Thursday, March 13, 2025

90 days slogan was just a campaign theme-Kambwili


MINISTER of Youth and Sport, Chishimba Kambwili, addresses a developmental meeting at Kawawa Primary school in Kasenengwa constituency in Chipata on Wednesday
MINISTER of Youth and Sport, Chishimba Kambwili, addresses a developmental meeting at Kawawa Primary school in Kasenengwa constituency in Chipata on Wednesday

YOUTH, Sport and Child Development Minister Chishimba Kambwili has said the Patriotic Front (PF) party’s 90 days slogan was just a campaign theme.

Mr Kambwili who is also PF National Youth Chairperson said on Breeze FM’s live ‘Political Hour’ programme that ruling the party meant that it would put in place a solid foundation that would help the country develop.

The minister said on Wednesday that the PF Government fulfilled its 90 days campaign slogan through the establishment of the Technical Committee on Drafting the Zambia Constitution within 90 days.

Mr Kambwili said that Government does not want to rush with the new constitution.

He said this was to ensure that aspirations of all Zambians were considered before the final document was out.

“Government meant well to the people and we want to ensure that when the constitution is out can have aspirations of all Zambians,” he said.

He also explained that holding a referendum was an expensive venture because currently, the country does not have enough money.

Mr Kambwili said that holding of a referendum was as expensive as holding of a general election.
He also apologized to the farmers for the delay in the delivery of faming inputs for the 2013/2014 farming season.

Mr Kambwili said that the delay was due to logistical challenges that Government has faced.

He also heaped the blame on the late distribution of fertilizer on suppliers of fertilizer that Government had previously been dealing with.

Mr Kambwili said that the suppliers filed a court injunction restraining TAZARA from transporting cheap fertilizer, which Government bought from Saudi Arabia until after their fertilizer had been transported into Zambia from Tanzania.

He explained that this resulted in Government opting to transport the fertilizer from Tanzania by road which has proved to be a big challenge.

He since cautioned opposition political party leaders against mounting every blame to the Government.


    • several issues have raised by this man.
      1.0 90 days was just a slogan.
      2,0 Cheap ferts was delivered by road? who delivered the fert Mmembe trucks or who?
      Referendum is expensive?

      BIG Question is? in which capacity is issuing these provocative statement?
      What has gone wrong with Zambia? Hi…..Mr Minister do you at have write speech or just plan what to say.

      What is your audience (youth) take home message? Be organised man and buck anyhow.

    • Kambwili be realistic and stop defending the indefensible. All these revelations coupled with the way he is destroying our economy and stifling our freedoms are denting Sata and PF’s image hugely. People are fed up of being lied to. Just this week he lied again by saying he going for holiday and yet he is coming here to in UK for medical treatment to change his colostomy bag and radial therapy.
      Sata is afraid to tell the nation that he is going abroad for medical treatment because that would cause a lot of condemnation towards him that he is busy destroying our health system while seeking medical treatment abroad:typical animal farm behaviour.He will be landing here in the UK today and going straight to Harley street private hospital where his treatment cost is equivalent to the pay…

    • Sata will be landing here in the UK today and going straight to Harley street private hospital where his treatment cost is equivalent to the pay of 10 thousand Zambian nurses he dismissed.
      Posterity will judge Sata and his PF harshly, mark my words

      That 90 day slogan left a bad taste in most people’s mouths. And no matter how you will try to sugar coat it ,it will not change the fact that you are all a bunch of liars.

      The issuing of such statements coupled with labelling HH as tribalist by you and your finished stupid spin doctor Mmembe will not save you from the Zambian people’s wrath. You will exhaust all your tricks in your box of deception unfortunately non will manage to deceive the Zambian people this time around.

      Viva UPND and HH.

    • Sata will be landing here in the UK today and going straight to Harley street private hospital where his treatment cost is equivalent to the pay of 10 thousand Zambian nurses he dismissed.
      Kambwili that 90 day slogan left a bad taste in most people’s mouths. And no matter how you will try to sugar coat it ,it will not change the fact that you are all a bunch of liars.

      The issuing of such statements coupled with labelling HH as tribalist by you and your finished stupid spin doctor Mmembe will not save you from the Zambian people’s wrath. You will exhaust all your tricks in your box of deception unfortunately non will manage to deceive the Zambian people this time around.

      Viva UPND and HH.

    • Kabwili is right on this one, except he has been chickening on helping his friend GBM.
      Even Jesus used “destroying and rebuild in 3 days”.

    • These politicians think we are *****s don’t they? The 90 days crap was clear in everyone’s ears,unless of course to those who indeed are *****s,and now this fool want to turns around and manipulate us with it. He’s a bigger for than he thinks the Zambian people are.

