Monday, March 17, 2025

Police probe ABZ candidate for bouncing two cheques after land sale


 Patricia Mwashingwele
Patricia Mwashingwele

POLICE in Lusaka are investigating Alliance for Better Zambia (ABZ) candidate for the Katuba parliamentary by-election Patricia Mwashingwele for allegedly issuing two cheques amounting to K13,000 on an insufficiently funded account.

Ms Mwashingwele was refunding a client whom she allegedly sold a piece of land to.

She is alleged to have sold one piece of land to two people who argued over who was the rightful owner.
Lusaka Province commissioner of police Lemmy Kajoba said in Lusaka yesterday that it was later agreed that Ms Mwashingwele should return the money for one of her clients.
Mr Kajoba said the incident happened last year.

Ms Mwashingwele is said to have agreed to make the refund and that she allegedly issued two cheques.
“She cut two cheques amounting to K13,000. The cheques might have been given out at different intervals. But when he [her client] took these cheques to Standard Chartered Bank Northend branch, the cheques bounced,” he said.

Mr Kajoba said the man was so infuriated that he decided to report the matter to Lusaka Central Police Station.

“The report that we received at Central Police was from a complainant who was claiming that sometime in 2013, she [Ms Mwashingwele] sold him a piece of land. When he went there to try and develop the piece of land, he found there was another person,” he said.

Mr Kajoba said after the man found another person on the land he bought, he accosted Ms Mwashingwele over the issue and it was agreed that she should refund him.

Mr Kajoba said Ms Mwashingwele’s scheduled interrogation at Central Police Station yesterday was postponed so that police officers could finalise their investigations.

“We have met her lawyer. He came here yesterday [Tuesday] and met the officers and an appropriate time will be fixed when we will conclude the investigations,” he said.

He said after the investigations, Ms Mwashingwele’s lawyer will avail her to police for questioning.
Ms Mwashingwele declined to comment when contacted while ABZ president Frank Bwalya said it was unprofessional for police to summon someone without stating reasons.

Father Bwalya alleged that the intended summoning of Ms Mwanshingwele is politically motivated.


  1. This is not even a crime. It is between her and her bank. Her bank is the one that is supposed to penalize her. Only in bongo bongo land Africa is wearing a mini skirt, bouncing a cheque and swearing at a President crimes! Cesspool Zambia and continent!

  2. Well, issuing a cheque on an insufficiently funded account is a crime according to Zambian laws and so Fr. Bwalya there is nothing political about this. George Mpombo is a convict over similar crimes anyway. This women smells like a crook. How do you sell same piece of land to two people, and you want to lead people.

    • check facts before you symphathize with the buyer who usually put up a down payment and fail to show up for the rest, so why wait if there is another buyer, the only mistake was that she should have kept his money from the second payment. What puzzles me is that why is this case coming up now when it happened in 2013. It is therefore Political as Fr Bwalya says

    • Iwe gelo, the fact still remain unchanged, she is a kelenka finishi. If anyone voted for her, she can be selling customary land indiscriminately.

    • It is not politically motivated, a crook is a crook. She sold to two people and therefore she is not honest. With such a record, she cannot stand at the podium and start throwing stones, no she is in a glass house called ABZ. If you are a crook, don’t even dare enter public life, you will be treated as a public person. Remain in the closet with your skeleton.

  3. But why sell one piece of Land to two people? anadya uyu! there is no politics here,she is just crocked period.

  4. Bi m’me bya manyai kwakusa bizezwa kwa mileko, apuu! Ona singe Patricia Mwashingwele se kusi kwesa manaka kwa lingandwe tuna lasona leo, kauke inosha ki lyombekalala la ombola mutaka. Kono onafoo si nyezwi. Mane kanti munna sona inge yana zosi nopa fa kamunome busihu kweli ili kwa lififi mi nekusina neba tumonyimonyi twaku monyeka kuli bitole bya bipukupuku bi shongoloke!


  6. I agree, she look congolese. It is possible, already she has shown us that she is a fraud-prone woman. She is not from lenje land but zaire.

  7. Mawe inkashi iyi ni mambala sana. Getting money from two people for the same land….awe but iliko bad mayo. Dont even stand, drop out of the race coz you are crooked.

    Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia.

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