Friday, March 7, 2025

Open letter to President Michael Sata


President Michael Sata
President Michael Sata

Dear President Sata

I wonder if you realise how much time Zambians spend trying to work out what exactly is up in your administration. I mean, you have quite managed to confuse the nation’s collective mind hey.

Take this “no press conference” philosophy you seem to have adopted –what on earth is that about? Have you really decided “I will not speak to them unless I find someone to swear in??” Yaku mayo bashikulu bantu, emo mwapandila? Pantu aba bemba nabo kubwanga ba pena.

Seriously though, that telling off you gave your ministers about not setting out your governments accomplishments, I think you need to take that advice to heart yourself. Heck, there are some things your government is doing very well- however thumb sucked your plans may seem. Take the roads for example – that’s big! I must say though that I don’t understand why whoever decides these things would dig up the Ndola Kitwe dual carriage way when it was not so bad. I would have understood if it was being developed into a 6 lane road but no. A friend of mine thinks it’s all about a big cut into someone’s pocket but that’s not what I am on about today.

[pullquote]Have you really decided “I will not speak to them unless I find someone to swear in??”[/pullquote]

What I am trying to say is if you were to pull off even half the link Zambia 8000 or pave 2000 and that other one you have for Lusaka whose name I don’t know, you would have changed the face of Zambia forever. But hey do we ever hear about that – of course not!!

On what medium would we hear about real governance issues if every newspaper and bulletin is headlined by yet another foolish PF fight of thuggish proportions?

Now President Sata, please tell me, how have you allowed that? Why is it you can’t use your ex-cathedra voice (you are Catholic so you understand that) to announce that there shall be no more of this gangster politics that makes your government seem decidedly anarchical forget dangerous to the peace and stability Zambians so treasure.

You seem to have decided that you will allow the nation to conclude, for good reason, that you are the most not-in-control president we have ever had.

[pullquote]You seem to have decided that you will allow the nation to conclude, for good reason, that you are the most not-in-control president we have ever had.[/pullquote]

Again one wonders why? Why do you refuse to take up your presidency and control of your own destiny? As things stand, I can tell you for nothing that if an election were held tomorrow, you would lose big time unless you rigged to Olympic proportions. Now we all know that, ruling party or not, rigging will be that much harder for you given how, in the incorrigible ways of your administration, your men and women have managed to absolutely incense the electoral body. (I won’t lie, the observing nation is very happy to have an ECZ that finally shows some independence.)

The point though is that you and your PF would, barring a miracle, lose an election right now. So if you want 2016, you better start doing something different. The mind boggling thing is you, Mr Sata, would lose largely because of what people around you get up to. Well of course there is that habit of yours of saying shocking things but, heck, you were elected doing just that. So the country’s frustration with you is very much about your willingness to run a government that seems to be doing everything to allow the country to fall apart at the seams. Simply, you, Sir, have left us at the mercy of so many people who think they are alternate or in-waiting presidents all of them who care nothing about the country.

[pullquote]And you – for weeks you sit quietly while every annoying headline is about that personal quest for power by a few men -why?? Why allow such a sense of instability in the country?[/pullquote]

All your surrogates do all day and every day is holding the country at ransom to their unapologetically selfish interests. And you – for weeks you sit quietly while every annoying headline is about that personal quest for power by a few men -why?? Why allow such a sense of instability in the country? When will services be delivered, good God?

As for the PF thugs who call themselves cadres being allowed to, at will, march through our streets attacking people as they carry out the bidding of whoever happens to be highest bidder that week – how do you explain that? Party politics playing out in our streets and you make non-committal noises that allow them to continue – come on President Sata! Who will stand up for ordinary citizens that have to stomach the nonsense while living in fear of inadvertently getting caught up in a warzone while simply getting on with their lives?

Anyhow let me end by setting you a task –how about trying to win 2016 fair and square? You could win it I promise you, if you proved that you were better than the opposition waiting in the wings. Better for Zambia I mean, not for PF, your family or your hangers on. You have 3 years to win back the belief of the majority Zambians whose only desire from a president is a better Zambia. You CAN win if you give us something to remember your presidency by – something other than the anarchy playing out before our eyes that is.

Ok enough now. As ever, I wish you the very best!

