Thursday, January 16, 2025

Government working to attract Zambians in Diaspora back home


Dr Roland Msiska Secretary to the Cabinet
Dr Roland Msiska Secretary to the Cabinet

Government has reiterated that it is working hard to continue improving public service conditions of service so that Zambians working in the diaspora can be attracted back to the country.

Secretary to the Cabinet Rowland Msiska said this was being pursued seriously, hence the recent improvements to public workers’ emoluments making government a well paying institution.

Dr Msiska said in Kabwe yesterday that government would, however, not condone indiscipline among public service workers.

Dr Msiska was speaking when he officially opened the 2013 integrity committee annual review meeting organised by the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC).

Central Province Permanent Secretary Edwige Mutale was also in attendance. He explained that government was working out ways on how to attract professionals currently working outside Zambia.

He said it was clear that the public service had become the well paying institution compared to the private sector and that his office had of late been flooded with complaints of how some professionals including health personnel were opting to work for public firms.

He, however, cautioned the public service to remain dedicated to duty and waned that he would not allow misconduct at places of work and that those found wanting would be dismissed.

Dr Msiska also called on people who could not uphold integrity in institutions to resign and allow those who were capable to take over.

He said Zambia would only be transformed if people were true to themselves and that he looked forward to a public service that could develop integrity as that would help reduce corruption.

He called for change of mindset if Zambia was to develop economically.

ACC Director-General Rosewin Wandi said the Commission would give necessary support to various organisations to help them institutionalise corruption prevention and integrity.

Ms Wandi reaffirmed the Commission’s commitment to ensuring corruption was fought as it was a vice that affected everyone.

The workshop drew participants from various sectors of the economy.


  1. Will they pay me over £60 000 I get from company, massage me during breaks, give me free lunch and give me 3 months holiday which I get paid for?

    If not, getta outta here Dr!


    • Mushota boza. Just recently you claimed that between you and Nick you earn GBP70,000. You have not every finished your A-Levels yet, not won a jackpot, have not inherited a fortune and dreaming about doing a PhD. So, GBP 60K mwaichosa kuti ba Mushota? Don’t start 419. Tilikutali so sitinga kwanise ku leta nshima ku jele everyday.

    • …not to worry! There are enough young men to massage and jig jig you anytime you feel Myers. Much better than those tired white old bags you are servicing in the diaspora!

    • ….but that’s only K40,000 gross? Factor in tax and ‘exaggeration’, it should be a quarter of this.

      We’ll happily pay you. Ailing & Broke Nick can go and teach at LICS or Baobab.

      We’ve got money here ka? Have you seen any blogger complaining about being broke?


    • Mushota is that 3 months break accumulated annually, you must be very irrelevant and very easy to replace if you can be away from your Job for 90 days, you must be working at some old People’s home wiping their behinds when they exhaust, and you must have met Nick at the same place,

    • Roland Bushe libange ule pepa???? You mean YOU NEVER HEARD OF ONE PROF CLIVE CHIRWA???? Well WE DO!!!!!!!! Find something better to do, otherwise You are just boring Us!!! Even Mushota has called your bluff!!!!

    • There’s a wrong Presumption that all Zambians in the diaspora are employed (and mainly by the govts of those countries where they live), yet there are also very many who are successful business people out there. Their businesses still survive in countries where the best opportunities are a preserve of citizens. Why would such people want to come back to Zambia where the best opportunities are a preserve of Chinese and Indian businesses?


    • No way, am not coming back just forget………..for what coming back……no human rights, corrupt goverment, abusive men, HIV/AIDS, what is good in zambia I guess nothing for me…………I better stay in the USA

  2. Thats good thinking Zoro a.k.a Dr Msiska, but how much are you willing and offering to pay to get diasporians to come and work with you??.. Good thinking but it wont be easy!!

    • This Govt is full of lies and rhetoric and this is no different.
      Try and engage them in anything and see if you even get an “acknowledgement” never mind a response. It is outright wrong to give false hope and expectations to people who may want to consider Zambian opportunities.

  3. start by attracting those lozi terrorist then come to us. i don’t want to put my kids in danger with those succesions going on.

    try as well to clean the roads there is so much dust, i don’t want to andanger my my wife and kids.

    • That is very shallow thinking on your part really, you can also help to go and clean those roads or even start a project to keep Zambia clean not bragging that you do not want to endanger the lives of your family. It is this kind of mentality that leaves Zambia behind because every Jim and Jack wants someone else to do it for them.

  4. The problem is they offer good packages just to get the people back and thereafter, no improvements are made. Within a short while the whole thing does not make sense anymore and people leave in frustration.

