Sunday, September 8, 2024

Government to construct 220 schools countrywide


The newly commissioned Donata School for Children with Special needs
The newly commissioned Donata School for Children with Special needs

Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Education, Science, Vocational Training and Early Education, Patrick Ngoma, says the PF Government will construct 220 Primary and Secondary schools across the country in its continued efforts to improve education and make it accessible to all.

Speaking when he addressed two meetings in Kavalamanja and Chiendiende villages in Luangwa District over the weekend, Mr Ngoma said government was going to put up 220 schools in all the ten provinces and Luangwa District will benefit in Lusaka Province with a Boarding Secondary School.

He urged the youth to desist from beer and drug abuse as this will only destroy their lives and advised the to take keen interest in education as it was the only way to a brighter future.

The Deputy Minister said the PF Government has lined up a lot of developmental activities for the country, especially rural districts such as Luangwa that have lagged behind in development for a long time.

Mr Ngoma added that very soon Government will grade and re-gravel three feeder roads in Luangwa district to improve the road network in the area.

During the same meetings, Mr Ngoma also presented five cheques of K10,000 each from the Department of Community Development to five women clubs.

He urged the women to continue forming clubs as this was the only way that they would access funds that Government has set aside for poverty alleviation.

Mr Ngoma said the PF Government has increased the grants given to women clubs from the K2000 that the MMD Government was giving to K10,000 so that women can engage in sustainable and viable projects that will enable them contribute to national development and also their lives.

And women in Kavalamanja have commended Government for supporting them, saying they had been forgotten for a long time by the past two regimes of UNIP and MMD.

Nyavula women club Chairperson, Jess Mwanza, said they were thankful to the PF Government for considering them as the grants will help them embark on income generating
ventures that will not only help them and their families but also the people of Kavalamanja.

Two women clubs in Kavalamanja got cheques of K10, 000 each and three women clubs of Chiendiende village also got K10, 000 each which they will invest in different income generating ventures such as goat and chicken rearing.



    • True, that is right of the government to do to its citizens. I hope the government would do that throughout the country to alliviate poverty.

    • Well, good move but Sata should also maintain existing institutions like UNZA and Mulungushi university which are currently struggling with water problems.

  1. Way to go PF. No wonder you are beating opposition parties like what happened in Mansa. HH can also build more Kraals in monze

  2. @Sam
    Slow down for what my friend? Where I am Education is given priority
    above many other areas. And that’s why the country is among
    leading developing nations in the world. This is a country which was
    lagging behind Zambia at independence.
    Bring on the schools! every child no matter where
    they are deserves an education, regardless of govt in power.

    • @kolwe . What’s your problem? If you have something worthwhile to say, say it. If you disagree with my comment, that’s your prerogative. Comment on the topic at hand. Thanks.

    • Read Kant. i will not make it that easy for you. do your research,i have given you a pointer. Quality is better than quantity. You can have a million schools but if you still teaching your children that David Livingstone dicovered the Victoria falls,then you aint going nowhere. You still have a mind that is being robbed of self and yet guised as an educated one. that is why it becomes difficult for such a mind to function and innovate even after a large number of qualifications(again quantity). Quality education is what has made wherever it is you are become a leading developing country. am not against schools for every child,but am for a quality education. if you would have me choose between 100 students or 50 quality students,i would choose the latter.

    • Now you are talking, and you know what?, I agree with you. Quality is important. Maybe I will read Kant one day, but i dont think i need to read him to comment on this. What I’m saying is let there be at least a basic education for all. You have kids in some parts of the country who are not even getting this basic right. Quality should be there and can come later but If you wait until the quality part is done first, you’d be denying some. You are right where I am quality is key, now, but that was not the case in the beginning. Read about education in Singapore and you will get where i’m coming from. Having a literate population was key. The rest followed. One step at a time I’d say.

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