Opposition United Party for National Development (UPND) president Hakainde Hichilema has questioned the sincerity of President Michael Sata’s call peace and love as the country marks 50-years of independence later this year.
This follows the letter of reply on Chiefs and Traditional affairs in which President Sata dismissed Mr. Hichilema’s letter date 27th December, 2013 as unconstructive and useless.
Mr. Hichilema said that he does not believe President Sata’s call for peace is sincere, stating that such a call is aimed at deceiving the Zambian people.
Mr Hichilema has told Qfm in an interview his doubts of President Sata’s call for peace is based on his nature which he says is allegedly not surrounded by peace going by the record of his political career from the UNIP to the MMD days.
He says President Sata’s call for peace is a camouflage he is allegedly using to continue breaking the society down.
Mr. Hichilema says the letter he recently wrote to President Sata was genuinely meant to remind and advise the Head of State to allow the Bemba Traditional Council to choose their own Paramount Chief Chitimukulu.
He adds that as a person aspiring for higher political office he believes the role of the government is to ensure that the traditional councils choose their own leaders.
sata is not a peaceful person by nature. he has always been associated with violence. spot on HH
Ha! You, can you advise CHUMBU MUSHOLOLWA? Maybe UKWA or CHIMBWI NO PLAN can listen no CHUMBU MUSHOLOLWA, never.
so what makes you HH think that if your “contribution” to the national discourse is useless then reconciliation is not possible?
Its because your unending id1ocy and stup1dity and your contemptibly inadequate attitude towards national issues that basically renders you useless.
Let me warn all of PF zealots who are supporting Sata no matter what, that one day when he realises his popularity is completely wiped out,he turn against all of you and punish you for misleading him.I can assure you,this will happen to all those that think Sata will never persecute them.
Turning against people his supporters is why he known as man of action for.By the time he turns against you,he knows that no one will sympathise with you.Mmembe, Nchinto et al will soon gnash their teeth in disbelieve when he decides to take the side of the people demanding K14 billion be paid back.He will then lock them up for misleading him and one will sympathise with them.Ka george chella ‘s days of good milile at plot 1 will soon be over.Remember Sata is a shameless f.o.o.l who flipflops. TBC
That letter was not the paper it was written on, the answer from his majesty was spot on
Go away HH the majority of all LT here think you are delusional
To be honest Gen Miyanda has spelt out the truth in peoples’ mind. Those who registered did it out of fear. Besides Miyanda is no so much against registration of the Sim Cards but against the deactivation of people’s sim cards once not registered on time.
To deactivate a person’s Sim card is not only criminal but also an infringement of one of the fundamental human rights. If PF have decided to do this what will prevent them deactivating political opponents ‘s sim cards when they have cornered them to prevent them for calling for help? All these moves are political and have nothing to do with fighting crime.
Yes every one has some thing to hide. If that were not the case, Sata ‘s mobile number would have been in the public domain for any one to phone him since he is the…
So @Gen and @Mushota, are you telling us that What SATA and PF are doing to HRH the Mwine lubemba Chitimukulu Henry Chanda Solala Kanyantamanga is correct? Are telling me that telling Chief Jumbe that He (Sata) knows what HRH Jumbe does even in his bedroom is respect? Are telling me that the parading of Cadre Chief Mpezeni is right?
By the way @Mushota, its not the majority who have warped minds like you. On this thread there is only You, Gen and Albert Chinyama who are mentally handicapped. I am glad your type are slowly becoming extinct on LT.
