Sunday, September 8, 2024

Political parties ready for the upcoming 4 parliamentary bye elections


FIVE political parties in the country have shown willingness to field in candidates for parliamentary by-elections slated for September 5th this year in Western and Eastern Provinces respectively.

The political parties vying in the four parliamentary by-elections in Mulobezi in Western, Petauke, Malambo and Mkaika Constituencies in Eastern are expected to adopt their candidates before the August 9th which had been set aside by Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) as a nomination day in all the four vacant parliamentary seats.

National Restoration Party (NAREP) has already picked Abel Phiri to contest Petauke Central in Petauke District, Nigel Mpaketeni for Mkaika in Katete District and Michelle Manda to contest Malambo seat in Mambwe District with yet to adopt a candidate or to forego Mulobezi seat.

The ruling Patriotic Front (PF) concluded conducting interviews in Eastern Province for people want to be adopted to feature in three parliamentary by-elections in the province.

UPND Secretary General Winstone Chibwe, MMD Deputy National Secretary Chembe Nyangu and UNIP Eastern Province Chairperson Donald Sakala confirmed in a separate interviews about the ongoing process of adoption yesterday.

Mr Chibwe said the UPND would conclude the process of adoptions before the nomination day.

“Yes we are fielding in candidates in all the four parliamentary seats and right up now we are in the process of winding up the whole process,” he said.
Mr Nyangu said the party was ready to feature candidates in all the four parliamentary seats.

He said the former ruling would be able to announce the successful candidates as long as the process was concluded.


  1. Do politicians have anything meaningful to do? These bye elections are not taking this country’s simply pathetic way of wasting time and money. Get down to work people, we are wasting precious time on these unproductive elections. Please!

    • @Teza,
      You are spot on, all well-meaning Zambians are very concerned about these endless bye elections which have become the main preoccupation of the non performing PF GRZ. The best the people can do is to vote for the opposition in large numbers to dislodge the PF.

  2. I hope its a repeat of the last 4 by elections.PF needs to be taught a lesson so they can get back to serious work instead of endless electioneering.

    • Westerners need to vote opposition too othherwise they will be the new embarrasment
      Only way to stop by elections is when PF starts loosing.

  3. I wish the country’s governance system depended on technocrats, and not politicians. Politicians are inherently selfish, and the fact that well meaning citizens shun politics makes it even worse.

    It is estimated that around K10 million (new kwacha) is spent on a single bye election. The four bye elections will gobble in the region of K40 million +. This is money that can easily build several primary schools, bridges and roads. (Chembe bridge across the Luapula river was build at a cost of K42 million Kwacha) during LPM reign.

    All of a sudden, the Vice President will work up from slumber and be all over the place preaching the old song, “if you don’t vote for pf, there will be no development in your area”. Yet areas under pf look like faruja, a typical war zone.
    Cry my beloved…

  4. UPND should not field any candidates in eastern province as this will divide the opposition votes.They should concentrate on Mulobezi their strong hold. During the last bye-elections, MMD scooped Chipata because UPND did not field a candidate and in the same vein UPND won both Kafulafuta and Solwezi east simply because MMD did not field candidates.

  5. LT, We know that English is not our first language but at least you should know the correct use of the word respectively.

  6. Democracy is expensive. In a Dictatoship regime you do not need all those elections. So if you choose democracy remember the costs also. We are a democratic state and we enjoy it that way. So do not complain about the election costs. Democracy is about exercising your fundamental rights which is not possible under dictatorship.

  7. but why has she been openning her legs to me?
    she knows am married and she keeps on giving me money and sex .
    if she thinks I can leave my wife for her,then she is gravely mistaken .
    yesterday she demanded to suck my john,oh no I refused ! always condomd !
    what can I do she gives it to me knowing very well am married . she’s never been in my house .she doesn’t call me when am home coz she knows very well that that day my wife knew about her,that was the end of condomd dick !
    my appeal to you my lady,is to increase the money you give me to atleast k2000 or else no condomd dick.
    dont complain about me not eating your cookies coz I know as an african man,you can feed me with juju to turn against my wife .if there are women who use men,then I ‘ll use you too.

  8. Are elections a bussiness in Zambia? everyday it’s elections, check these pimps properly, there maybe a leak somewhere, how come it’s booming season for elections?

    • Our visionless briefcase parties are just vehicles unto parliament and we practice politics of the belly where ideology means nothing.Thats why we have endless defections.

  9. The law is weak in zambia and judiciary is a joke and not automous, hence the by elections . Not that democracy is expensive, think hard again!!

  10. The MMD and UPND are twin sister parties which hold the peoples’ expectations to restore civilisation and political sanity in this country. With regards to the upcoming bye-election in Mkaika, Petauke, Malambo and Mulobezi the two parties must amicably share two constituencies each.

    The MMD and UPND must hold a joint Press Conference to advise the voters as to which Party will field candidates in the above-named constituencies. If UPND fields a candidate in Mulobezi, then MMD must advise its members to vote for a UPND candidate. if MMD fields a candidate in Petauke, UPND voters must support MMD. If MMD and UPND field candidates in the same constituency this will lead to the splitting of the votes and loss by both parties. Zambians pray for the restoration of sanity in this country.

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