Friday, March 7, 2025

Stella Libongani urged to disband the PF militia group and NGOs formed by Kabimba


Inspector General of Police Stella Libongani  speaks with Tourism Permanent secretary George Zulu shortly before President Michael Sata  arrived  at Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula International Airport for the opening of the  UNWTO 20th General Assembly   -Picture and caption by THOMAS NSAMA
Inspector General of Police Stella Libongani speaks with Tourism Permanent secretary George Zulu shortly before President Michael Sata arrived at Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula International Airport for the opening of the UNWTO 20th General Assembly -Picture and caption by THOMAS NSAMA

Youth Activist and former interim president of 4th Republic Party, Lameck Kamalo has called upon President Michael Sata and the Inspector General of Police, Stella Libongani to disband PF Secretary General Wynter Kabimba’s private militia group.

Mr. Kamalo disclosed that Mr. Kabimba established a group of militia youths headed by Geoffrey Chumbwe to handle the so called security issues of the party but its real purpose is dubious.

He said the group had been tasked to harass Hon, Wynter Kabimba’s political adversaries in the party and in the Opposition. He also stated the group was also tasked to man the party convention whenever it was going to be held in order to bar Kabimba’s opponent.

Kamalo has also challenged both Mr. Kabimba and Mr. Situla to an open debate on radio or television to defend his facts.

Kamalo also disclosed besides creating parallel structures in the party, Mr Kabimba created the 4th Republic Party together with other organisations that were designed to support his presidential ambitions.

He said that Mr. Kabimba usually expressed displeasure at the manner that President Michael Sata was running the country and urged many party members to be ready to change the course in 2016.

He called on President Michael Sata and the Central Committee to immediately abolish Kabimba’s civil society institutions created for sinister motives. He named the institutions as follows:

  • Policy Monitoring and Research Centre (PMRC) based in Kabulonga,
  • National Project for Poverty Reduction (NPPR) based on Nangwenya Road,
  • The Youth Centre on Milima Road in Woodlands
  • The Data Centre on Manchinchi Road.

Kamalo also disclosed further details related to the formation of the 4th Republic party, and said that he was tasked to form the party on 2nd March 2013 by PF Assistant Secretary General, Sikwiindi Situla on behalf of Mr. Kabimba.

He said Mr. Situla who also publishes a newspaper called Barotse Times, regularly met him at Godfrey House, at Mr. Kabimba’s law firm.

He appealed to Kabimba and Situla to avail themselves to a public debate to challenge what he has exposed.

He advised the PF leadership to ensure that they dealt with Mr, Kabimba’s dangerous manoeuvres as he had set up many organisations and online newspapers to attack and mudsling his perceived political adversaries in the party and was outside.

He said the 4th Republic Party was meant to usher in the fourth republic where the current constitutional order would be abandoned by making Zambia a federal state. He said that Kabimba insisted that the party was going to be an answer to the 1964 Barotse Agreement.

On Wednesday 9th October, Lameck Kamalo resigned as interim party president of 4th Republic Partyciting dishonest intentions by Mr. Situla and Mr. Kabimba.


  1. Yesterday I suggested to confer President Sata a rare Presidential award of a Nobel Price for the most Tribalistic President ZAMBIA has ever had but I received Tons and Tons of attacks from PF Thugs.but All i wanted was to say the truth that everyone tries to avoid. PF is the most tribal party on earth. Only a Bemba can lead PF.

    • Well Octopus, I don’t like saying this, but it’s the absolute truth: Bemba supremacy in the Zambian discourse was well orchestrated by the Kaunda regime in the same way that the Belgians and French did with what now presents itself as the Hutu-Tutsi situation in Rwanda and Burundi. Kaunda came up with his cosmetic concept of TRIBAL BALANCING which he implemented only at cabinet level and even so, usually gave non-Bemba ministers lesser caabinet portfolios. But most key intelligence & security, parastatal and diplomatic posts were for Bembas. Govt sponsored Overseas scholarships were for Bembas (remember this name- W.A. CHITUNDU?) and that’s why Bemba is the official language at most of Zambia’s foreign missions. And now Sata is taking us back to those ANCIENT TIMES….sad!!!