I have been around for sometime. I saw when the tide turned against Kaunda, when the easterly winds stopped Sata’s third term bid for Chiluba, when Zambians began applying brakes on Alabee’s excesses. I can again feel it. The tide is turning, maybe slowly but surely there is a turning. There is a change taking place. The minds of the people are changing. The prices are hurting them. The 90 days falsehoold which Sata is gloating over is now registering in the minds of the masses. The huge taxes people are now paying (300% increase in airtime excise, I heard) are taking their tool. High, high, highest mealie meal prices are making many in compounds stop shouting donchi kubeba or raising the fist cause of hunger. This is my assessment Gen, Mushota, Luapula Premeir, Mpundu Trust, Jo
@BBC. I am disappointed in you. I always thought that you objective. But it turns out that you are are a typical tribalist. You are miserably stuck with the same old trick over-used by Namakando’s PAST newspaper. But fortunately the Zambians have realised how they were duped by lies. They are saying NO MORE, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Whether you want it or NOT your SATA is on the way out and Haleisa Haleisa is coming. Actually 2016 is too far – Ba PF Uno mwaka, the year of Jubiliee tawapwe. Lesa Ni malyotola.
Sorry BBC. I hope the ‘C’ in BBC does not stand for either Chumbu or Chimbwi?
I am still still the same Wanzelu, but using name and email mutations to beat LT from blocking my comments. In this way I am managing to evade their simple program and prevent it from blocking my comments.
Wanzelu = WNZELU,or WNZL or Wnzelu. I am one and the same person.
@BBC. I am disappointed in you. I always thought that you objective. But it turns out that you are are a typical tribalist. You are miserably stuck with the same old trick over-used by Namakando’s PAST newspaper. But fortunately the Zambians have realised how they were duped by lies. They are saying NO MORE, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Whether you want it or NOT your SATA is on the way out and Haleisa Haleisa is coming. Actually 2016 is too far – Ba PF Uno mwaka, the year of Jubiliee tawapwe. Lesa Ni malyotola. You will tell me.
Sorry BBC. I hope the ‘C’ in BBC does not stand for either Chumbu or Chimbwi?
I am so disappointed in you. I always thought that you are objective. But it turns out that you are are a typical tribalist. You are miserably stuck with the same old trick over-used by Namakando’s PAST newspaper. But fortunately the Zambians have realised how they were duped by lies. They are saying NO MORE, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Whether you want it or NOT your SATA is on the way out and Haleisa Haleisa is coming. Actually 2016 is too far – Ba PF Uno mwaka, the year of Jubiliee tawapwe. Lesa Ni malyotola. You will tell me.
Sorry BBC. I hope the ‘C’ in BBC does not stand for either Chumbu or Chimbwi?
I hear you my fellow concerned citizen. Its true the tide is turning against the pathetic f.o.ols. But the big question is which Party are you turning to , for sake of stopping PF in its tracks.?
I have put all my money on UPND and HH.
Matipa I don’t think he is a violent man. He is just a rabble rouser who is good at raising spectators blood pressure but never actually shoots. Nikuwe. Those tactics work for you if you are in opposition but as a President one should know his actions will be seen as threatening.
sata is a violent cadre. remember the chawama saga with bobo also know as norman sakala that short man from kulima tower bus stop by then. sata is also a panga yielding cadre. no wonder he refused to ban machete hacking by his cadres
@BBC. I am disappointed in you. I always thought that you are objective. But it turns out that you are a typical tribalist. You are miserably stuck with the same old trick over-used by Namakando’s PAST newspaper. But fortunately the Zambians have realised how they were duped by lies. They are now saying NO MORE, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Whether you want it or NOT your SATA is on the way out and Haleisa Haleisa is coming. Actually 2016 is too far – Ba PF Uno mwaka, the year of Jubiliee tawapwe. Lesa Ni malyotola.
Sorry BBC. I hope the C in BBC does not stand for either Chumbu or Chimbwi?
An educated mind thinks and sees beyond what uneducated can see…therefore the calibre used to deal with and to address real issues is unquestionable.
President Sata was just calling a spade s spade. Right constructive letters next time or better still shut up.
How does it feel being non-objective? I have always wondered about people like you. At least I have seen other PF supporters sometimes question decisions by sata but that does not mean they hate their party. But you, my friend, are the type who would still support sata even if he directed that all hospitals should close and people should go back to traditional healers.
