Friday, March 7, 2025

PF in-fighting among cadres in Lusaka continues


In-fighting in the ruling pf appears far from over. This time around some cadres in Lusaka’s Matero compound have vowed to deal ruthlessly with their area councilor if police will not hold him accountable for his recent alleged beating of cadres with divergent views.

The youths who claim area councilor Morris Pio sponsored the beating of several youths for supporting divergent views, have called for his arrest without which they will take the law into their hands.

Matero youth Chairperson Heita Bwalya who led a team of youths has charged that Mr. Pio has been sponsoring a faction of panga wielding gangs to eliminate PF members who do not support his views.

But when contacted Mr. Pio refuted all allegations saying the party in the area is intact.



  1. This Party has really issues. Can the Police move in and arrest the guy in the Video. he has just confessed to beating people at the church right there on camera.

    Also is it not illegal to wear the army uniform if you are a civilian? That unifrom to me looks like genuine zambian military uniform and why is a party cadre openly confessing to causing so much havoc be allowed to do it freely?

    Question to those who voted for this party into power…How do you people sleep at night? How do you feel at night when you look at your children and think of the future in the hands of these criminals? Please God help the nation of Zambia get out of this mess we accidently landed ourselves in.

    • `This Iis killing, kupaya its not assualt` yes intention to KILL`,,

      hahahahahahahah i love this
      Am sure father Bwalya, HH or Pastor Mumba will summoned by police soon because of this PF panga fighting

    • @Ola
      they are wearing military commando uniforms because they are PF cadres.

      or these not the Sudan trained militias we once heard of???

    • @Ndobo… ati “kupaya uku” you friends from Matero awe mwee. I like this PF militia in red-bullets, I saw them in Kasama, they behaved better than ba para.

    • @Nostradamus
      iwe Nostra this is GBM`s group, he is the one bought them those commando uniforms,, thats why they opposing wynter Miles and Pio.
      They are on standby for GBM`s command

    • Are these the militia PF trained in Sudan that HH talked about when he got detained by police for telling the nation that they exist.

      When did ordinary people start wearing military uniforms?

    • Having spent so much time in Europe

      I don’t know what that man is talking about!

      Could someone translate, my vocabulary is English with a Scottish accent

      Please help


    • @MUSHOTA, is your Scottish accent from Nick? And do you know why Scottish men wear skirts? Check for dandruff on Nick’s shoes for the answer!

  2. Where is the Zambia Army,? Should we consult General Ausisi and his Egyptian Defence Forces. Did I just see a panga wielding cadre? I am so scared

    • You can’t hide the truth for too long, Sata; the truth has a way of coming out unexpectedly. These are the Sudan trained militia we have been hearing of all along. Now we see them. And they are confessing their brutish activities in situ.

      I am just wondering, do we have a president of the republic in Zambia? If we do, does he have any clue, under heaven, what governance of a nation is all about? Aaya mapenzi!!!

  3. Well, you got what you asked for…..PF. Brace for more action as these chaps will continue to kill each other in the name of the ailing president. We told you to vote for our generation and you never listened. See what exprience has brought you? King cobra has experience and is a man of action. Do not complain, you wanted action and experience? you got more than you bargained for…! Now listen and for either Fr Bwalya or Chipimo in 2016 and you will more control of your destiny. HH has associated himself with losers and opportunists (William Banda, Godfrey Beene, Liato) let us keep away from him if our goal is to attain real change. If you want same crap to continue, then vote UPND and complain when they fail you as you voted for failures and opportunists.

    • You are also mad; Frank Bwalya?? He is the biggest opportunist of them all. The only reason he quit PF is because he wasn’t happy about what he was getting at Zesco. He wanted something bigger. You make me sick and you are the people who landed us in this mess. Vote for someone simply because he is Bemba?? What leadership qualities have you seen in Frank Bwalya apart from hailing from your part of the country?

    • @mp
      you were using your backside to think or your head is clogged with stink from those white butts you are cleaning out there? bwalya and chipimo as presidents, what criteria were you using, if any……….tribe? total wasted sperm

  4. When Mr chipimo sr said that zambia is heading for a revolution some bloggers made a lot of noise.These are the signs you better prepare yourselves as you voted for a thug and removed a real president RB.May The Lord protect mother zambia.

  5. But why was HH summoned and eventually cautioned over the truth we have seen in this video. These guys are PF militias trained in South Sudan God bless this country

  6. Zambia had put burn of wearing military uniforms. Aziyendala kumwamba threating someone’s life.

    Zambians should bring this issue a stop.

  7. I supposed these are just the “rogue elements” from other parties who came across to PF that Guy Scott likes to talk about?

  8. Zambia the land of PF savages much more backward than Amazonian tribes or the Kalahari bushmen.These Panga Fighters will bring tribal bloodshed much worse than was seen in Kenya.

