Sunday, September 8, 2024

Monica Musonda named among the Forbes 20 Young Power Women in Africa 2013



Monica Musonda named among the Forbes 20 Young Power Women in Africa 2013. This generation of Africans is the most ambitious yet. They are eager to build industries, reform societies, save lives, rewrite histories and transform the continent. Monica Musonda, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Java Foods, a Zambian based food processing company has made it on the 2013 list of the Forbes 20 Young Power Women in Africa 2013. Java Foods manufactures EeZee brand of instant noodles. Musonda worked with Africa’s richest man Aliko Dangote as Director of Legal and Coperate Affairs at Dangote Group where she led a project to build a cement plant in Zambia. Musonda is also Chairperson of Kwacha Pension Trust Fund, Zambia’s largest single employer pension fund. She is also Archbishop Desmond Tutu Leadership Fellow and was named a 2013 Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum.




  1. Fabulously impressed! Congratulations!!!
    This will probably be the only time tribe wont rear its ugly head on the posts!

    • My friend achivers do not start at 40 years, Most start when they are in their teens. By the time they are 35 they would have had more than10 years high profile experience, coupled with the fact that, what these high achivers do in a day some poeple can only manage so in a year…jealous dawn. Bravo Monica!!!!!

  2. We need people with brain this young lady can lead zambia in the next elections she speaks good english and very inteligent compare to the dead horse with lazy horses in the state house. way to go…..go girl…..

    • Mulekeleni mu business. Mwimutwala mu ndoti sha ma politics. Mwandi wi esha mwaiche that is another way of coaching the young business girls into doing it. It is how you use your education mwe bantu. Balange we! Ciza uli?

    • Whether she was hammered or not,the lady has got brains.Look at how much money prostitutes make and yet they remain the same.

  3. very impressed with this young beautiful lady with her achievements….way to go indeed!!!!! Keep it up !Well deserved Zambian lady .Congrats .

  4. There are so many young Zambians making a lot of bucks aout hee but are not listed or some dont just like publicit. As for Monica Musonda yes the is lucky as she belongs to the coroprate world and easy to notice. Just go around there are chaps stinking rich and you cant believe it they live in Zambia.

  5. I know her she has put a photo she took 15 years ago. She looks older now but congrats! At least one Bemba has made it without stealing…natolafye!!

  6. She must have got the business idea from the man she once worked for. Richest in Africa with diverse businesses including food production. Well done for your success and God bless.

    • @ Mei,
      You now realise how dumb Tribalists are? I have read so many times their posts were they insist Sata and the kasais are one and the same thing which is Bemba! Someone even went on to write, “anything that has a conotation that sounds Bemba is just that”! I hope this tells you something.

  7. Well done, Monika. You have always been yards apart from everyone else with your intellect and forward-thinking.Even when we were coming up as teenagers. Proud to see what you have made of yourself . I am certain the Professor and Madame are very very proud. This is what we want to read of our people. Self-made power brokers making a living with their heads and not on their back! Proud of you girl! You are truly inspiration to everyone Zambian and beyond.

  8. Very encouraging breakthrough, we need more of this generation making it in business. Congrats to monica musonda.

  9. Truly inspiring and for all of those failures in life’s journey,all you haters keep hating you will only fuel her rise to higher heights. Congratulations Monica and way to go.

  10. Well done Monica. We need many more of such success stories. Its should encourage many of our ladies to appreciate that whilst they are beautiful, they cannot “eat” beauty ! They need work for them to eat. Looking at Monica , she is beautiful but she has never seen herself as a beautiful trophy to be looked after. Her story should inspire many of our young ladies who give up too easily.

  11. Am blessed to have known this great woman!! naine tamwakanjikate baki kala ndeisa bubibubi!
    Congratulation Monica.

  12. Thumbs up to you Monica! Your story needs to be told to girls in primary schools. They need such inspiration. Good on you!


  14. She is not only beautiful but also intelligent, hard-working and successful. Well done Monica!

    P.S. I hope we get to see more successful Zambian enterpreneurs on the international stage.

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