Tuesday, March 11, 2025

UNIP mourns comrade Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela



It is with a deep sense of much sorrow and regret that we have learnt of the passing on of Comrade Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela former President of the ANC and First President of a free, and Democratic Republic of South Africa.

Comrade Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was an indomitable freedom fighter and a true champion of human freedom, dignity and justice. He lived his life for the sake of others. His thirst for a free and democratic South Africa saw him and his comrades incarcerated in prison for 27 years. But this did not diminish his spirit, commitment and dedication to serve the ANC and his fellow South Africans towards achieving a free, independent and democratic South Africa. Beyond South Africa he symbolised values, principles and courage that turned him into a global icon.

Comrade Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was friend to all oppressed people around the world. He gave hope to those who were struggling for freedom, change and transformation of their societies to achieve human progress and fulfilment.

As we mourn him today we actually celebrate his life as an inspiration to each one of us.

We wish to convey to Comrade President of the African National Congress, His Excellency Comrade Jacob Zuma;
to Mandela Family and to All South Africans our deep and heart felt Condolences on the demise of this Great Man.

We pray to God Almighty to comfort his wife, children, the entire Mandela family and all members of the ANC during this difficult moment in history.



Released By:

Njekwa Anamela

United National Independence Party


    • Mushota, is a female woof woof (bow wow) of note, I am beggining to wonder if this female woof woof (bow wow) isnt sponsored by the devil himself just to wind up peoples emotitions/reactions for milage. How else can a such an air head continue featuring blatant offensive/crude/crass remarks. Freedom of expression aside. Can someone PLEASE assist this female woof woof (bow wow) with some flea treatment. All those disputing weather this mongrel isnt an airhead read every blog/comment made by it in the last few years. I heard a couple of cities in Z were putting down unlicensed mongrels, where are the Vets/Cops??? If not putting it down at least treat it 4 its fleas & rabbies

    • Hi Nubian, missed you.
      KK is in a dilemma. Should he write with the reflection on UNIP & ANC marrage or the new PF & ANC relationship.
      I will advise the old-confused man KK to resign from PF yesterday, and get back his UNIP. Imagine whose funeral of KK will be, UNIP or PF? Mandela is clear its ANC not INKHATA.
      The way KK has embarrassed Sata’s inkhata will make his funeral the worst ever in Zambian history. For any smart Zambian, its time to revamp UNIP just to preserve KK’s legacy. Its scary!!.

    • @Nostradamus, Silence is GOLDEN sometimes! You really need to learn to sh@t your trap if you have nothing sensible to say.

      “…KK is in a dilemma. Should he write with the reflection on UNIP & ANC marrage or the new PF & ANC relationship…”

      Are you sure you are not SICK, or this is just your poor attempt at humor? Does KK look like a man who easily falls into dilemmas to you? Get this you disrespectful inbreed; It was the time when Mandela was in prison and KK was locking horns in moral combat with the likes of De Clark, Peter Botha, and their ilk, that KK, if anything, should have been in a dilemma. In dilemma whether to capitulate to the Apartheid regime for the sake of Zambia’s economic survival, but he didn’t. So what’s this no.ns.en.se you are spreading here?


    • “I will advise the old-confused man KK to resign from PF yesterday, and get back his UNIP. Imagine whose funeral of KK will be, UNIP or PF? Mandela is clear its ANC not INKHATA…” Really?

      First of all, you really need some serious reeducation. UNIP and PF are NOT contemporary political parties the way ANC and INKHATA are/were! UNIP and PF never went through similar struggles for independence and jostling for political power the same way ANC and INKHATA did. Yes, if you had evoked Nkumbula or Kapwepwe’s political parties you would at least appear to have half a brain functioning—Not UNIP and PF!

      I am not sure how old you are @Nostradamus, but your kind gives me shivers when I think about how lacking Zambians are when it comes to understanding their on history. It is chilling!

    • “…Imagine whose funeral of KK will be, UNIP or PF? Mandela is clear its ANC not INKHATA…”

      Where are you getting the idea that when KK dies, Zambians will be mourning and burying a Political Party icon? Please know that KK is our own National/Regional/World icon. And when God calls him home, Zambians and the world will be in mourning for the FATHER and FOUNDER of our peaceful nation.

