Friday, January 10, 2025

Nevers apologies to the Supreme Court for contemptuous statement, prays for leniency


MMD president Nevers Mumba tries to control the crowd that gathered to show solidarity to Rupiah Banda at the DEC offices.
File: MMD president Nevers Mumba tries to control the crowd that gathered to show solidarity to Rupiah Banda at the DEC offices.

MMD leader Dr Nevers Mumba this morning addressed the Supreme Court bench and apologized for issuing statements that might border on contempt of court.

Dr Mumba addressed the bench which comprised five Supreme Court judges and stated that he has stood for the integrity of the courts in Zambia.

This is a matter where PF Petauke Central Constituency losing candidate Leonard Banda had sued Dr Mumba for contempt of court.

This was after Dr Mumba attacked the Judiciary through the media over its decision to nullify Dora Siliya’s seat.

“To stand in this honourable house, before the conveyors of God’s justice for the first time in my life is indeed a difficult moment for me,” Dr Mumba said.

“My background makes my appearance in this hall of justice, especially on charges leveled against me, inconsistent with who I am and what I have preached for the past 30 years. God, in His wisdom, has designed that society can only succeed on the anvils of justice and that those charged with this sacred responsibility be honoured and revered as God’s servants.”

Dr Mumba added, “It is for this reason that all my life, as both a minister of the Gospel, and now a political leader, I have stood for the integrity of the courts in our land.

The MMD leader said it is the duty of every Zambian and every leader to honour this sacred institution as it is ultimately God’s instrument of dispensing justice to both the rich and the poor, and through this institution and the honourable Lords and Ladies of the bench peace and security is maintained.

“As a man in preparation to run for the highest office in the land, I am fully aware that the Supreme Court of our land is the highest institution of justice. It is through this institution that successive presidents have been sworn into office. It therefore remains our scared duty to ensure that the sanctity of this institution is upheld,” he said.
He continued, “My argument from the start of this case has never been about challenging the sanctity of the Supreme Court, but a push back of political leaders who would through their actions cast aspersions on the integrity of this sacred hall.”
“If in my efforts to challenge our political opponents and limit their intentions of interfering with the judiciary could have bordered on contempt, I unreservedly withdraw such a statement, to the extent of the perceived contempt.”
Dr Mumba said his history does not give him any reason to knowingly or consciously tarnish the decorum of the honourable house.
“There is no gain to me, to my party and the posterity of our nation in diminishing the image of this honourable court,” he said.
Dr Mumba added, “, my party and I remain committed to the defence of the sanctity of this court. I therefore seek the indulgence of my Lords and Ladies of this honourable court, to consider any part of my statement deemed contemptuous as not being an intentionally planned position of either myself or the party I lead, the MMD.”
The MMD leader pleaded with the court not to send him to jail saying such a decision would deprive the MMD, the largest opposition party of a leader.
He submitted that it would be difficult for the MMD to find a replacement if he is sent to jail as the party does not have adequate funds to host fresh party elections.
Dr Mumba said he is a family man with five children and a wife would also be deprived of his love and attention if he is sent to jail.
The Supreme Court has reserved judgment and sentencing to a later date.


  1. Never Mumba is becoming wiser than Sata. Sata would have insulted those judges. I hope Sata will not set another tribunal for Judges who accepted Mumba’s apologies.

    • My worry there were five Judges on the beach and they might think of sending a clear message to other would be offenders. No further appeal.

    • A chattering bird builds no nest, Nevers Mumba should know that cemeteries are filled with people who thought the world could not get along without them. Anger makes you smaller, while forgiveness forces you to grow beyond what you were. Now ba Pastor for 30 years you have practiced what you do not preach, you should always reflect and stop and think and consider if you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem. STOP INSULTS TA FYA KUPALA.

    • The only Zambian politician less wise than Sata might have been Chakomboka and we all know which part of the country he came from.

    • @1.5 jukebox, that’s a daft statement to make. No region has a monopoly on i.diots. Only your fellow ignoramuses will agree with your stereotype.

    • The fear of being sent to jail has made Nevers very nervous, swallowed his pride and tendered his unreserved apology.

      I believe there is sincerity in his apology and as a first offender the court will just censure him and then let him go.

    • Its that period of time when one fills isolated and lonely cause the court convicts the MUNTHU standing before them no matter how many carders u pay to escort you…judgement is for YOU…Nerves is now feeling and sweating in every space which allows natures to do..he knows it that he is standing before Jail or freedom…so Bloggers let watch this space…

  2. Dont go straight judging him, it’s ok to be laughed at that spend a single second in a small room with serial killers. Wise man indeed!

