Saturday, March 15, 2025

Draft Agenda for the Rescue the Constitution Prayer Meeting



Goal: Rescue the Constitution Campaign

Venue: Cathedral of the Holy Cross, Lusaka January 4th 2014

• Mass critical support Nationwide to Rescue the Constitution
• Demand for the President to release the Final Constitution to the
people without further delay
• Demand for a legal framework and holding of a referendum
• Hold the President to account for his Campaign Promises


Welcome Remarks
Cheers and Chants
Moderator – Guess Nyirenda
National Anthem – MMD Choir & All
13:45-13:50 Prayer – Father Thomas
13:50-13:55 Key Note Speech: Campaign for a People Driven
Constitution – Zambia Episcopal Conference (ZEC)
13:55-14:00 The Rights of Persons with Disabilities – Mr. Elijah Ngwale
14:00-14:05 State of Democracy in Zambia – Council of Churches in
Zambia (CCZ)
14:05-14:10 Hymns and Songs of Liberation – MMD Chir & All
14:10-14:15 Cheers &
Chants -Andrew Ntewewe
Plight of the Youth – Student Movement
14:15-14:20 Women’s Rights & the Constitution – Sara Longwe
14:20-14:25 Song& Praise – MMD Choir
14:25-14:30 Bill of Rights & the Constitution -JCTR-Father Chiti
14:30-14:35 The Zambia We Want – Bishop John Mambo
14:35-14:40 Cheers & Chants – Beatrice Grillo
14:40-14:45 Songs/Performance MMD Choir
14:45-14:50 Cheers & Chants – Guess Nyirenda
Access to Information – MISA-Zambia
14:50-14:55 Songs & Praise – MMD Choir
14:55-15:00 Human Rights & the Constitution Mr. B. Changala
15:00-15:05 Cheers & Chants
Maiko Zuku
Good Governance – FDD
Heritage Party
15:10-15:30 Accountability – UPND, NAREP, MMD
15:30-15:35 Transparency & People’s Participation – Dante Saunders
15:35-15:40 Songs & Praise – MMD Choir
15:40-15:45 Legal Framework & Adoption of the Constitution –
Judith Mulenga, Kapijimpanga
15:45-15:55 Equality before the law and Rule of Law – Law Association of Zambia (LAZ), EFZ
15:55-16:00 Chants & Cheers
Songs & Praise – MMD Choir
Closing Remarks – Bishop Telesford Mpundu
Closing Prayer – Father Mulenga J. Lungu


    • Who draft this agenda and it is all MMD Choir. In such situation you supposed to bring Church Choirs all Joint party Choir.
      When you say student Movement, is UNZASU not a student UNION?
      Where is the labour movement?
      Do always pick obvious figures, try to learn to involve other speakers people have never heard.

    • The Rise and Fall of Undi (Ukwa) Kingdom

      2011: The Rise
      2012: The Dismay
      2013: The Confusion
      2014: The Illusion & Beginning of a Fall
      2015: The Denial of a Fall from People’s Grace
      2016: The Reality of a Fall (O How a King Falls)

    • Whatever happens,be sobre and resolute.Only you PF has the mandate to rule this country until you seek it again in 2016.Do not divest yourselves of your responsibility of directing the affairs of this country under pressure.The birth of the Fourth Republic is one of your most important but delicate legacies of your tenure.Remember that Zambia has enjoyed peace in all the previous Republics.But with so many charlatans and demagogues about today; and from a peek at the public submissions,the new constitution could make Zambia ungovernable,constitution-induced paralysis or make us a country of convicts and ex-convicts
      As Zambians,we are not yet democratically mature enough for a radical departure from the articles we are already used to to govern ourselves.We just need an incremental change

  1. Let him ask KK what happened in 1991, the end of the big fool but for sure only three years down the line and your head is big rest in peace MCS

    • @Osmore: Yes Dogs of PF like you have no option now but watch! What do you they really praying for? It’s not only for the Constitution – but for a Presidential bye-election! You and SataN have had your time and now it’s our turn! Where is GBM and his Bashilubemba cos they need to join the prayer meeting as well!

  2. Mr Sata and the Zambian government could have avoided this. It is still a waste of resources in the nation.
    The efforts the congregants will put into this event could have gone into national development.

    Mr Sata and PF promised Zambians a Constitution. Now they are clinging on to the draft of the same. God and people hate people who break their promises.

    Too much icilumba ba government as if they were elected for themselves and not the nation.

    Lesa acite uluse!

  3. Hypocrites,wolves and hynas are gathering to hoodwink the gullible.Why should mmd,the rotten party be prominant there. ls it a church gathering or a political one?Ba cso ,yours is it to continue yo stealing from de 1s u purport u are serving.