Laura Miti


  1. Have you really decided “I will not speak to them unless I find someone to swear in??”

    LOL! LOL!

    you have really cracked me with that one my dear laura. let me read the rest

    • It’s not fair for Laura Miti to expect a mentally UNSTABLE person to see that there’s a sense of INSTABILITY in the country…

    • Laura is being objective and clearly states that if Sata ups his games he has no match in 2016,all critics keep your assumptions to your selves and please desist from insulting a sitting president that he is insane.All Laura’s concerns have been already addressed,and the presidents mature handling of the party conflict is excellent opposed to people ‘s expectations .He has a plan watch this space.Thanks Laura.

    • Sata is not naïve or indecisive or clueless on democratic governance of our country.

      I still believe he will stir our country back onto the right course following the squabble that we have seen in PF.

      He will soon crack the whip and make major changes to his govt.

      just watch this page

    • I totally i agree with you with the digging up of Ndola-Kitwe road.Its was not a priority.They could have started with Chingola-Solwezi,later Kitwe-chingola roads.Really no one complained about the condition of the Kitwe-Ndola road.I really smell a big rat!!!

    • By the way, where is Dr Kaseba and her big grin? She seems to enjoy “working” as minister, deputy and PS……

      ……now she’s missing from the striking nurses?

      …..leaving the minister looking very silly 🙂

    • I am a very patriotic non-partisan Zambian, but my wife is a staunch PF supporter and she usually influences me. We voted freely for Mr. Sata on his popular slogan of “Donchi Kubeba”. He is practically practising the same slogan as he presides over Zambia. Please dont blame him but respect his mandate up to 2016.

  2. Michael Sata should not run for office in 2016. He should leave it to a younger generation that can do more work and run around more. Elias Chipimo is the only candidate that I think should come in as president and the only one I will vote for because he represents the breed of politicians Im looking for… not self-centered, and certainly not tainted by the colonial battles, he is able to think beyond the political mind that was built by the founding fathers.. to succeed we need new leaders. Im not voting for Michael Sata. This is not to suggest that he is a bad person– i just dont see him thinking 50 years from now.

    • What exactly does Elias bring to the table? In terms of pure leadership and thought processes, Nawakwi is a better politician. Do not confuse being a politician and being methodical

    • What are you saying NATIONALINTEREST?

      Mr Chipimo? As president of NAREP or PF? Tell Zambians which political party Mr Chipimo will stand on as Presidential candidates in 2016 so that those who are in NAREP and PF can know and prepare themselves for that dramatic change.

      Is Mr Chipimo going the same way Mr Siulapwa (NGP), Dr Cosmo Mumba (??? cannot remember as this party died such a long time ago) and even Dr Nevers Mumba (Reform Party), who abandoned their parties to support a ruling party at election time for their own personal interests?

      You see Nationalinterest, PF members also have aspirations to be Presidents in their own party should the current president decide to retire or leave politics for whatever reason.

    • Chipimo has no mandate from the pipo of Zambia. HH is the Man!, You can’t tell us we should all jump to a boy whose not proved himself anywhere in life except take over his father’s hard earned money. Haleisa Haleisa!

  3. Sata is finished!!!but donchi kubeba. He has failed in so many aspects once voted in he appears to have forgotten who put him in state house in the first place. Dear Mr Sata don’t expect us to vote for you next time. Don’t make promises you can’t fulfil.

    • The liabilities with Sata are: he has sight but no vision,he’s passionate about electioneering but not governing and he has a big mouth but he’s small minded.

    • GOD was very unfair, he made Mr. SATA’s brain very small like that of a thief who only sees loopholes in other people’s works and actions, but lacks creativity and vision. In other words, he is a beneficially of other peoples ideas (a critic). Now that he is president he is stuck because there is no Levy or Rupia to criticize.

    • awe Saulosi!! The lady has by far some very good points!! accepting criticism has strength and wisdom.
      Great advice!!!, i pray, the president would read it himself and understand.

    • Why do pipo always talk about Sata reading?We all know that he is of low education.In my view he may be able to pronounce some words, as to whether he understands them is another issue.The only value of Sata is that he is an example of what a leader should not be.A leader should be literate,should be able to address his pipo by say a press conference,should not get into office by deceit,should surround himself with quality pipo[not the likes of Kambwili,Luo,Kabimba Scott,Sakeni MHSRIP,Kabimba,GBM et al].So Laura your request that Sata reads your article is misplaced.

    • Ndobo, just know that there were no pictures in Miti’s letter which Saulosi, could watch. How can you expect him to read and understand? He has no ability to do so.

  4. Guys you are trying to squeeze blood from a stone. How can someone tell you a plan they do not have? More over if a press conference is held it is about stories that never add up. Some people call it incoherent speeches.

