Friday, March 7, 2025

It’s desperation to claim I’m funding NGO’s-HH


UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema makes a point during the Rescue the constitution  national prayer meeting
UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema makes a point during the Rescue the constitution national prayer meeting

UPND Leader Hakainde Hichilema has described as an act of desperation allegations by the PF government that he is funding Civil Society Organisations to press government to release the final draft constitution.

Mr. Hichilema said the allegations also amount to an insult to stakeholders that gathered at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross to seek divine intervention for the PF government to release the final draft constitution.

He said all stakeholders calling for the immediate release of the draft would not be manipulated by anyone as they are genuinely demanding for what they were promised.

Mr. Hichilema has charged that the PF government has been caught napping over the matter adding that the idea of intimidating citizens will not work.

“It’s an insult to the collective intelligence of Zambians to claim that they are been funded to demand for a constitution. This is the same constitution that the same PF promised the same people that it will give them in 90 days,” Mr Hichilema said.

He stated that Zambians do not need to be funded to push for a constitution.

“Zambians are resolved that they will get their constitution with or without Mr Sata. They don’t even need to be funded at all. This is their resolve and no one will stop them.”

Mr Hichilema said the PF government is now getting desperate by each passing day and resorting to intimidating citizens.

“I want to ask Zambians to remain strong. We must take them out democratically. It’s an act of desperation on their part to go round accusing people of funding NGOs. You know these NGOs are led by credible people and it’s an insult by the PF to say these people are being persuaded by the opposition,” he said.

He added, “The PF should just deliver on the promise to give Zambians a new constitution. They have been caught napping and should just do what is right for Zambians.”

Meanwhile, Mr. Hichilema who has since been summoned to report to Woodlands Police on Monday at 10:30 Hours says he is not intimidated.

“I’m not threatened. I’m still a detainee as am speaking to you now. Remember that am just out on bail. I have been detained so many times than any other politician in this country so i will report myself to the police and I will answer whatever they are going to ask me because I know I have not done anything wrong.”

He added, “Another detention makes no difference to me. It is unbelievable that this brutal regime could ask the police to launch a man hunt for me. They spent the entire Thursday searching for me when they know where I live. These people are now scared of their own shadows.”


    • sata is panicking like a chicken cornered by a fox. however I have failed to comprehend why he is panicking. giving the zambian people their constitution has become a hassle but why? sometimes I begin to believe that no matter how much wisdom you have, if there is no blend of education with it then it is valueless

    • Sata seems fit any name that is bestowed upon him and gives the opposition enough ammunition to attack him. With his recent claim that it appears that he has miscalculated things and started another battle with the CSO’s. I don’t know who else is left on his side except his cabinet, Mm’membe’s cartel and the useful 1dio.ts.

    • Wise words HH. Your very existence gives Sata a lot of sleepless nights. Right now he collapsed upon reading your statement.

      HH you have made Sata to collapse. Kaya tizanvelako lelo!

    • NGOs get money from foreign donors. Most of those NGOs demanding the new constitution are funded by countries like Sweden, Denmark, Norway, etc HH can pay minibus drivers to ferry people from meetings.

    • HH you are so full of nothing but yourself. you have no political clout and as long as you imposingly and selfishly remain at the helm of UPND, your dying party will remain comatose. you are politically a none-descript, a political none-entity

      you have proven that all you are capable of is laundering your economic loot and plunder besides spewing and streaming hot stinky gas from your backside.

      Leave UPND to others so that it can turn round and start attracting new and forward thing members.

      self pity of any kind will not win your or your party any sympathy or empathy.

  1. Zambia is no longer on the broadway of democracy, ‘cos everything about it total autocratic. The democratic principles have been put aside with the supreme leader enjoying all the powers to make decrees as laws. He is the special god of Zambia, being praised by a strong choir within his camp through special hymns of praises.


