Friday, March 7, 2025

Post Newspaper’s report on PF Central Committee meeting grossly distorted-Kapata


 Jean Kapata
Jean Kapata

Mandevu member of Parliament Jean Kapata has raised a red flag at what she calls distorted Post Newspaper report  on proceedings of the Central Committee.

Ms Kapata, a member of the Central Committee, has described as “gross distortion” reports suggesting that Mr Sata refused to discuss internal petitions against Mr Kabimba.

“The report is a gross distortion of the meeting and doesn’t reflect the truth, the spirit and content of the discussions held and has been twisted to suit a very well-known agenda,” Ms Kapata said.

“I will not delve into the details of the meeting and will not disclose the essence of the discussions,” Ms Kapata said, “however, in light of the distortions and twisted facts in the media report, it is important to state that during matters arising, many members of the Central Committee urged His Excellency President Michael Sata to help resolve the divisions that have rocked the party and also urged the meeting to resolve the petitions so far raised against the secretary general [Mr Kabimba).”

Ms Kapata said this in a statement issued in Lusaka yesterday.

She added: “This matter was settled by His Excellency who assured the members that it would be resolved and the sad chapter this has created in our party would soon pass.”

Ms Kapata said, “as a petitioner and as a member of the Central Committee, it is the desire of all of us that this matter is resolved so that our party must remain united and concentrate on our resolve to deliver on our mandate.”

She has since appealed to the media to help Zambia by reporting on national matters factually, accurately and truthfully so that they can help build and unite the country and not to be preoccupied with the pursuit of a private agenda.

The Post Newspaper reported that President  Michael Sata  refused to discuss the petition to remove Wynter Kabimba as secretary general. Quoting unnamed   sources that attended the central committee meeting at State House , the paper said that President Sata called for reconciliation among party officials and members.

The paper further said that  there was silence when the President said the petition against Kabimba was not on the agenda and only came up on matters arising.

The sources named some of the people that wanted to bring up the issue of Kabimba as Mandevu member of parliament Jean Kapata, Samuel Mukupa, community development minister Dr Joseph Katema and Central Province minister Benson Chali.

The sources said Kapata wondered what she would tell the people in her constituency on the issue concerning Kabimba.

“The President said those that were ‘aggrieved should reconcile and work together’. He didn’t allow it (Wynter petition) to be discussed and told us to stop spending time on each other. We should spend more time rebutting lies from the opposition and explaining to the people of Zambia what the government was doing for them,” sources said.

“The President emphasised the need for reconciliation although there were people that wanted to push for the discussion of Kabimba but the President refused and you see that there were mixed feelings among people but there is nothing you can do when the President has spoken and made his position, so we listened and followed the guidance,” other sources said.

Sources said the Kabimba issue was not on the agenda and the President found it unwise to discuss it. “The President said he will deal with it at the right time,” said a source.


  1. Ba post apa pena mwaitaya Edgar Lungu,who was very much part of the meeting is saying the opposite of what you reported,was there two meetings held or just one,name your sources and i will weigh them against Edgar before i make my final judgement.

    • Even Jean Kapata is telling us a different story….

      …..awe sure this “CHAIDH” (Cartel Holding Ail……) is something else.

    • Kabimba is like a son to Sata so the man is failing to act. This is a case of a “father” being over -protective of his son then realising later that people were right after all. Now the “father” has egg in the face.


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  2. Post always twisting news to suit its agenda. The question is how will it survive with it lies, hatred and useless reporting.

    Pf will soon go under the same way monitor newspaper went down becAuse of bias reporting.

    • And it all lies in………… “a very well-known agenda”……………………………..”not to be preoccupied with the pursuit of a private agenda”. All those who were at once might UNZANDO, do you remember the ‘Bulwark’ authored by was it Okello, Rodgers Chisambi and one Fred Mumembe?? Who was with Fred when he was sponsored by ZSIC for ACCA in UK? Results??

  3. I said it and I’ll say it again. The President is weak- and has no leadership qualities. He is only fit for grass-root mobilisation not top leadership. You can’t blame the old man but us Zambians who believed his lies. Even The Post called him a “shameless old man”. And further said if it means Sata becoming a f/o/o/l to get to State House he will do it. You chose a perpetual political grass-root mobiliser and these are the results-politicking, politicking, politicking 24/7/365. Sata lacks capacity to lead a nation.

