Monday, January 20, 2025

I see a revolution coming …..Prophet T.B Joshua


Nigerian Prophet T.B Joshua
Nigerian Prophet T.B Joshua

Carry your youth along

“I am seeing a revolution. I am seeing people take to the street. At the beginning of that protest, it might be stopped. Eventually, it will become so big that it cannot be stopped.

The Way Out: Job creation for the youth and the creation of a new social value system. This is because 90% of youth believe that it is by becoming political thugs that they could be successful, especially because those in the political offices do not want to retire in politics and become statesmen. The youth, no matter the education they have, feel they have no place in politics and there is no job to keep them busy.

There must be new orientation. In politics, the youth should be considered for important positions such as assistants to the elders. While the elders are ministers, the youth could be junior ministers. This little example of being junior ministers can change the situation of things. Tell your presidents – in every department of government or politics, the youth should be junior assistants to the heads of such departments.

A good example – The chairman of the political party in your country could be an elder while a youth should be a junior chairman under him as the second in command. In all appointments in the departments of politics or administration, youth should be considered as second in command. By doing this, we are training them to take over tomorrow. This is because they are leaders tomorrow.

This is a message to the whole world. This is because revolution is a weapon of change that is coming. This is the vision I saw. Revolution is coming when people will take to the street because life has no value anymore to the people out there. Any nation that will start it now, will avert the coming revolution. Carry your youth along in your politics and administration especially in ruling your country. I have said it; none of these will go without being fulfilled.

Read about me and my track record; this is the voice of God. I realised that my messages right from the beginning of my ministry were never believed until they came to pass. I want you to believe this before it happens because it would be disastrous.

When we carry the youth along, whenever there is a revolt or situation, they will be available to readily speak to their colleagues and peace will be maintained. The youth want to see themselves represented in every area of life.

God bless your nation, God bless the whole world, peace be unto your nations. Those who cry peace to us, prophesy nothing but smooth things. Those who cry peace to you, victory be to you, all is well, unlimited favour, prophesy nothing but smooth things. As surely as God lives, I (T.B. Joshua) will tell you only what God says. If I am hated, persecuted and intimidated because of my accurate prophetic utterances – Blessed be to God who gives the prophecy!

As truth was older than terror so it will survive it, it got the start and it will get the race. The day will declare who is in the right and who is in the wrong, says the Lord. What God says is final. God has all men’s hearts in His hands and turns them as He pleases to serve His purpose contrary to their own first intentions.

Let’s pray that God should give our leaders and people in positions a hearing heart. If this is done, you will still see signs, you will still see protests but those protests will not turn into a revolution.”

SOURCE: TB Joshua Ministries On Facebook


    • Koma imwe bantu mumanisekesa! Ati get your own prophet. So far the Zambia Bureau of Standards hasnt approved a single locally made prophet.

    • He who has ears let him hear. Am a Nigerian, never did believe in him but after carefully followed his ministrations for weeks, i can only say one thing. This is a true man of God whose concern is on how to make life better for the living.

      Yes you might say it would only take a fool not to add one and two things happening around him to draw up the message he prophesied about but how many of you do have the courage to say it loud and clear like he did.

      All we know is to criticize one who had the audacity to pick up the mic and declare what is inevitable if our social and moral values do not change.

      You do not have to believe in him, he does not want your support. All he is asking for is that we do the right thing and preserve the future from becoming bloody.

      Listen and…

    • Yeah, I’ll save a seat for him on the fast-track hell-bound bus

  1. “I am seeing a revolution. I am seeing people take to the street. At the beginning of that protest, it might be stopped. Eventually, it will become so big that it cannot be stopped.” THIS IS AMBIGUOUS IT HAS NO DIRECTION, HE IS JUST SPECULATING ,WHERE WILL IT HAPPEN ?

    • Why can’t this ahole be clear what he talks about. It is more helpful to say the exact country and President other than this abtract nonsence. People will take to the streets anyway. It happens all the time.

  2. Where is this revolution. is it in Syria, Egypt, Brazil, Greece, Northern Ireland. All these countries are on fire. There is no mention of Zambia in the prophesy and why link the two. If indeed the revolution is coming, it will not spare anyone so GOD spare Zambia.

  3. This must be one of the ugliest gifts to have he! Seeing disaster, tragedies all the time, it must be daunting every time you get those pictures, i dont envy you, would have been better if you could help avoid these tragedies only delivering bad news more like an angel of death? i wouldnt be happy or proud to have it, i cant even boast if i were you or his followers!

  4. Cindy u really sound,like you do not ready the Bible. God help us with ignorant bloggers who lament anything that comes there empty tinned mind.

  5. Everytime I hear about this so called prophet ninshi something bad is really about to happen. Was this the case with those prophets in in the old testament or this is the new type of prophets we have now now who only see diabolic things? How nice it would be to hear that he has seen some good vision that there will be no war and killings by Boko Haram!

