Speaker National Assembly Patrick Matibini has threatened to stop allowing points of order raised by Members of Parliament (MPs) that are against parliamentary procedures.
Dr. Matibini observed that some MPs raised points of order when they were supposed to ask questions.
The Speaker has since guided the House today to raise points of order that were in accordance to parliament standing.
“In future, l shall not be allowing points of order which come as a question because they are not guided by parliament procedures,” he warned.
Dr. Matibini said points of order that were backed with documentations should be laid on the table if parliamentarians felt so.
Soon after the Speaker guided the House, he allowed MMD Chadiza MP Allan Mbewe to raise a point of order because it was in accordance with parliamentary procedures.
Meanwhile, parliament head yesterday that the rehabilitation works at Kanfinsa presidential lodge in Kitwe gobbled K4, 367,117.76.
Work, Supply, Transport and Communications Deputy Minister Mwiimba Malama said the works included the construction of a four kilometre stretch road leading to the lodge, putting up water and refurbishing the lodge in general.
Mr. Malama said the lodge would have been completed by the second quarter of 2013 but could not because of financial constraints in his ministry.
these 1diots, why should they use colossal sums of money to rehabilitate a lodge whose president will never spend a night in it? it could have been used to buy medicine and desks for our children
You are dear, the money could have been spent on better projects than that lodge. The amount is enough to build two clinics in rural Zambia where pipo move more than ten kilometres to access health services.
Sorry, meant; you are right
I thought it was rehabilitation of Kamfisa prison.
They started refurbishing that lodge no one uses, and never finished, so wasting of resources, when are PF going to finish something?
Matibini very biased and doest seem to embrace the opposition
Its my first time to hear of such a speaker. Matibini, even name sounds dull. I thought speaker was Amusa Mwanamwamba?
Nostradamus, which year did you go to sleep?? Have you just awoken like the “sleeping beauty??”
The Speaker is compromised. He is not for the good of all Zambians.
I always listen to Parliament radio and I’m at pains to understand what the use of this House is. The Speaker is extremely biased, The Vice President and the Ministers do not answer any questions but just show and project arrogance. Nkandu Luo is a know it all person who does not debate issues but people. She is also extremely arrogant. No motion from the opposition is ever supported by the members from the ruling party. Back benchers from the Panga Fighters (PF) do not take part in debates. When debating the Budget, no figures are ever changed. Everything and anything is passed. I therefore wonder why we spend so much money on this unnecessary House. In my opinion it offers no oversight at all. The president is everything in this Country especially under the Panga Family (PF)
Parliarmentary procedure is very cardinal in debates.
You cant just raise point orders anyhow and besides THERE IS NO WHERE IN ANY PARLIAMENT WHERE YOU can raise a point of order against the CHAIR!
What about forcing the Ministers to give quantifiable answers?
That also depends.If you come to parliament with a view to ambush the ministers and make them look silly,they will give you silly answers.The minister will give you a good answer where you give them adequate time to to ask the technocrats in their Ministries.
I have listened to these debates on parliament radio and most opposition MPs ask questions in order to embarrass their colleagues in the executive.
I have never head any MP raise other points in the house other that than POINT OF ORDER!
This applies to” Any Other Business” in meetings.Most organised meetings will refuse to allow questions from the floor on the day of the meeting but the secretariat has to receive such questions 7-14 days before the meeting depending on the organisation`s constitution
Zambian parliament is useless. The so called MPs “debate” issues as though they are programmed robots. Useless house!!!
some not all, what do you aspect from people D mukombwe he has past the expiry date but still in use
i think its true some point of order do not make sense, vp Scott is giving a ministerial statement you raise a point of order whether winter kabimba was in order not to give a statement on referendum two weeks ago, is that normal? finshi balya kanshi
dull speaker ever!!
am a former vice president of JAYCEES are there any active chambers anywere?i would like to know i miss those nice debates.
Am a past Lusaka chapter president and past National President.Let us revive those organisations.
U are a reflection of the very mps. When u debate the way u do here u think u can make a good one there? Nakalya! Mps especially from the opo have a silly way of asking questions.let them receive silly answers too.Mr speaker, go ahead with that.
one of the few who had a chance of entering office…………