    • You all who are saying bembas are tribalist are *****s. Bembas are all involving pipo until in the recent past when you Tongas taught us how to vote for our own. There is a saying which goes ” Man showed the lion how to attack on the neck because the day the lion attacked man and only managed to grab his arm, the spectators started saying “Iye, he is so lucky, had the lion grabbed his neck, he would have died”. The Lion listened to the conversation and next time he knew where to attack. This is the same as what has happened in Zambia now. President Kaunda you referred to is not bemba but he involved everyone. when the Tongas started along tribal lines, everyone realised which tribe they belong to and started supporting their own. Now you have been crying foul.

    • @Wanu Ngwee, I remember Chitundu. I had a relation who was senior to Chitundu but couldn’t organise a scholarship (coz he had to do the right thing) but refered us to Chitundu. So many horror stories came out of that busaries committee.

    • viva hh Viva 2016 Viva upnd
      Abash king cobra
      Abash pamafi 2016 haleisa haleisa
      Hh ngatalipo bonse apa nibangwelu twalaizandamuna 2016 mukadabwa.
      Twanaka nobupuba ala bane
      nebatonga basa 2016
      Babemba bonse 2016
      Bakaonde banzoro mujibyepi 2016
      mwasilozi hensha 2016
      Balamba ba mwisho 2016
      atumbuka onse mulihuli 2016
      Everybody our time is coming 2016 dont forget your pens and do them a ka donchi kubeba

    • @lady j
      Your analysis or rather the lack of it is unfortunate. It’s a bit like the proverbial ostrich saying about hiding your head in the sand. Rather sad

    • @ Wanu Ngwee,
      To add to what you have said, The Kaunda regime was also pro-easterners. There was a time when all the security wings (army, airforce, ZNS, police and OP) were headed by easterners. Mr Munkombwe, he was a firebrand then, had to raise his concerns in parliament. As long as you had an eastern name you were home and dry even if you were a foreigner. Remember the time when the Zambia Daily Mail was headed by a guy called Albert Mvula. The guy was a Zimbabwean and he has since changed his name to Farai. Kaunda had a soft spot for both Northerners and Easteners. However, he was more inclusive than Sata in terms of appointments.

    • Lady J. What about the majority of us the non-bemba non-tonga who voted for SATA. should each of us support for our own tribal presidents. Come-on Lady J. be real. If the majority of the Zambians support your view, then we will be better off a federal state.

    • @ Lady J, I think you have a very serious problem trying to manage your mental faculties. To start with, Tongas have never been in power per se and for you to say they have been tribalistic is a misplaced judgment. Further, Dr. Kaunda is a Bemba from Chinsali whether you like it or not, and this is by his own admission and widely accepted country wide. Do you see that you are the one being tribal by trying to malign KK. Shame on you!

    • What’s surprising among other things is that these same fellows who are condemning kabimba never did so to GBM for the same said reason. When militia was formed by GBM it was ok to them; now that the militia is supposed to be formed by Kabimba, they all cry foul. Isn’t this what people are calling tribalism and pay master maneuvers?
      Chikwelete is terrorizing people all over the place, including the vice president of the land, and these ‘good’ people are quiet. But as soon as someone finds a way to stop Chikwelete, these same ‘good’ people cry foul again. Is Sata Zambian? Does he really love Zambia? Among his advisers, if at all he has any, did anyone study history and how civil wars begin? Zambia, my beloved Zambia is approaching a disastrous cliff-point of no return.

  2. I`m now speechless.Loooks like you are about to lose my confidence Wynter.I think the evidence against you is overwhelming .Its high time you handed in that letter.

    • Did i not warn you of backing a dead horse before… you seem misguided in your suppose for a gang of thieves

    • Ha ha ha.It is normal to have traitors in politics.Examples like this are many.Even Kapwepwe ati one point had to rebel against Kaunda.

    • I would have been shocked if PF was not going to give birth to another party. Such is democracy; those that disagree can exit through an off-shoot

    • Thanks @Saulosi for being open and honest. We all love Zambia and want the best for our country. However, the happenings and now we hear Zambia’s debt is at $3B plus accumulated in 2 years. Not very positive news is it?

