Saturday, January 18, 2025

Malupenga threaten to revoke a broadcast licenses of radio stations


Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Services Permanent Secretary Amos Malupenga
Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Services Permanent Secretary Amos Malupenga

THE Patriotic Front (PF) Government will not tolerate radio stations that are irresponsible in their reporting, especially those that promote anarchy or hate, Information and Broadcasting Services Permanent Secretary Amos Malupenga has said.

Mr Malupenga said Government would to revoke a broadcast license if a media institution was non-compliant to the provisions of their license.

He was speaking in Livingstone on Friday night at Zambezi Sun Hotel during the one-year anniversary and launch of Falls Fm Radio.

“We have noticed that there is so much irresponsible reporting among some radio stations.

A few days ago in Eastern Province, a radio station was encouraging people to rage war if a certain Member of Parliament doesn’t contest a seat. Let us use these media channels appropriately,” Mr Malupenga said.

He also assured that the Government would continue to promote freedom of expression through the issuance of broadcasting licenses.

Mr Malupenga said as part of its commitment to promoting media freedom, the Government had in the last one year issued more than 10 broadcast licenses.

“My ministry has in the last one year contributed 250 jobs while the operationalisation of the Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA) created 56 direct jobs,” he said.

Speaking at the same function, Falls FM Radio station proprietor Innocent Kabwe said his organsiation would conyinue promoting tourism ahead of the hosting of the United

Nations World tourism Organisation (UNWTO) general assembly to be held in Livingstone this weekend.

Mr Kabwe said his station planned to build a multimillion dollar Falls FM radio and television station in Livingstone and called for support.


  1. All human acts have their limits. If Bwana Malupenga had any thread of intellect, it should have downed on him that very soon he will find himself landing on a dry rock in the middle of the Indian Ocean. Not even his sponsor Fred Mmembe will offer him a straw to cling for his survival then. The climate is fast evolving in favour of humanity. This is a timely warning!

    • @Mphangwe you are absolutely right. PF has redefined freedom of expression as praising of.PF. I you dont praise the PF then thats not freedom of expression.

    • ati my ministry koswe iwe!!!! its not yours,you should have said our ministry. ubupuba ba malupenga and yet they call you a seasoned journalist.

    • Wanzelu “PF has redefined…?” Its not PF that turned journalists into vuvuzelas. It was MMD. Thats not to say PF are better. They are just following certain footsteps their predecessors took.

    • @George bush – what is ZDW? Check proper usage of the words I and MY with respect to power (authority) structure(s) in country and ministry or organisation. then you will see what i mean as to what is orthodox and unorthodox use of the words. Bitterness and hate? Yes i am bitter when i see the president building himself a retirement home when the house for FTJ,Levy and RB are not done with yet and because it is against the laws of the land to do so. I may be bitter but it does not stop my thinking. i am critical of every small thing when it comes to my motherland Zambia (notice the use of the word “my” here also and the words it precedes,don’t get confused),and i will eat you alive if you mess with her. don’t care who you are!!!!

  2. Lmao kaponyas for real even when in power still thinking there in opposition truth is no o e wants thugs even those retards that voted for thugs dont want those thugs

  3. is it a good idea for the media to report to the nation that HH ws involved in an accident and died right there when infact not? suppose u were incharge? what could u do? lets look at both sides of the coin before we biasly comment.

    • @true, you assumption is that Zambian people are so stupid they believe anything without seeking second opinion to any issue. PF is just scared of the damage these rural stations are doing to their administration.

  4. Nothing has changed in the way media houses have behaved so far from the time of the MMD. The only difference Malupenga is seeing is that now the PF is in govt and the same way they used media houses to campaign or expose gvt’s incompetences then, is the same way media houses are operating now. So Malupenga must stop issuing cheap threats. To the media houses that have helped expose the stu.pity and id.iocy of the PF gvt, we say keep up the good work. This id.iot cannever shut you down. He has to shut down ZNBC, Times of Zambia, Post Newspapers, and the Daily Mail first before he touches the private media houses. Just admit that you are now being fed with the same poison you used while in the opposition. How sweet it is to know that there are patriotic media houses out there. Keep it up.

  5. This Amos is a such stupid and vindictive Vuvuzela. When he was writing at PF controlled Post News Papers, he never minded to write something that was factual. He and his Older concubine Silvia Marumbewa Tembo Masebo, were evening reporting a cabinet meeting minute that was a privilege of the few. Now he wants to champion the radio stations closure nonsense? He should be ready to answer to all this when his time comes. He should know that his time is on its way and very soon when fellow patriotic fools nose dive.

  6. This coming from Malupenga of the rowdy unshackled Post newspaper in the MMD era! I have seen such turncoat behaviour before. First time it was in a movie I saw titled “Animal Farm”

  7. Shut them up! Bapusa ngako. Not even anywhere can u be condoned to spit anything , even yo stinking vomits. Democracy too has limits. Press freedom must be enjoyed responsibly not the id ocy i am seeing and hearing.

  8. Bo Hitman @ 1.2, it is you who is a koswe. It is perfectly acceptable English usage to say “My Ministry…” In your small mindedness, you misinterpret the bigger meaning and go for the cheap-shot meaning. It is HIS Ministry as much as it is yours. When I say my coutnry or my President, I am not implying I own the country or the president you simpleton!! Indeed, you’d sound pretty ridiculous to say “Our country…” instead of my country. Get a liofe and dont bring everything down to that level stupidity and personal hatred.

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