    • He did “prophesy” about Boko Haram…..the killings were supposed to have stopped a long time ago. He got it wrong. Deuteronomy 18:22

  6. he z a doon prophet to pipo who are used by the devil. Who z he not to be called all sorts of names if his master Jesus was rejected what more a servant

  7. sorry that some pipo don’t understand a prophecy. A prophet z to tell you what the devil z planning against the children of God. Listen to what he said. He gave the way out. Why don’t you try to do wat he said.

    • Many hearts are clouded with hurt that they no longer no the difference. It’s a shame to see just how many are on the broad road.

    • Ala kwena kwaba ababufi mwisond! Uyu wena ni number one. Apenene uko kwine BOKO ARAM wakantu. A sane Christian knows what a prophesy from Yahweh is. It will be centred on restoring people back to God. His prophesies do not help anyone know God and His Christ better. This is pure divination (See Acts 16:16-18). The only difference is that she was doing her business in the streets but he is doing it on TV and internet.

  8. If he tells you that he sees revolution in Zambia or any other country for that matter and it happens you will say he has incited the revolution and call him devilish anyway? So prophecy is prophesy. Take it or leave it and live the consequences of your decision either way.

  9. This is a word of wisdom. Whatever the spirit is behind these words, it is a good advise. Just go to Rwanda and you will see who are ministers and deputy ministers: it is the young guys. In fact it is the case for most for most of the countries that are doing well on the continent. Yes, revolutions will catch up with the witch hearted old fellows. Sata must humble himself and achemfyeko ifi tala no uki tukumya. Someone said he was a household name, but it seems he has housed himself in state house at the extent of his electorates.

    • Yah old chaps like Hadaniel Munkombwe shud step down for youths,the Chikwandas what the heck are they still doing,this is second degree plunder,give the youths the opportunity run the show.

  10. Prophets were used in the Old Testament days, as a means of communication between God and His people. They carried both the good and bad news to God’s people and communicated the will of God. But in our time we have the complete word of God in form of the BIBLE; I wonder what new important message a prophet would bring from God, than what JESUS has already accomplished on the Cross to procure our salvation. The bible says in the last days there will be a lot of people claiming to be prophets and the like; could this be the beginning of the said last days???????????? Isnt the bible sufficient?

    • Baaaam!
      Angoni you are so right, the left side of you is creeping away in shame.

    • You are 100% right and that understanding is heavenly. Mathew 24 states clear what should happen in the last days. It says they will perform miracles but do not be deceived.

    • We have the Bible at hand, its God’s mind revealed to man! Let us learn to think before we speak and not otherwise, judgement is not ours, that’s what Mathew 7:1 says. Yes the Bible warns about the coming of false prophets but that doesn’t make all of them false, the same Bible in Joel 2:28 talks about God pouring His spirit on all people, some will prophesy, others will see visions and dreams and so on. Have some good thought before you say anything about a matter and when you are discussing spirit related issues, don’t over depend on your personal views. God loves you all and you’re His marvellous hand work but please guard your tongue and don’t wish anyone to go to hell, pray for them if you think they’re wrong about something so that you could all come to the saving knowledge…

  11. I dont believe him bling halleluyah hell slew ya… Nice advise though…nothing prophetic about this, Its common sense.

  12. Is it a considence that those that criticise Tb Joshua are the same who unconstractively criticize the pf govt? @Cindy & Nubian, the way a prophet opperates is widely and clearly documented in the holy BIBLE. Stop displaying yo ignorance.Becareful !

  13. the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. prophet TB Joshua is a real man of God. lets do what he is saying. don’t contradict him . if I were you I would keep quiet .

    • What does he prophesy because Christ accomplished all the prophesy of the old time and he has told to be watchful until his own. He also said nation will rise against nation, child against father, wife against husband and this is what we are seeing. If the time is not shorten even the elect one will be deceived.

    • Pelsi please keep quiet oh dont coment on things u dnt unstnd!
      Lilian u r talkn sens, lets continue prayn God wil surely answer us. Amen.

  14. It shows narrow minded people can be. Joshua is from Nigeria and yet he has never prophesied or talk about their troubles killing each other the delta region damaging oil pipelines or gangs and terrorists killing innocent people. He is least person I can listen to. Zambia will face uprising

  15. Tuberculosis, stop making mundane predictions out of your arse.
    If you could get your head out of your arse long enough to draw breath, you’d find out that there exist such things as stock market analysts, political analysts etc, people TRAINED to predict trends.

    And take that bookie off speed dial.