    • You better offer me dual citizenship first. Pantu I need to assess the environment for at least a year before asking family to leave the stability they are currently enjoying.

  5. For me better pay will never lure me to Zed.My conditions are much harder- keep streets organized & clean,have constant pwr,no police bribes,have quality healthcare and have rule of law.
    Very tough nuts to crack i think,huh?

    • I totally agree with you here. It will take a lot more than just offering people more money. The whole house needs to be put in order first. No way I’m giving up a decent life to deal with load shedding, no water at the taps, corruption, filthy towns and all the other nonsense that goes on there.

    • Going by your narrow mindedness, who needs you back in Zambia? We have all the brains we need right here doing the most they can for the only country they call home while you assume comfort in a foreign land. As long as you remain there, you’re just that, a foreigner! You’re not the one who organised the streets and provided the constant power you brag about there, you just found them done and I can assure you it didn’t happen overnight. Zambia will develop with or without you.

  6. It’s a lie. They’re busy implementing their restructuring and a selective way…and on borrowed money. Been in the diaspora is a personal choice, and so is getting back to Zed.

    You in the diaspora, you know why you left and you’ll be damned to think things have changed in the 90 days of PF rule. Neither have they put in a working plan that gives some hope for the future nor are they planning anything that will attract you back. Zed is on auto pilot and you wanna come back to that?!

  7. What do you choose? A well paid second class citizen kwabene or an under paid first class one kumwenu?Hmmmm tough one, mercenary or patriot, take your pick.

  8. Just clean up the politics, service delivery in civil service, judicial system and people will return home on their own accord. When professor Chirwa was recalled, government should have realised that this in itself would have been a good case study to build upon attracting productive citizens in the diaspora. Government failure to make Prof. Chirwa’s situation a success has impacted negatively on us skeptics in the diaspora. The government should to allow the local private sector to grow without too much interference. In fact the local private sector is made up of politicians who award themselves huge government contracts through internal connections. This is partly why Zambian politics is taking a certain twist of politics of the belly rather than of service.

    • Even us who are seriously studying and acquiring very rare skills in the world, Stupid bosses are busy chasing you away. eg she tells you ” olo mwapuzila does not mean you will be recommended for promotion”. but my foot my number in this field is 98971 meaning we are less than 100 000 in the world. In Zambia there are only two of us, but even that the other colleague is old.
      PNG, ASSUSIE, NZ, CANADA, USA all want such people. Zambia. kaya, AM THINKING TWICE


  10. If you are outside Zambia, here is my advice … DONT COME BACK!!!.. I lived abroad for 8 years and i decided to come back to Zambia, i struggled for 3 years to get a good job …. government pays nothing here, they pay you a salary that can only rent you a house in Kalingalinga!!

  11. Only the gullible can fall for such cheap talk. Zambians in the diaspora should go back home only when time is up not because some lies of a government official. You have heard of the phrase “donchi kubeba”. It is a loaded phrase.

  12. Roland, how can you attract the Zambian diaspora back when senior positions are muyayaya and still based on medieval years of service and not delivery. All senior positions in the civil service must be openly advertised and on contract. That is what will improve service delivery. In the diaspora its deliver or you perish.

  13. Only a fool will agree with this DREAMER Msiska..where is Prof Clive Chirwa?
    Brought to Zambia,destroy him and his academics and he is now suffering.Yes i will come to invest and not staying there

  14. Clive Chirwa’s was a case of PHD (pull him down) syndrome. He was in good books with authorities but his ‘penguin’ hand brought him problems with his board which decided if they wont enjoy no one will and they succeeded. If you find yourself in the same situation, just pay the mambalas and live.

  15. At the moment Zambia isn’t attractive to live in. As a holiday destination, yes but not to work. The otherwise peaceful environment is marred by political bickering and the ruthless character of the current government.

    • That’s because you don’t have the ‘papers’ to get you back once you venture out that country you’re in. We know the statuses of most of you guys there. Some can’t even afford a return air ticket! Mwilatubepa atimulekala bwino.

  16. When will people in government ever learn that it is not about money? Zambians stuck to Zambia for 20 years after independence but started leaving enmasse in the 90s. There are many factors that one considers.
    1. Opportunities and level playing field. There must be equal opportunities for promotion and progress. Here is a MEDICAL doctor doing a job of a public administrator!
    2. Education. I could gladly work in Shangombo, but were do my children go to school? If they go to UNZA, the Uni closes every time a student f a r t s on a politician!
    3. Healthcare. Every politician has proved that Zambian healthcare is c r a p, so they go to India.
    4. Civil liberties. You talk against the govt, you get harassed.
    5. Inflation, though low now.
    6. Interest too high.