  5. Mr Sata please sort out the following
    1) PF loosing Northern Province ask Prof Sosala Mwinelubemba, Allow HH to visit Sosala
    2) Copperbelt KCM not doing things right no jobs no money, no contracts for Zambians,
    4) Tell Kabimba and GBM to stop fighting instead of explaining to us PF Policies.
    5) When is the constitution coming?
    6) What about Barotseland Issue?

  6. Why do i get a feeling this is a guys work and not Laura Mitis? The structure of this write up has led me to believe it’s one of our regular Bloggers, anyway, i doubt our president with take this seriously, may be that servant Chellar will read it for him as a lullaby.

    • no cindy..then you dont know Laura Miti,, she was once a columist at the post newspaper,,,, men!! she is such a writer, i never used to “sleep“ over her column.

    • @ Ndobo,
      Really? Waoh… am kinder suprised it’s true i dont know her, i havent actually followed much of the happennings in Zambia, i have taken a keen interest in less than two years for i want to know more about my home land, otherwise, i dont even know most of the people maybe 1%, as for the her write up, i dont know it just different from what am used to seeing coming from a woman, anyways, i only hope the big man will read it.

    • I am not sure with this thinking, does it mean only guys write well and critically? Laura does write sensible things. I like her. I wished she and Azwell could one day return to Zambia and contribute to that great nation, stolen by useless politician.

  7. Ati, “Iwe Laura, kanshi ninshi wampatila?” That’s Sata in his big boisterous voice asking Laura before he was President and she was working for the Post Newspaper. Go get him girl, miuaahh!!

  8. Pa bwato! we wont be misled by these writers. Presdo just continue working hard we are behind pf pliz don’t mind them, twaba pamilimo.

  9. The only issue is timing if this story was run two weeks ago its impact would have been excellent,but it’s coming when most of the issues raised are already being addressed,we are informed the PF will come out stronger from this abused democracy by party members.Thanks all the same Laura.

    • As you post your comment, some PF dude called Musonda is accusing Kabimba of forming parralell structures. The return of Sata has made zero difference with the wrangles in your party and now that Scott in parliament has announced Sata’s position on Kabimba that the SG is here to stay, you think all those people who want Wynter gone will just sit back and do nothing? I feel sad that seemingly intelligent people like you downgrade your thinking to justify the total mediocrity that your president and the whole party represents.

  10. I bet this in not Laura. At least not the Laura Miti we know. If it is, then she has become very hollow. Lack of scientific truth in what she is saying (about the results of elections if held today, the face-lifting of the kitwe-ndola hwy that she claims was all good -as wrong, Unpalatable language by claiming the president bapandila in not having press conferences, and the “bembas kubwanga bapena, and the correlation of ex-cathedra to the presidency) reflect a very shallow mind at work. I still contend this is not the real Laura! If it be her then we have lost a good mind!

    • Laura and Sata are tribal cousins. She can afford to let her hair down. Does she have to be serious with science backed truths all the time? What is so scientific about having a road all tore up anyway? Her talk about the possibility of Sata losing if elections were held now is just an opinion. A joke. When was the last time somebody conducted a scientific poll in Zambia? Yaa, awe mwe.

      I know this for fact: people with really good education don’t beat each other down but with counter write-ups. Let’s see yours bo Nshiku. Talk is cheap.

    • The works being done on the Ndola – Kitwe dual carriage way is being done at a wrong time. It is simple not a priority, there were no pot holes like the Solwezi Chingola Road and Nakonde Chinsali.

  11. I had lots of respect for Laura but on this one,she has missed it.I personally find her tribal comment about Bembas going crazy with black magic,not only divisive but offensive.I hope she was just playing ichimbuya.At this point in time,when the issue of tribalism is so hot,i would have loved to see Laura desist from writing or even commenting about it.

    • @mk. Well put.
      Unfortunately, for most Bembas I know – tribalism is something “imitundu” or other tribes do (they are far above that!).

    • Just to clear your conscious ba MK and Ulabwata,am not Bemba by tribe.But,I will never support any tribal sentiments, be it from an Easterner in the name of chimbuya or not.I live with Rwandans and the stories they tell about the genocide are horrible to even imagine befalling my lovely country.Lets try and blog as Zambians,not bembas,lozis etc.