  3. Well said Mr HH I salute you!

    Its an insult to all Zambians pushing for the realise of the draft constitution, as taxi payers its so frustrating and insult to be told that we are being moved by money from HH. This process was funded using taxi payers money and that is enough reason to clam for the constitution before we come to the 90 days bufi promises. Any Zambian in His right state wouldn’t want to see taxi payers money being put to waste. PLEASE BA TATA BA CHUMBU GIVE AS OUR CONSTITUTION.

    • HALEISA……..

      Thank you for sparing us your nauseating hatred of this humble but courageous Zambian called HH. I am quite sure you are already thinking of ways to switch sides and redirect your terrible hate against another Zambian who may be in opposition should Zambians decide to replace Mr. Sata in 2016!!! ZSIS should positively identify such people and give the information to whoever is in State House – not for victimisation but for prosecution in courts of law for defamation of character. Your type cause wars such as the one being witnessed in Central African Republic and South Sudan where tribes are massacring each other!!! YOUR TYPE POSES A REAL DANGER TO SOCIETY. You almost made some of us hate PF and Mr. Michael Chilufya Sata but we are too smart for that cheap attitude.

    • You will rot with your wishes coz HH will never amount to anything in Zambian politics. in 2011 he had 18 percent of the vote, which is the population percentage of Tongas in the country

  4. Why is it that only tongas support HH exept me & others who feel we all Zambians. Hakainde a shame and disgrantled farm boy. His politics is to demean others. His bitterness shall never end because feeds on evvy, eggo and bulutality there by no one should take him (Hakainde) serious.

    • Well some comments….HH’s party got 28% of the votes in 2011. I do not think that the Tonga speaking people make 28% of voters in Zambia. Anyway not certain if this a clever contribution to the debate….or one of those nonsensical comments.

    • @Mr Hamiyanze
      There you go again each time some one talks sense you scream triabalism. For sure Mmembe has your balls hunged where you can reach them.

      Unfortunately its only you and your fellow job seeker in PF government that do not take HH seriously.

      The tribal tag that Mmembe invented against HH is slowly disappearing because people have realised what a baffoon Sata ,Mmembe and past paper are.

      Mean while you are at liberty to continue sucking Mmembe ‘s but and see where its gone take you. Continue to enjoy your little man’s syndrome because that what Sata wants for you or else you will lose your job.

      UPND and HH camp? I am in.

    • @Napoleon typical of Upnd claiming the popularity which they don’t have, this Napoleon chap is claiming UPND got 28 percent in 2011 when they only got a meager 18 percent. What is wrong with UPND kanshi? And Hakaivotela Heka says PF wil be removed through democratic means, how will that happen when UPNDs performance since 2006 reads like this; 2006 25%, 2008 19% and 2011 18%. Anyway HH knows how to flatter himself

    • HH is capable of defending himself. All one can say is that comments such as the one by HAMIYANZE are so empty one canly marvel at how some people can be so empty. What is bitter and egoistic in what HH said in the statement above? You and HALEISA are the same. Well meaning Zambians should dismiss your KAPONYA comments with the emptiness and contempt they deserve!!! GOD BLESS ZAMBIA WITH PEACE.

  5. The 9th Commandment in the Bible is found in Exodus 20: V16 and in Deuteronomy 5: v20, it reads “You shall not give false testimony against your neighbour”. This is essentially a command against lying. To give false testimony or bear false witness simply means to lie about another person, especially for personal gain.
    Sata on his own accord promised to lead Zambia in accordance with all the 10 commandments. So, for Sata to deliberately and persistently go against the 9th commandment which is a clear attempt to mock God for personal gain, is very unfortunate to say the least, and honestly, I fear for him. The Bible is full of warnings about the consequences of this sort of behaviour, e.g. in Galatians 6:v7 “Do not be deceived, God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. .

  6. Even if HH is funding these guys, is it an offence to do so. What’s wrong with lobbing…. That’s democracy. Sata uses Goverment resources to carry out his madness so what’s wrong with HH lobbing……for a good cause?

  7. H H feels promoted when u say he is funding this or that regardless of what is involved because he wants Zambians to believe that he is very rich. P F as a party might be making a lot of mistakes but I don,t think H H and his team can take us to prosperity. The guy has no experience and too pompous to learn from others.

