Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Suspected foreign sex workers ‘invade’ Mazabuka


Mazabuka district in Southern province has been invaded by commercial sex workers suspected to be from a neighboring country.

The commercial sex workers are reportedly harassing some guests booked at a named guest house in the district.

One of the affected clients Coster Chilala, who did not disclose the name of the guest house at which he is lodging, urged the Immigration Department to quickly move in and protect the Zambians from sexual harassment at the hand of the women.

And another woman, Mary Mbewe, urged the government to seriously protect Zambian women from being ‘robbed of their spouses’.

Mrs. Mbewe said husbands had disappeared from their families and were allegedly being taken care of by the suspected Zimbabwean women.

Investigations by ZANIS have revealed that several Zimbabwean women have allegedly invaded a guest house within the central business district where they are conducting their business.

The investigations have also revealed that most nightclubs were being patronized by the same women.

The Immigration Department has also confirmed receiving the reports about the presence of foreign many women in the district.

The department has since assured residents that everything is being done to protect them.



  1. Zambian men running away from their families cos of the so called zimbabwean prostitute. Well done Mr. Chilala others would have taken advantage of ‘having sex with these women’shame Zed men. For a Zambian man to look rich, he should have a big stomach, double chin failing to walk properly and getting into a Japanese Pajero at ‘tindyela baane’ and having a chain of girlfriends. Thank God for this exposure!

  2. Last time I visited Zed, was so shocked to see that even women ‘Zed wives’ have bellies. Please, Please, lets stop this nonsense. It shows how poor we are not affording health life style. Today online news, I saw Nsemukila, Shikapwasha and RB they look really funny, too fat.

  3. “Mrs Mbewe”. What is that these SW are doing that you can’t do to your husbands.

    Its high time these foreign SW are rounded up and thrown back to their country.

  4. As long as there is a demand for illicit sex, mahule of whatever nationality will be there to provide it. That’s why prostitution is known as the world’s oldest profession.

  5. Baby c,Supergal,sweet Thang,pumpy,Sony Ericsony,Ba moze,MgNaAlg5(Si4O10)3(OH,Rashid Jones,UK-Zed Observer,Chamba Valley,fine and others that I have not mentioned.please guys where are you? Iam really bored,I have have missed you so much.please come back,some pipo here are just insulting.Napapata guys come back.

    Yours with sorrow,

    Matworld-Nice guy! 8->8->8->8->8->8->8->

  6. Mrs Mbewe might be talking about Banda and lungu who in Zim police custody for smuggling fish.Dont use Zim girls here,just go search in chinoy and you will find the missing husbunds

  7. Its time for Zambian wives to step their game up in bed! Otherwise your husbands will exercise there fantansies with sex workers. From miedieval times, prostitution has always prospered and its a vice that can never be extinguished. Even if they cracked down on the sex workers in Mazabuka they will simply move to another town, maybe Choma, Monze or Lusaka.

    The solution is for husbands to build strong family values with their children and wives and to fear God by not commiting Adultery. That way the sex business won’t prosper and HIV infections will be kept to a minimum.

  8. well its really a pity that such is happening…i mean look at these women for christ sake, they have no hope for the best in their country, people have to look at the root cause of such and find a lasting solution to this nonsence…it definitly wont help if they are thrown out of our land, coz they will still come back.

  9. These Zimbabwe women are providing a service Zambian women have failed to provide, Please leave these women from Zimbabwe alone, It is a free world with free market economy.Legalize prostitution these women are not criminal but smart providing a great service which clients my pay.


  11. Life will give us whatever we bargain for whether it be ugly or beautiful. You too wayfarer will become what you long to be. The sunny shores of your ideals only await your coming.

  12. And what are we going to do about Zambian “maule’s” after we drive the alleged Zim sex workers out of the country?

  13. It’s not all about wives failing to take care of their husband’s needs. Some husbands have got the best wives and are taken care of very well, but they are just still in bondage to the demon of lust and adultery. They need deliverance.

