Youth can move Zambia – NAREP
A letter to our Zambian youth
To: The Youth in Every Community of Zambia
Dearest Youth of our Nation,
Greetings from Elias Chipimo Jr. and the entire NAREP leadership.
It is slightly over two years since many of you campaigned, voted and experienced the outcome of the 2011 general elections. Others among you may not have been old enough to vote but would have no doubt experienced the excitement that comes with a smooth transition of leadership – something Zambia has become renown for and something that has helped to reinforce our democratic credentials on the African continent. It has, however, become abundantly clear over the period since the last election that the promises made to fulfil your need for good education, decent employment and responsible social advancement have not been met. Further given the rate at which things appear to be going, it is very likely that the situation will not change during the next three years that the PF are likely to be in government.
NAREP knows the power that lies with the youth and greatly appreciates the role you continue to play in seeking to bring about a NEW Zambia that all of us would want to inherit and be a part of.
It is important for us to speak directly to you on a regular basis as we prepare to deliver the fresh leadership the nation so desperately needs because the decisions that you make now and in the years ahead will have a deep impact on the Zambia that all of you deserve and would like to live in.
We strongly believe that given motivation and inspiration to act, you can play a vital role in eliminating poverty, corruption, delinquency and other social vices. We know that the energy, intelligence and resourcefulness you posses – if fully and properly utilised – can prosper the country greatly. You have the power to change this country to one that moves us towards the politics of issues from the politics of insults; the politics of ideas from the politics of ignorance; the politics of freedom from the politics of fear. You have the power to recognise and solve yours and your communities’ problems. You are indeed the power of the present and the future.
NAREP acknowledges the fact that you have the courage to think differently, to invent, to discover and to achieve what may now seem impossible. You have the courage to travel the unexplored path. We share your hopes and aspirations for this great country. We know that you want a Zambia that is free of poverty, unemployment, inequality and exploitation. You want a Zambia that is free of gender discrimination. A Zambia that will support your efforts to explore all the opportunities available to you as you strive to achieve your full potential.
We want to encourage you to be part of the solution to the greatest problem we face as a nation – the lack of quality leadership at critical levels of our governance and our society. Bringing change to any system requires action at the bottom and at the top. Simply put, we urge you to “Get Involved Now!!”.
We are sure there is much more that can be said but more importantly, we know there is much work to be done. What is clear now and what has been clear throughout the ages is that all revolutions that deliver the changes needed in a nation require and depend on the energy, determination and enterprise of the youth. Because of this, you must cherish the thought that you are the greatest gift and and most precious treasure that this great nation possesses ti lead us towards the brighter day we all long for.
Elias C. Chipimo
“You have the power to change this country to one that moves us towards the politics of issues from the politics of insults; the politics of ideas from the politics of ignorance; the politics of freedom from the politics of fear. You have the power to recognise and solve yours and your communities’ problems. You are indeed the power of the present and the future.”
“You have the courage to think differently, to invent, to discover and to achieve what may now seem impossible”
Chipimo seem a good ideological writer, Please ensure this, above quote becomes a national culture and ideal in moving Zambia forward; Its an Ideal for which the DIGNITY, RESPECT and DEVELOPMENT OF INDEPENDENT THOUGHT RESTS,Key to the emancipation of Zambia from poverty and underdevelopment….
NAREP is seemly to be a focused party but i just feel tried and tasted leadership is the best. Though i like the way you articulate issues Mr. Chipimo, i kind of have a problem with politicians who sound too good to be true. Anyway, good strategy for your political advancement.
Word up Chipimo!
Right now sir….. am just loving this path, carry on, atleast someone from the fresh generation has arise, not those old dried shrinked Brains! Thank you, we need you.
As always, very well crafted meaningful and progressive message. Best thing and extra bonus point is that NAREP and ELIAS are more than able and highly capable of delivering
You have my vote my young president. Keep the same steam, one day you will rule.I like the way you do your politics, so full of maturity. Keep it up!!!!
I still remember how we as Zambias were fooled by the present Goverment. It will be difficult to trust any politician. I seem to agree with people who say that they are the same they only come in different coats. Iam sure some people are begining to like Chipimo. Please keep it up. You know how to talk just like Sata and the late Chiluba.
A good message to begin the new year with. You seem to be a young, optimistic and balanced politician. You might just be the missing link towards Zambia’s success – who knows? Wishing your party all the support needed.
you have my vote bro, we need politicians like you. See you in 2016.
What is your point Mr Chipimo? You want the youth to vote for you in 2016? This is a joke isn’t it.
Good that you are getting Zambian youths to get going; your message is well reason out. Keep going Chipimo wesu!
@Chilyata, you’ve got no shame. That the reason why Africa is in the state its in, its because of people like you with pea size brain.
Obama type hype! feel good speeches lacking details… at least in brief Mr. Chipimo….
Thanks my young man keep that spirity if youths are serious about their future they should start looking at their generation and here we have one rising up among them.Please remember that KK came to power when he was in his youth not over 60 years old he made a difference and late FTJ same and see the difference he made.KK never took Zambia to Rhodesia mentality;FTJ never took Zambia to one party state mentality everything was new full of energy,determination and exictment to be zambians and part of the change everyone was expecting.Chipimo is talking about the youths with dreams for a better Zambia for all who live in it.I will compaign for you my boy the way we did it in 1991….
Chipimo just apply to be a the MOE to teach English literature.You are wasting your money and our time.BORING!
I love the way he signs his thoughtful essay “President” even though his party has not one seat in parliament. I would give the essay B+, it would have been A- if he didn’t make a mistake like Zambia is “renown”. At school anyway, not in real life
You have my vote Chipimo
Elias , your messages are good but only reach a few elite . What you lack my young man is mass mobilisation of the so called dislussioned youth. You are too utopian in your political approach. What you need is to move onw ans stop being a mere critic but a mass mobiliser. Politics is not about well crafted messages that do not reach the masses. If iwas so, Sata would not have been president.
Eli my man , keep hoping – that is the way to go