  16. After Jesus had risen from the dead the other disciples told Thomas that they had seen the Lord alive. But Thomas doubted their words and said “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my hand into his side, I will not believe it.” (John. 20:25). You all behave like Thomas. This man has given correct prophecies months and years before they happen. Do you have evidences of him being a false prophet? If I was you I would keep quiet rather than saying something that will be used against me on the judgment day! I’m not defending this prophet, but let’s not say things for which we don’t have evidences. By the way, the youth revolution will start soon right here in Zambia and the PF government is preparing the ground for it to happen with its failing policies.

    • Bring judgement day already. What’s the holdup?

      I think Tuberculosis is a charlatan and a fool, the surprising thing for you, African fellow will be my preceding you in the line for heaven……if such a thing exists.

  17. Ladies and gentlemen. Those of u speaking ill of the prophet spare yourselves the wrath of God. The prophet has never insulted u, he doesn’t even know you. Spare yourself that burden and pray so that u give ur own correct prophecies and have a 15 thousand Church and a tv channel before u utter your blasphemers folly. U r shooting ur selves to eternal death better repent now.

    • Doesn’t scare me. I’ll use an alternative path to heaven/hell without tuberculosis’s help, thank you.

  18. This man is fUll of Gods love and you are full of hatrad,for hatred is of the devil and it can not speak good of love

    • You are looking for God’s love in the wrong places. No single person is the custodian of God’s love. You yourself have God’s love in you.

      Concentrate on your own relationship with your God, whomever you percieve him to be.

      God does not need a proxy.

  19. Koma imwe bantu mumanisekesa!Ati get your own prophet. So far the Zambia bureau of standards has not approved a single locally made prophet.

  20. Those who have ears let them hear what the servant of God says. Plez tb.joshua is a sent from our hevenly father moreover he is just his chosen vesal in the house of God plez belive him his prophecies are true and they will come to pass. He has given us the direction on how to prey.

  21. u all loved him wen he talked about zambia lifting the afcon, and it came to pass. what makes him a lier now u pf thugs. it is surely coming and i for one cant wait.

  22. let God alon be judge btn u and God. whatever y
    our faith tells u let it be gud enough to take u to heaven with or without tbjoshuas prophesy.

  23. Leave TB Joshua Alone, No matter how much u insult him he will remain a Man of God. Let those of us who understand what he preaches appreciate him. TB Joshua may the Almighty bless u and continue to strengthen u and your ministry in Jesus name. May the Almighty forgive those insulting the Man of God and deliver them from evil. Amen.

  24. Let God be judge who are we 2 tl whether TB Joshua is a real man of God or not? Let us leave him alone as for me I thank you TB Joshua u hv changed ma life. May the God Lord continue 2 bless u and ur family may He continue 2 use u. Thank you man of God

  25. this is not the fist time the man of GOD giving the prophec to all nations not only zambia may blesss tb joshua in jesus christ name ,revolution is coming yes .in there are( no jobs,high taxs,no money,no food.)

  26. Ignorance!ln Matthews 24 Jesus did not mean they wouldn’t be true prophets either.let those with ears ,hear. Thank u Jesus 4 u are still saying something. Thank u 4 the man of God Tb Joshua.

  27. Children of God let us not doubt the power of God, and if you havn’t tasted his goodness better you start praying to him. plz don’t insult prophet TB Joshua, he iz a man sent by God and he iz full of Gods lov. May God continue using him so that you Thomas one day will belive him. follow his preaching and you wil start giving testmonies. Ask for 4giveness from God 4 all the bad words you hav used against him its not too late. God bless you”””

  28. Instead of insulting.nagging/complaining and name calling.pliz do something tell God to provide answers to ur questions about Him,peace.what about your visions/predictions ?since you are of God.the kingdom being divided how can it stand? Love.respect and protect one another.persevere. And God be with you.even the pagans don’t do this.lastly pray that Zambian leaders dont harden their hearts.we need help out there .its hard.God bles you for readin this in Jesus mighty name .AMEN.

  29. I am here by advising pipo,the only truth is just read the bible and understand the word of GOD.MATHEW 24VS 24……………………………………………….

  30. Haaa, may God hav mercy on us what a shame to those insulting the man of God. Please man of God forgive us and dont listen to any on please we for your all that God speaks through you.MAY GOD BLESS YOU SO MACH

  31. Genesis 12:3
    God says…
    I bless those who bless you,and whoever curses you I will curse;
    God bless Prophet Tb Joshua

  32. wow……am short of words and my heart bleeds despondently as i read of how Christians have castigated such a benovelently mighty prophet……may in His wrath , God remember mercy….

  33. I thank the almighty God who has raised a powerful man of god papa prophet TB Joshua to save many souls on earth. Prophet TB Joshua is a true man of God. My testimony to all who doubt God’s power is that, I become sick to the point of death some three weeks ago. I got healed through touching the screen as the man of God prophet TB Joshua was praying through faith. I urge you all those against the man of God mind their tongue because they may end up getting a curse. Repent and follow God’s directions..