  17. l was in public service for twenty years, l failed to save even for bread, now only two years in the diaspora, l have been able to build myself a decent house back home and now finally saving for my eventual re-retirement. Need l emphasize that my early retirement from BOMA, was not as a result of being tired but frustration by continuous and meaningless postings by bosses who could not take advice from we, the professionals, yet now l am so appreciated out here!

  18. Dream on Msiska. Coming to Zambia under Ukwa? No snow ball chance in hell. I’m not coming as long as PF is in power

  19. We’ll ba back. Please corner Office for me, if possible in Lstone with Coner Office over looking the Vic Falls on my right and the Sun Hotel gardens on my left. Top Floor, 10th Floor preferably.

  20. This story about going back to roots keeps coming up in cycles. First it was the first generation from the village being told to go back to the village from town. Little did the story-tellers realise that most first generation had found new roots in town, i.e. children intermarrying, health care etc.. Now it is us being told to go back to Zambia. Little do the story-tellers realise that most have found new roots. i.e. children naturalising and intermarrying, health care, security, circle of friends…etc..

  21. One has to just refer to the Clive Chriwa case if one wants to risk it and work in our public service….he negotiated a handsome salary and had progressive ideas only to be sacked and replaced by his boss from the Transport Dept. who suddenly had ideas to move the company forward.
    There are other methods of attracting people in diaspora and merely improving conditions of service is not among them.

  22. People from diaspora would like to come and invest or work for there country but they fear of political readers.why?Becouse there is no political will in zed.every thing in zed is affected by politics,even football which does not even require academic qualifications u find that politics are involved (shame on msiska)


  23. Diaspora, we do not need you, that politician was simply doing a “DONCHI KUBEBA”

    How can he give priority to you before he finds employment for the youth that voted them in power.

  24. There is more to it than money to attract our colleagues in the diaspora. Just see how excited people get with the prospect of going on a trip to “bulaya”. See the smiles on the young people when they win a scholarship to study “abroad”. Why? Clean politics, no insulting cadres, no use of polish on shoes for months on end, white shirts remain clean for days, children’s school is great, health care is great. As someone has already pointed out, the politicians themselves prefer to go abroad for treatment!! Check their children! They almost all go abroad for studies……… AND it is because of politicians that our beautiful Zambia is the opposite of the above.

    • Does it mean one can have more than one Home? For instance… when am here i miss Zambia and when am in Zambia i miss home here, is it normal or it’s just have to do with us beings never being satisfield with one thing? I always wonder why i get such comflicting feelings.

    • @Cindy
      It’s called the expatriate’s curse. Once you leave, you never really feel completely at home anywhere.
      Your adopted country becomes home but at the same time you miss Your indigenous home, Zambia. You never really belong in your adopted country 100%.

      When you go to Zambia you feel so at home largely because of family and real friends. But…after a while you want to leave and return to the life and comforts that you’re used to.
      I completely identify with what you said.

    • I sometimes pity some of you people mu diaspora – not even returning to attend parents’ funerals all in the name of getting permanent residence?

    • Black Mama,
      Spot on, but i would rather die here, Zambia is a sorry sight very stressfull environment, yes there’s a 0.05% of individuals who are flourishing in comfort the rest.. it’s a sad story.
      As for Bige i doubt people decide to stay away from mourning their parents at their own will, some have no legal papers to travel others well, the economy cant allow, do you know there are poor people in Europe and immigrants make the best of the list they cant afford an air ticket? Not everyone can afford a return ticket and manage to feed all of you Zambians waiting anxiously for gifts and change, you forgetting how things are in zed? besides mulalowa bad.

  25. I will only believe Dr. Msiska when he lures back home his own children who have been living in Australia for over a decade now. For now it’s just a song.

  26. In your dreams…..

    I can never come back to a failed state… where i will treated like a second rate citizens by grade 7’s

    The last time i come to that country…. the place looks like pig house. Even pigs here live a better life..

    • You narrow minded dim.wit. If you are happy where you are, please leave us alone than pouring such insults on those of us who have chosen to stay home and make it here. I certainly don’t need your type here. How can you equate this beautiful country to a pig house, you are very foo.lish!