  14. Amaule aya yaba konse konse se mu zambian nakulusaka kwine. Ngachakuti tabaleba fyaya natubapepekefye Chilala wachita bwino mudala. these husbands running from home are running away and they have been even before thsese maules from other countries came.
    #6 u forgot Umputa ( tsunami) at the back of their heads.

  15. Its a pity our zim sisters have to go thru all this bcoz of 1 selfish leader. wish someone cud put him down . Wat the hell is wrong with bob?

  16. As long as we buy sex they will always be around,Sex is in the mind what you get from that hule is what you get home.

  17. What do you expect? surely, were there is demand, there got to be some sort of supply. It’s not the women to blame here. It’s the men, unfortunately.

    Virus is on the loose so concerned wives make sure you hubbys use protection. Otherwise, you will end up being the victims.

  18. Go to “ALLY’S HOUSE” and “BREAK POINT” in Kabwata and stop those 15-17 old years girls patronizing those areas!!! They even go for as less as 20pin! its pathetic!!!

  19. # 27 Your comment is the BEST of all in a christian country like Zambia. Husbands in ZED are well looked after by their wives, its just that they are in full captivity of the devil. And they are now failing to emancipate themselves.They are what I can call DEVIL DISCIPLES.

  20. # 27. Your comment is the BEST of all in christian country like ZAMBIA.Husbands in ZED are well looked after, its just that they are in full captivity of the DEVIL now they cant emancipate themselves.They are what I can call devil disciples.

  21. A husband comes home late in the night, knocks on the door, the wife is so annoyed with him and says…I will not open for you, “bwelela kwamene wacokela, siuzagonamo muno munyumba”. The man answers back: “sininabwele kugona, nabwela kutenga ndalama (ma-hafu), mahule yachipa uku”….she opened the door very quickly and let him in.
    Watch out….Zimbabwean prostitutes are very cheap.

  22. Iyo bokosi ini komdeza ngako! I welcome these expatriates as they are addressing the local demand. The sooner we process their work permits the better, the world is becoming very competitive and we need as much expertise as possible in the country. I commend the photographer for that wonderful picture, more power to the elbow, LT!! :”>

  23. EEHH, Zimbabwean Women doing an outstanding service to my fellow gentlemen in Zambia ? Please, educate your Zambian women as well to go for special trainings so they can acquire some required skills to put in practice whilst in marriage. This is serious business and husbands need appeasement from their dear wives and if it’ s lacking, the husband is bound to leave. In Zimbabwe, this special training got started a long time ago during the precolonial era and we have had the opportunity to promote it to some higher levels.
    TM (Harare)

  24. #40 Do not cheat us that Zimbabwean women are more talented with sexual skills.. what they are doing is because of poverty and its immoral. You must be ashamed if you really are Zimbabwean.

  25. Across Europe if you want sex you can buy it,In Holland they have the red district and bars, In Zambia let these prostitutes alone they are not criminals they are business ladies providing the juice men need, Demand and supply period.

  26. Sex workers r everywhere. Wat is happening in mazabuka is not anything new or strange. Go to the place behind city market in Lusaka called Mukupa. Go to Mayela along Dedan Kimathi road, after ZNBC in Kalingalinga. Go to break point, go to club zone in matero, go to emmasdale in the night you will that sex workers are in full throttle.

  27. I don’t see what the fuss is all about? Sex workers have been around since ancient of days & will continue plying their trade long after we’re dead & buried. We need to be open minded and if anything, should put up a legal framework for sex workers in Zambia. I’ve been to Amsterdam, and sex work there, is regulated and the prostitutes even pay tax via fees from the premises they operate from. They are protected from human traffickers and they receive health insurance & info on how to protect themselves from STI’s.

  28. :-?, Problem pa Zed, too much hypocrisy. That’s why HIV is ravaging us like flies. We talk all high & mighty yet MPs, Pastors, Priests etc all commit sex scandals behind closed doors. If you need examples just look at Dan Pule or go to Parley Motel!!! We need more open attitudes towards sex and I don’t see why consensual sexual intercourse between two adults should bother anyone! As long as minors are protected, I have no problem with ‘Mahule’, they serve a purpose! Basic economics teaches us supply & demand dynamics. i.e these ladies can only ‘invade’ Mazabuka if there’s demand for their ‘value added services’…..

