GOVERNMENT has clarified that its position concerning Kangaluwe Copper Project is as interpreted by the Ministry of Lands, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection.
Chief government spokesperson Mwansa Kapeya however said in a statement that it was important to avoid issuing statements on the matter until it is finally adjudicated upon as the issue was before the courts of law.
“Government expects a fair balance between the benefits of mining and the protection of wildlife conservation, the policies and laws will be respected and adhered to and the investment will create employment opportunities for ordinary Zambians,” Mr Kapeya said.
Mr Kapeya’s press statement comes in the wake of conflicting statements between Minster of Lands, Natural Resources and Environment Protection Harry Kalaba and Minister of Tourism and Arts Sylvia Masebo concerning the large-scale mining project in the Lower Zambezi National Park.
Last week, Tourism and Arts Minister Slyvia Masebo said her Ministry was against the decision by the Ministry of Lands, Environment and Natural Resources to issue a mining licence to an Australian investor, Mwembeshi Resources under the parent name of Zambezi Resources in the Lower Zambezi.
In her submissions to the Parliamentary Committee on Tourism and Arts held in camera last week, Mrs Masebo said her Ministry felt that the mine project should not go ahead because it will put the existence of the Lower Zambezi National Park at risk.
She said the mine which will occupy about 25 percent will also reduce the tourism earnings which benefit government and the local people in the area.
“Government risks losing safari fees amounting to over K 84 million and photographic revenue amounting to over K 9 million if the mine is allowed to exist,” Mrs Masebo said.
She said the Ministry of Tourism and Arts follows a policy of sustainable tourism and granting of mining rights to Zambezi Resources goes against the principle of sustainable tourism.
“The Ministry’s considered view is that the Ministry of Lands, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection reconsiders its decision to allow mining activities in the Lower Zambezi National Park,” she said.
Mrs Masebo further said that the important steps were ignored in that the basis for the issuance of the 25 years mining licence is not clearly known and the licence was issued before the environmental impact assessment process was completed.
She said plans to declare the Lower Zambezi as a world heritage site may not materialize and this might lead to an unprecedented campaign against Zambia’s tourism which is a key sector in diversifying the economy.
Journalists were prevented from covering Mrs Masebo’s submission to Parliament last week after she requested to have her session held in camera.
Sata has chosen the best ever government.
Great president
What a bunch of clueless jokers we have in Govt! The biggest clown being Sata!!!
It appears the Govt is acting like a child in a sweet shop.
Move the animals elsewhere how difficult is that. Kariba dam used to be a park, animals had to be moved and most today are happy they have electricity in their homes. There are a lot of game reserves around the country that hardly have an hyena left due to poaching, so why not move the animals there and ensure they are well protected. People need serious jobs and not silly ones being offered by the White lodge owners. Remember it’s people before animals.
Ifyabukaya – I know your entire team has perenial Dementia, but was it only the past Friday that your Donty Scotty was telling the whole nation about how you had no clue on what’s going on at KCM.
Please, never give concent to open any new Mines, as your show of ignorance publicly on these Mines make money is buffling.
Where is the genuine saulose, not this imposter ..wena get your own identity.
Serious case of discord in GRZ.
Shooting in the dark hoping to kill a rabbit.This govt is clueless to say the least
hahahahahh… ati shooting in the dark, hoping to bring down an elephant only to kill a rabbit
Iwe Ndobo, where is Saulosi?
Nostra boi,, Saulosi must be somewhere in europe,next door Norway maybe lots of snow there hence his habituation
All your government decisions never look beyond your noses. I say Never again……
2016 zwaaaaaaa, and all you thieves will not only be Jailed but proceeds of crime confiscated.
Allowing a mine in a national park demonstrates failure to reason beyond today.
In the first place zambezi river will be poluted, if mining was granted in those areas thence putting the lives of the inhabitants in danger.
in zambia we have fragile health safety and environmental policies which has failed up to now to resolve the mopani scenter problem in mufulira. Now do you think the govt will take measures to safeguard the inhabitants of the lower zambezi if the mining was granted? On this one, pf should not rush for the sake of job creation NO.
Poaching will also be part of mining if a licence is given and all our animals will finish. Please hold on pf lekeni inama shesu shikale mumutende and preserve our wildlife for the future generation pantu imwe namukota and soon you will no longer live.
I can’t wait for 2016, we will vote your stup!dity out of the office. It seems this government is a cost, it doesn’t benefit any sane Zambian.
What is discussed in cabinet kashi? If ministers are going to be contradicting each other in public?
