Monday, September 16, 2024

Chief Government spokesperson Kennedy Sakeni has died


Information and Broadcasting Services minister Kennedy Sakeni
Kennedy Sakeni

President Michael Sata regrets to announce the death of Hon. Kennedy Sakeni, the Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services and Chief Government spokesperson.

This is contained in a statement released by State House to the media.

Mr. Sakeni, who was also Mansa Central PF Member of Parliament died this afternoon at Lusaka’s University Teaching Hospital (UTH).

And President Sata has sent a message of condolences to the Sakeni family.

In his letter of condolences to the late Sakeni’s widow, President Sata described Mr. Sakeni’s death as heartbreaking.

“It is with deep sorrow and grief that I learnt of the death of your dear husband Mr. Sakeni, the Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services of the Republic of Zambia,” read President Sata’s letter in part.

“On behalf of the Government and the people of the Republic of Zambia and indeed on my own behalf, I extend my highest and sincere condolences to you, the children and our party the Patriotic Front [PF] for this painful loss.”

The Head of State stated that it was indeed tragic that the nation has lost a leader who rendered a gallant service to the country in the various distinguished portfolios he held.

“Mr Sakeni’s works as a career intelligence officer in the Zambia Security Intelligence Service [ZSIS], as Member of Parliament for Chifunabuli, as deputy Minister of Home Affairs and Luapula Province and more recently as Member of Parliament for Mansa Central, Minister of Home Affairs and Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services as well as PF Luapula Province chairman have undeniably assisted in strengthening our country’s political and economic capabilities,” President Sata stated.

“No doubt, the Zambian people and his closer family in the PF feel deeply sad for the loss of this national leader of Mr. Sakeni’s standing and public service credentials, and share your family’s grief. Indeed, we have lost a great leader and a resolved politician and businessman.”

President Sata prayed that the Sakeni family takes comfort and solace in the understanding that the entire nation’s thoughts and prayers are with them during this distressing and excruciating period.


    • My Condolences to the family of Mr Sakeni. After the funeral, please Mr President give the late’s ministerial position of information and broadcasting to zayelo Given Lubinda

    • @Action Man that’s almost like property grabbing before a man is laid to rest.It is too early to start talking about that vacant position.Awe nabalale muchibote chamfuma ba Sakeni wesu.

    • As much as this man used to irritate my nerves with his press statements… i feel sorry and mourn with his family. MHSRIP!

      Nostradamus.. boi, am waiting for your phone call, so that tufikeko ku cililo cha bamudala

    • Too bad ba Sakeni wesu. May you please rest in peace…and may God bless the family and friends. Cabipa kwena mwe!

    • Ba M.C Sata that is how to write condolence messages… not the way you mourned the cardinal.
      You mourn with wife, family, us who liked him, and not forgetting PF.

    • Oh my God
      Sad sad sad sad… rest in peace, am glad i never insulted you because i would feel terrible for genuinely passing my condelencies, may God receive your soul in eternal peace.

    • now you want to mourn him ba mr.president. the man wanted to resign kale sana and his family pleaded with you,but oh no,you wouldnt let him rest. mwamona nomba baya ba mdala. selfish interests ba madala ba sata. But we know what death is, he is now with full consciousness. he has expanded his self from the narrow view of things that we call life. he is limitless. finally he gets to see the other 99% of the universe that we are blind to as humans.

    • @Ndobo, “matenda mungabise, malilo yadzamveka.”Here we are, people told the PF guys to disseminate information of illness as when death visits, there would be no way of hiding. MHSRIP

    • @ Ndobo, be-careful, even if you are my friend, pa malilo pena I can turn tables on you. Ask Sata the way we exchanged words from Monday to yesterday, over Mazombwe.
      Sakeni is/was my family-friend, even if “uwafwa tafimba pa chi..”, please just mourn and don’t demand to know the illness.

