Friday, March 7, 2025

Defector Richard Taima may still have MMD blood in him – Sata


 President Sata is being welcomed by Patriotic Front (PF) Solwezi east Constituency candidate Peter Ilunga at Solwezi airport
President Sata is being welcomed by Patriotic Front (PF) Solwezi
east Constituency candidate Peter Ilunga at Solwezi airport

President Michael Sata says he informed former MMD Solwezi East MP Richard Taima that he would not be taken back to stand in his constituency after resigning and joining the ruling Patriotic Front.

President Sata revealed yesterday that Taima had informed him that he was going to resign from MMD to join the ruling PF because the opposition party was like a woman that cannot produce.

However, President said he told Taima that he was not going to take him back because the former MP might still have MMD blood in him.

“Taima told me that he was resigning from MMD because this woman does not produce. And I told him that you can resign, but I cannot take you back because you could still have MMD blood in you,” Mr Sata said.

However, the head of state said Mr Taima was still a young man and there is going to be need to look after him.

Three political parties are contesting the Solwezi East by-election.PF has fielded Peter Ilunga, UNIP has Caphas Luwaile and UPND has Villie Lombanya.

President Michael Sata has said the ruling party will respect the decision by the people of Solwezi East constituency to elect a parliamentary candidate of their choice.

[pullquote]You will make your voter cards useless just like throwing them in water when you vote for the opposition candidate in this by-election[/pullquote] “It is your vote, do what you like with it on 25th July, we shall respect your vote,” he said.

However, the President has cautioned the electorates in Solwezi East against making a mistake of voting for an opposition MP because none of them can adequately represent them.

He said since the PF formed government he has never heard any of the 11 opposition MPs in North Western province complain about the lack of development in the area on behalf of their electorates.

He said for 50 years the people of Mapunga have been voting for leaders who when they go to Lusaka they forget about them which has made the area to lag behind in development.

“North Western province has 12 MPs, 11 are opposition while PF has only Stephen Masumba as MP. I live in Lusaka and from the time I became President I have never heard a single day the opposition MPs complain for you about development here,” President Sata said.

The Solwezi parliamentary seat fell vacant after Richard Taima resigned from MMD to join the ruling PF.

Speaking at the same occasion Home Affairs Deputy Minister Gabriel Namulambe who is also Campaign Manager for the PF candidate, said PF is a party that embraces all tribes and has an agenda to take development to all parts of the country.

Mr Namulambe asked the people of Mapunga to vote for PF candidate Peter Ilunga.

He informed President Sata that Mapunga area has no mobile phone service network, it is not connected to electricity and has a problem of the roads.

“Your excellence this area in Chief Mujimanzovu has no mobile service network, no electricity and it has a bad road network,” he said.

However, he told the residents of Mapunga, who turned up in numbers for the public meeting, to count themselves lucky to have President Sata visit their area.

Mr Namulambe said this is because the visit by the head of state provided an opportunity for him to appreciate the developmental needs that Mapunga residents have been longing to be addressed in long time.

He said President Sata was going to assist Mapunga resolve most of its developmental needs because as minister in the previous governments Mr Sata succeeded tremendously.

Mr Namulambe informed the people that government will soon start working on the 350 Km Solwezi-Mapunga-Kalulushi road under the Link-Zambia 8,000 project.

Lusaka province PF Chairman Geoffrey Chumbwe told the people of Mapunga that voting for the opposition Member of Parliament in Solwezi East in the July 25 by-election will be like throwing their voter cards into water.

“You will make your voter cards useless just like throwing them in water when you vote for the opposition candidate in this by-election,” Chumbwe said.


  1. Great expression of words by the president again

    I think he is right.
    He speaks what the people wants to hear, he should never have defected in the first place

    Another masterpiece by the president




    • “President Sata revealed yesterday that Taima had informed him that he was going to resign from MMD to join the ruling PF because the opposition party was like a woman that cannot produce.”

      AND THESE ARE OUR LEADERS…I know women in this life who have not produced children but have produced human advancement in directions that men can only dare to dream…

    • mushota i have noticed you have a problem, your perception of things is not balanced. i hope this one sidedness ends on the net.