    • You are a disgrace! idiocy at its fullest!!! You think being bemba is passport to becoming president! Iam bemba too but your Tribalism surely sucks!!

    • Jo waba amatako yapetama kwati ni chumbu munshololwa
      This country is not for us bembas alone infact we want a Lozi so that tuka salapukeko coz twalaya saana we thought state contable will change things kanshi konaula,ngani ba Kambwili ni worse. Mwanya…!

  1. Your slogan just like any other,is a memorable motto or phrase but your theme was and is a reccuring lie.Big difference Kambwili.

  2. Ati 90days was a theme,shameless liars.when will Pf stop telling lies,and here we go again,kambwili at it again,please sir,give us a break we are really full and tired of your lies. Government wants to take all the aspirations of zambians,which aspirations that have not been taken care of in the final draft constitution? You liars you are just afraid of 50+1 and running mate clause bwana

  3. This man glorifies grand deception as a slogan…..Mr Kambwili and your group, I have this to say to you. Even if all the Zambians accept your lies and character of deception, I will stand alone defending what I believe is virtue in humanity: integrity. I cannot fight you and your horders of cadres nor do I intend to. I will wield my ballot box against your philosphy for the rest of my days of association with this rampaged nation, Zambia. Imagine what will happen to the fabric of our society if all people espoused your grand deception as the basis of social and commercial transactions. God forbid!

  4. Just admit that you are political failures (PF) that is all. You guys thought governing the nation was like family kantemba, no. The problem is all you PF guys are in a scramble for personal wealth. now Zambia is on cross roads. 2014 wont be easy because of lack of foresight. There has been too much contradictions , instructions and counter-instruction among yourselves. No one seems to know what to do. shame upon Political Failures (PF).

  5. Mr.Kambwlli i hear i got a degree in developmental studies and one component of good leadership is integrity,truthful and trust.
    A government which rules on lies and for lies and by liars.
    Its your poor management and coordination skills which has caused all these useless problems.
    Why are all of you Ministers running to eastern province these day|?
    Its unfortunate that 90 days was merely a political theme. leaders must be held accountable for there words but in Zambia it is normal for people to be taken for granted by lies.
    May be in Bemba its normal to lie and a Bemba culture of lies.
    However,lies have got a short hand and its is catching up with you

  6. u ar a fool nd stupid kambwili,u told u that constitution belongs to u low calibar ministers,yo cabinet thnks that they have a monopo ly of inteligence,u ar all *****z..

  7. Buffoon!
    Stop et!
    Anyway, don’t take such people seriously.
    I know many chaps going by the name ‘Kambwili’ and they are all the same, not sound in mind, no manners, etc.

  8. Another pack of lies from a shameless liar.Just admit you were voted in on a lie and you don’t have any idea of running the country.

  9. Nostrudumas you should compare apple to apple! Kambwili cannot be put in the category of Jesus. Kambwili and his PF knew they were lying to the Zambian people just to get into power,while Jesus’s came to pass. “Fear the LORD your GOD”. PF need serious prayers! You can observe from Kambwili that lying has became PF’s way of life. Al what Kambwili is saying are lies, lies, lies and more lies. Be it be on the constitution, referendum and distribution of inputs, it is all lies. A repentant government would release the draft constitution to the public. USA is prepared to fund the referendum and government should sieze the opportunity. Someone has made money over the inflated and over priced fertiliser! Who is fooling who? Can you fool GOD who sees every heart? That is the question!

  10. What do you do with a person who confesses to you that they did not mean what they said after you have fallen for the lie?

  11. I agree, just as Sata was a bad joke the electorate played on the rest of country! And you sir, Mr. Kambwili, are part of the sideshow.

  12. Mr. Kambwili is actually accidentally correct. ‘Lies and deception’ has been PF’s theme and so far they have stuck to that theme like a toffee sweet to a blanket.

  13. Kambwili you named a stadium garbon disaster heroes stadium?? Now you are telling us this crap. Dont think Zambians are fooools like you, useful idiooot. If it was drafted in 90days why has it taken all this time for sata to release it?? It had to take the watchdog to give the public what is rightfully theirs

  14. Referendum is expensive and over 20 bye elections cheap! Is your big head ok and are funding it from your pocket or our money? Liar in the studio. As for the fertilizer issue you have just failed. You thought you are clever by removing MMD systems now you have been proved wrong Kashimba Chimbwili

  15. its up to those who were duped and voted for these liers.atleast he has now come into the open.Are you going to be lied to again.think twice.Once beaten twice shy. Make sure you boot them out come 2016 and pursue them for stealing gvt money

  16. It’s pretty pathetic how easily a Zambian can be taken for granted over and over again! This is pilling icing on a bad untasteful cake to kill that awful taste! Now it’s upto you people to believe,take or leave this smear. He is just being true to who he is as a politician, it’s in their genes the world over, so dont bombard him with insults, what are you going to do about it? These guys are the best marketing and damage control managers you can find….wow!