  9. Look at that f.u.c.k.i.n.g machete!!! One of my mates who is less than 30 years of age has decided to become very vocal and critical towards the PF government. I admire his stance and the courage he has but I advised him to tone down as we are not dealing with civil people here. These d.i.c.k bags would slice you open and leave you dead for a mere $20. I don’t want to come out like an arm chair critic or anything but you can’t expect to get anything out of these guys in a proper manner.
    Anyways, what goes up must come down.

  10. Welcome to the new era of democracy. All what Zambians knew was docility and being complacent to poverty. RB was a joker, but he was not dictator. PF has simply unleashed a wave of brutality that we have not witnessed in Zambia. Our youth have transformed from being cheap chibukuka gazzers that you could simply buy with a few tins of chibuku to arrmed heartless military minded thugs will not hesitate to impose their wrath on innocent individuals with opposing views different from their masters. The same beast that PF created, will indeed contribute to its downfall. We once had real dictators in africa abena Col Cadaffi, Abena Saddam. Sata should be careful as the road to hell is paved with dictators who thought they were great than the mighty Voters. I pray for peace and prosperity for al

  11. Sata is not a leader mwebantu. He could have stood up a long time ago and denounced this mess. Now these thugs even feel comfortable enough to wield pangas on national TV? Ati man of action. Saulosi you FFOOOL, what is you take on this???

  12. The panga wielding happenes right under the president’s nose in Lusaka. And he still says; let the Panga be manufactured for real reason of wielding it by my PF followers to all PF members, innocent Zambian citizens and foreign visitors. Ciza uli?

  13. mushota, scottish accent is terrible. even with your so called phd cand studies, you can not speak better than a grade 12 from metero high school. we’ll need translation of what you’re saying.

  14. It still puzzles me to no end why and how my learned colleagues from UNZA voted for Kaponyas.One would think being at the highest learning institution afforded one with critical thinking skills.Look now at what is happening before our very eyes! PF militia in uniform on national TV.!!!.Isn’t HH being harrassed for saying these people exist? Haven’t the Police failed to bring the people who beat worshippers at BICOGA to book?….Zambians need to do something before the army does.We don’t need the armys intervention but if we fail another rogue power in military uniform may rise up….Whilst we might welcome him with open arms to redeem us from the Kaponyas that may be jumping from the pan into the fire.

  15. Well there you have it for the world to see! The one South Africa voted’ Id..iot of the week ‘also refused to ban manufacture of machetes.The South africans were trully correct in their assessment..except the time frame should be extend from week to generation.

  16. What do we expect from a Party led by a well known illiterate and violent riff raff? If PF leadership can tolerate such then it just goes to show that this is what they are made of. If these were cadres from another Party by now you would have witnessed a strong reaction from the other wing of PF, Zambia Police.

  17. I challenge the pfoolish police to arrest these cadres who are threatening peace instead of taking warn and caution statements from law abiding citizens like HH and Fr Bwalya. Show us your professionalism for once.

  18. Red Burrets is commando uniform guys. The army should not allow this. A cadre should not be above the law, army. When I was voting for PF I did not have this ugly side of PF – the cadres.

  19. PF and machetes in their hands, Miles sort out this dirt in your constituency or else you will not get any vote these are clips we shall be airing when election nears.

  20. Please next time you want to vote for republican president, have an open mind and pray to God.

    I remember, but I stand to be corrected Sata one day said he has been driven enough and he wants now to be the driver. Now he is a driver, the driver can take you into the ditch or hit into the tree or whatever. Think about this.

    The president is now the driver so dont cry, you voted and he is taking you to your destinations. The question is; where and how are leaving your children?

  21. I may be wrong, from my little understanding of the language, the aggressive chap in military fatigues seems to confess to have committed some violent crime and if so he must be in police custody by now.

    • …and those thugs in the video are free while HH is being harrassed by police oncases which are so flimsy!!!!!

      Now that is the wrong way of using our taxmoney on this police force.

      I think this police command must not just be removed but prosecuted for abuse of office.


  23. This video depicts exactly what we went through in the 1980s. What you see in that video is a typical vigilante behaviour very common at bus stops and markets in the 1980s. The only difference is the wearing of army fatigues which defence personnel guarded jealously. If you were found wearing that uniform you would be dealt with on the spot. “Ni ku nyowa”, frog jumps “na ma mbama” on the spot. In those days vigilantes used to wear the same berets but written VG and some funny-looking garb in UNIP colours. Well, that rang bells for some of us when we saw the same leaders in PF.

  24. Dear Mr. MC Sata President of the Republic of Zambia. Plz note that u hv jst lost m vote for 2016. I confirm this without absolute doubt. I wish you the best in your future endeavors & in your life after 2016.

    Yours Sincerely,

    Gadaffie from Masarata

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