Friday, March 7, 2025

Sata disappointed with performance of some government officials


Republican President Michael Sata has said that he has on several occasions been disappointed by the performance of some government officials.

Speaking during the Swearing in ceremony of Pascal Chanda Kasolo as Luapula province Permanent Secretary at State House this morning, Mr. Sata said that he does not expect the new Luapula province Permanent Secretary to be among those that have disappointed him.

President Sata said that he expected the new PS to work hard and speed up pending developmental programs in Luapula.

He has encouraged Mr. Kasolo not to spend too much time in his office doing nothing but dedicate most of his time to community service.

The Head of State has since urged Mr. Kasolo to work closely with the local people so that he can understands what they are lacking and see how best he can improve their living standards.

And speaking shortly after being sworn-in, Mr. Kasolo told Journalists that he will try to revamp the agriculture, tourism and fishing sectors in the province.

Mr. Kasolo noted that there is abundant land and natural resources in the province which if properly put to good use can improve the living standards of the local people.

He said that there was a possibility of revamping the agriculture, tourism and fishing sectors by way of encouraging and promoting projects initiated by the communities.

Mr Kasolo has also pledged to engage traditional leaders and other stakeholders and see how they can work together and bring sanity to the province.


    • That is how failed governance language appeals to common man. All government officials seem to disappoint Sata. Not long ago Sata is on record that he was disappointed his ministers are not developing Zambia. Analysing all his statements of disappointments from his govt officials, common Zambians may mistake him as a hard working president. Intellectually, its failed leadership.

    • Twafwa nama swearing in ceremonies,,, when will the end?? every week swearing in ceremony sure!!!!… the president must be very good at swearing in…..

    • Zondwa doesn’t know his Job description. He wants to pass time day in day out by pretending to do something.

      Can we see you work Zondwa??

  1. Its such a sham of a government that even after 18months in power, its has no direction of and still making appointments which should have been wrapped up with 2/3months of being in power. Zambia will be reclaimed back to its rightful owners..The Zambian people.

    • Tell me of a president anywhere in the world who appointed his cabinet within the first 2-3 months of being in power and stayed on with the same setup till the end of his tenure (nobody in his cabinet got sick, died, misconducted him/herself and got fired or anything of that sort)?

    • You sound like you need some insight into how a government is formed. Before a government is formed, the party itself has to have a structure that mirrors the government of the day, that structure is called a shadow government, albeit its does not have to have the same people once its voted in. So by the time this inept govt was coming in its should have had that in place to avoid whats happening at the moment. Do not confuse a reshuffle with creation of a new govt and the executive (Cabinet). If you need examples you need not go far, Malawi, Kenya are examples where it took less than a month to organize the executive and its functions. Do not confuse, Forming a government, making a Reshuffle or Recalling (getting sacked)

    • well said lombe…. but you are talking to someone who only understands a shadow as mutuzi under a mango tree ,, then nothing beyond that

    • ndobo, your sarcasm belongs to the late stone-age. Lombe puts across a number of sensible sentiments which trigger good debate unlike empty tins like you who think they know it all and yet you can’t even see beyond your own nose. People like ndobo are the reason for civil wars in an era where dialogue is the best remedy to all pressing issues.
      Lombe, do you know the history behind this particular appointment?

    • Exactly, ukwa wants to cheat us as if he supervise and notices poor performers. A Grade 4 drop out ukwa how can he know that technocrats are not working?

  2. U must be fo ols indeed .Wen he goes 2 de site of some projects u say he is intimidating officials ,he instructs oders it is something else. Are u human beings ?U must be demons. Pf and H E never mind these devil incarnates. Well said Mr President.

  3. Playing to the gallery as usual…Empty talk. How many times has he said this? How can the PS work when the government has no direction? The PS is supposed to implement the plan; but does the PF government have a plan for this country?

    • Spot on, this is an inept Govt, even its own executive employees such as these PSs don’t know whether they will be in a job the next morning. How can they think about the nations need if their is no stability coming from the top. This President goes around and mockingly tells the people of Zambia to continue voting for him in his induced by-elections in order to control the house, eventually control the people of Zambia…. Zambia will be reclaimed and placed in rightful hands…

  4. He will find heaps of files in the office. He will also be kept busy attending to traditional issues/chiefs affairs, all asking for fuel, a vehicle to help with this and that, immigration, treat PF cadres well and be generous with tax payers hard earned resources and many other issues which do not add value to actual development. To expect the office of PS to bring development is a tall order. Just create a conducive environment for farmers, fishermen, traders to improve productivity. When these are done the PS will be invited to officiate and be seen to be hardworking.

    • This is an inept Govt, even its own executive employees such as these PSs don’t know whether they will be in a job the next morning. How can they think about the nations need if their future is forever uncertain and there is no stability coming from the top. This President sends his Vice President around the country and mockingly tells the people of Zambia to continue voting for him in his induced by-elections in order to control the house, eventually control the people of Zambia, our future generations are at risk with this Govt…. Zambia will be reclaimed and placed in rightful hands…

  5. Likewise Mr. Sata….we have been disappointed with you NOT on several occasions BUT on almost all occasions. Where have you seen a president looks forward to swear-in ceremonies so as he makes announcements every fortnightly there is a ceremony. You are disappointed with those officials as you are appointing useless cadres in those positions instead of seasoned civil servants.

  6. No concrete policy direction in all spheres of the economy 2 years after.

    Seems Zondwa loved being in the opposition but was not ready to rule. He’s crueless

  7. disappointed by Sata’s standard , we need a national instrument for accessing en measure departmental, institutional as well as office bearer’s performance and a team of expert to conduct these assessments.

  8. Who is the GREAT disappointment here? Last week he had a swear-in ceremony for a mere PS of Statehouse, this week has has ANOTHER ceremony for the Luapula province Permanent Secretary.
    He uses these occasions to issue threats and bully tactics to get his message across….if you are a big boss why not call for a press conference at State house and stop cowering behind these utterly pathetic swear-in ceremonies. Surely what type of leader is this who CAN NOT face his own people live unless if its a by election rally? This is 2013 not 1985 if you want people to work for you effectively you have to inspire and delegate to them.

  9. Personally I still think P.F, is not beyond redemption as long as President clamps down on 1. Corruption within ruling Party, & 2. Violence within ranks of P.F, which is quickly damaging. P.F’s reputation. You can NEVER Panel Beat citizens into loving your Party, but win them over with Development -which corruption destroys. So even if first term seems difficult to achieve Election promises, keeping on Top of Graft will eventually through Developing Zambia, lead to voters turning to You in droves. But Panel Beating, Fracturing Oppsition Party supporters arms & Corruption will even lose you the moderates like me who look for Development Not Tribal garbage. Hitler brutalised but never won over. Obama done badly 1st Term didn’t Brutalize, & got his 2nd Term. Food 4 thought

  10. This is a presidential Speech? “PS must not spend time in his office, but be in community service”? Is this the job is a PS? hahaha… PS is not a social worker or Project Coordinator Mr. President. Have you taken time to read their job description? They are not supposed to be party cadres. Clearly there is little hope for Zambia! I am so sad

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