Sunday, January 12, 2025

President Sata calls for unity among politicians, confers with Nevers Mumba inside church building


President Michael Sata
President Michael Sata

PRESIDENT Michael Sata has called for unity among all political party leaders in the country’s quest to develop.

Mr Sata said unity among political leaders was important as it also strengthened national unity especially during national events.

“If different denominations (churches) are able to unity in moments like this, who are we not to do so, we are fighting for the unity of Zambia, we should be united in things of this nature,’ President Sata said.

The Head of State said this during the interdenominational thanks giving service to commemorate the 49th Independence Anniversary and the launch of the 2014, golden jubilee commemorations held at the Anglican Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Lusaka yesterday.

Mr Sata was grateful to all opposition political party leaders, that included MMD president Nevers Mumba who attended yesterday’s interdenominational thanks giving prayers.

He also paid tribute to first republican President Kenneth Kaunda for uniting the people of Zambia.

During the service, the President was among three people that read verses from the Bible, reading from the book of Luke 4: 16-21.

After service, Mr Sata called for Dr Mumba after which the two conferred inside the church building.

The President and Dr Mumba briefly had a chat and share a light moment before leaving the church hand in hand.

Outside the church, Mr Sata and Dr Mumba invited Dr Kaunda to join them and posed for photographs before seeing off the former Head of State to his vehicle.

And in his sermon, Miracle Life Church pastor Shoes Walker said Zambia was special and had God’s blessings.

Pastor Walker said God had been kind to Zambia such that people from all walks of life and countries flocked into the country to partake of the wealth that God had placed upon it.

He urged Zambians to continue to trust in God and preserve the peace that had prevailed in the country over the years.

Among the notables that attended the church service besides Dr Kaunda and Dr Mumba, were the first Lady Christine Kaseba, Vice President Guy Scott, Cabinet ministers and other Government officials.

National Restoration Party (NAREP) Vice President Charles Maboshe, New Revolution Party President Cosmo Mumba, Zambia Direct Democratic Party president Edward Sakala and Some MMD Members of Parliament were also in attendance.

Others were the two former first ladies, Vera Tembo and Maureen Mwanawasa, members of the diplomatic corp and various church leaders.


    • Just leave HH out of this we ndoshi we.
      They will say one thing in church; ba chameloen imwe. Let him swear his relatives at state house and the language changes to thug language. Shame.

    • But your Sata was no where to be seen when in was in opposition. Let him leave with it, what unit when he just stands for one region.

  1. Now Sata should invite all political leaders to a round table discussion of national issues. The unity pronunciations should not just end in the churches.

  2. Mr. President. could you first guarantee the safety of the opposition leaders when they visit various communities, allow them space to hold rallies and them talk about unity

  3. Who is this Pastor Shoes Walker calling people from all countries to come and share our bread!? Our bread is a gift from God for us, not for the whole world!

    • @Chitapankwa, echo ndepapa naine. This “bread” in any case should first be given to Zambians. The left overs are the ones that should be given to ba mwiisa. But the opposite is true in Zambia.

    • Please, please! Can you understand what Pastor Walker said? He is not calling anybody to come. He was simply observing that they have ALREADY come.
      “God had been kind to Zambia such that people from all walks of life and countries flocked into the country to partake of the wealth that God had placed upon it”.

    • The pastor is in fact praising Zedans for their generosity. They allow people from all over the world to come and plunder their wealth at the expense of their own citizens. Look at the west Africans and emeralds, Indians and now Sinos. You can add on….

    • Sata shunned state functions the 10yrs he was in opposition.

      Why should he today turn around and call upon everyone to GO to state House. HH don’t go there. For MMD, they are at a loss since they were inviting everyone though SATA never honored the invitation and always found a way to mock it.

  4. I cant Imagine having a Father who does not talk to his children, this is what sata has done to the people of zambia. He has refuse to address the nation…….. and zambians seem to take this as normal. Anyway maybe that was the advise fro the sangoma, who knows

  5. I personally don’t agree with this arrangement, how possible is it for the pastor to preach the heart felt gospel repent or perish, unless if he is bold enough now knowing our preaches in Zambia they’ll preach blessings when sin in at hand, stop deceiving yourself.

