Saturday, January 18, 2025

Dr Kaseba is a true champion for women’s nutrition- Blanchard


Scaling up Nutrition Civil Society Network Manager Claire Blanchard speaking in an interview
Scaling up Nutrition Civil Society Network Manager Claire Blanchard speaking in an interview

A visiting nutrition advocate from the United Kingdom has commended First Lady Christine Kaseba’s relentless efforts to improve the nutritional status of Zambian women.

Scaling up Nutrition (SUN) Civil Society Network Manager at Save the Children UK Claire Blanchard said in an interview in Lusaka that Dr Kaseba has emerged as a true champion of women’s nutrition in Zambia.

“One of the things that have inspired me since I have been here is to see voices of nutrition champions such as the First Lady Dr Kaseba raising women’s access to adequate and nutritious food as a priority,” Ms Blanchard says.

She added, “As the Scaling up Nutrition Civil Society Network, we want to support more champions like the First Lady to continue raising awareness around the issue of under nutrition and over nutrition and also contribute to civil society advocacy efforts.”

Ms Blanchard said the Zambian government is showing great leadership in nutrition development but called for the momentum to be sustained in order to have long term effects and a more productive Zambia.

Ms Blanchard said there is need to continue raising voices around issues affecting women’s nutrition and household food security if Zambia is to tackle child malnutrition.

She said nutrition has a low profile at national and household level despite statistics indicating that half of Zambians are not properly nourished.

“Obviously, nutrition is still not understood as a priority by everyone and this is the reason why every single stakeholder has a key role to play, the media is important by reaching out to every household and spreading messages that could easily be understandable, concrete actions that can be done at household level.”

Ms Blanchard said the Scaling up Nutrition movement believes that good nutrition is a human right
“For us, nutrition is a human right. The right nutrition can lead to more production nations with better educational achievement for children, more productive adults in later life.”

She said raising the status of women is key to addressing nutrition issues at household level.

“Women that are small entrepreneurs have the time to breast feed and give the right basis for their children to develop better in life and be active contributor to society.”

Ms Blanchard emphasized the need for a much more sustainable agriculture system which will have small holder farmers and producers at the centre and encourage access to a diverse diet and clean water and sanitation.

Chronic malnutrition is a big problem in Zambia with half of Zambians not being properly nourished and 1 in 2 children stunted.


  1. Vera Chiluba would deserve this accolade. Not this woman who spends her time with the elite smiling, drinking wine and eating cavier in hotels abroad while her husband has made life hard for the woman on the street. We need 50+1 to flush out Sata.

    • @ZP
      Indeed you are Zabwino Palibe. I’m sure you never appreciated Vera’s work when she was at State House but now that there is CKS there, you want to pour praise on Vera. Learn to acknowledge the good deeds of other people. The first lady so far is putting in a lot, not only for us women but for the menfolk as well. The only problem I have is that her office has no legal existence

  2. She is not visiting for nutrition advocacy, its for sex. These NGO girls are just tourists. Going all the way to Zambia to tell poor people to start eating well and look like Christina Sata, china musala pakunyanta!?
    Zambia only need Chinese who construct things, not women without bras to tell us how to cook nsima.

  3. I didn’t know Zambia has such low levels of nutrition, we hope by the contribution of many people we would realize the importance of nutrition. The next killer after HIV and Aids are non communicable diseases such as BP, Sugar etc….

  4. the headline explains everything. “women’s nutrition” what is that? spelele? eish. the old man has non left. she is everywhere scavenging.

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