    • SHIMFUMU……

      Our current Head of State is very experienced. He worked through all the ranks in UNIP and MMD. He was in politics before HH, Cameron, Obama, Kikwete, Uhuru Kenyatta and many of us (now in retirement -over 55 yrs) were even born!!! Despite this unequalled experience our President is not handling the Constitution and the Nurses issue well.



  10. Could some one explain to me about this funding issue, PF government has funded the constitution for now three years, has it been funding to hind it … and now some parties are funding to bring it out. Assuming these funding issues are true which funding is worthy supporting? however, if I were an apamwaba in the PF govt I would advise the president to increase funding the other side to outscale the other funding – very easy!

    • KEEN FOLLOWER….NO. We are talking about taxpayers’ money to which all of us, including HH (big taxpayer) contribute. That money should be put to good use for all Zambians, not for misguided unfair competition against fellow Zambians. That is recklessly childish, i am afraid.

  11. Mr. HH, let us assume that someone is really funding CSOs to demand from govt a people driven constitution which is what the masses want. CSOs are funded by international organisations to ensure good governance from the party in govt. That is a noble cause. What is wrong with a Zambian funding an activity that is in the very interest of the masses? If an individual funds an initiative to manipulate the constitution like the PF is doing to give the masses a constitution that only serves the interests of Muchinga Province, then that should be condemd. If Mr HH you have money to fund it, do it as long as it is a people driven constitution. That is a noble act.

  12. I remember when Mazoka heard the rumour that he was the winner of the previous polls in 2001 or there about, I couldn’t believe how Tongas misbehaved. I was at UNZA by that time. They even started saying that we are the ruling class, we will teach these bembas a lesson, we will introduce Tonga as an official language after English etc. They really misbehaved and passed a lot of silly comments. I wondered how it would have been if they had truly won. I am not Bemba myself but I shuddered at their comments. That is why anything HH says is okey to fellow Tongas. I like bembas because they can differ on their own. When I with my bemba friends I don’t hear tribal lang. I don’t hate Tongas. Infact I have a lot of Tonga friends but most of them needs to change.

    • @BBC, your comments are spot on. I had a similar experience too. 98% of the bloggers that spew insults on the net are from the bantustan clan .

  13. True Zambian @ 12; exactly the same question I have too: Is it illegal for anyone to donate, fund or otherwise support a party, or group of individuals in Zambia? If it is not, what exactly was the useless minister of misinformation Kapeya trying to accomplish by spewing such nonsense out? This to me simply shows how shallow the ministers in this PF government are!! Indeed, is if funding or giving was illegal, Sata himself would not have been propelled into the office he now finds himself, and is now using to steal with impunity! It is truly tragic that our country has fallen so dramatically in just two years!

  14. I will donate $200k to help save my people from the yoke of slavery by chi Sata and his band of thieves.Evil PF govt should go the Gadaffi way.

  15. I feel sorry for this intellectual actually…..he has lost a few kilos, is a litter darker now and has a reduced bank balance…..all in the name of politics….his time better come some time…..some time….!

  16. Which yoke of Sata u demon are talking about? Why exegerating things day in day out.As u do that we are noticing that u pathological liers.Gossipers of the worst kind.Can the govt detain HH in real terms so he feels the real detantion.

  17. I don’t think its wrong 2 fund any noble course however de motive may wrong.As i can persive it is all out wrong motives with hh.lf upnd did not support mmd’s road map we could not even b where we are now.HH does not c anyding wrong in mmd.

  18. Following the comments on this thread shows how low the IQs of many bloggers on this platform are. Why insult and call HH and each other names for expressing yourselves? Remember insults, hate speech and tribalism do not make you a better blogger. One thing we should all know is that none of us is more Zambian than the other. Every Zambian has an equal right to free expression and participation in the democratic processes without being demonised by such scatterbrains as found on this blog. lacing your comments with hate, insults and tribalism just exposes your intellectual limitations. Get a life and engage each other intellegently you retards.

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