@dudelove. I also really wonder.
These guys bena Chinyama, DIVA, Mushota, Luapula Premier, JO, etc. Do they really have a conscience? Don’t they feel ashamed as they sit on the keyboard to to troll garbage? What is their objective?
@Chinyama, on one blog, you replied to me that you are ONLY objective. Did you read HH’s letter Sata? Tell me even one point that was not relevant in that letter.
Did you read the reply by Sata? Honestly?
@ Chinyama, this name is from NWP and very few from that region are blind followers. Are you not the same person who was denying the other day that the letter was from state house? The letter to HH from MCS was shallow and unconstructive and not worth the paper it was written on. The letter HH wrote to MCS was constructive, with some sound advice and not confrotational. Please be objective at times because the person you are supporting uses people and dumps them like sh1t once he is through with them. Learn from Lubinda and GBM who actually mattered to him and yet see how he has treated them?
@Albert Chinyama,
You are the sort people Sata will turn against for misleading him. Are you so naive that you can’t see that Sata is a flipfloper who will do anything to gain popularity at any cost even if it means flogging his wife in public just to show that he is the man of action?
All of you guys supporting Sata today prepare to be persecuted by him very soon, as he slowly realises that he is becoming hugely unpopular each second.
Ignore my advice at your peril !
@dudelove @Bwana Mkubwa
I am equally surprised that these PF blogers have no sense of shame at all.
These minions also never cease to disgust me.
…. write…
Idi Amin,Gen Franco,Mugabe,Stalin……Bwana HH,its typical of tyrants(like Sata) to stir up trouble or forment divisionism so that the people may require a leader.No such thing as a peace lovin tyrant.
I guess this puts to rest the argument floated by some people that that was a fake letter, am I right Saulosi?
Mr sata is forgetin his role as the president he is the president for all zambians including oppositions..
who is Chumbu Munshololwa?
Ukwa CHIMBWI No Plan Urine Bag
Answer to you no. 8 – Niwebo
chimbwi no plan, chuumbu mushololwa, micheal chilufyana satana
8.2 You must be Sata child, like father like son/daughter
All of you jealous people insulting the president are just wasting your time. It is time it sank in your small minds HEMCS is the president, whether you like it or not. Your HH will never be president of Zambia whether you like it or not. Oh sorry, he may be president if ECZ will allow cows and its dung to vote.
how dare are you comparing HH with that sick chap called sata. you must be insane. educated Vs uneducated, wealth creator Vs wealth distroyer, 37 billion kwacha Vs 7 guns. conclude who is better. you must be sick in your head. or may be you are a urine bag changer,
Diva, we are not jealous of Sata, nay, not one bit. We are only humbly reminding people that sata is an uneducated a**hole with the brain the size of a molecule who is destroying our country and we hope he dies quick quick. I say all this with compassion and kindness in my heart.
Abena DIVA, mwalikwatisha umufulo. If you really love Zambia from the bottom of your Heart, you can’t honestly continue being obstinate and troll garbage.
@DIVA. Zambians will forgive you just like they did forgive a certain sell-out constable. But hope your conscience is clear whenever you insult.
@DIVA you are right. Though I am not a PF follower but it is absurd how these lumpens insult the president. They try to sell their HH by whatever means. Even if he sick, who won’t die on the face of this earth? Some of the people who were insulting the the president have already departed before him. They are now trying to be siding with GBM whom they were insulting a few weeks ago in order to penetrate the Northern. The love they now show to GBM is a fake one. I always say this, no way Luapula, Northern, Muchinga, Copperbelt, Lusaka, Part of Central, eastern will side with HH. Maybe they should use another Tonga. It is because I don’t hate HH, it is because people can’t trust him especially the non tongas. I am sure what they say about non tongas is rubbish. They think they know it all.
