Sunday, January 12, 2025

Only President Michael Sata can expell me from the party- Sikwindi Situla


Expelled Patriotic Front (PF) Assistant Secretary General in charge of politics Sikwindi Situla says only party and republican president Michael Sata can remove him from his position.

Mr. Situla says this because his position as PF Assistant Secretary General in charge of politics draws its authority from the PF party president.

Speaking to Qfm in an interview, Mr. Situla has also maintained that he is still a sincere and loyal member of the PF and a supporter of President Sata and his leadership.

Mr. Situla has also stated that he has written a letter concerning his suspension to President Sata is awaiting his response.

On Monday, PF deputy secretary general Bridget Atanga suspended Mr. Situla from the party before announcing his expulsion yesterday for insubordination.

Mr Situla has been linked to the Fourth Republic Party together with PF Secretary General Wynter Kabimba.


  1. Situla, you don’t write to the President, you should write to your immediate boss/ the charging officer who has asked you to exculpate yourself. Did President Chilufyanya ask you to exculpate yourself?

    PF carders are gathering at the Lusaka District Office. I hope we will not be disturbed today.

    • It is clear cut that the PF as a party lacks proper functioning structures. It baffles me how the PF can manage a country; a task that requires strict adherence to structures, rules and laws. The irony of this all is that the PF govt with the blessing of Sata carried on a forceful decentralization overhaul of the country’s politically and geographically through estalblishment of new districts ect.. If the PF members clearly only answer to Sata and therefore lack any decentralization within their own structures, how can we then believe that their district creation straight after elections on the basis of decentralization was genuine?

  2. Indiscipline did,everyone in PF can not be disciplined by any party official not even the deputy CEO excepts Sata alone, what a party!!.PF must be serious especially President Sata should come out and control the situation before it goes worse.

    • How do you say that President Sata should come out and control the situation when actually the president is the situation himself. Where is Winter or he has been Paul Temboed?

    • Does this PF party have terms and references for each position? and also a line of command? if not it is the dictatorial type of leadership as opposed to democratic authoritarian.
      This proves beyond doubt the ailing dictator that it exist in the party

    • One and the same thing bwana. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it most definitely is a duck (all signs and acts show that Sata is PF and PF is Sata – in algebra its the commutative law).

  3. Confusion is raining like a hell storm in PF house. Bemba’s say ing’anda ushilalamo baikubwila kumutenge. That is PF for you.

  4. what a bunch of *****s.No procedure, total confusion,slowly getting into implosion stage.From what we see and hear from them imagine the definite mess we should be in and which is slowly manifesting itself.The judciary,the legislature and the executive are in a total mess.Dont talk about the party it is in total confusion.And they have the guts to arrest Nevers Mumba for calling Sata the king of confusion.

  5. What am falling to grasp is the circus around it all, everyone is rushing to mention HEMSCs when ever they are told to leave, whats is the president doing about all this? I find it childish that i cant even wrap my fingers around it all, i only wish the president could come out and adress the nation once and for all even just for Five minutes to help us understand were our political stance is right now, because everyone is firing everyone, people are assuming posts out of the blue, next we will hear someone saying they are the president, this is getting rather tense… were are we at right now? Anwsers someone, anyone?

    • That’s the problem he created himself, when he became president he was just appointing without following procedure, now ka memory lapse is in and man is caught himself in a web, no one to help him……everyone is watching kaili they were not consulted in the first place so ma infighting yakayeka. The head (president) is rotten so everything is just going haywire

  6. koma this is proper kindergarten! so no one has an immmediate boss apart from sata, keep talking like that, next thing the security guards will be screaming that they cannot be fired by anyone apart from sata, so basically everyone has one man to report to, thats sata? this party is dying, and it will be buried to the ground when sata steps aside. watch the games,..

  7. Cindy; in PF no one is elected, not even the President himself. Sata is the one who appointed everyone in whatever NEC position they maybe on. So if say the same Situla was appointed by Sata who also appointed Atanga then all of you are of the same authority. This is what brought problems at Zambia Railways – lack of corporate governance appreciation, no any trace of democracy in a party. You couldn’t hear of such rubbish in MMD, minister against minister, PS against minister, PS against PS, District Chairman against Minister/SG etc, just a bunch of confusion.

    • @ ok,
      if what you’ve described here is infact the case, then i have rated these guys highly, it has never crossed my mind that they could use that primitive channel in selecting leaders to lead the nation, i actually have no words, i will give them the benefit of doubt untill such a time the president will fail to come up in the open and straighten this issue, as for now, am really really in shock!

  8. Imwe ba Lusaka Times can you give us proper news. We are tired of this rubbish. Sata increases his salary 3 times in two years and you can’t run a story about that? Or are you a copy and paste site who depend on other people’s stories?

  9. Mr. Sikwindi what if the President delegated the Mrs. Atanga to suspend you? The President has such powers you know.

  10. What is wrong with the PF? Chikwelete… only the President…Winter…only the President…Situla…only the President. This being the trend, WE ARE IN DANGER AS A COUNTRY. We need to kick out these guys in 2016. What nonsense is this? Everything points to the President, even faeces covered quacks are all shielded by President Michael Chilufya Sata…na! The next thing will…When did I write you a letter expelling you? Which month? As it happened with that CRIMINAL Chikwelete from Chawama

  11. It appears there is no order in the country anymore. Wrongdoers refuse to resign, even when faced with evidence; those tasked to subordinate to authority would like to jump the gun? If all these actions were exercise-worthy Zambia would be a fit country – jumping the gun, running the boss, tossing hoops at each other, passing the buck (ahem – make that the discus)… it is wild I see.

  12. JUDGEMENT:SITULA V/S ATANGA.First let us check this organisation called was found is owned by sata.was situla elected or appointed by the owner of pf?the answer is yes.I HAVE FOUND SITULA INNOCENT OF THE SAID OFFENCE.only sata can expel situla not atanga

  13. be it known that sata is PF and PF is sata. so all those who r trying to toss him around and using his name recklesslesly will be dealt with. wait for the cobra, the poison is vicious. take cover

  14. I Atanga then appeal to Sata himself because he is everything in the party.I acted on my own since he is not acting , he’s just play-acting.

    He need to be awaken by us taking up some or all of his powers.

  15. ma labissh ba pf only sata this only sata that. remembering that day wen sata was sworn in my eyes are filled with tears and griff

  16. It is unfortunate that in Africa politicians lack the basic principles that are expected to regulate their life-styles. Situla seems to have priotized his unprincipled means of living through deceitful gainful employment to the PF just like A TICK PARASITE SUCKING BLOOD FROM A STARVING COW.

  17. Nature hates a vacuum, If no one is acting as president, someone else will take that position. In PF and Zambia, there’s no president hence every jim and jack thinks he has powers. Winter at one time was untouchable, then came Chikwelete and GBM now it is this cockroach Situla. C’mon ba Sata show leadership. What’s wrong with you? The way we are going, very soon Kalaki will declare himself president. That’s how pathetic people feel the country has reached.

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