    • @cindy, what language was that you used in some post, German or Nederlander? I like your posts but if you use that language, then we are lost!

    • @ Jude,
      I responded just check it in your mail box, otherwise, i posted it by mistake thought i deleted it for it was an unwise joke i made over the police woman. Good to know that you like my posts, sometimes i can be very funny it helps to offload.

  3. Well thought-out & eloquently articulated submission. I’m sure he’ll be sentenced to a modest fine preceded by ex cathedra words of censure from the Supreme Court bench.

  4. “Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:”
    James 1:19, KJV
    This man of God has surely know about this verse.Tiyenayo manje.

  5. What would be the consequences of a jail sentence on Nevers? Would it disqualifybhim from standing for presidency? Would he then be said to have a criminal record? Educate the masses please.

    • @cindy
      I disagree with you that we need mumba anymore. as president he would start apologizing to panga wielding cadres when they rampage city market, hes always apologising. this is one indicator that he is not a leader

    • @Umuntu, if he were to be imprisoned, then definitely he would have a criminal record. However, I believe he would have to wait for at least five years after conviction before he can contest the presidency!

    • @ Matipa,
      I beg to differ, a good leader is one who sees and acknowledges his mistakes, am very much positive that Zambia would be in very good hands, he has his faults just like all of us but he is a countless times a man you need in times of confusion, am neither MMD nor PF but i know a good quality shoe when i see one.

    • I am no fan of Nevers Mumba considering the betrayal he committed against his brethren at Victory Ministries and later on his own party NCC. But, the rationale here is that he apologised and as human beings created in God’s image, it’s prudent that we learn to forgive. A custodial sentence would not do the country any good. Much as I am appalled by what the MMD did during their tenure, we still need them as the biggest opposition to put breaks on the PF. Leaving it to the UPND alone will just usher in a one party state because it’s practically difficulty for them to beat the PF on their own. Hopefully, the 5 wise men and women he addressed will do the right thing.

    • People, contempt of court is not a criminal offence. Nevers would come out of prison and still run for presidency. Thanks

  6. Nevers litole. What kind of leader is this who always uses the name of God when this go against him. Always taking advantage of God.

    • @ kci, please make comments in an honourable fashion without any insults. LT may not know what you mean in your first sentence, but it only shows how insensitive you are to other bloggers. Stop insults please. LT has given us a platform to add a voice to the happenings in our society, and not a stage for insults.

    • @AccuGrade, well said. kci sounds like an immature or an underage blogger who does not deserve to be on this forum. We are supposed to discuss dligently and intellectually.

    • so @St. Jude, @AccuGrade and @Saulosi is ka George Chella(h) have just seen one word. You must be sitted next to that word all the time.

    • @Kci I am in agreement with you but lets avoid insults that dilute our contributions. Ukutukana insele lyonse does not augur well. Lets be more civil fellas.

    • Boss make God your guiding principle in all you do and things will be right with you. Nothing is possible without God’s hand. It is not taking advantage of God. No one can.

  7. Mumba whom are you telling we know you. I can bet before the end of this week you will eat your vomit. JUDGES please just lock him up, he knew what he was doing, those are tears of desperate man, lock him.

  8. This Nevers guy is now amusing me with his leadership skills. Uyu mufana ayamba kupya – great thinking and great humility. He has offered to expose himself in the jaws of the hungry hyenas – they might eat him though – May God be with this promising leader. Looking at the composition of the bench and the forces against him – kaya

  9. Humbleness and respect before other people is a mark of true servant hood and leadership. Rarely the bench in judiciary is accorded such honour other than fight to prove who has authority over others.

  10. what kind of opposition leader makes a apologising a hobby? Did u ever hear Sata apologise while mu opposition and we’re talking about a guy who Satan used to use as a reference point when it came to un-palatables.

    • Yes he has that element of the needed leader. It is not factual that you are only a good leader when you are arrogant. God says that revenge is His and not any body else’s. Remember that you guys are about 13,000,000. That needs leaders who are not selfish and arrogant but wise and humble to them.