    • Mps are not the ones who are suposed to develope the area its the local government.MPs are lawmakers-they are supposed to make the laws or policy of the land that is why they go to parliament. There are no investors,or banks in parliament.Its a lie that an Mp will develope the area But whats happening is if PF raises their numbers of MPS in parliament they will pass whatever laws they want and so far we have seen how they disobey laws with impunity.We will be back to a one party dictatorship worse than we are seeing now.

    • Solwezi – Chingola road must seriously be looked into! Insurance companies are paying heavily for accidents on this road whilst lives are equally being lost! Can someone just slap this embalmed man to wake up to reality?

  2. On another topic related to the topic at hand.

    Part of my PhD research is an explanation of the relationship of the fluctuations of exchange rates
    Anyone knows what causes this aside from Import and exports please


  3. The voters should ask Stephen Masumba and Namulambe what development PF HAS BROUGHT to their constituencies since they were voted on the PF ticket.

  4. I am using MTN simcard on my IPad. I could not access Zambian watchdog since morning, can someone help me pliz.

  5. Typical of the President show up to beg for vote and disappear
    Lying to them instead of being honest, development is not to
    Be used as a weapon to get votes, neither intimidate voters because
    You are in power.

  6. There is a need to have laws that will bar MPs from participating in by elections that are due to their resignation from one party to join another. This will stop a lot of them who are in politics for survival and service.

    I hope this will dissuade a lot of our MPs from jumping from one party to the ruling party.

  7. ‘Like a woman that cannot produce’…I am not sure this is a right statement or phrase to utter in public, especially by a high ranking government official. I am a man and I still feel sorry for those unfortunate women who want children but cannot produce. Not fair to add more insult…

    • If it was an opposition making that comment women groups would have been on him. I am male too but I feel that comment was sexist. Anyways, I live in the U.S were women are highly respected and that is primitive Zambia were such things go as normal.

    • You cry babies, its a figure of speech. Does it mean when you call someone stubborn like a donkey then u mean they really are donkeys. Please act as educated as you sound and stop reading things out of context. And it wasn’t Sata who said that, he was just quoting Taima. Godamit guys!

  8. Its a pity that the State President chooses to continuously lie with so much impunity to his citizens and that some people are gullible enough to choose to believe him.

    “Taima still smells MMD”. MMD members are citizens of the Republic and this stereotyping by their own Head of State is not only scandalous but cheap and unfortunate indeed..

    Being a PF member of Parliament isn’t a panacea to development, its a privilege of service to people in his including those that don’t belong to his Party.

    The President must show some seriously.

  9. It is sad to know that the President can be so insensitive to the plight of suffering from infertility. His liking of the MMD to an infertile woman is so demeaning to women. Can someone please help CLEAN that man’s mouth? Most infertile women did not choose to be like that but have a medical condition just like he did not choose to have prostate cancer.

    • if he had said ‘Like a man that cannot produce’… sure u would not have complained.stop making an issue out of a simple example.

  10. It is sad to know that the President can be so insensitive to the plight of women suffering from infertility. His likening of the MMD to an infertile woman is so demeaning to women. Most infertile women did not choose to be like that but have a medical condition just like he did not choose to have prostate cancer. Can someone please help CLEAN that man’s mouth before we hear more insults on women?

    • @banda, @chap is right. The fact that Taima said it to Sata does not give the latter the passport to repeat it. As far as we are concerned, it was Sata who said it because it is Sata, who brought the words to the public. This is simple logic. If someone insulted you parents would you go and repeat the insult to them, when giving them the reported speech? You obviously won’t because you will be sensitive to the gravity of the insult. It is all about morals and nothing to do with comprehension.

  11. And Namulambe blood is totally PF? Masumba? Mangani?? ulabeja mudaaaaala, wenye mudala uyu, uhuhu BUFI bwekabwekafye!!!!

  12. Is it only me wondering that Mr Sata only appears after several murders and accidents have happened in the country and makes no comments on them? Is it only a coincience? Olso, he is only heard when there is a swearing in ceremony and by-elections? Is this really the type of leadership Zambians deserve? Furthermore, what has the govt done about the complaints made by Solwezi central MP on several issues including the roads, Chief Justice, subsdies etc? Do people have to complain before their problems are addressed? What development has happened in Mumfumbwe since Masumba was voted in? What cheap slogans from the highest office!

