Monday, September 16, 2024

Renard to quit?


Herve Renard on Wednesday hinted that he may leave his Chipolopolo top job next September.

Renard said some people in Zambia were undermining his work.

He told a media briefing in Lusaka that he will decide his future in September after Zambia’s must win 2014 FIFA World Cup qualifier against Ghana in that month.

“We have another big renderzvoud in September,” Renard said.

“And maybe after this game in September I will decide what I will do with my future in this country.I think some people in this country have targetted to destroy me because they have their own reasons,” he added.

Renard is in his second tenure as Chipolopolo coach following his re-appointment in late 2011, a year after leaving the job.

The Frenchman has aided Zambia to winning the 2012 African Cup, the 2012 Nelson Mandela Challenge Cup plus the 2013 COSAFA Senior Challenge Cup.


  1. It will be good riddance actually.I for one don`t want you around if Zambia fails to qualify for the world cup.

    • If anything, Renard deserves to serve as a physical trainer and not as a coach..zambia is a great football nation and we are destined for even greater things..i would really love to see Renard gone thna already creating excuses for not qualifying the team to brasil..This time around a local coach will be favourable like in the time of great chitalu…thnx

  2. HR relax the problem is that ur too petty and always pay attention
    To useless petty critics do your job and. All will be well please if anything
    Don’t blame your much desired departure to the invicible critics
    That we cant see.relax and stay calm before the storm also grown
    Up we don’t seek attention where it’s nor nessecery my heart
    You have won all through the years

    • I have waited for the day that this French division three coach will leave.

      He abandoned us in Angola and don’t understand why he was brought back. He as NOT added value to our football.

      Please leave NOW instead of waiting for September.

      What a relief to see you go

      Thanks………like Mushota will always end

    • Renard will be in Brazil as coach, maybe even win the world cup with Zambia or another country he take charge in September. The fact is Renard will be at the World Cup.

    • @ Chalilowa, ichisungu, i wonder which school you went to. Improve or ask someone to edit before you post your comment.

  3. A manager can ONLY make such utterances in Zambia where the gullible fans ARE CONDITIONED into believing that a foreign coach is doing them a favour by being in the job yet they are the ones that are paying his salary from their hard earned money via ministry of sports. Renard unlike the gullible Zambian fans knows deep down that he is out of his depth tactically, he has no answer for the Ghana game and can only hope for a draw…the statics speak for themselves.
    Renard please feel free to move on and close the door behind you….thank you very much for the good memories. Let us not plead for this man everyone is dispensable, take the incompetent corrupt empty suits at Football House with you. This may be a blessing in disguise.
    WAKE UP people!!

    • Jay my brother!
      I think you have it wrong here mate. The social contribution this man has made in Zambia is what we ourselves have failed to do. Tell me and other the last time a top ranking figure in Faz or any sporting discipline goes around the country to watch boys even in area as far as Mpulungu on bare grounds just trying to identify talent and even in shanty compounds. If thus was done in all sport disciplines it would create a wrath of youth engagement which the ministry of sport can take advantage of and change the country’s youth social status. I could go on and on but I stop. We will miss him.

    • Cat Power

      That’s his job as a National Coach AND it is in his job description he is paid to do EXACTLY THAT….the England manager and other national team managers do that as well….they are paid for that. Next you will be patting a police officer on the back for catching a thief for doing his job.

    • @2.2 Jay Jay ,you have never got individual bonus, not even a a nick-name for your productivity on your job so far. Why? Its because you are just a mere employee, and you can’t be fired.
      Renard is an extraordinary employee, he has achieved best social development in Zambia… he makes us happy in celebrations and discussing as we are doing right now. I can’t believe myself agreeing with @2.1CAT-POWER the mechanic, he put it better, than I can.

      CORRECTION those who do an EXCEPTIONAL job are called heroes and heroines. And you won’t find any present day footballers on that GB list being recognised for international football achievements on the football pitch because they have not won anything.