    • Ndobo matenda are a personal business boss, everyone deserves some privacy and I do not think you would want your family to circulate information about your sickness to the public even if you are holding a public office. MHSRIP

  1. My Condolences to the family of Mr Sakeni. After the funeral, please NMr President give the late’s ministerial position of information and broadcasting to zayelo Given Lubinda

  2. another of his kind will come.
    we had kamalondo in unip (mhsrip), remmy mushota in the original mmd, (mhsrip),
    ben tetamashimba in the diluted mmd (mhsrip) and now kennedy sakeni in pf (mhsrip).
    this kind of bleed is not in short supply politically, and am sure another one will emerge shortly
    goodbye hon. sakeni, rest in peace till we meet again.

  3. This is very sad.I was friends with one of his sons.Nostradamus and Ndobo lets prepare for this funeral bana.We need to come up with a strong choir to sing pamalilo…nostradamus i understand that you are very good kuli soprano. Mhsrip.

    • @Katelina don`t worry.We have a crate ready for you but be fast before Nostradamus finishes everything.The guy alanwa ichiloshi too much(drinks in big gulps)@ndobo you will find us mudala.Meanwhile I have gone with the guys to look for firewood.It is a big loss to both his family and the entire nation.Mhsrip.

    • @Saulosi, man this is saddest month for me, I haven’t worked yet. This time around I need everybody present including Sata, Kabimba, Shamenda, we need you all in Mansa.
      Saulosi, I don’t sing, ubutunwa na pa chililo…

    • @Nostradamus…awe iliko bad.Imagine apapene twafumine mukushika our Cardinal now it is our honourable Sakeni.We surely need the rest like abena Sata na Wynter.We have to put them in prayers coz they are the only pillars(ifikolwe) twashala nafyo.We will meet kuchililo ku Mansa.When you come ask for a pub called Elis corner in Senama area that where i`m nama guys trying to strategize ofyotwalaikala pa night.Kabili sleeping outside needs proper preparations.

  4. I workwd with the gentleman in Mansa from 2004 to 2006 when he left govt but continued as MMD chairman for Luapula. During his term as Minister for Luapula he harrassed the then opposirion president Michael Chilufya Sata everytime he visited the province to address meetings . He harrassed me too for my PF connectoins n made my life quote miserable through ou his term of office. After losing elections in 2006 he continued as MMD Provincial Chairman until he was hounded out by Chripin Musosha a man he had assisted to become MP for Mansa Central at the expense of Hon Chilufya who was closer to him than Musosha. Before then the two (Musosha and Sakeni)had bn sworn enemies .Then he joined PF n became the pillar of the party n most dependent official of his hitherto enemy Michael Chilufya Sata

    • Ba Solomon, do not take the place of God. Whatever Hon. Sakeni might have done in his life time, God will judge him accordingly as his creator. It is not in our culture to hate people all the way to their graves.

  5. So ninshi Zambian Watchdog is for real ayi. They Said he was brought back from India to come and die from home. Chabipa. Tell Levi Patrick Mwanawasa we mis him.

  6. But Shamenda told us that he just went for his usual medical review in India untill i verified with ZWD that he came back and was in UTH.Never liked him either but did not wish him dead.RIP

  7. Sad indeed!! Death in a family is a very painful experience.It is hard to understand death and the pain it causes to the family.RIP Mr Sakeni and may God be with your family.One day everyone of us will join you. On the appointed day we will not resist but die!!This is a mistery that nobody but God can ever explain!!

  8. Oh shame.RIP…Sincere condolences to the family……..So ZWD was telling the truth that he was sick and begged to be relieved of his duties but his boss refused.Perhaps the press statements being made on his behalf were not even from him but Bujimfumu road.

  9. till now. Hon Sakeni led a “normal life” of a typical Zambian politician. Nothing immoral nor strange in the shifting friendships because such is a Zambian politicians life in our beloved Zed. No permanent enemies. At the time of his we were friends inspite of his having harrassed me for my PF connections. He has a fantastic family of boys n girls(children) and married to a childhood friend of mine. So as we mourn him lets bear that in mind. Consider the feelings of his innocent family who had nothing to do with his politics. BAWESU MYRIP.