  13. hey peter illunga wishing you all the best just breath in and out its called maping. it keeps you aware and strong dont for get we are there to support you ya just look at chingola – solwezi road its geting worse that is if you go into office wishing you luck once again cheers.

  14. I do not agree with statement that Taima could not be adopted because he still has MMD blood in him. What about MMD MP’s that are being/have been appointed as deputy ministers? What blood do they prophesy to have? PF blood or MMD blood? Certain statements do not add up. Chapwa!!!

  15. PF al the best & scoop tht seat.N/western wakeup thngs re changing go by the wind.UPND shud not waste yr eforts dont vote yr votes by throwing in water.If u want development – roads,Network & electricity vote PF candidate Peter Ilunga.

  16. ‘You will make your voters’ cards useless just like throwing them in water when you vote for the opposition candidate in this by-election.’ What is the president implying, is this not a threat that he will not take development there if they vote for the opposition?

    I live in Lusaka and from the time I became President I have never heard a single day the opposition MPs complain for you about development here,” President Sata said. Should he wait for someone to complain about what he is already aware of in order for him to act?

    The president should not forget that MPs were meant to be legislators and not developers. Development is the duty of the executive and not the legislation.

  17. Something to make crying opposition happy.Continue Mr President.We are all Zambians.we should feel the same.But only those chosen few will land in state house.if they also mess up.Forces of nature throws them out.

  18. Remember that Kaunda has an almost 100% Parliamentary majority but lost in a landslide- and it adds up well when you hear the President say ‘we are following the road-map of UNIP’…we are in for a show!

  19. These wolves cant trust each other, he knows what he’s talking about, i suggest initiation mr president, then you will really know if his blood has turned pure PF!

  20. ifintu ni !
    watchdog is just an attention seeker just like the political party that sponsors it . my dear,i’ve been on MTN sim and I access everything !
    I guess the tools you’re using is infested with viruses including the site and hopefully not hiv.

  21. Im a former pupil of Mapunga Primary School from 1974 to 1989. The roadnetwork is very bad. Dr. Ludwig Sondash was an MP most of the years under kaunda regime and part of MMD and no development has been seen.
    The kalulushi road was used to ferry copper from Kalengwa mine. But never saw any meaning development. In stead you have tarred roads where there has literally been nothing. I think the people of NW have been abused due to their Idol MPS. This time please work up.

    • My sister Kavuyi please understand that Mps are not the ones who are suposed to develope the area its the local government.MPs are lawmakers-they are supposed to make the laws or policy of the land that is why they go to parliament. There are no investors,or banks in parliament.Its a lie that an Mp will develope the area as you have observed since 1974. But whats happening is if PF raises their numbers of MPS in parliament they will pass whatever laws they want and so far we have seen how they disobey laws with impunity.It will be worse my sister if you vote for a PF Mps wunachitiyi? A PF a nakuhosha ho makudi.

    • Mmmmm!!! My friend it seems you overstayed at this primary school. From 1974-1989. What were you doing ponse apa? Kufeluka grade 7? Awe sure!!! I only stayed at my former primary school for 7 years only.

  22. Kapirimposhi residents have an experience. The road running through it had very bad portions and repairs started. Up to today those portions are gravel and very bumpy. Development was taken there. Watch out Solwezi East.

  23. The pipo of solwezi east will vote for UPND and thats the fact. we are tired of lies all the time from POVERT FOREVER. SATA only comes to solwezi when there is a bye election. can he tell us what development has he taken to Mufumbwe? anyway at the end of his useless speach he said vote for who ever you want, meaning he has no confidence in that boy Ilunga just like Masumba. so pipo of solwezi east let us turn in numbers and vote for LOMBANYA and UPND.

  24. My friends from solwezi east vote for someone you like don’t be cheated the way people of western province were cheated in 2011. Mongu central is being represented pf s Mubukwanu Nathaniel but nothing is happening.

  25. Looks like wrong timing by timer (Taima). Will require some blood transfusion to become acceptable to PF, that must be agony for him.

  26. I wonder what the area MP for ikelehgi will be telling us, the President has said it .
    they don’t represent us, but their on interests. shame on them. Can the by_election be created in ikelengi so that development can come.

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