  34. Announcement, New Anointing water Has been Released for post….SCOAN Wrist Band, Stickers, T-Shirt,Calender, CD’s & DVD’s Of Prophet TB Joshua and The Mirror Book .. for your Breakthrough…apply Now…Get yours Today.And those who have registered online for visit and have not yet received their invitation letter(s) send us your details to our processing department email below.

    Contact email: [email protected]







    Once these details are received we would proceed with the needful.
    Remain blessed.

  35. my people are perishing just because of lack of knowledge. please man of God listen not to those who passing silly comments they are bound by the devil but just pray for them that God himself may forgive them.Amen

  36. pipo pipo,jesus was from jerusalem but saved the whole world,so y are u sayin this & that about zambia? and stop sayin bad things about Gods servant wat are u doin in Gods garden ?if God asked u & him today hw many souls did u sav today,hw many orphans did u help wth school feez & give them hope of a beter tomorrow &hw much did u contribute to pipo in the philipines to help?this great man of God has done it all,hw abt u so chec yurself before u say somthin bad abt a person.

  37. Madam Cindy, Pliz God loves you…The man does not boast he only speaks of what he hears from God and sees.
    I would love to advise you, you save a living God, therefore dont say anything about any man saying is of God because the bible tells us not to judge that we too may not be judged of the same measure…He who persecutes his servants persecute him(God)
    Pliz Dont drink to this cup otherwise late you shall realise you were fighting God.

  38. People pliz, lets have respect..What love are we showing? you have named him a false prophet…But what have you to show to us that you are true children of God? is insulting a solution? if you think TB Joshua is a prophet of Doom, in Mathew 10:7-8, why cant you use this power to deliver TB Joshua and free him? Carefully read mathew 10:40-42. Malachi 4:1-5, Make sure you understand verse 5.
    Also Revelation 11:3-11.
    Prophecy is real to those who hold to the tesimony of jesus, for prophecy is jesus’ testmony Revelation 19:10, Therefore people dont speak evil agaist the men of God but becarefull of them the bible tells it does not say insult the false prophet, for you dont knw who is real and fake and insults are of the devil, and also the bible says give to caeser what belons to him and…

  39. Prophet TB Joshua is real man of God be wise and just pray don’t allow demons in you to blaspheme. Be watchful and pray.

  40. Ohhh no!!!!!! God help!!!!! true is the bible to say people will reject the word of God .If you do not know, guys you can blasphemy God through insulting prophet tb joshua, if you are not sure about him why could you not keep quite. God to forgive you about your foolishness. Touch not the anointed one. Do not blasphemy the Holy spirit, because it is the holy spirit that performs miracles, signs and wonders.

  41. Be careful what you say against a men of God. If you have not read the Bible well enough please do so before you invite curse upon your life and your next generation.

  42. Don’t insuilt da man of God they only two options either u take it o leave it did da man of God mantions your name?this a true prophecy things are not ok with our country called zambia we are losing employments like no mans business been ruled by oldiest learders like finance minister shikwander.

  43. if you had eyes p, you would see. lots of prophetic message is understood by the wise. some people never hears anything till it’s too late. Open you eyes and ears, you children of the Lord, and you will know.


  45. Speak not against the man of God like that. If u have wisdom ask God what he is really saying cause God speaks. Don’t speak against him God curses those who speaks against his servants. Remember God does no thing without revealing his secrets his prophets. If you have not heard anything from God be slient and wait upon God for yourself. God bless Zambia!

    • Its more wiser to keep mute over things of GOD ALMIGHTY IN HEAVEN unlike exposing some arrogance to the things you do not understand. only the wise can listen, see and pray over such situation. All these tragic accidents and deadly diseases we see nowadays is because of such people who do not want to listen at first. All these demons some people carry shall manifest on the day of Pentecost by the blood of JESUS CHRIST. Lets support the works of the Lord through his anointed Preachers on earth today. i end here and wait for the Lord to touch our lives

  46. Our God is fighting for us! He said, his spirit is in us we must not fear any evil. Let us be strong and work and remain in Jesus Christ forever amen.

    • This is revelational sir. It is more peculiar than to hear songs of terror from Boko alarmist; o sorry, prophets charmists (of water, prophet’s portraits and now even wrist-bands). People are in desperate need of a Saviour and not charms.

  47. This is more revelation sir. It is peculiar than Boko alarmist; oh sorry, prophet charmists who direct people attention away from the Saviour to themselves and their charms such us water, personal portraits and now even wrist-bands. People are in desperate need of the Saviour than your charms.

  48. What the man of God prophesied about three years ago in 2013 this is what is happening here in Zambia now many people have been forgotten about this

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