Friday, March 14, 2025

Maxwell Mwale ditches MMD for UPND


Former Movement for Multi-Party Democracy (MMD) Malambo Member of Parliament Maxwell Mwale
Former Movement for Multi-Party Democracy (MMD) Malambo Member of Parliament Maxwell Mwale

Former Movement for Multi-Party Democracy (MMD) Malambo Member of Parliament Maxwell Mwale, has defected to the opposition United Party for National Development (UPND).

Announcing his defection to the UPND at a media briefing today, Mr Mwale who is also former Mines Minister said he has joined UPND because he has seen that there is potential for the UPND to form government in 2016.

He adds that the ruling Patriotic Front (PF) must accept that a lot of things have gone wrong within the twenty two months (22) they have been in power which UPND is ready to rectify.

Mr. Mwale says he is ready to re-contest the Malambo seat if adopted by the UPND in the forthcoming by-election and continue where he left from in the development of the constituency.

He adds that time has come to put to an end all the speculations surrounding his political future by joining the UPND.

And welcoming Mr Mwale to the UPND, party Vice President Dr. Canisius Banda said the electorates are tired of the PF, and that it is time for the UPND to come into power and amend the mistakes of the PF.

Dr. Banda says this is evidenced by the just ended 25th July by-elections where the PF only managed to scoop one seat of the four that were contested.

He also notes that the PF is not committed to fight corruption as evidenced by government’s move to introduce a law that will protect traditional leaders from being taken to court by their subjects.

Dr. Banda says there is no one who is above the law, and that introducing such a law is promoting lawlessness amongst traditional leaders.

Among the people who have joined the UPND include, former National Union of Communication Workers (NUCW) president Patrick Kaonga, and former National Restoration Party (NAREP) National Youth Chairman, David Chikwanda.

Former Movement for Multi-Party Democracy (MMD) Malambo Member of Parliament Maxwell Mwale
Former Movement for Multi-Party Democracy (MMD) Malambo Member of Parliament Maxwell Mwale


    • #1 muzazamusangu

      I agree with you that this prostitute in the name of Maxwell Mwale is just changing parties for the sake of his survival and not change.

      He is joining UPND because it form the next government not because he wants to serve the interest of us Zambians.

      This why Zambians do not like PF it is because it accepted political prostitutes like Gabriel Namulambe of Mpongwe. Like Mwale, Namulambe is a THIEF and a political prostitute.

      UPND, party Vice President Dr. Canisius Banda need to be careful the political leaders they are accepting.

      Zambians have learnt from PF experience.

      Just like Namulambe & Masumba, Mwale is a criminal who needs to be prosecuted for his evil deeds.

      May be Siliya is the only one who is being persecuted by this PF govt.

    • Clever Maxwell Mwale-by joining Up and Down (others cal it United Party for National Disaster!), he thinks he will GET AWAY FROM THE STOLEN BICYCLES HE WAS USING FOR HIS PARTY’S CAMPAIGNS!!!! He will just be crying that by prosecuting him, the PF wants to bring ‘one party state’. Indeed Zambian politics is primitive..

    • I do not have time for political prostitutes but will forgive Mwale for opting for an opposition party and not the PF. Membership to a Polical party should be on idiology and not popularity. In the UK they have small parties such as the Green Party whose chances of forming Govt anytime soon are nil but its members are in it for what they party stands for (a greener environment and future) and not popularity. This is why we get the same recycled people running the affairs of the nation. The other wish/hope is that if we can get rid of this Chitenge regalia we can start making politics more respectable and smarter. Absolutely no need for this primitive display

  1. I think we should put measures to stop jumping of roten groundnuts from one party to another, what good does it do? They are nothing but greedy same politicians eyeing for gold elsewhere, embarrassing really, the fact that he wants it the easy way makes him a traitor, why not stay and help his party come out of the mud than jump on dry land to UNPD, when UPND find itself in the mud he will jump again, upnd shouldnt even think there are getting popular or doing something good when they accept a traitor, they should be dissappointed, what does this imply? The dude is just looking for greener pasture which is ok under normal circumstances, but in this case not acceptable considering the anatormy of Zambian politics!

    • @cindy
      iwe chocolate cindy..where were you? i terribly missed you… i `saw` you talking to mfumu and felt jealous…

    • @Ndobo: No need for that, Cindy is a tribal cousin. Need I say more? And Cindy comes across as well balanced although we some times see things from a different perspective but respect our views, the was a debate ought to be. As for Maxwell’s crossing over, this ought to be treated delicately and strategically. UPND and PF are both trying to penetrate the East. While UPND has a cleaner image and sound policies, the Party shouldn’t taken every Jim or Jack from MMD whose got political luggage. Time will tell

    • @mfumu
      i see,, just thought mfumu mpezeni was about to block my advances,, you know? glad to know that you are not mpezeni.hahahahaha

    • Hi Ndobo, you are so hilarious, you mean to say Mpezeni is your competition? Niyceee …….., or you trying to say he is my type? Otherwise had to reculpate, try it is important. So whats up with the chocolate remark? it’s racist word in the part of world i live in, same as calling me colored, or refering to an african american Nigga, or Nikker, how come you so cool with it?
      @ Mfumu, i think there is need for educating our youths if things need to be changed in a civilised way, imagine equipping the masses on the dangers of tribalism, one party start and many more pressing issues that arise due to ignorance, i suggest political workshops would be ideal, unfortunately with deep rooted poverty embeded in this life it would be seen as a waste of time and resources