    • Kekekekeke this guy is a bitter coward!! Now you are trying to apologize? You just been insulting Sakeni 13 minutes ago? Ba Solomon, namupontela the dead. You beat-up Sakeni in death, it will be hard to withdraw. We already put those lamentations on list, we will compensate for all faults Kennedy might have caused you & Kabimba. We want him rest in peace!!

  10. To be honest. I’ll not be telling the truth if I said I’m sad. I never liked the man. I don’t like anything pf. I detested his useless press statements

    • Ba gugu you are at liberty to choose who you like or dont like, even i dont like you already… it has just been announced that the man is no more, you go straight to make it personal, your time will come as well dont think you are satans best man to be spared, meanwhile leka ndoshe waumfwa!

  11. Let’s avoid a double tragedy by beating Ghana PLEASE, Twapapata ba Chipolopolo, Show your effectiveness by shooting down the so called blackstars…

  12. The government should embark on rehabilitating health institutions country-wide particularly the UTH where complicated cases are normally referred to. This will stop the habit of evacuating dying officials all over the world at huge tax-payers’ expense to seek specialized treatment only to fly them back home in coffins.
    Is the leadership not ashamed that they even send each other abroad for things like knee check-ups, dental treatment and constipation? Shame on you!
    Condolences to the Sakeni family and friends.

  13. MHSRIP. I bet his next step will be the fountain park? This is one reason why I appreciate death as it takes all? The oppressed and the oppressors, the haves and the have nots,the rich and the poor, the good and the bad, the handsome and the urgly, the decent and the freaks, the bambos and the sisters, the young and the old. All I can say is rest in peace ba sakeni.

  14. Fear not death for when it is we aren’t and when we are it isn’t, a wise man will understand this.

  15. I never liked sakeni at all!!! his press statements were annoying and void of intelligence….. its a loss to the family and friends but to the nation … its good riddance! l look forward to a day when Zambia will have credible leaders…

    • You speak sense and a lot of truth. Not paja munthu afwa e lo mulebepa call a sped a sped even after they die…Koodos


  17. MHSRIEP! Ba President, if Lubinda did something wrong please 4give him. He is only human! Give him back the Ministerial Position. He is just the minister material mwandi!

  18. My heartly Condelences to the Sakeni family .Mr Sakeni was a humble man and worked hard for the country .We will miss him. MHSRIP.

  19. Its triple tragedy. You have also lost in Mkaika bye elections. Mansa Central will be the first genuine bye election this year

  20. In-fact his death is overdue. He looked frail and weak the last time I saw him, I could see death walking. Let him go and rest….if they do. Greet Chiluba and Mwanawasa, tell them that tabvutika kwambiri, chimanga tigulitsa ku Malawi. Bakabwele ba kamtenge m`zao.

  21. No!NO!NO!NO Sakeni cannot die,the report from Shamenda says Sakeni left for medical check up in India,how come we are told today that this man has died in UTH,please lets be sincere and objective in our reporting.let Shamenda explain to the nation what has led to Sakeni’s demise barely 2 weeks we were told Sakeni is in India for medical check ups.

  22. Mr. Sata c’est avec grande tristesse que je vous ecris a ce jour, mais je shouhaitais tellement que mon affection la plus profonde vous accompagne…la douleur est grand biensure, et l’image de votre Ministre Kannedy Sakeni, est profondement gravez dans notre memoire.

  23. You can laugh at Saken going to join his forefathers.He has left an indelible mark on the sands of History.But you, you will die like a dog whoever passes near your funeral house will just spit at the filfth of all your funeral arrangement.

    Don’t delight in somebodies death.You dont know if you will reach home even today.Something might happen Careful as you LAUGH BIG.

