First Lady Christine Kaseba has urged parents to ignore the myths surrounding the introduced Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine.Dr Kaseba said the vaccine given to girls from as early as 9 years has been tested, tried and there are a lot of safety testimonies.
“The HPV vaccine is very safe and it has been in use worldwide for ten years.I am urging parents with girls to take this opportunity to have their children vaccinated and prevent them from cervical cancer which is the number one killer for women in Zambia,” she said.
She was speaking at a public discussion organised by Infotainment Movement and Smart29ers Zambia held at David Kaunda Technical School in Lusaka.Dr Kaseba said there are people discouraging parents to take their children for the HPV vaccine that they are being used for trials.
However countries like Japan have withdrawn support for the HPV vaccine.An article in The Japan Times dated June 15 reported that the Japanese Health Ministry issued a nationwide notice that cervical cancer vaccinations, GlaxoSmithKlein’s Cervarix and Merck’s Gardasil, should no longer be recommended for girls aged 12 to 16 because several adverse reactions have been reported.
This decision came after the ministry of health was receiving many complaints and reports of adverse reactions to the vaccine.
A research carried out by Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic, PhD. at the University of British Colombia,outlined interesting research regarding the efficacy of the Gardasil vaccines.
The efficacy of Gardasil in preventing cervical cancer has not been demonstrated and the marketing campaign has been misleading. The efficacy of Gardasil remains unsubstantiated since the vaccine hasn’t been adequately tested on the primary age group to which it is currently given. Merck (Gardasil Manufacturer) promoted Gardasil primarily as a vaccine against cervical cancer, rather than promiting it as a vaccine against HPV infection or sexually transmitted disease ‘1‘
The CDC website states that most people with HPV do not develop symptoms or health problems from it. In 90% of cases, the body’s immune system clears HPV within two years.’2‘
Adding to the scandal of the promotion of these vaccines is the fact that at least 30% of all cases of cervical cancer are associated with HPV types that are not covered by vaccines. Therefore, getting the vaccine does not lessen the need to get regular pap smears. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) states that getting these regular pap smears alone will prevent most cases of cervical cancer because precancerous changes can be detected and successfully treated before they develop into actual cervical cancer.’3‘
Dr Kaseba urged young people to get involved in the fight against cancer which has claimed a number of lives in Zambia.She said 500,000 women are diagnosed with cancer every year and in every ten minutes a woman dies of cervical cancer in Sub Saharan Africa (SSA).Dr Kaseba said in Zambia 1,650 new cases of cervical cancer are diagnosed every year.She implored young people to abstain from casual sexual to avoid cervical cancer which is sexually transmitted.
The First lady said “you are the future of this nation, live responsible lives, a health nation is a wealth nation, wait for the right time, right age and right partner whom can you can settle with in marriage. By doing that the fight against cancer will be won, do not rush in casual sex the consequences are many”.
There we go again ‘first lady’ crap! i hate this title.
This vaccine has side effects for real.
has there been a Zambian research done on this vaccine or are we just accepting drugs from the west blindly?If the body can clear HPV on its own why the mass vacinations? why aren’t we instead promoting pap smears?