Wait and see. In my language we say, loosely translated, that you can insult the past but never insult the future. Every one knows MCS is the president and nearly every one now realises what a mistake they made to put him there. Whether you like it or not he is not enjoying his time at state house and he will not enjoy his time outside it either. He will wish he never became president because the citizens will pursue him till his grave. The English say Never say Never. It is not you alone who will decide who becomes president so you can not conclude that HH wil never be president.
@BBC. I am disappointed in you. I always thought that you objective. But it turns out that you are are a typical tribalist. You are miserably stuck with the same old trick over-used by Namakando’s PAST newspaper. But fortunately the Zambians have realised how they were duped by lies. They are saying NO MORE, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Whether you want it or NOT your SATA is on the way out and Haleisa Haleisa is coming. Actually 2016 is too far – Ba PF Uno mwaka, the year of Jubiliee tawapwe. Lesa Ni malyotola.
Sorry BBC. I hope the ‘C’ in BBC does not stand for either Chumbu or Chimbwi?
Do you own Zambians in Luapula, Northern, Muchinga, Copperbelt, Lusaka, Part of Central and Eastern for you to think they will not side with HH? Not every Zambian in those areas is a stinking tribalist like you. I am an Easterner and I will vote for HH. Copperbelt and Lusaka are urban areas with people from all tribes. Even some level headed Bisas from Muchinga and Ushis from tribally inclined Luapula will vote for HH whether you like it or not.
@BBC. I am disappointed in you. I always thought that you are objective. But it turns out that you are are a typical tribalist. You are miserably stuck with the same old trick over-used by Namakando’s PAST newspaper. But fortunately the Zambians have realised how they were duped by lies. They are saying NO MORE, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Whether you want it or NOT your SATA is on the way out and Haleisa Haleisa is coming. Actually 2016 is too far – Ba PF Uno mwaka, the year of Jubiliee tawapwe. Lesa Ni malyotola.
Sorry BBC. I hope the ‘C’ in BBC does not stand for either Chumbu or Chimbwi?
Diva you are very right that HH will never rule becoz its only you and your mother who will vote
@ BBC, I beg to differ with your opening statement. You ARE a PF cadre elo a fanatical one at that.
Bwalya Chiselema, try some respect for an elderly parent, who is also head of state of Zambia and maybe just maybe reasonable people will listen to you.
MundiaM, fcuk your head of state. He may be elderly but my five year old son is more mature than this ninc0mp00p in state house. You need to respect people in order to be respected no matter how old you are so telling the president to fcuk off is us reciprocating what he tells us all the time. I repeat, fcuk Sata and fcuk the PF government. i am so glad i was not part of the masses that put this sick thing in state house. As of yesterday the pound was trading at over 9 pin! You think !di0ts who are supposed to be handling the economy but instead spend time fighting with chiefs deserve respect?
NW Power, how I wish everyone could debate like you on this blog! It would be so much interesting than reading ridicule, insults and foul language crossing between PF and UPND cadres. They accuse each other while they all sound hollow and empty.
The letter from HH may have not been perfect, but definately it had a message. Therefore refering to it as useless is tasteless on the part of George Chellah who responds to most presidential correspondency. The best would have been to allow for consultation between the ministry of tradition afffairs and HH so that the opposition leader can get the details of the impetus between His royal Highness Chitimukulu Kanyanta manga – Henry Chanda Sosala and the president or PF government. Can we debate and not pour scorn and insults at each other?
Sweet potato will never listen
Advice is freely offered and can be freely rejected, however the tone of either the offer or the rejection is what makes a difference in the court of public opinion. All of you read what was offered and also read the reply, I leave it to each one of you to decide deep down your hearts.
I agree with your point, but is there not suppose to be magnanimity and level headness associated with the office of the president as in Nkwazi House? The team working for this president is attracting alot of negativity right now and they would do better to do some positive posturing in writing and verbal statement releases. When you positively respond to another person even when they are being an arsehole (no pune intended here), you get a lot of positivity vibrating throughout.