  24. Too mch sex at parliament motel, masumba u shuld learn to bahave bcz we ned u in 2016 wth fake qualificatn. u wil die mwana and leave those dance, tekanya mwaice

  25. I thought Shamenda said that he was fine and had gone for a review in India…. why do politicians hide their illnesses, it is not a sin to get sick.

    I’m slowly starting to have confidence in Zambian Watchdog , they gave an update on Sakeni and even this morning they said that he was very sick


    • I like that very much. You just said everything in just those few words, we need to be reminded of who we really are nomater what status we hold in the field.

    • Its amazing how Africans make some thing which was bad suddenly GOOD when someone dies…

      My words too

      good riddance !

      God has a way of getting rid of evil… some more are following him

  26. May your soul rest in internal peach Mr Sakeni. I will genuinely miss your statements bwana Minister. I loved the way this man used to come in.

  27. LT, You make me laugh, what is there to moderate in my comment? My comment has been awaiting moderation for one hour, this doesn’t make sense.

  28. This is a very sad news for the Sakeni Family. He worked tirelessly up to his death in defence of PF system. Let’s hope the PF govt will take care of Sakeni’s most vulnerable growing children. MHSRIP.

  29. It’s indeed painful to lose such a gallant National. We just have to remain strong in the Lord and pray that our God will strengthen the family. May his Soul rest in peace.

  30. So the govt offcials have shunned Morningside Hospital in SA, now its India. Even after 2 ys in power PF hasnt bothered to revamp Zed hospitals. If you are sick, traveling to distant places by air puts a strain on the body. Mr. Sekeni would have lived a couple more months if he hadnt travelled. Bushe when will these leaders learn?

  31. Those who were hiding his illness have killed him They should have said the truth so that we can pray for him, now you see what you have done???

  32. Rest in peace Mr Sakeni, as a personal friend am deeply saddened and disturbed about your untimely death, I just pray that God grants guidance, peace and love to your family during this difficult time. We shall surely miss you and may the good Lord bless your family you have left behind. RIP

  33. Nostradamus and The Observer.
    Be reminded that Kennedy Sekani was a national leader whose press statements (mostly unpalatable), were made to the nation for the benefit of PF and enduring to the opposition. We took him as a leader and as such did not only belong to PF, Luapula or his family. He was a Zambian leader. We therefore, demand to know the cause of his death. PF Government may have succeeded in hiding his sickness but failed lamentably to hide his death. So we need to know the cause of his death now from PF government. Zambians have equally been kept guessing if president Sata is ill as press statements suggest. Zambians deserve the truth about the physical health state of our leader. He is not a private person but public figure. when eventualities will come you wont hide.

  34. MHSRIP: Ba tata ba Sakeni we shall remember him always with a big smile.
    One thing our government must understand is that when the family members ask for their relative to retire on health grounds, please let us listen. The other issue is we should not hide from the general public if one is sick. No one is an Iron. We are all vulnerable to illness and one day or other we shall get sick. This is a Christian Nation and we should be praying for one another and not asking people to pray for Football as we have heard and been told by some ministers. Football is just a game and if we bow down before it we bow before an Idol.

  35. Ba HH now what are you going to say? Are you going to say that he was a good man? Say good things about others when they are still alive ba HH and you will have no problem saying same things when they are dead.

  36. There are people on earth who have run bad races and Sakeni was one of them. nothing honest came from this govt spokes person. everybody is saying MHSRIP yes i do agree because we say this to everybody departed good or bad. Sakeni you are gone but the truth is the leaders you served made you a bad person. you over worshiped them.

  37. The Bible in Psalm 105:15 says touch not my anointed, He is the one who signed the deportation order for Pastor victor Adeniji of Winners Chapel who was deported like a criminal. The Church pleaded with him. They are are all reaping now, weher is Anderson Phiri? Dr Effron Lungu? next people God is dealing with and he has already started is Racheal (PF Cadre, devils agent), Karabasis etc. These are enemies of the Kingdom of God.


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