  6. One of Africa’s most dangerous snakes!
    Never, never, never trust a snake. Let alone a cobra! Adam and Eve including their descendants have learnt the hard way….
    Ignore this at your own peril!

  7. “F0ol me once, shame on you. Fo0l me twice shame on me.” so goes the old wise adage. But still, most people will still be fo0led by this knee-jerk reaction from our comedian President. And he knows that.

    • This is a good observation. Is this Pastor real? he could be fugitive in his country of origin. Can someone please do a search on this Guy. Kamwendo Munjila or Shoes Walker is a self given name meaning ‘shoes that walk’!! Its like telling a prefect at school who intends to book you that your name is ‘Kalembeni Kathabe’ meaning book me and I run!

  8. Religion is the root of all evil in this world and it is simply there to intimidate and deceive poverty stricken people. Ever wondered why only poor and illiterate people spend too much time in the affairs of religion? Go kuma comboni every Sunday they are at church and kuma yard it is a different scenario altogether! Never believe whatever is said in church, they do not mean it and it is not guaranteed!

    • I know you are an infidel. But thank Heavens Christianity is beyond religion. If anything, Christianity is a way of life. It’s people like Sata and the like who make Christianity look like fake.

    • John, Christianity is a way of life. You will not find any of what you have said in the life, teachings and attitude of the Lord Jesus Christ. You may be right about churches but not about the Church of my Jesus. Read the Bible and learn to differentiate between religion as instituted by man and Christianity as lived by Jesus Christ and great men of faith such as Abraham, Daniel, David and the prophets. Man, if you cared to know more about the lives of these people you would agree with me that indeed religion as depicted by denominations is contrary to what God and His Son the Lord Jesus Christ would like man to enjoy. Read the language in 1 Timothy 6 vs 17. Does it sound religious or family/father/mother-like?

    • John, stretch your brain a bit more. Satan would like you to believe that so that you reject Jesus and perish with him. No, please read the story of Jesus or if you are too busy get a good movies depicting the Life of Jesus. The Jeus film is one such. Please, John, do not choose to perish. You may have been in a religious church. I urge you to find a bible-based church and join them. There is joy in the life of a true Christian.

    • I feel sorry for you people who have chosen to follow religion blindly. Analyze what is happening today including your religions and you will realize it is all nonsense deceit. Maybe 2000 years ago people believed what you believe now but honestly speaking in this era, we need proof and not lip service! Someone is even urging me to read a story of Jesus, come on people we all have read those stories, they do not mean anything they are simply stories. Wake up from slumber! There is nothing like devil, you yourselves are your own devils, and those criminal who stand in front of the churches who tell you things you can never question and will never allow you to ask them a question.


  10. The Head of State can bring harmony by ensuring the rule of law. Allow opposition political parties and leaders to fully participate in politics as long as they are within the law. The President can order the police and unrully party cadres to start respecting opposition party leaders and their followers. The President and PF can still win elections in 2016 without stifling other parties. All the PF needs to do is work hard for the Zambian people and the same Zambians who voted for them in 2011 will re-elect them. Leave HH alone. The man is no longer certain of his personal security and that of his followers nowadays. He would be reckless to just attend any function especially where hordes of PF cadres are in attendance because of past experiences. He too is a Zambian.

  11. Sata was just pulling a publicity stunt. He can never meet the opposition leaders to discuss issues of national importance. In the first place, he has failed to address the nation through a press conference.

    • Sata is just a hypocrite, he never attended any national events when the MMD was in power. He is simply irrelevant and out of touch.

  12. What unity is Sata talking about? Sata himself is the architect of the divisions and tribalism and chaos we are currently experiencing in our country. So why is Sata pretending to be an agent for peace? Serpent.

  13. Anyway Nevers is also an opportunist looking for any chance to survive i hope he was not promised a Diplomatic Job back to CANADA and leave MMD Die hards stranded again. Just wait and see

  14. I like President Sata. It’s his ministers that are bizarre. Elo bloggers you should appreciate good things like this meeting.

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