Filasabaila ifibantu ati mine will take 25% of the park, I have notificed that all those against the mine are lying to win peoples support. The mine land will take 6% of the park and only 0.06% of the park will be mined don’t lie iwe mayo Masebo and other environmentalists we’ll only support u if u give correct infor when ZEMA called for public consultation meeting no environmentalist voted against the mine and all the local people and MP supported da mine where were all of with big mouths and dat was MMD tym
There are a lot of professional protesters here just jumping on the bandwagon of negativity on this issue without even considering the fact that they could be a win win solution to this. Yes tourism contributes significantly to our economy but not as much as mining. I’m sure most of us here would rather work in mines than for a white tour operator
And the pollution that is surely going to happen mu zambezi river? do u think this dull government will be able to handle that seeing they have failed with the scenter ku mopani as someone has alluded to? Do you have an answer for that since you have an answer for the animal problem?
Thanks for bringing that up but don’t you think we’re sane enough to come up with solutions to that. I think we should be looking at how to go round the environmental concerns than blatantly putting pressure on Government to forego this opportunity to create real tangible jobs for our youths.
I come from Nchanga and I have lived in Nkana as well. have you seen how people are suffering there????? there is and has been a lot of copper, but who works there?? have you seen how many Indians have taken up all the Jobs. Currently those mines in Zambia DO NOT BENEFIT THE LOCALS. The environment does not even know the Financial status of those firms.
Whether black or white a tour operator remains a tour operator. The point is that the mine project is ill conceived and Hon. Masebo is in the right. The govt spokesperson’s statement is just mere rhetoric as usual.
@msana wa nzili who said tour operators should only be white? If you go to Kenya you will see will see local and young tour operators because the govt has taken seriously the tourism sector. And your claim that mining makes more money than tourism is false. Kenya earns around $ 1.5 billion in tourism, which is about the same amount Zambia earns from copper exports. But if you subtract the opportunity cost of environmental hazards, pollution, Zambia loses out. Besides mining goes on for a given number of years but tourism is more sustainable. Check out countries like Spain and others that earn from tourism. I hope that makes sense. God bless Zambia!
Plz stop talking about things you don’t understand! You can have wildlife and a mine in one place! The game park will become open and the habitants will be distrubed and some animals will migrate! You even talked about moving wildlife!!!smh wander what is in your head
I personally think we have failed to get the best out of the mines as a country. The best we can do is to preserve the natural resources for the future generation, maybe them will have the brains to effectively get the best out of the minerals that we have unlike us. We already have enough mines operating and all we need to do is get the best out of them other than just making those foreigners rich with our own resources ( Raw materials and our cheap labour).
yaba..very disorganised already..kekekekeke
Mining Licence should not be issued for Heaven’s Sake! There is no proper benefit this country obtains from the Mines other than enriching the mine owners. The worst thing is that our govt through ZCCM Investment Holdings owns extremely smallest shares in these mining firms that add up to nothing. Why cant we own 60% shares? What employment are these chaps going to create? They will only exploit our people by using them as cheap labour tools who are desperate for employment. Please let the Lower Zambezi remain for wild life conservation twapapata.
I like this govt because it allows people to dialogue and indeed even fools do participate, the best govt I have ever known in Zambia . thanks be to God for our wise president who loves his people whole heartedly . never selling any but building new institutions to help Zambians better their lives he is a great leader indeed.
That’s a good one and looking at you**********comment you leave no doubt.
Please, do not be sarcastic Nshilimubemba.
My president should be carefully advised,that the mining project will only be welcome if Zambians are shareholders up to 50%.His friend Mugabe has put it in black and white all mines should have local shares infact they are currently discussing increasing them to 100% local shares in mines,my president consult your friend bob he will help.Otherwise it’s not a good idea,@9 lovb I share your sentiments.
Kwena this govt yaba no bwafya,can’t you mine in that area and raise enough money for the country than sale it to investors,bukopo nshi mulecita exhibit?People need jobs,move those animals to other parks where there are no animals and start mining.There will be 75 % of land still to remain for the park,just do proper enviromental impact assesment.This is a project you can borrow money for and it can pay back the loan with ease.
Anthropologist??? ZEMA already rejected this project but the Lands minister surprisingly overruled their position. That is why a consortium of patriotic civil society organizations filed an injunction which the High court allowed.
John Kerry to urge climate action in Indonesia address.
When will this GRZ learn to hear.!!!
Tell me this isn’t true. Sustainable Development means adding value for social economic development by application of efficient and effective means of utilising resources to meet current needs WITHOUT compromising future generations.
Someone has stopped referring to the basics. This intended mining in one of our national treasures is NOT reversible and we may live to regret sooner than later.
This is beyond politics and I implore all well meaning Zambians to stand up and talk to be heard. Government is for all the people and I still have hope the Governmnet will reconsider its position for the better of mother Zambia– current and future generations.