ask dr.kaseba this. when patients come to see her that they are sick. does she give them the same medicine just because they are sick or does she ask them questions regarding the discomfort they have been feeling and whether they might be allergic to certain drugs and what not. why is it then that when vaccinating our children,we don’t take each child as an individual case and find out more about them before giving them medicine (vaccines) just like she normally would if it was a child brought having a headache with stomach pains for example. Vaccination is a practice of general medicine and as such should be treated with the due respect as others. there are certain chemical compounds in these vaccines which might cause problems from one child to another. Lets not just accept drugs…
say no to general is dangerous and that’s why we have doctors and scientists trained to look at the elements in these compounds and analyse them for the specific cases we might have in the country.Real education if at all she claims she is educated is about putting knowledge acquired to fit a certain environment. why should the drugs for vaccination be general,when the medicine for malaria and other diseases is not generalized. the doses might be different,or maybe chloro quin or other drugs may be used for treatment. why do we vaccinate our children with the same dose and type of medicine when these so called learned doctors know that the children are different.i put it to you that you are not educated but just mere recorders reproducing what you were taught.get real…
we lack advocacy is Zambia? where is the women for change? speak out….! just because it is coming from the the first lady…..Dr Kaseba…it does not is right. trading our childrens lives for aid……! say no the vaccine
The First lady said “you are the future of this nation, live responsible lives, a health nation is a wealth nation, wait for the right time, right age and right partner whom can you can settle with in marriage. By doing that the fight against cancer will be won, do not rush in casual sex the consequences are many”.
Oh please, did you wait for the right partner yourself? Didn’t you used to have casual sex with a married man? You went for a married man and the rest is history. Give us a break please and get somebody else to utter those words for you. This Moral Posturing by the so called leaders is nauseating to say the least and our kids can read through that.
Do you mean she is a marriage destroyer? If indeed she wrecked another woman’s marriage surely she must be ashamed of herself and just shut up!
Web Results
U.S. Government Says Vaccines are Dangerous – Mercola…
27 Sep 2011 … The U.S. government finally admits the dangers of vaccination and confirms the potential vaccine side effects people may be exposed to.
Like she’s going to a wedding
The vaccine is being pushed on minorities (blacks and latinos) in USA for a reason. Parents boycotted over the vaccine in Texas when Governor Perry tried to make mandatory. It is now mandatory for all immigrants (female below the age of 25 yrs) applying for green cards in USA. The drug has not been tested enough. Why do you think the former USA presidents George W Bush and Clinton have been frequenting Zambia lately? They pushing the Drug Manufacture’s agendas and paid millions. I LIVE IN THE USA, DO NOT LET YOUR KIDS HAVE THE VACCINE. WHAT YOU NEED IS MORE MONEY IN YOUR POCKETS AND NOT VACCINES. LORD HAVE MERCY
@ Observer and Hitman. ‘Science has no enemy but the ignorant’. In the UK the HPV vaccination is given to girl aged 12 to 13 usually at school. Please also note that cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in women under the age of 35. @ LT please do not pretend to be clever next time research widely.
In my life, I have learned the rules to live by and they are as follows;
When the government says don’t worry, that’s the time I worry and when the government says run its definitely time to sit down and relax.
These rules have saved me very well so far.
You see these Americans (Clintons, Bushes, Gates etc) coming to Zambia every after six months, they are not here to do any good to the ordinary Zambians but to promote the interests of their multinational corporations. In short they are here to influence our leaders so they can ‘force’ us to submit to these rejected experiments called vaccines. If you love your children, of which I have no doubt you do, please do NOT allow untried chemicals in their bodies. Their aim is never noble…
couldnt have have said it any better or is it written it any better. very eloquently put.
My fellow cynic.
Warn your families, this vaccine is deadly. Just teach the young girls to abastain and prctice safe **x. This vaccine has killed innocent children in the US.
Kaseba knows that the vaccine is not safe. She is being paid by big international pharmaceutical companies to safe that the vaccine is safe. Mrs Dont Kubeba please stop this rot. International scientists are saying the vaccine is not safe. You a mere general practitioner and pediatrician can not in any way determine the safety of the vaccine from the cobra’s bedroom. We hear you did a good job to resuscitate the Cobra when he collapsed at state house. Please keep to that and do not mislead health girls.
Zon van der bull listen very careful just because a vaccine is given in the UK does not mean it is safe. Remember despite the UK and other EU countries giving these so called anti-cancer vaccines to girls they have the largest number of cancer sufferings in the world. Careful they are experimenting.
As usual using Africa as a dumping ground. I still remember in the 80’s how they sent us expired baby formula and expired birth control pills.
