Sunday, September 29, 2024

First Lady appeals to corporate world to give during festive period.


Dr  KASEBA-PROF Elwyn Chomba-Dr Otieno

First Lady Christine Kaseba has appealed to the corporate world to embrace the spirit of giving during this Christmas period.

Dr. Kaseba was speaking in Lusaka today when she received K 60,000 donation towards her charity work from Golden Peacock Hotel.
She said there were a lot of people in the community who require assistance and the corporate world through their corporate social responsibility programmes can do to a lot to help such people.

Dr. Kaseba said the corporate world should emulate God who gave his Son to die for the redemption of mankind, by also extending a giving hand to meeting the needs of vulnerable people in Society.

Dr. Kaseba added that it is impossible to ignore vulnerable people in society, especially women and children who she said have been negatively affected by the breakdown of the extended family system in Zambia.

She commended Golden Peacock Hotel for the donation saying it will go a long way in cushioning the hardships that some vulnerable people in communities face.

And Chinese Ambassador to Zambia Zhou Yuxiao commended Dr. Kaseba for her charitable work that has assisted a lot of people in Society.

Mr. Yuxiao said Ubutala Ubwa Bumi needs to be supported so that it can reach a lot of people who are in need.

The Chinese Ambassador said he hopes more Chinese firms operating in Zambia will emulate Golden Peacock by donating towards noble causes such as Ubutala Ubwa Bumi.

And Golden Peacock General Manager Yu Xiao Feng said the Hotel decided to partner with Ubutala Ubwa Bumi after observing that the work that is benefitting a lot of people.



    • there is sweet news on zambian watchdog! some cruel heartless 1diot somewhere in statehouse actually collapsed on wednesday and is waiting for evacuation to a country where they have not fired their nurses. there is no christmas for my brothers and sisters who got fired. sad indeed

  1. True . Let us give within families and beyond . So many people need a helping hand especially with food . Unga wa dula ka?

  2. but why bembalize your organisation madam, imagine a lozi or tonga giving a vote of thanks then forced to be mentioning “ubutala bwa bumi” can somebody translate for her 7n english please.its the medium of communication anyway.

  3. What’s her comment on the firing of 100 nurses by her husband. these people even understand what CSR is? Its not about mere handouts; you don’t just wake up in the morning and say today I will practice CSR because its Xmas. ..its something you incorporate in your business model to empower the local community in the long term. Its not about merely handing out blankets and sweets at Xmas. Its more than that…why don’t we encourage them to sponsors pupils tbrough bursaries or scholarships?

    • So true @ jay jay, the government also needs a reliable job creation policy to rid itself of monetary corporate handouts. It’s the government’s responsibility to formulate workable job creation policy so that the average Joe and Jane can benefit and become self dependent. Or, instead of donating to Ubutala Bwa Bumi, this particular business house could employ a deserving individual for K60 000 bucks at an official wage or salary. Let the corporate world donate vacancies and help our young generation to acquire some sort of skills or workplace experience to face the challenges of tomorrow with confidence.

  4. First lady please don’t encourage the culture of expecting free goodies coz you run the risk of entrenching our bad zambian culture of lethargy and dependency.

  5. Uku Temwa Uku Lomba…ya bwafya, when shall we start DOING FOR SELF? We want a SPIRIT OF SELF- SUFFICIENCY NOT ONE OF DEPENDENCE BEING ENCOURAGED, PROMOTED AND TAUGHT, I rather find such traits not in keeping with a people that require development and progress such as us.

  6. No wonder we have by-elections, Sata is sexually frustrated due to his non functional bobbit. This woman needs a good ride. She is at that age in her life, when intimacy is crucial.

  7. Golden Peacock Hotel or Mulungushi International Conference Centre? See Welcome mat. Great evening outfit nonetheless!

  8. Ubukala Bwa Buma? What a name for an organisation. Vera Chiluba had the best name. HOPE foundation. Helping Other People Emerge

  9. Golden Peacock Hotel or Mulungushi International Conference Center? See welcome mat.

    Great evening outfit nonetheless!

  10. Going forward ( after we bury someone in two weeks time ) we should prohibit the practice whereby previously unknown charities championed by first ladies suddenly rise to prominence -and donors of all persuasion and hue clamour to make donations to such charities. This presents an opportunity for donors to extract favours and control gvt. Rather, if a first lady or gentleman wants to be involved in charity work , they should become a patron or matron of an already existing charity. No more ubukala ta bwima or whatever that charity is called .

  11. Yes@Chansa wibatiina beingi …A very good evening outfit by the first lady!

    Am not a fashion pundit but I note that the traditional bow tie that found residence around gentlemen’s necks is now dropping to the lower recesses of our women folk’s torsos……not sure wear bow ties will be worn next!

    Perhaps the First Lady’s aides need to modernise their wardrobes.

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