      If you want to stay home on that day and scratch your nuts, that will be your choice. But leave appreciative and sensible Zambians who understands what KK means to our Country and the region out of your depraved sense of honoring our history.

      And who told you South Africans are mourning an ANC icon? KK is in the same league as Mandela. And Not you or your ilk will take that away from him. Gosh!

    • “…The way KK has embarrassed Sata’s inkhata will make his funeral the worst ever in Zambian history…”

      Wow, wow, wow, does this include your own funeral too, bwana Nostradamus? What a dreaming hater!

      Trust me, even if you live to be twice KK’s age, you will NEVER achieve even a 1/4 of KK has done for humanity in general and our country in particular to command the kind of respectability worth of a State Funeral that awaits KK. Never, never, never!!

      “…For any smart Zambian, its time to revamp UNIP just to preserve KK’s legacy. Its scary!…”

      Indeed there are smart Zambians out there to take up this task, sadly you are NOT one of them.

      Scary indeed!!!!!!!!

  1. President Uhuru Kenyatta whose dad, Mzee Jomo Kenyatta together with Dr Kamuzu Banda of Malawi ignored the attrocities in apartheid South Africa but the BBC naturally chose Uhuru on its powerful screen converying condolences. We know that the real supporters of the anti-apartheid struggle were Zambia under KK, Tanzania under Julius Kambaragi Nyerere, Zimbabwe under Mugabe, Mozambique under Samora Matchel (late) husband to Dr. Matchel Mandela, now widow of Mandela, Namibia under Sam Nuyoma, Andola under Agostinho Neto and farther afield, Nigeria under Olusegun Obasanjo and others (the only Front-line state outside southern africa). First saw Thabo Mbeki at UNZA in LT2 when was invitd by ZALSA to address students on the struggle. But, like others have said, the focus is on Madiba.

  2. Yambayamba you are a fool. Nostradamus is right and do not scare him of your fake runts. He knows what he is talking about. KK has made a fool of himself by jumping in a sinking boat with no captain. I am old enough to tell a good history of Zambia and UNIP. Not all were funs of that KK lunatic leadership. I will never ever have good words for KK for one. We are suffering in Zed because of his selfishness, greed and lack of principal.

    • Bwana Dime, if you are that bitter towards KK, why should people take you seriously for supporting the no.ns.en.se Nostradamus is voting here. Birds of the same furthers flock together—ever heard of this saying?

      KK has NEVER claimed to be perfect. He is human, just like you and me. We all know he made some mistakes in his leadership. I am sure he will be the first one to acknowledge this fact. But that doesn’t give permission to NOBODYs like @Nostradamus and yourself @Ndime to insult his intelligence and sh!t on his accomplishments. Understand!????

      By the way, don’t just be an OLD FURT. Life is too short for bitterness. Try to emulate the icon (Mandela) we are all mourning today.

  3. UNIP should have mourned its own passing long time ago. How can a party with ZERO representation in local govt and parliament still has life to mourn others?

  4. @ ba Dawson naimwe..”UNIP should have mourned its own passing long time ago. How can a party with ZERO representation in local govt and parliament still has life to mourn others?”
    You mean all those mourning should have representations sure? You don’t have to have representation in local govt or parliament to convey your condolences….very little knowledge is very dangerous. stick to the topic at hand..atase.

  5. We do not mind what you young ones can say about UNIP. We fought the battle and we won. You were not there when we were singing ” Nichi kepe ni Kaunda, Kaunda si Chilema chotaushako anthu, ntausheni nkaone Zambia…” May the Soul of the Departed Icon of Apartheid fight Rest in Eternal Peace… He has accomplished what God had sent Him to Do…GO WELL MADIBA.

  6. I wonder why people behave like they have been paid to comment. I am sure UNIP exists as a party on paper and because of the fact that they still have resources; once they pay off the lawyers the outstanding legal fees am not sure how they will proceed. That said, I do not see any harm with a few still holding the flame of the “nation” in sending a message of condolences to Madiba’s family and no reason for the ensuing World War III am witnessing on this space.

    It is unacceptable that we can continue to compare Madiba and KK; they two have different positions in history, good or bad. That cannot be taken away from any of them. Our focus now is on Madiba hence let us leave KK out for now.

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