Minister of Education John Phiri says Western province ranks among the least developed provinces in the education sector.
Speaking in Sioma district yesterday when he officiated at the official handover of a Solar Power grid donated by Empowerment by Light Foundation and ZANACO, Dr Phiri said Western province has the highest number of mud moulded schools in the country.
The project worth about K1.2 million will light up the dormitories, classrooms and the school administration block at Sioma High School.
He said out of 518 grass thatched schools in the country, 149 are in Western province.
“In the education field, I can confirm that Western is at the bottom of the table. Grass thatched, pole and mud structures are everywhere,” he said.
Dr Phiri said the poor state of school infrastructure in the province has led to a huge number of pupils failing to progress to grade 10.
“While education is a right, in this part Zambia, it is a privilege,” he said.
The minister said government is however committed to addressing the challenges facing the education sector in the province that are as a result of years of neglect.
Dr Phiri said challenges facing Western province need the assistance of partners such as Empowered by Light Foundation as waiting for government to deliver services may take some time.
Dr Phiri said government will shame the secessionists in Western province by taking development to the area.
He urged the pupils at the school to improve their examination performance as they now have longer study periods.
“Do the best you can because the best you can do for these dignitaries who have travelled from far and near is for them to hear that results at Sioma have improved,” he said.
And speaking at the same occasion Western province Permanent Secretary Emmanuel Mwamba bemoaned the poor examination results at the school.
Mr Mwamba said it is unacceptable that Sioma High school is recording the worst results in the country.
He said challenges being faced at the school are not a justification for the poor results because some schools he knew with similar problems to Sioma have been performing well.
Mr Mwamba said he will take action against school management if the school posts poor results this year.
And Rob Romanowski a Consul at the Embassy of United States of America said the solar project at the school is testimony that a lot can be achieved when two countries cooperate.
Mr Romanowski said he is glad the Zambian government is partnering with Americans in addressing challenges facing communities in the country.
He said his country is always happy to invest in Zambia as it is a leader in democracy in Africa.
“Zambia is a great country for investing. Zambia has a great history of having safe transition of power three times,” he said.
Mr Romanowski said U.S.A will continue partnering with Zambia and will help one million Zambians in sanitation improvement through the Millennium Challenge.
He also disclosed that $ 14 million will be invested in Zambia through the Global Change Initiative to support conservation activities.
The event was also graced by Hollywood actor Mark Ruffalo.
It appears development in Western province is a chicken and egg riddle. I hope some break can come so that some infrastructural improvements and development can take place. I am of course mindful of the fact that most of rural Zambia has hitherto been let to go moribund.
Yaa sure, set them free from Zambia, they need to develop, and not be taken care-off like refugees..
This’s what we mean, when we want our BAROTSE.
You can still go and invest in Western Province now if you are so passionate. Breaking away will not help. Take a leaf from East Timor. They thought breaking away from Indonesia was the answer. They are now one of the poorest and most unstable in the region. In the meantime Indonesia is developing at a phenomenal rate. It is not just governments which develop countries. It is also the people themselves. Put Chinese peasants in Western Province and in ten years time you will not recognize it. This is because Chinese people are industrious. They are always looking for clever way of earning a living. They do not expect any handouts from their government.
Pictures mwebantu pictures ba Lusaka Taimushi! Ala!!
Barotse fr wht?One Zambia One nation!Next is developing the provnce fulstop.We ve to work hard & suport govt in al development undertakngs goingon in the country.Bring more development Pf evn beyond 2016 caryon!Go Pf & Sata.
Seems like we now have a good Minister of Education!!
Is this is a fact or statement? Of course it’s common knowledge that western province is the poorest province Zambia and the minister does not need to remind us. Instead he should tell us what government has done. The problem with the Zambian government is that they make too many statements and promise so much yet do nothing. I am sure once the minister leaves the province he would have forgotten what he said.
These are the issues that the Lozis have been raising. Their cry for a long time has been that of equal distribution of the country’s “cake.” It therefore, does not make sense to spend millions of dollars building a stadium in Mongu when the region needs tools and institutions that facilitate human capital development.
@ mop. Development is not just about school, it includes sports, arts like music and so on. I suspect, no matter how many degrees you have you will never in your life time have the money Ronaldo or Wayne Rooney have.
@Spartan from you response it is clear that you do not understand the concept of human capital development. Kindly find a text book on Economic Development and acquaint yourself. After that you will understand why I said “HCD” and not “education.”
@mop. Remember even our leaders also reading what we are posting, so lets take advantage of this platform to educate each other. If you really know what you are talking about you explain yourself in a few words like I did by giving simple but practical examples of footballers. Don’t hide your lack of knowledge by referring me to some book because chances are that I wont read it as I am not an economist.
@spartan thank you for admitting that you are not an economist because I am, hold a Master’s degree in the subject and use it everyday. Your attempt at simplifying an already simple concept has just exposed your ignorance. Still find time to acquaint yourself with the concept so you do not “shot from the hip” next time you see the term.
MAJOR OBSTACLE TO DEVELOPMENT! Let Lozis debate among themselves. Motion: ‘The major obstacle to economic development in Western province is the customary land tenure system practiced by the Barotse Royal Establishment.’ World over, customary land tenure system is synonymous with underdevelopment. In other parts of Zambia people own land on title, and can sell it. People from Barotseland have acquired wealth in these areas, which they would not have had in Western province due to the archaic land tenure system in their own province of origin. Solution: People of Western Province should demand for reforms to the customary land tenure system. Development changes that will follow will astonish everyone. Currently, not even Chinese peasants can develop the province. Reform land ownership.
Munyukunyuku fela please don’t advocate for war. We all know that in spite of Western Province having some of the brightest people in Zambia, they have not utilized them to the full. Western Province through a retrogressive policy of concentrating land authority in the hands of the Litunga and the general hostility of the people towards other Zambians have led to underdevelopment in the province. Government and private projects have been questioned, frustrated or prevented by “tribalists” for years hindering co-existence and development. It is time SIMZ you stopped using the two words on this posting my friend and I hope with the road works being done all will be welcome to build W.P.
Exactly what to expect when brainless louse morons are at the helm of power. Nearly 50 years after Zambia’s independence, the country must now boast of 518 grass-thatched schools! Certainly not the country that was born with a copper spoon in its mouth and now presumed a lower-middle income economy.
It is you who has no brain Munyukunyuku fela (No. 11).
@Iye wht does it profit any more evn if others re not Lozi?As if u re any beter proude tribe to brag around!Jst a tribe in WP & the way u insult others,fr wht?Pride doesnt pay.Look concerns WP is least developd coz same mentality u expresing,detaching yrself frm the rest of Zambian populace!As if its a thng to crave for so much!