    • Jay Jay,

      Yes I will pat a police officer if he catches a thief every day on the back unlike our some Zambia police officers that drink and enjoy with thieves in private. I think that is why there is reward for outstanding performance in every faction of life.

  4. But the incompetent are bringing good results. If they are corrupt y don’t u report them to the relavant authorities? @jay jay ,even a dog sometimes does not burk the way u do. lnfact u are the gullible.

    • This ka Jay Jay chap and his hatred and jealous of Kalusha! Awe mwe. He clearly turns and tosses in his bed shouting Kalusha! In his nightmares. He wants the whole Zambia to hate Kalu the same way even when he can clearly see he will never get the majority on his jaundiced side

  5. surely us zambians we expect sum one to perform like a messiah,we have higher expectation of this man forgetting that we have selfish strikers,no matter how best we play when it comes to scoring its something else we lack team work its more lyk each man for him self at the goal,even if we brought mourinho it could the same,HR knows the players but wen he makes a selection ur there complaining y not this or that one,as a coach he knows who is capable n who is not.

    • If Zambia wins, Renard stays, if Zambia loose the Renard will go, there will be nothing else to do anyway.

  6. The only problem I have with Renard is
    that he fails to read the game. Let him improve
    in that area. For example, he coudn’t not read that
    Ngo’nga was tired. It had to take the player
    himself to signal that he coudn’t continue to play for
    him to make that change. Immediately after being substituted, the game
    changed. Also Technical bench what is your role of being there
    if you can’t advise. Common guys lets improve in the areas we are lacking
    for the common good of everyone.
    the common good of everyone.

    • Iwe chi color @ football lover: Renard spends big time with players than you and knows each individual player capabilities,why do you want to make a line up for him? stop watching Zambians football if you are pissed.No one will feel it because you are just barking.Fuseki…fuseki.Even if we win or lose in Kumasi its none of your bussiness.

  7. The truth is Reinar has upliftd footbal status in zambia evn in rural areas & localy.Look at teamB perfrmnce,yet previously it ws dificuty to evn to u identify local players.Als let hm tel us who is undrmining his job.We knw one citzen & renowned faz oficial tht faild zambia evn to the local fraternity.Despite personal achivment the guy has not at al inspired any player frm the doldrums.Now look at the resurfaced local playrs Renar has produced!Statisticaly he has achivd.Now the the othr felow is at at cross aganst Renar we in trouble.The guy uses his self ego on al decision makng.The best is to comeout in the open!

  8. Country men! Let me ask you one question. Which coach in the Zambian history of soccer has achieved more than what HR’s accomplishment?

    • None…….Zooona boyi.
      I wish i was a sangoma..those against Renard can go blind and stop watching football.

    • No other football coach has done for Zambia what Renard has done, lets face facts people. There are many other countries that would love to have him

  9. Mind games, right? If Zambia wins in Kumasi in September is he still going to quit? I think not. If Zambia loses then he will quit and he will tell us that he said so in July! Very funny indeed!!

    • Whatever he decides to do will be fine with me. I just have one thing to say to him, “Thank you so very much for what you have done with Zambian soccer.”

  10. He knows he is not beating Ghana and that failure to go to Brazil means he can’t continue, ofcourse

  11. I can not resist the temptation to register my comment on Renard. Zambians best remember him for the glory in 2012. It think the glory which we enjoyed in 2012 in Gabon was a fluke. Can anyone out there give me the WIN PERCENTAGE of Herve Renard as chipolopolo coach during the two terms of office? I will give you the reason why psychologically, is preparing his exit door because after the September game, every Zambian would want to have a piece of him straight after the match, and i am claiming for his head!

    • Spot On….we won AFCON 2012 because we were underdogs and no one took us seriously as we LAMENTABLY FAILED to replete the same performance at AFCON 2013….IMAGINE the 2012 champions going home without recording a single win in the group stages. It was an awful performance and I blame not only Renard but the GREAT KING and his empty suits in Football house who didn’t take preparatory friendlies in the year 2012 seriously.