    • @Cindy; I am in sync with you. First and foremost I detest tribalism. I have put it down even when it manifests itself among my friends. We have lost contributions in Zambia from many a great women and men because they are perceived to come from a small tribe and no one listens to them. It would take eternity for them to sell themselves to the four corners of the Zambia. Like you said, the Zambian political landscape is lopsided because of the high illiteracy levels. Visiting the rural areas and having a chat with our brothers there shows what lack of understanding they have regarding their civic duties and the power they have in demanding responsiveness from their leaders. How many know how the CDF is spent? There is a need for political workshops indeed. Do keep those embers glowing…

    • So true Mfumu, i wish someone could start up an NGO specifically to empower our people with all these ideas we are suggesting, i mean we should start from somewhere, maybe this is what they mean when they say we should maybe go back home and help develope our countries….., imagine if you , me and many more other bloggers with positive altitudes, resoruces etc, managed to build something of this sort, we would help develop Zambia in that area there by securing a much better future and equal opportunities than we have had.

  2. So these chaps want to be MPs not to serve the electorate but to be part of the ruling Government. Pathetic!

  3. So the reason he jumped ship is because he sees potential in the UPND to form government in 2016!!!! Seriously? So it has nothing to do with policy/manifesto…..just the opportunity to serve in a cabinet position should UPND win the election. Politics of the belly….planning ahead…..gambler’s mentality.

  4. UPND is growing Big 100%, they have beta policies than any other party in Zambia and they are attracting lots of people*

  5. Nevrs Mumba ve u seen loose aliances with UNDP where has it led u?So Lusambo’s stance on undp ws corect?And he’s suspend coz of u!U cant defend him the yungman is left in the cold alone.Whts yr position?Yr bed felow politcal ally u want to or afilited with is poachng yr breed.Wht has has hapend to Mwale?He has crosed & re watchng helplesly.HH is there to swalow u & mmd frm yr head to yr toes.Alas Sata ws awake very politcaly envisined & brushd him aside.Where ws mumba?To b manupulated so easily in the name of adulterated loose aliance fr hs politcal expedient!Who knws its him next & jump ovr to undp fr a job.Then mmd wud b sucrificed aloof.Why?Mumba & his failure of leadrship.

  6. So the chap now faces arest.Let hm first b adoptd by undp & enforce arest thereaftr.Police must b alert & work acordingly.Baikata ba mwale jst wait thts next step.Gud fr encourgmt frm mwale.

  7. I hope UPND is not being made a dumping ground for recycled politicians especially the suspects of stolen 11 bicycles in the name of attractive party.This may do more harm than good,especially can create a perception that UPND is so desperate and can accept anything and any one, the likes of William Banda,and give him ‘special duties’.

  8. UPND will soon be oversubscribed. They will definitely move like flies to a fresh heap of cowdung. I can see those in PF also eyeing UPND. All the insults and violence which was directed towards the under 5 calculator boy will be targeted at PF should it show signs of decline. However, Mr Mwale is a good man and would have been an asset 4 UPND but for the excesses of MMD during the 2011 campaigns which landed him in problems with the law, though what about other defectors like Taima, Hon Namulambe who also have similar cases.

  9. The defection of maxwell Mwale to undp and his acceptance by upnd leadership is a bad precedent that upnd is no better than mmd or pf. How do you accept a person being persued as a thief to enter your house? This maxwell mwale has a very bad reputation as former minister of mines. So this is the reason why corruption in Zambia has now cemented its roots. It started with the first mmd government and it is being recyled in different parties. Is it not one of the rasons why Zambians shouldn’t vote for any of the three parties , upnd, pf, and mmd in 2016. Am sure Mazoka is turning in his grave to see his party joining the bandwagon of sate looters

  10. Who thought UPND was a good party? All are the same. MMD, PF and UPND are stinking useless parties which are there to serve their own egos. Just think of it ..william Banda who beat the hell out of UPND being the special advisor to HH? Really they are all useless parties.

    Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia.

  11. Lest we forget, politics is a game of numbers. Mwale’s case in court not withstanding, he is still innocent till proved to the contrary. He has joined the right party. The UPND has wind in its sails. Wait till Dora Siliya decides to quit MMD and crosses over to UPND. Then most of Eastern Province will be for UPND.

    PF be afraid, very afraid.

  12. Thieves scamper to other parties for cleansing their criminal activities. We will get you back to courts after the next elections. All the parties must worry of these rapacious hyenas scavenging in all the parties.
    Where is the morality of Mwale to be trusted by Zambians?

  13. The earlier you realise that upnd is growing the better,dont wait for the day when you will run out of UPND.

  14. UPND please find something better. Not ba Mwale. Is it quantity or quality. The list has started increasing, first Willian Banda and to make matters worse made special advisor to HH. But pa Zambia??? and now Mwale. UPND do not be desperate just undo PF. You will end up making silly mistakes and be swallowed by your mistakes. I wish you the best or is it the worst.

  15. This is a signal to all the youths in Zambia.Some people call UPND as a young and vibrant party.But what is prevailing now is far from that.MMD is being shared by the ruling party as well as the opposition.This means that UPND has become a UPND/MMD political party and the PF has changed to PF/MMD political party.There is nothing new for either PF or UPND.We have seen what is happening in the PF where MPs are joining the ruling party for bread and butter.And the UPND just because it can afford to give bread and butter to some weak opposition(MMD) members,it is poaching the MMD members as well.The biggest worry is the UPND,if it is able to share in the dirty politics while in opposition,what will it become when it forms gorvernment?More dirty games and more byelections than those we see now.

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