    • misplaced thoughts Zamcab. Whatever tribe you are. Laura has no apology to make for saying that. Living around Rwandans does not quantify your opinion for Laura not to write as she has said. We are Zambians and can afford to say what we can and do to each other. We could have fought a long time ago and trust the space that Rwanda genocide has no space in Zambia. Just read the article and appreciate what the learned lady has said. She knows Sata and they have a history together.

  12. When all is said…,all I can add is that if I were you, President Michael Sata, I would pave a way for Laura to advise me, in a non-public way. I say this not just from reading this letter, but also the others, including the epic “Do no harm”, which I had hoped she was wrong about our president. Success Mr. President does not happen miraculously, but it’s almost guaranteed when you surround yourself with, or in your case swear in people who are more intelligent than you, better educated than you, and wiser than you. On second thoughts, maybe you have. I’m sorry sir, ignore my comments.

  13. Twalemweba mwe bena Zambia tamumfwa, Sata teti ateke calo bwino pantu amano aya butungulushi bwakutwale calo pantanshi takwata. Bambi muli baimwe mufitala elyo twalemweba mwalefwaya nokulainyelawila nga baletalika ukusapota ba Sata, nomba muli kwi ? Ndakai, abaletalika, namashiwi yafitala fyabo yalikama. Mulenya makalapila !!!!!!

  14. Well said Laura,but let me remind Zambians that sata didn’t know that being a President is totally different from being an opposition leader,Sata used to talk much as opposition leader and so he is not aware that it’s time to act .He has recoiled in nkwazi house thinking that he is resting after a long battle of becoming president .Surely what advice can come from pipo like kabimba,GBM ,Guy Scott,Kambwili,Mmembe ,Nchito,the list is endless ,all riff raffs.

  15. Well one thing is that mostly it is wise to make big statements on things outside our competent. I do not know what exactly is being done on the Ndola road nor am I a road engineer. But what the lady has described is exactly what I am seeing being done here in Nairobi on the roads being upgraded. Its not just mending here & there to make it bigger, but old roads are being dug out to lay foundations to new one. Logically you cannot just mend two roads of different qualities and ages together “new wine, new wine skins”.

  16. Correction! “well one thing is that mostly it is not wise to make big statements on things outside our competence!”

  17. The truth of the matter is that for as long az the likes of Mmembe, Nchito, Kabimba, Masebo still have a hold over Sata, there is nothing good that will come out of state house during his tenancy. The sooner he gets rid of these evil pipo from his listvof advisers the better for him and for zambia. That Chellah boy is equally a danger for Sata cos he is Wynter’s surrogate -telling Sata exactly whAt Wynter wants him to hear and blocking his eyes and ears from all sensible suggestions such as the one from Laura

  18. Easterners and Northerners have some very serious Jokes like the RB court issue!!!! Laura Miti’s article is just one of those big jokes!!!!!!!!

  19. I dont think Sata is still the kingcobra i knew, he seems to hv relegated himself to a worm.
    Why cant he be stretforward? He is a divided man.
    Come out clear mr president.

    • SATA is the one causing the confusion because of his indecisiveness. He is a weak father who cannot discipline his children (from different wives). They cannot squabbling until they are told off by their father.

  20. One of the best traditions in Zambia is Chimbuya. It brings people together not divides them. Sata would not be annoyed about a mbuya jibe from his friend Laura. Maybe he will be angry at the other things she said

  21. Ba Sata, please wake up. We, your one time supporters are waiting for action on many issues affecting our nation right now. I know Laura from my Justice and Peace days…. oh, she is a very intelligent lady and what she has stated holds with me. I know the cobra as a very venomous snake but this cobra in State House has been milked of it’s venom

  22. Ndola Kitwe dual carriageway road I agree the road can be dug up to resurface it. But was it priority when to Chingola Kitwe is very much worse and it is under pressure from trucks to mines in NW province? Why start with a road that is fine. Why not do it after more urgent ones?

  23. We have been missing Laura’s quality contributions for some time. The general refreshes our reads once in a while with direct, matter-of-fact arguments. But Laura’s no-holds-barred write-ups do strike at the hearts of people who prefer to bury their heads in the sand. Yes indeed, it’s too late for Sata and company to make time for 2016 as they are incapable of redeeming their hopeless behavior.

  24. On the Ndola-Kitwe dual carriage way I think the man is right, i’m also surprised that the road was prioritized leaving out urgent roads like the Ndola-Mufulira road, Chingola-Solwezi road

  25. The quality of leadership reflects the quality of the electorate.
    Looking at the calibre of the president of Zambia,it is obvious that the majority of Zambians are *****s.
    Thank you very much.