  12. Am actually too happy to hear that, HR is an average coach who wants to be worshiped! The chap hates criticism as if there is a coach in this world who is never criticized. Zambians there is owez Zambia and I think no individual is greater than a team. Let him go coz he knows the whipping awaiting Zambia in Kumasi… Look at him, he hates Sate Sate, Clifford, even Singuluma and Kola! So wat he has done for Zambia we say thank you Herve but ur not the best! You should have watched the 1994 runners up team…

  13. The worst coach Zed has ever hired. Useless petty boy. Zed had a chance to go to Brazil: free points from Sudan, good crop of players, good infrastructure, reasonable financial support, moral support, name it. But no, the P.E. trainer from France couldn’t win a single away qualifier, draws with Sudan and expects to win in Kumasi. Keep dreaming *****, you brought this upon yourself. I wish you could leave today and maybe we could have a 1% chance in Kumasi.

  14. Unsettling the Team before a big game against Ghana. Bad move gaffa, what kind of tactics is this? has he sold the game already? HR needs PR schooling or maybe his just French.

  15. He was given a target: qualify us to Brazil or pack. He knows he won’t beat Ghana in Ghana and so he is already looking for a scapegoat. We will still fire you even if you resign first. Just work hard to qualify us

    • This is the psyche of a muzungu, he wants you to plead for him like you plead for those foreign investors when they announce that they will be getting rid of 2000 workers and in the end don’t do nothing as you have given him concessions of subsidised electricity and fuel. Zambians need to wake up and relies that everyone is dispensable including their GREAT Kalu and his corrupt empty suits at Football House.

  16. Please Renard leave and never come back as coach.
    Some of us who are realistic know that the Italian man prepared the team to win the africa cup of nations. Your failure to prepare the team to win the cup again this year vindicated us. Allow me to repeat one bloger’s comment “GO and Close the Door Behind You!” Thank you

  17. We must be careful as chipolopolo, the coach seems to see defeat already in Ghana,so the best the players can do is not to rely much on the coaches instructions, hammer The black stars score first to frustrate them, those chaps easily loose temper when they are loosing hence commit alot of errors

  18. HR knows that he is not ‘sexy’ enough to go to Brazil hence his mind game. He wants to give an excuse that he already had made plans to leave. He is not a hero for anyone to worship. Let him go; football will still exist in Zambia. Besides, he gets a monthly hefty salary which can he pay my mother her retirement package. My mother has worked for more than 30 years in her job but she only received K285,000 rebased. Herve Renard, goodbye. By the way, is this chap married? I need to know please, kuti capusa mpunga mwe.

  19. Whatever what critics of HR will say, the fact is he won the AFCON, Nelson Madela cup and now the COSAFA cup and all in a space of one and half years! For me, whether it is a local or foreign coach, as long as he is able to deliver, then that is fine. HR may have left us in Angola, but he is here and has delivered. Thumbs up, HR!

    • I don’t understand you. Maybe you are e recent generation. There is no contribution from HR to the team. Haven’t you seen how they are struggling? Zambai has good talent to play the way they do. You can clearly see that there is no Coach influence from the way the team is playing now!!

    • Of the 14 members of the COSAFA we are the only team that is highly ranked on the FIFA table, as for Mandela Cup that’s RSA again…let’s be serious in our contributions.
      Wake up!!

  20. How can some people honestly compare Bonetti to Renard saying it was the former that prepared the team for the Afcon 2012 triumph? Bonetti never spent anytime in Zambia and was always in Europe claiming to be monitoring the foreign based players. He was an absentee landlord and, in fact, it was George Lwandamina who prepared the team because he spent more time with them than Bonetti. Renard is a hard worker, passionate about his job and he has managed to instil tactical discipline in the Zambian team. He has manged to get our team working as a unit and that’s how we manged to lift Afcon 2012. Most importantly, he watches the local league and is good at infusing new talent into the team unlike Bonetti who hadn’t a clue about local football. Respect to Renard!