Assuming the special assistant to the president responding to this letter wrote a very mature and positive response, most bloggers here would have commented positively, recommending the president for the good and mature response. Can the people at state house try their best to build the presidents image, please?
Zambian! Lets be objective and realize that our country is being destroyed by Michael Sata. Tribalism will not take us anywhere. I am a Banda but I voted for PF because I thought MCS would change things for a better but he has turned out to be worse than RB. Its difficult to know who is more corrupt between MCS and RB but what is clear is that RB has far more superior leadership qualities and is more acquainted with governance that MCS.
Trying HH will not be a bad idea. I will vote for him. This time I will not vote out of emotions but I will use my brain. Sad to all those Bembas and Tongas Who vote on the basis of tribe. Bembas keep acusing Tongas of tribalism but they are equally tribal if not worse than Tongas.
I am with you on this one 100%. Come 2016 my vote is on UPND and HH.
Now is the time to champion the cause of UPND as the only credible party to lead Zambia to a better future.
@Wnzelu. I hope you are not Tonga (I mean for mentioning HH; I have absolutely no beef with Tongas or Mambwes for that matter). I am tired of people who want to align themselves by tribe. Sata is simply an ugly liar. Bisa or Bemba are not, as I am one. Liato’s forgiven sins are not for the Western Province just like we have proved a Mushala is not a killer by tribe. Vote according to quality…and consider youth too like Chipimo (am not campaigning for the young lawyer but just point out that he exists and has been speaking good of late. I like his take on Father Bwalya – the brave Father. Is he Jesuit??)
@Sinwela Situmuka
Being Tonga or not does not matter.What matters is the calibre of the leader you are supporting.If you think onlyTongas are supporting HH then you better think again because UPND and HH are gaining political popularity even in CB,Northern, Luapula and Muchinga as I speak.
Us who support HH are not doing it because of tribe.We are doing it based on his track record ,ability to lead and his humbleness despite being insulted by PF cadres.Its UPND and HH’s idea of where they want to take Zambia that attracts us to them and nothing else.
Chipimo is equally a capable leader but the problem is that he seems to be on the fence,making people think that he is running a party which seems to be working with PF.
Mmembe should’nt deceive you. Stop thinking tribe when debating.
Boma ni Boma,under 5 ni under 5.
The response was spot ON thus how a leader is supposed to respond and close further useless debate. HH stop writing letters we are in Fb age, come for lessons i teach you how to blog. The president was spot on Apoint the man as a Tonga paramount chief ,,,he just forgot this sentence
Cry the beloved country. Why should we be taken back 31 years in the times of UNIP ? In terms of freedom & democracy Zed is even behind Museveni’s Uganda or Meles Zenawi’s Ethiopia. Though we aren’t a match economically. Just when we thought we are now making progress , the F isis determined to take us to Kaunda’s time. Very sad indeed.
You Ka HH, instead of acting like a prostitute for air time, show us what good work your MPs have done ? Nothing, nothing. Instead of developing their constituents they are busy campaigning and also acting like prostitutes for airtime like you. Silly standard 5 boy.
What have you blogged that should make you feel proud as a humanbeing?
You mundiaM, at least i want to see development instead of politicians acting like hules for on-airtime, unlike you african who thinks development means spending your whole term campaigning.
5.THE POST…………………FOOLISH OLD MAN (before it turned to PF vuvuzela)
6.RB said……………KUIPA PAMENSO baati
More description coming in 2014………………….
All of the above, lol!!!
what about ukwa itself…who discovered it
Sata is a danger to Zambian peace. His character is not befitting a head of state no matter how poor or backward. The simple truth is that he is not a presidential. His character is all in the public domain. But because the 42% who put him in power were duped the earlier they realize the better for our country. Father Bwalya must apologize to the majority of the Zambian people 58% who did not endorse the current head of state we have in Zambia.
Malabishi …always quarreling..why?? Talk also about development issues as well.
Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia.
MUSHOTA the strip teaser in London’s under taverns whatever you call them.