  26. The quality of leadership reflects the quality of the electorate.
    Looking at the calibre of the president of Zambia,it is obvious that the majority of Zambians are id.iot.s.
    Thank you very much.

  27. I have beaten the moderator at her game.
    I mean it,majority of Zambians are i.diots and accept mediocrity.
    They can even vote for a dog if it kneels down before them to beg for votes.

  28. Laura should have highlighted the issues of tribalism and nepotism since these have reached unprecedented proportions under the PF government. Otherwise she has hit the nail squarely on the head regarding all the issues that she has raised.

  29. Laura, you could be in trouble for copying Sata’s letter to these no-nonsense LT bloggers. He goes ballistic when his letters are open to anyone. A charge of treason could be following.
    Although I missed out on the bits that you wrote in vernacular I think your article is very good.

  30. First we should understand what a press conference is and adressing the nation.
    A press conference is whereby anyone (you inclusive0 call press men to highlight something and you want it to documented by the press. An adress to a nation is whereby a president or anyother government official adreeses the nation on important issues. Has not the President adressed the nation on many occassions? Has not the president beem covered by the media/press men on many occassions? So what press conference are you talking about?
    Do not over rate yourselves and think you know it all. Our country is many years behind in development and the government is in a hurry to develop it. Be part of the solution you are a Zambian too.

    • The reason the opposition want a press confrence is that they need more fire power. The current reserves of ammunition are running out so they feel a press confrence will be an opportunity to embarass the president.

  31. Good piece there, Laura. I haven’t read much from you lately but I see you still have your wit and flair. Good advice covering an interesting subject matter in simple terms. Thank you.

  32. MSC is doing the best he can offer to zambians and people should learn to appreciate and bear in mind that he is just an imperfect human being prone to make mistakes.People are just used to complain other than working hard to make a change.kulailishanyafye lyonsefye and very fast at fault finding mission.Help him add more value to bring zambian where it is suppose to be and contribute constructively to the development of our nation.

  33. When did you want the Ndola-Kitwe done to wait for it to be in a deplorable state? Ancient thinking my dear, I commute in that road twice every single day and the portions that have been dug where narrowing slowly and there are been worked on (dug up) before the onset of the rains, and anyway who are you to tell us that Sata won’t pull the next elections like our standards where a lot better in the last regime, we are ready to sacrifice for the betterment of this country, than what your fathers left for you,nothing, bragging fool.

  34. Surely people, is there any advise to get from the article from Laura? She has not stated anythings she thinks should be done apart from usual noise

  35. All the presidents in this country have had their own weaknesses.People always talk and forget very easily.It was the same criticism from our grand pa DR KK,FJT(MHISRP),our beloved Levy (MHSRIP),Bwezani and currently Mr. Sata.Each one of them has his own weakenesses because they are humans.We all know what contribution each one made to the nation and we are all seing what Mr Sata is doing and at one time in the near future,we shall see where he scored right and where he failed.Rupiah called alot of press conferences but you will agree with me that most of his pronouncements on these occasions were not up to our contetment (remember “kani tundila…lol”).I agree with the article atleast once in three months or even six months,the president needs to talk to the nation.

  36. A lesson to Zambia, the loudest tin does not make a meal. It just shows that Sata was too good opposing people, once given the chance he just fell flat. Hes achieved alot in life look at the people he opposed, very educated. So please next Zambia think before you embarass yourselves with archaic type of leaders.

  37. Mahtani is the master mind , People should know that Mahtani gives money to Sata , Kabimba , GBM , Lungu ever month.
    Next time will tell the Zambian people about the DBZ Saga that involves Sata and many others.

  38. Laura Laura Laura
    So true.
    and for Fred Phiri @49, how do you bring in Mathani in this? If you have something that links this with him, speak openly and not in parables. We are eager to know all about Sata and his financiers so when the time comes, we make them to account for their ill-deeds.

  39. I prefer RB with HH and Chipimo as his deputies. We will have a tested diplomat at the helm of affairs with a safety valve that qualified persons will take care of important ministries and learn the nuisances of running a country and after 5 years take over.

  40. If only Laura Miti would stoop to the depths of standing for election and seeing what the Zambian people say about her ideas. Alas, she is too much of a snob and a coward, whining all day about “politicians”. That’s convenient for someone who just wants to sit on their backside and consider themselves superior to others

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