  21. Agree with Cat Power. Rebate is Good for Zambian football. All these folk posting negative comments about Renard are not being truthful to themselves. That evening when Renard & The Boys lifted Afcon, & made Zambia proud, Non of U were posting ur Negativity. Isn’t this known as MUSELELA KWA KABA???

  22. jay jay, i only agree with you on the point of sending packing those useless suits at football house. On HR, you are dead wrong, would rather be with this man who has jelled into our way of life so nicely. On tactics, he can still improve at least we playing better football.
    Jayjay! Are u not the one that supports tacticless epl to bone? How come u a questioning HR when he is 2million% far much better than those epl coaches. Epl cant produce an englishman to take charge of any of the top 6 teams. They were importing foreign coaches for england national team.

    • Who said anything about EPL…leave it out of this…lack of tactics is drawing about 8 games in a row and going to a Final as champions and not recording a single win.
      Wake up!!

  23. the biggest problem i have observed with as zambians is that,we forget easily.we are saying football has improved under HR,where? and how?before the comming of HR we had a very good under20 and under23.HR went round the country recruiting players to my supprise out of 160 players recruited non of them is appearing in the team.Kigani mumba commented on the recruitment execise,by saying (these *****s only went to recruit drunkeds and farmers frm the villages as footballers)immediately he was suspended for 3 months of which he was short im saying let HR go i will not miss him.we will give MASOUTSO the job.

    • Why are you commenting on football matters when you are obviously not a soccer supporter. Which Zambian fan doesn’t know George “Chicken” Lwandamina? He’s the guy who took the u20 national to the world cup in 2007 and they even reached the quarter finals beating a uruguay side featuring the likes of Cavani and Louis Suarez.

  24. jayjay, i suspect u a want zambia to employ a loser guy so that it reflects badly on grz. Surely jayjay; zambia cannot be compared to england in terms of skill, tactic and champaign football. England has the infrastracture,money thats all. target for any england coach is quarter finals. Jayjay! you are the primitive zambians who think epl and ACCA are mythical.


  26. Thats a sad news to hear. The problem we have as Zambians is the issue of bringing one another down. Herve Renard has achieved a lot for this country and no other coach be it local or foreign has brought glory to our country as far as soccer is concerned. I personally wanted him to replace Dario Bonetti and it happened.

    • If HR was a local black Zambian coach on that selfsame salary and he came back from AFCON 2013 WITHOUT recording a single win would he still be in the job today??

    • Modern football is about results not what you achieved 3 years ago….we have to change our mindsets and should be goal and result oriented…. anywhere else HR would have been KICKED out of the job in February. Let him goal to Europe where everyone is a critic he won’t last 3 days in France. Our gullible fans need to WAKE UP from their docility.

  27. Indeed , Renard has achieved a lot and broght joy to Zambia but failing to qualify to BRAZIL given the position we were in, is an big minus and might be a pointer to failed tactics. Thanks for the achievements but it may be time to say bye even before Kumasi. Zambia might just sail through in Ghana with a new guy on the helm.

  28. U shud appreciate wat HR az done in Zambia football.Tel me,wich Zambian coach who did a gud job like HR. HR managed to brin africa cup in our country.afikala muletasha!Fusekeni!

  29. You Guys need to wake up! I will keep this short. Hire Sir Alex Ferguson, Pep Guardiola, Jose Mourinho to manage Chipolopolo. Without Deadly Finishers upfront, which is Zambia’s current weakness, ma Draw will continue, Chapwa!!

  30. U Zambians amaze me.before HR we just escorted other teams to the Africa cup.zed came back earlier most of the time.Now after losing on penalties to Nigeria in Angola, now Zambia beats anybody whether on penalties or free kicks And defending tactics are okay.The guys are now disciplined.don’t b jealous of what hr earns.I don’t like how he over-looks certain players like cliff but I think that decision is imposed on him by kalu .He’s better than most coaches we’ve had. Atleast we’re now very difficult to beat on the continent.

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