Friday, March 7, 2025

Zambian Voice calls on Citizens to petition their MP’s on the release of the impeding Draft Constitution


The Zambian Voice Press Statement

“Calls for Citizens to Petition Their MP’s on The Release of The Impeding Draft Constitution.”

09th January, 2013

The principle of popular sovereignty is the idea that a government’s power derives only from the consent of the people being governed. The preamble of the Zambian Constitution’s first three words—”We the People…”—establish from the very start that the Zambian government draws its authority and legitimacy directly from the people.

MPs have to perform their constitutional right of representing the concerns of their constituents and addressing their grievances.

Currently the Members of Parliament are on leave in their Constituencies interacting with their electorates.

In view of this, The Zambian Voice is urging all Zambians to demand for a ‘people driven’ Constitution from the PF government through their Members of Parliament before the opening of Parliament Session on 11th February 2014.

We urge all citizens from the various constituencies to prevail on their MPs and through them, voice their concerns on this matter so that it is table before the ‘Floor of the House’.

Parliamentarian MUST compel the Minister of Justice to give a Government position on the release of the Final Draft of the Constitution by the Technical Committee.

Further, the Members of Parliament should entreat the Government to fulfill a number of pre-requisites to ensure transparency and a general consensus around this process.

These include:
1.    A clear legal framework to protect entire process.
2.    A clear timeframe from now until such a time when we have a New Constitution.
3.    A clear budget.
4.    Adequate awareness and sensitization on the entire process to prepare people for a Referendum
5.    Setup a referendum committee

Chilufya Tayali.
Executive Director


  1. * case scenario,
    .kidnappers =sata & calter.
    .victim =constitution
    .hostages held=Zambian citizens.
    .ransom demands =debt cancellation (14billion)
    .rescue teams=1937-2014(mhsrip),divisions in pf.
    Hostages freed first,father frank bwalya.

    • We are in govt. We appointed the technical committee. Why should the technical committee go and give the copies of the document to people who were not the appointing authourity? Itis only right that the document is handed to the appointing authority who will engage the committee . After that Cabinet will ratify the document and and allow the process to take its course?What is the hurry.???

  2. PF please follow the process through and don’t be rushed for a complete document.We are waiting as you promised.

  3. “The country already has a functional Constitution and the state will not be pushed into fast and reckless conclusions by individuals with dubious agendas,” he said this now that he is in power (post newspaper, 09/01/2014)
    ” we will have a people driven constitution when PF comes to power in 90 day” he said this in opposition then.
    The Question is could the people have voted for him in 2011 if he said what he is saying now? Why has PF and President Sata U-turned on there campaign promises and more drastically on the draft constitution after spending colossal sums of tax payers money? These double standards are unacceptable. We can not trust people with such chameleon like characteristics.

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