  17. This is a HIPPO now trying to change his spots.

    Someone please tell this IDI0T hippos do not have any spots!

    Get lost you disaster M0R0N, we know you are mentally deficient, just like that liar you have for a boss.

  18. For the first time Mbwili has admitted governance failures without attributting them to MMD. What Next? Voters please wake up and vote wisely cheating does not help. If a man is cheated by a prostitute and chases away his legitimate wife, the illegimate wife must be very cautious and perform or otherwise

  19. To borrow ba Chikwandas statement . This blogg is full of functional dullards and illiterates. Theres only a handful who talk any sense at all. Its rather shameful and especially after 50 years of independence. Actually Zambia’s down fall began in 1991. when MMD took over in the name of democracy. The education system began to spiral downwards. What we have now is a nation full of dullards and illiterates who are full of greed,hate and pettiness. Added to this is the PHD syndrome. How does a nation progress? I mourn for Mother Zambia.

    • iwee uli chipuba elyo ichikulu sana. where have you got the word dullard from. Just contribute factual arguments for and against what is being discussed period.

  20. To borrow ba Chikwandas statement . This blogg is full of functional dullards and illiterates. Theres only a handful who talk any sense at all. Its rather shameful and especially after 50 years of independence. Actually Zambia’s down fall began in 1991, when MMD took over in the name of democracy.The education system began to spiral downwards. What we have now is a nation full of dullards and illiterates who are full of greed,hate and pettiness. Added to this is the PHD syndrome. How does a nation progress? I mourn for Mother Zambia.

  21. The joke is on the ever docile mass of my beloved nation who believed that crap. I never did, never could, never will fall for such cheap junk from a bunch of semi illiterate demagogues. Never

  22. sit him down he has a lot to down load. why apologizing is he minister of agriculture, is he minister of justice to talk breferendum, is he the president to review that 90 days was just a slogan or is he telling us the PF has failed to fulfill it campaign promises. we start looking for another solution.


    Not surprising to see Kambwili, MP in Luanshya, curiously inspecting infrastructures in Bvubwi, Eastern Province. He is loaded with a basket full of UBUFI.

    The Voters in the forthcoming series of by-elections WILL NEVER AGAIN BELIEVE whatever PF will be promising.

    The PF has officially admitted that IT PAYS TO BE LIAR in their variant of modern politics.

    If Sata cannot respect Bemba Chief, then Chiefs of other tribes will not be spared. As confusion reigns in the PF leadership, coupled with Sata’s dislike for Chiefs in Bembaland, Chiefs of the Nsenga in Petaluke, Kunda Chiefs in Malambo, Lenje Chiefs in Kapiri and Chibombo, the MKAIKA FORMULA will work against the PF.

  24. ”He also apologized to the farmers for the delay in the delivery of farming inputs for the 2013/2014 farming season.”
    So this season we expect poor harvest resulting in maize shortage for miller.So when millers increase the price of meal meal what are you going to tell the nation?
    Are you still blaming the MMD for the mess you are in?

  25. It is exciting to hear Kambwili as a Bemba vindicating those of us that hold the view that BEMBAS strive on lies. PF party and government being predominantly Bemba crafted many lies and duped the country with a 90 day slogan of fulfilling every promise made including the restoration of Barotse Agreement for the sake of votes from western province. Today western province has been rewarded with a state of emergency. That is how deceptive Bembas can be making the rest of Zambians as fools. Bembas will brand other people tribalists to consolidate their own. This is akin to a rogue robing and terrorizing innocent people. Kambwili who currently has become so rich in Luanshya can not even account for his wealth, that is typical of Bembas.

  26. Playing the game of semantics,hair splitting and lingual spin doctoring knowing fully well most zambains aren’t educated enough to read between the lines.God help us.

  27. u guyz r liars tatumfwa fye. honestly what national project can be done in 90 days. we just wanted change but be on the look out as we act on impulse. am afraid PF wil scatter within short time just like MMD coz confusions are too early.

  28. The people have spoken that we want to see the proposed constitution .where is it ?.simple and and straight forward question. Don’t beat about the brush .Dont think we are fools

  29. The Hoe looks very thuggish and brutish. Are there no image makers out there. Wouldn’t want to meet this Hoe in a dark alley

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