  4. The Post has lost credibility-all the little right they would have been remembered for now stands to be forgotten. The Bible says (sic) “a little folly can erase great wisdom” and “the scent of perfume can be destroyed by a small rotten fly”. Well for the Post- lies run sprints whilst truth runs marathons. They once described Sata in truth- a conniving charlatan who usuallys says thing to suit his agenda. Sata defended the corrupt when it suited him but dropped them like a bad habit again when it suited him. Then The Pst switched gear- told us a lie- describing Sata as a saint and “great patriot”. Well the lies have run out of gas and truth is still running the race and showing Sata as the man he truly is- as yoou first described him when your paper was on the side of truth.

    • Spot on Summer kabimbi i am beginning to believe such opinion of late because I was sure Winter was at least going to be rebuked for his atterances againest his own party then the cause sorted out later,,why wait My president something is not right here,may be there was for sure a covenant btwn you and Kabimba which is making winter behave anyway he pleases.

    • And the scriptures cannot be broken……..! As you have described ba Sata to be, that is what he is and what we have known him and will once more remember him. Tragedy is that he will not go easily. One of the qualities you did not mention is that he is a dictator and a shameless one. So Zambians, being not cowardly like the Zimbabweans, will remove him come hail or high water. Who engineered the third term debate…and when it fizzled out, I still recall Sata saying on TV that the Third Term t-shirts would be used as ‘vests’! Remember the ZMK2 billion, Mulungushi Rock gate? What of the Chawama hacking gate? And the famous Mwanawasa resignation that was fathered or rather step fathered by Chilufya Cycle Mata?

  5. Quick decision making in leadership is very critical. The President must act quickly to bring unite in the Party by dropping Wynter as SG. Wynter has challenged the President by not resigning on his own, painting a picture that the President is scared to fire him. This is a very unfortunate situation and the Man of Action Must Act. The Iron Lady in Malawi acted, I know our President can do better before any jim and jack start to dare him.

  6. Davies Chama above- what world do you live in? You have eyes but you can’t see- ears but you can’t understand. Your President has had more than enough chance to fire- indeed he has been dared in every way. He can’t face the Zambian people and fanning confusion. You are saying he has broought development- develoment by what standard? Because declaring new districts and flagging off unfinished projects is mere propaganda- the people (apart from Bembas- and I am a Bemba myself) are now undergoing worse economic hardships because ther’s no money in circulation…anyway I have gone off my pooint but there you go.


    • It is the day of reckoning for Sata that has come……Fred is a simple businessman who is using the current leadership to profit like he did with Mwanawasa. Take it from me Fred will switch camp to HH should he form the next government. Businessmen believe and support every PIG(Party in Government).

  8. Post post post. The bible says “In the abundance of words sin is not absent” Learn to say few truthful words.

  9. kapata, you are now the spokesperson for the meeting eeh. lungu says this, post paper with their ‘reliable’ source says that and now kapata, in whatever capacity says something else. so who is telling the truth? kaqpata you are being used as a mopping cloth. typical of our brothers and sisters from ‘SIX’ koloko. no wonder chiluba refered to them as ‘banamazai’

  10. Kapata shut up your big mouth.You are the people magnifying small things.You have allowed yourself to be used….Sata is too clever to be used by parochial minds like yours.No vote for you in 2016…read today’s post comment and if you have ears you will learn one or two things.Very educative indeed for tribalists like yourself. Lungu is also joining a battle he doesn’t understand.Scott and Kabimba mean well and are just frank.

  11. I wouldn’t be surprised if Post reported that, M’mbe is a close ally to the president, you may discover that thats what the president told m’mbe, and dont be surprised if president Sata does exactly as M’mbe’s reports. but dont worry zambians, the more the infights, the easier it gets to get these time wasters out of power, Hichilema stand up and just talk any how about these people, there is no need for a rally in mandevu, the wind will carry the message to everyone around the nation. dont be bitter, just take it easy, HH, your time is surely the next one.

  12. Boogieman you may have a point but the confusion in pf is likely to disturb the peace and order in the nation. Remember the destruction that was caused at Northmead Primary. Therefore it is important that the exit of pf from power does not leave a trail of destruction.

  13. Sata enjoys seing people, including the Post, fighting for his support like children competing for parent’s attention. He rules that way.

  14. Kabimba is carrying a very large bowl of beans and the President would not allow him to spill it. Firing of Kabimba will never happen. Just ask yourself why the President or the Public Service Commission are not suspending Amos Malupenga with all these glaring corruption involving Digital Migration.

  15. The POST is factual. PF is a tribal party and has formed a Tribal government. Check all the appointments. They are tribal. So why get annoyed with that.

  16. What is happening now in our country especially the party in government can be described as;ba Kolwe mwibala lya mataba.

  17. They are on auto-pilot . How long does it take to get Sata to act.
    He has been Called upon and urged and still no response , maybe
    He is on another planet seems like he is not around.

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