  3. Kabimba has lost relevance to the PF as a Party. A lesson to everyone to learn to co-exist. Due to his mere greed for Political Power, he’s got more enermies than friends in the PF.

  4. I don’t see any angle of defense bwana SG,even if you were a brilliant lawyer.Lets turn the page and move on before your name is completely tarnished.Step down and let the will of the people prevail.On the other hand,i think this dude wants to make use of the free publicity he is getting,the more they talk about him,the more people get to know his name.

  5. We seem to be missing the point. For small fish to make noise they have the support of bigger fish somewhere! I can’t imagine what would happen to this country in the unfortunate event that president Sata died with these wrangles still going on. I wish the Head of State good health though, and would want to see him through his term of office. GOD HELP US.

  6. When Kabimba sent pf youths to sudan for military training, HH said he was training a militia group. The entire Pf called for HH ‘s head to be cut off. HH was slapped with the high charge of treason. Today this has come to be confirmed by the same PF. Did HH lie? No sir.

  7. HH is vindicated when he stated that pf had sent some party cadres to Sudan for training as militias. Where is OP?

  8. There is no Barotse Times, only barotse post. Just fight kabimba&Satan the father of confus…..& violence. Someone promised kabimba something,honour that promise why keeping quite in state house.

  9. You all who are saying bembas are tribalist are ******. Bembas are all involving pipo until in the recent past when you Tongas taught us how to vote for our own. There is a saying which goes ” Man showed the lion how to attack on the neck because the day the lion attacked man and only managed to grab his arm, the spectators started saying “Iye, he is so lucky, had the lion grabbed his neck, he would have died”. The Lion listened to the conversation and next time he knew where to attack. This is the same as what has happened in Zambia now. President Kaunda you referred to is not bemba but he involved everyone. when the Tongas started along tribal lines, everyone realised which tribe they belong to and started supporting their own. Now you have been crying foul.

  10. Did PF send militia to Sudan–yes sir! Did HH lie? No Sir! Is Wynter the cause of the current troubles? No Sir!! Is the root cause higher than Wynter? yes Sir!

    Its the president himself who should come out clean on this….we may argue but there is something we dont know

  11. With these revelations of the PF militia existence that cannot be denied by senior PF officials, in particular GBM/Edgar Lungu, what is the charge slapped on HH who timely warned this lovely Nation that PF was training a youthful militia in Sudan?. All these pertinent issues that border the country ‘s security and many more yet to be divulged, can senior PF officials that were in denial now come out in the open and tell the Nation the purpose of these MILITIA formed.

  12. Wynter you betrayed your own people, harassed them and even wanted your fellow Tonga HH to be imprisoned. Now the Bemba’s have shown you their true colours and you are in limbo. This is the time your tribesmen would have been a pillar of support for you but alas you’ve insulted and alienated all of them. Its time you swallowed the bitter pill and apologise to the UPND and HH and resign from Pf, there is nothing but hate for you there. But the UPND are forgiving people so while you can, join UPND, maybe your career can still be salvaged.

    • @bee; your tribalism runs in you DNA. It’s people like you who create an impression to chaps like Lady J that Tongs are tribal. Point of correction: Wynter is fluent in Tonga, but he is not a Tonga. I am fluent in Lozi, Nsenga, Kaonde, and Swahili but I do not belong to any of these tribes. Please STOP THE TRIBAL TALK! It sickens some of us.

  13. But you pipo why is it that nobody has asked this chap Lameko Kamalo why he got involved in this dubious groupings if himself is sooo CLEAN and WELL INTENTIONED? By the way do this groupings really exist in the form they have been presented? Lets not be too quick to condemn Kabimba and praise the Kamalo chap without understanding the TRUTH.

  14. Malitia? for opposition or leadership in fighting? To kill citizens? Those are party issues, if you cannot withstand the heat move away from the kitchen.

  15. this man knew about the so called militia group but he did not report he should also be arrested. he knew all that data and he was quiet. I smell a rat in this man’s underpant

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