God bless Zambia
I know in the shallow minds of the PF,they would want to create a mine,in order to fulfill their job creation campaign promises. This choice will be disastrous in the long run. Let us support sylvia masebo on her stance. But why shud two cabinet ministers differ,do they discuss such critical issues in cabinet meeting?,its indeed CNP govt.
Hon. Masebo is principled all the way. She has walked out of previous govts over similar issues. Should they push her, the inevitable will happen….and I am sure UPND would not hesitate to embrace such a power house.
it’s democracy divergent views are welcome even from amongest themselves.well done masebo it’s not easy,Chat to presidio over local ownership if we really need a mine in that area .
One wonders who leaked what Masebo said (except herself) in camera as there were no journalists allowed. ..why hasn’t she not come out in the open. ..for all we know she can easily refute all this when her boss calls her to State House. And we call this principled c’mon people. .let’s be serious! !
Whats wrong with two ministers differing? Arent people supposed to convince each other via rational arguments?
@ Chewe.
Thts a great statement. We need to think of the Future and the Only way is to have THINK TANKs like u who can turn things around. It aches me alot to see ignorance in main Govt Sectors. It pains.
Show me a single foreign investor who has come to Zambia to help the local people… Some people talk as if they have never seen or heard of the copperbelt and the environmental problems that are there now and forever because of mining…
There are so many, so many. That you don’t know speaks volumes.
let iz pipo in copala inform u minin hz greatly polutated our area, do thz gvnment hv cabinet meetinz? pf shuld nt alow minin in the park ok
We have need had a dull Minister of Information like Kapeya in the history of Zambia.
With the possible exception of Lt-Gen. Ronnie Shikapwasha, I agree, we have never had a duller Minister of Information than Mwansa Kapeya!
No Shikapwasha beats them all! On second thoughts Kapeya takes the cake! No Shikapwasha was really lollest of the lollest! No I think Kapeya can meet Ronnie tit for tat! No I think..Iam getting confused by govt ministers’ lack of grey matter
PF please just return the monies Zambezi Resources Limited donated to your treasury and listen to the people of Zambia for once.
Mr. Kapeya please go back to the States and finish whatever certificate you went to study there as you never learnt anything new.
Ba Kapeya, its not a matter of employing people, but the long lasting damage to the environment. You want to pollute the animals for sure and good vegetation you Kapeya?
Which environment is Kalaba protecting as per the title of his ministry…..Natural Resources and Environment Protection when he is seen to be destroying lower Zambezi?
Kenya has no copper an Zambia has no tourism industry to speak of if you want to talk jobs and national renevue. Money talks
If ministers agree it’s “dictatorship” and if they disagree it’s “confusion”. Opposition should really find other issues than condemning debate
I am also totally opposed to turn the Lower Zambezi into a Mining area. Mining activities have far damaging consequences than the park.
Msana wanzili aguement is limited in scope. L think he has not gone far with education.
if trully sylvia masebo is opposed to kalaba’s pronouncement and direction; i blame kalaba for not consulting with his colleague. most of us know the passion of sylvia concerning worldlife; kalaba should not have gone ahead without consulting his very important colleague in the issue. this will and has costed kalaba’s leadership; that he does nt have what it takes to be at the helm of this important and critical ministry. Simuusa tried. now he has made kapeya to be in confused position. tulebomba bwino, baane. nangu ba Boss, ebalandile, u still can disagree
Are Zambians especially Mr kalaba charged with responsibility to PROTECT OUR ENVIRONMENT from this planet or elsewhere?Dont we see what is occuring world over?Floods in the UK,volcanoes in Indonesia,irregular weather patterns,e.t.c. Recently a speach by leaders more powerful and from more credit worthy countries categorised human environmental damage as at par with terrorism and chemical weapons.Why should we pretend to be ignorant about all that is going on arround us?Many times i have said the third world has many chances of being the zero world(if there be such a thing)because we can learn from what mistakes the developed world has made and do things better.It is interesting to note that it is AN investor with of course partners whose conscience are blinded with greed.
what jobs and what have we benefited from the new mines in solwezi as a nation? nothing……!
It’s government without principles. Clearly no collective decision on the matter Masebo wud not have objected she wud have respected the principle of collective agreement of cabinet.
Just take a good look at the picture above of Elephants in the wild. Aren’t they beautiful, aren’t we blessed as Zambians to have these lovely animals? Instead of protecting them, the bloody government is the one in the forefront trying to annihilate these wonderful animals. Sata has no regards to animals going by the sentiments he made when he became president on poaching and subsequently pardoning of several poachers from prison. Since this is just a makeshift government in transit, I strongly appeal to HH and other opposition parties to warm up the drums and echo passionately and louder that once voted into office they gona revoke the license of this mining firm. Scott doesn’t know what is happening with KCM cashflow, Lands minister is in favour, Masebo against, govt in total…