  11. Who tells NEVERS MUMBA that MMD has no other leaders who can take over from him if he is jailed, this submission is beltling other leaders in MMD. Infact there are better leaders who can make the Party win election in 2016 not this PASTOR who is jst fund-raising using MMD, the Party has got nothing to lose if NEVERS MUMBA is jailed today because he is the one who benefit using MMD name. And how does he draws MMD in this case when he made that statement alone in favour of PASTOR friend DORA, there are soo many MMD seats rulified, but NEVERS MUMBA never made such outburst like the one he made on DORA seat, this man is jst a GOLD DIGGER

    • Read this again if you want me to translate it for you in Namwanga pls call me, you know my number.

      He submitted that it would be difficult for the MMD to find a replacement if he is sent to jail as the party does not have adequate funds to host fresh party elections.

    • MMD suspended group might be praying to the same God to have him locked up so that they can take over the running of MMD. He did not forgive Namungala mind you.

  12. Its like you are shouting at the police buju buju and then they get you. At the police station they even encourage you ati kamba futhi ati buju tinvele.

  13. You have not sent Judge Chikopo for contempt and you go and send your own presidential material to court, it will be very shocking!!! A strong warn and caution may be ok this is because the whole system has been compromised. We need to find a workable formula to deal with the perception of partiality on the part of our courts each time there is a new Govt in power. I am usere we have highly learned men and women who will deal with the issue to the best of their ability without fear. Like the American Jury, take the National Interest at heart.

  14. Conveyors of God’s justice? Ala! Those guys are conveying justice as is known by man. In other words man-made justice. If you have to bootlick them Pastor Mumba dont throw God into the equation.
    Just say you broke the law. And If I were you, a pastor, my words would be ” I broke you mortals’ laws and I am therefore at your mercy but just remember whatever punishment you dispense on me is of this earth. God’s laws will prevail upon me and you on judgement day.”
    So watch out. And they will quiver and shake and probably just probably let you free.

  15. The problem with ba mumba is he likes speaking much, if I remember correctly the talking made him be fired as vp, and some people think he can make a good president?

  16. Pastor, I have spoken against you in the past but for now I congratulate you for being mature and honest. I beg for mercy on your behalf sir. That’s a quality of a christian

  17. what type of a politician are you Nevers? So scared and thinking of yourself only. I think pf feels comfortable with you at the helm of the largest opposition party. Please quit politics.

  18. Sata has broken every existing Zambian law and doesn’t offer any reason or apology for it. Taking Zambians to be fools, he continues pit Zambians to kill each other and some lunatic Zambians take him to be a man of action. Shame on mother Zambia.

  19. The leader of the largest opposition in the land has apologised and wisely explained the circumstances that led to that harmless statement. The bench of learned men and women has heard Dr Mumba plea of the next president of the Republic Zambia. They are aware of instability in the country and wider implications that would result in sending an important leader to jail on flimsy grounds. Now is the time to stir ever rising temperature even higher in this atmosphere. GIven all other consideration and his wise touching words, he will be acquitted or cautioned and let free. HE is all we have to render a voice of reasoning a sober alternative in the midst of Sata’s lunacy. Wish him well and s successful 2016 victory!

  20. Point of correction: I meant to say ‘The bench of learned men and women has heard Dr Mumba’s plea, the next president of the republic of Zambia.’Now is not the time to stir ever rising political temperature even higher.

    What a country and Its so-called democracy! continuously picking on and roughing up harmless and decent individuals whose only crime is to speak in an attempt to straighten up things that headed for disasterous path. Why not pick up the suspect leaders of genocide-Kabimba , Mmembe, GBM and Nsanda. Everybody knows who caused Wednesday genocide.We have too many murderers walking the streets freely while high courts are being turned into second homes for decent people. Dora, Mumba Chipimo RB, Andrew…. for political oppositions.

  21. We will never see a second Mandela anywhere in the world who will give up
    personal rights, family, party etc for a greater freedom of the people…

  22. Its honourable of nervous to apologise to the bench. though i must add that its easy to be contemptuous to a very compromised judiciary with a questionable leader (thats the legality of the chief justice) and consistency in favouring GVT in supreme court judgements. The reality is that the Judiciary is compromised wether they send Mumba to jail or not. I mean just look at the screaming heardline in the Post while they know they are protected from paying the 18 million by the same bench. God help this country

  23. All the Zambian presidents have at one point or another seen the inside of a prison cell so Br Nevers if you get locked up that just adds to your CV 🙂

  24. It will be interesting to hear the judgement of the court and even more to observe what happens should Dr Mumba when Presidential elections;sort of like when the former Cheif Justice Sakala refused to greet President Sata while he was in opposition only to have to swear him in as President a few short months later. It will be most interesting to see

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