  4. Do not make it an MMD issue.WE ZAMBIANS NEED A NEW CONSTITUTION as promised by PF! They said they can deliver in 90days!

  5. Do we have to pry the constitution out of your Are you saying that MMD are the only people who remember the PF’s promise of a people-driven constitution within 90 days??? Why are you only singling out this historic party?? The people of Zambia have eyes and ears and brains !!! This is not the 80s!!!! Zambians may be poor but NOT STUPID !!! We want our new constitution NOW, we don’t care if does NOT work for you PF !!!

  6. Iwe demon u must learn to follow the line of thot of someone. Mnd has contributed to this nosense and not suposed to be there.l can’t forgot as l am not gullible like u i diot.For yo own info all those championing that compaign are id ots.

  7. They were eating with mmd in what never became a constitution(Ncc).I can only exclude a few there.The rest are useless like u demon.U are 0 wolves.Sata is only replicating their craftness.Stupid Zambians who are only gud at talking & stealing.

  8. When some id iots had jobs in govt they could not do the right thing but today now that they don’t have they want to appear genuinely fighting the couse.Hypocrites of the worst kind indeed!

    • Like you will have no Job come 2016, when your Sata.N will be kicked out together with his lap dogs (Osmore) !!! We understand you are just doing your dirty job of being a TRAITOR to you Zambian brothers & sisters who made a mistake of trusting that demon to take up the realm and govern the country !!! Then, he turned against the people who put him in high office and made himself a god!!!! We are the ones who are WATCHING TOO !!!!!

  9. MMD makes the whole thing untrustworthy.

    They fought so hard to nullify the afforts of Zambians to have a constitution. The only thing that has changed is that this time round, it is their sworn enemy, the PF, who are fighting hard to deny Zambians a good constitution.
    What a circus!!
    And Zambians are the grass. God will one day soon speak and act for the Zambian majority, Amen. Pharoh did not believe in God. He found out the hard way. His only son died at the hand of God.

    • Ah! What? Are you saying the Dog seller son ot SataN could end up like that Biblical son of Pharo?
      Well, they might as well not only pray for the Constitution but for a Presidential bye election when SataN goes completely mad or demented!

  10. surely this is a gathering of envious bitter scarecrows and strategyless politicians wanting to feast on efforts mcs put in to achieve the presidency some under5s badly dream about.

  11. ati CSOs, this must change to prostitutes and husbands snatchers organisations(PHSOs). Single starved women looting donor funds to finance sex favours from unemployed men;what a shame.
    Am sure the above ll not hold for long coz its an alliance of mixed deceiptful interests.

  12. ati we were promised a new and pipo driven constitution. A promise can change depending on circumstances prevailing. If the one who promised changes his mind why hold such useless gathering just meet him on the political field than using underhand methods simply coz you have no mass following. This ll be a gathering of lost souls, naysayers, soothsayers, demagogues, chalatans,perverse time wasters, anione anionez, prophets of doom, alarmists.

  13. pf promised to investigate the filth wealth HH looted from privatisation. hope the bunch of good for nothing above ll hold the same useless rescue whatever to press grz to investigate HH.

  14. ati FDD, Heritage Party, Dante Saunders, Judith mulenga kapijimpanga… Hahahahahaha! jackals and hyenas desperate for mileage. Thats why we a joker nation. Even if i had time to waste not for the above crap.
    Zambia lets be serious.

  15. Just to encourage all those attending this meeting to have faith and remember MATTHEW 18:20 “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”

    And also read: MATTHEW 21:21 Jesus replied, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and it will be done.”

  16. SATA, please in all you do, do not belittle the Church – especially The Catholic and the Jesuits.

    This is an innocent, genuine and friendly warning. Your failure to take this advice would cause problems for all of us as citizens, including you.

    Mr President, I have freely advised you despite not being on the payroll of adviser; so that in future you will not cry and say, “no one advised me”.

  17. Very suspicious of some of the speakers especially the one who will close, Telesford Mpundu. Isnt this guy the Mulamu of Sata? His closing speech will be written by Mmembe. And Mambo? Presenting a paper on “A Zambia we want?” C’mon what does that guy know apart from making incomprehensible noise? Don’t get more wrong though, I wish the meeting all the best. I hope good resolutions will come out of this meeting and that a stage will be set for national wide demostrations against Sata and his minions. Good luck!

  18. You hypocrites you have failed to believe the word of God, shame on you

    “It is written,” he said to them, “‘My house will be called a house of prayer,’ but you are making it ‘a den of robbers.'”Mathew 21:13

  19. You hypocrites you have failed to believe the word of God, shame on you

    “It is written,” he said to them, “‘My house will be called a house of prayer,’ but you are making it ‘a den of robbers.'”Mathew 21:13

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