masses (who did know any better at that time) through the ballot. These powers should be used to govern and serve the Zambian masses and not your own EGO.
    Judging from your tantrums and reactions from the time you became president, it seems power has gone to your head and you are beginning to think that you were born with presidential powers!! Even Idi Amin started the same behaviour that you always display in public! How did his presidency end?? We have seen dictatorial tendencies in you and your government since 2011 and we are really pissed with you mr president!! If can’t listen to the people who elected you and demean other people all the time….then how do you expect to continue in office????


  40. 3 Ps – Procedures, Processes and Protocol. Have someone define these while you work on real Presidential-type stuff.

  41. In every cooperate firm copying a letter you write to your superior is the right thing to do. Effron is an educated man and am sure he knew what he was doing. You do not humiliate your leaders by rebuking them in public. If you ill treat your leaders you will find that at the end of the day, no one is following you

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