Ala ba Mwisa bali cengela.
The inferiority complex of some Africans is killing us. UK that and USA this, does not mean that they have Africa’s best interest at heart ! Learn to do your own research before accepting everything that is dished on your platter by the “ba Mwiisa”. These pharmaceutical companies are not to be fully trusted where millions of dollars are to be made……Africa could be their ignorant and willing guinea pig….before they perfect these vaccines for their white populations! TREAD CAUTIOUSLY PLEASE!
I just cant, with Kilistina. As soon as I see her I’m in bi.tch mode
Ok the First Lady needs to wake her vajay jay up! Ok! You give this vaccine you’ll ruin women and men’s lives and most likely make them unable to have kids, kill them or damage them for life! *****s! My life has been destroyed because of this vaccine and hopes and dreams were killed by it too! This vaccine isn’t worth it! It causes more harm and damages the body. No good has come from this vaccine! It’s a poison nothing more!
Sorry to hear that. sincerely.
How was your life destroyed? Much of the fear over vaccines is unfounded. There was one trial in a western Europe country (not Gardisil, a different vaccine) that some led to kids getting narcolepsy, but the autism-vaccine link is fake, and people forget how many people died before there were vaccines. The vaccine is being recommended for the general population in all countries, so if mostly kills people, renders them infertile or damages their brain, the world population would die off. No drug company is going to be stupid enough, nor would any regulator approve something caused severe adverse effects in all the people that were given it.
@ An appeal to common sense- I was once healthy able to walk, had no seizures, and didn’t have nerve damage but that all changed when I agreed to take a Vaccine called Gardasil. I took two of the three injections I started having seizures, loosing the ability to walk and feel my legs, even developed problems with my vision. I had to quit school! It’s been six years now! I’ve had Doctors tell me the vaccine did this and if I had had the third injection I’d be dead! Doctors told me that! I almost died with the second injection went to various hospitals all over the country! I was like you once Doctors n Big Pharma could do no wrong. But since this I’m trying to save as many people that I can from ending up like me or worse dead! Vaccines ARE POISONS! And you need to research more…
Britt Fiste, I’m sorry for what has happened to you, and I didn’t say the medical establishment could do no wrong (in fact, there is much that needs to be corrected in drug approval), but saying “Vaccines are poisons” is just wrong. Some have worse side effects than others, or higher rates of side effects, or are less efficacious, but millions of lives have been saved through vaccines. Look at the rates of polio, rabies, measles, mumps, whooping cough, smallpox, hepatitis B, and tetanus. I have read up on gardisil, and the rates of serious adverse events are low. Any drug or vaccine is going to have some side effects, and some people have bad reactions. That doesn’t mean it’s poison or shouldn’t be given to anyone.
Incredibly, the so-called cervical cancer vaccine Gardasil may actually increase risk of cancer due to:
1) – The ingredients (the vaccine has not been tested for carcinogenicity)
2) – Replacement (virus strains which are removed may be replaced by strains which are more carcinogenic)
3) – Due to the presence of aluminium bound recombinant HPV DNA (discovered by an independent laboratory), the consequences of which may be horrific.
4)- Increased cancer risk for those who are previously infected with HPV and then get vaccinated
In addition, many experts now suspect that HPV vaccines cause brain damage and increase risk of giving birth to babies born with deformities.
Where is media when it comes to reporting the whole truth and not just the pharma-sponsored propaganda? Where is the story on Dr. Harper, the vaccine developer, who first warned against the vaccine during a conference in Reston, Virginia on Oct. 2nd through 4th, 2009, when she explained in her presentation that the cervical cancer risk in the U.S. is already extremely low, and that vaccinations are unlikely to have any effect upon the rate of cervical cancer in the United States since 70% of all H.P.V. infections resolve themselves without treatment in a year, and the number rises to well over 90% in two years. Where is talk of risks or the over 140 deaths reported by VAERS?