  29. How do you define a prostitute? A woman who exchanges sexual entertainment for money or immediate material benefit. An alomost everywoman is a prostitute.Lose your Job and then try to have frequent sex with your wife, you will be shocked at how terrible she will react. First she will feign tiredness then after sometime she claim she has lost interest in sex and will be sleeping with bombasa or she will move out of the bedroom entirely. Dont you notice how loving wives and inlaws are when a man has plenty of money.

  30. Dont you think is issue is being exaggerated? Prostitutes are not a new phenomenon in this country. Lets be serious here. some of you women are using them as an excuse to cover your inability to look after your husbands. As for us Men, protect yourselves. After all, these are the same women who provide some comfort when madam runs riot at home or when “it does not show”. Balibafye bwino.

  31. # 6 i very much agree with you, the fatter a person is the more poor, but few africans know that. lets not compare european sex worker to our africans, In the rate of HIv is just too high, if the govt was to regulate sex work every zedian will be HIv +))):d:d wat our govt should do is legalize weed, by doing so we can attract tourists from around the world.*-:)


  33. When a man has plenty of money he can afford to mary more than one wife and they will all accept(E.G. Hon Kaingu)and try to comnvince every body of how different or unique their marriage is. But let the man run broke and you will see how the drop him like a piece of hot coal. An then they will start quoting verses from the bible as to how polygamy is a sin.
    So what is the difference between a prostitute on the road and a woman in marriage? non my friends.

  34. No great mystery.What is at play here is supply and demand.As there are men who require this sort of action and there are women who can dish it out at a price the transactions will go on and on.
    Some of the chemistry from these encounters will even result in marriages and children.
    People know what they want no need to preach. If marriages are weak and these activities result in strong marriages who are we to condemn.
    Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.

  35. this is a good thing but the biggest worry is Aids, so brothers and sisters this is not a joking, lets think twice before we act. Besides sex before or sex after marrifge with another woman is a sin 🙁

  36. I have always wondered what was more powerful sex or money. After much thought I come to the conclusion that both were equal.

    If you have a lot of money then you can afford to buy plenty of sex. And if you can provide sex then you can use it to get a lot of money.

    Both are equal.

  37. immigrition shouldv not even investigate bcoz they know. How did these many many ladies pass through?then our officers have semi pearmiable or just porous route,let them work and yet zedians emaule nasana… :((

  38. We should just acept the fact that Sex is good and everybody likes it, that’s why these Zim are making money out of it. I will travel to Mazabuka and sample these Zims, Nivo cheepa!!!! 😡

  39. Its not only Zimbos, Zedians are also involved. There is a lot of Zambian women here in SA who engage in the trade. Some are not even ashamed to advertise themselves in papers.

  40. Wow! sony ericson has been found.We thank God my brother you are found and you are still tell you the truth I was worried of you.I thought you are one of the men arrested in ZIM for smuggliing fish.Welcome back bro.


  41. There is nothing wrong about this. We all know that Mazabuka has too many contractors from Mauritius,South Africa, Zimbabwe and India.All these contractors are male and they need some relaxation after a hard day’s work. Looking at the female population of Mazabuka, it is only fair that our women folk are assisted by their sisters. Guys make sure that you roll the RUBBER MAN

  42. men are like dogs they will never appreciate the wife at home no matter how good the woman is. for the look of things men like woman who behave like prosuites. ba pushi watuchusha pafula. :((

  43. #68.Not all men are like that,and don’t forget that it is also common with women.Women do it with the young brothers,nephews of the hubby.