  27. Dr,Msiska what are you doing to keep the over worked and under payed Public Slaves oops I mean Public Servants? Stop day dreaming ba Msiska. No one in his or her right mind will heed to your senseless request.
    We are not seeking for higher wages but improvement of conditions generally.Currently am able to get a loan in a few days repay it fully from my pay,pass a road block without bribing the police,get an INTERPOL clearance for my vehicle in a few hours,clear my goods with the revenue authorities in a few hours,my file never goes missing when my gratuity is being processed.MR MSISKA ,THERE IS LAW AND ORDER AND SYSTEMS ARE IN PLACE.PA ZED BOKABOLALA,IT’S A LIVING HELL!

  28. Most of those who are esatblished do not even dream of heading back to a failed state. I personally was slighlty tempted when RB started to iprove the economy but NOT now.

  29. Help us by providing Banks that are both in Zambia and outside borders to be link like SA, Namibia and Botswana and Lesotho and Swaziland one can transfer money deposit and with draw in any of the respective countries so we can be paying for bonds and/or start building back home as exchange rates are a killer and avoid bureaucracies in current system(Western Union) and we can help relatives our respective families back home even pay school fee….the list is endless…PLEASE

    • My friend, your ignorance is just too much to comprehend. I don’t even know what you’re asking for coz the banks you’re talking about are very much here.


    • The public sector in Zambia is ingrained with corruption and nepotism, there is no room for “clean brooms” as Mr. Chama Chakomboka used to say, a typical example is former RDA Chief Executive Officer Bernard Chiwala demoted and placed behind an office disk so that corrupt politicians can continue awarding themselves with lucrative road contracts.

  31. Talk is cheap Msiska; fortunately no one believes you. You ain’t gonna play your scummy ‘donchi kubeba’ on any of us!

  32. But what a contradiction. I am one of the chief scientists in NASA. I deciede to come back home but only to be ill treated by tuma “gonga” proffessors such as Saasa and his group.


  34. I bet Dr Msiska only returned to Zambia after all his children had received the right education and he had laid a comfortable nest for himself. If he had remained in Zambia as a doctor, could he have afforded all that? Those who have like Dr Miti, had to do so under suspicious circumstances or else both husband and wife were in lucrative jobs. No, government should look beyond money for those in the diaspora to return.

  35. The only peace we have in Zambia is the absence of war. Otherwise there is no peace in My country. they should first take care of the people who are in Zambia before they start concerning themselves with Zambians who are living and working in the Diaspora. Ma jealous nomba ayo ka! Why should it be his nightmare that we choose to live in more prosperous countries? It doesn’t matter where I am as long as am happy. So he should look into the mirror and ask himself if he is really being sincere. Just enjoy your job while it lasts and do your part kwapwa! Am sick and tired of these dudes…

  36. Mixed messages from Govt. In one breath they are against dual citizenship because they fear there are not enough jobs in Zambian to go round and in another they want to attract the diaspora skills back home. Ndeloleshafye….

  37. Msiska should not cheat people, he and his wife have been in diaspora for more than 10 years until almost all their children finished schools. He was lucky to be called by Sata to be a PS at PSMD then secretary to cabinet.
    Many professionals have asked him to assist them but he simply never responds. Even to try and see him is like you want to see the creator himself.
    Msiska be real and one day you will need us as well.

  38. I can only come home if prpmised that I will not be treated like Professor Chirwa. I work hard and demand hard work from others. I definately can help the country in some health issues, especially diabetes patients.

  39. It’s sad to read the number of professionals (including myself) who could raise our country to higher heights but can’t.
    Doctors, lawyers, engineers, nurses, teachers, public administration officers, dentists, entrepreneurs, researchers – they are all here in the diaspora. I have personally met all these successful, competent Zambians. Our adopted countries benefit from this resource that Zambia could use.
    I’ve even met housewives whose lives are so fulfilled because their marriages are based on fidelity and shared interests. Real partnerships are the norm.

    It’s a hard sell Dr Msiska.

  40. Professor Clive Chilwa came, you failed him big time! You concocted lies for charges, how many do you want to fail?

  41. One Professor Chirwa highly respected by the bazungus, he goes back to his homeland, he was reduced to being labelled a conman and a dreamer. Rowland stick your jobs where the sun don’t >>>>

  42. Recognize these people as dual citizens, then offer them employment. Do not jump the gun! How do you employ a person that has broken the law by having a second passport?
    I do not think this govt can work with Zambians living abroad. Perhaps the next govt

  43. Dr Msiska, if you mean well go to the office of the investigator general you will be shocked. In some govt departments and quasi institutions some well qualified individuals with MBA are being given Grade 7 jobs to try and frustrate them. Please take time and check this things..

  44. All diaspora are pompous just look at the responses here
    . They think they are in heaven so unpatriotic always rushing for any chance to diss their own country. stinking louts!

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