  44. Me its for this reason I dont have a boyfriend still….Makes me wonder if I will ever even marry! Because I can surely sort out my husband……mamamamammaaaa!!! God help me!!!~X(>:)

  45. Be ware of the deaded and deadly desease………………….Fyakulya ubushiku fitulukila kumalushi. do not contribute to the rising number of ophanages due to yourselfishness.

  46. Girly

    Relax. You have just not met the right chap yet. Bushe mukalandapo nefyo nga mwamusanga? Just pray you find a good guy, not sentences that that. I suppose you are still……young?

  47. Girls dont forget that the sex worker in the picture is a actually a ladyso why are you attacking men.May be my sight is deceiving me I need your help.

  48. Ba Moze

    I cant exactly call myself but am not 30 yet but am above 25..and what I have seen so far in all these years I have lived on this earth has really disgusted me to the point of not even considering dating for the fear killin someones child if I caught him cheatin…So, I will continue prayin and waiting that God should drop down one of his angels for me….maybe those are the only men I can consider…[-o<[-o<:-w:-w

  49. Mazabuka has always been a center for prostitution and this influx should not be a surprise.Sex is now cheap.Sorry to the local prostitutes,you just have to come up with a strategy to beat these market forces.

  50. Imwe ba vikarra kula nienga fye fimahule. They are providing ma sevices, let us use this opportunity kaili abakashi bala chinga. Mwi la chinga aba lume mubwendo.

  51. **==**==**==girly you sound very worried my dear,mmmmmm,just try to join those professional ladies and you’ll taste your man to be, thats my appeal dear before you clock 30….

  52. I wonder why people are condenming these wonderfull cheap service providers. We must take into consideration that there is a Global Economic crisis and thank these service providers for their cheap services. Our Zed sisters just have to step up the game and reduce the prices cause Christmas is around the corner and they would’nt want to be left out of festivities

  53. Mazabuka at one time had the highest HIV rates in Southern Province.Local beautiful babes were wiped out instantly, hence the void which is being filled by the Zim professionals. With that bootlicious site prostitution is her to stay. Guys take a look at that picture and start singing dandy krazy’s song…”I Love You mammy…..” Can you resist the temptation???!

    Girly am single too exactly because of what women do, PROSTITUTING!!

  54. Please dont over blog on this particular issue because my nephew Jonas will actually shift his slaugther house there. On the other hand as women we must ensure that our men are well taken care of. Not this fashion that has come of putting on too much weight and when you strip the strech marks look as if you are putting on the paramilitary uniform for Ephraim Mateyo or Isaac Chisuzi.I make sure my Darlington is exposed to smooth body and no marks. No no no lets pull up our g-strings and chase these women.

  55. What I can suggest is that ZRA should come in and give these women TPIN numbers as well as VAT Reg no.s so that the contribute to the faililngeconomy ( thanks to RB ). They should introduce fees for per night/ hour/ or short time so that the ordinary zambian affords. Infact we should be using ATM Cards to pay for the same via DDAC. Simple. Women at home before you marry them do good dances in bed, but after we marry they become as still as the Freedom Statue ! Zimbabwe show them !

  56. #83…

    Have u been reading my posts? How do I pick my man through such means? How will I be able to stop him from going to pick others, when he picked me from there? Awe sure boi, landa ko fimbi….ur ideas are crap!!! :-&:-&

  57. #85…

    mamamamama!!!! I can speak in tongues, ka!!! But I dont think I want to die before my time so the Zimbabweans are waiting for u to make them speak in tongues at a fee…. 8-x8-x

  58. somebody told me even for 10pin the all night unga chaye.but remember guys wat solomon said there is nothing more bitter than death like a woman.a mosquito that brings malaria is a female,the most dangerrous lion is a female,wat destroyes samson-a woman,wat made solomon weak its a woman,wat made david sin against God its a woman,wats the most deadly hyena and leopard its a female.tingazi chaya guys but just be care wife with womens.

  59. Girly.i know and understand what you are talking about.but please I want you to understand this.not all men are like that,they are some who are very good.the article is talking about sex worker and the person in the picture is a lady.this tells me that we (ladie and gents) are all victims of this rubbish.Iam also just like you am scared of ladies coz they are veru funny,they are only interested in hooligans not faithful men like someof us.why is it like this.Girly continue to be a nice girly.but please erase that thought in your mind that all men are the same.

  60. Iwe #47 You are very dull, you can’t compare us to Amsterdam. I see why you don’t develop in Zambia, copying anything you here of, please DON’T, mukafwa. uleke we ule we:((:o

  61. #100.Iam happy to hear that,but as you will be trying thou shall not go with a negative thought.God bless you my dear.

  62. **==**==**== Girly

    Am worried about your age,nowander my concern, who knows maybe you are immitating mary the virgin, you will conceive Jesus mama,all the best…..

  63. Iwe namba (96). The female species (will cite lions) appear to be more dangerous cos they are the ones that feed the family. All the male does is just fighting sometimes even killing the little cubs as potential threats, mate with the female, roar the loudest and sleep -what laziness!!! The females are the most hard working…since they cannot grow food (they are not herbivorous) you know. They cannot cook food either!!

  64. sex is sweet, even Kafupi who declared Zed a Christian nation was busy chewing Reggie babes & while Vera was also being serviced by ka Archie! Even if you separated men & women with a crocodile infested river, trust me, blokes would find a way to swim or fly over to the other side!!! Fact is, as long as you’re having safe sex or know you and your partners status, then viva ichi soka!:)>-

  65. Chase these people please they will affect homes. Men please dont be lured at all, the best woman you can get is your partner. I hate cheats

  66. There are so many atrocities committed by men. Look at what George Bush (jnr) has done. I do not need to go into details. Cain killed his brother, Abel. Idi Amin – he killed, massacred, butchered, even ate people, he was a man. Adolf Hitler too was a man and if you know your history, you know what he did. Females are just smart. Eve talked Adam into eating the forbidden fruit. I imagine the serpent must have said – ‘No need to bother with Adam – ‘Trust Eve to do it for me’ That is why the serpent did not talk to Adam ‘itself’. Women can just control men, that is all. I sometimes wonder whether men have minds of their own (ha ha ha)

  67. **==[-o<:x:((8-x~X( Those hules are suppose to be chursed. They are spoiling our country. This is a Christian nation and it deserves respect ok.........

  68. I was disappointed with the Zim hule last weekend,Ifiko fyalichilamo.I even failed ukulasa,l just gave her 10pin for free.Big up Zed hule’s u are toooooo clean,it is said that cleaness is next to Godliness. :-?:-?:-w:-w:d

  69. i dont agree with u #104 princess y,male lions are not lazy,they are the ones protecting young cubs from competitors like wat can u say about eve in the garden of eden,wat does that represent by accepting that fruit?

  70. Matworld and Girly i’m with u guys the thing is that looooong ago,women discovered a man’s weakness and they use it to have their way and men are yet to discover how to fight this weakness!!IF a righteous man falls there’s a woman somewhere in the story.

  71. when zambias enconomy “went to the dogs” during the late 70’s – 80’s Zed prostitutes crossed over to Zimbabwe, Namibia, Botswana, and did the same overthere what Zim hookers are doing in Zed. Zambia though has a lot of easy girls too, all of them freelance sexworkers without pimps, or madams controlling them! Viva **== freedom!!!

  72. That girl is not a sex worker. She is a khoi khoi from Jo’ burg. I know them coz I have screwed many of that type before. They just love sex, especially from the ass.

  73. ba ? 116 girly or whatever you call yourself,you are failing to answer a simple question mmmmmm….at least you should have the decency in you to answer..what u saying about ”genius”?do you even know what that means? do you know that girls have a large surface area and as compared to men n you are generally dull..not sexist just giving you a piece of my your eyes girl even the machine you are using to read this right now was invented by a man..truth be told this is a mans world…trust me we run this world

  74. #120……….mans world where you are now fcuking goats! If computers were invented by man certainly not a zambian, the men who did, does not look at you as men but apes. How are the nazis treating you in Soviet?

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