FORMER President Kenneth Kaunda has been discharged from Lusaka Trust Hospital (LTH), his daughter Cheswa confirmed yesterday.
Dr Kaunda was admitted to LTH on Thursday after complaining of fatigue.
“Yes I can confirm that the old man has been discharged,” Ms Kaunda said.
She said the nation must not worry about the founding president as he is in high spirits.
“You know age has caught up with him. So it is normal that once in a while, he complains of fatigue,” Ms Kaunda said.
She said doctors have only asked him to observe total bed rest and conduct no interviews.
On Sunday, President Sata and First Lady Christine Kaseba visited Dr Kaunda and wished him a speedy recovery.
President Sata said he and the First Lady were elated to see Dr Kaunda in high spirits.
Ba Kaw-unda PF cadre….
KK, May God keep you healthy and strong.
Great man. Not a fan of him but wish him well.
True age has caught up with super Ken and the government should ease giving him assignments. He should also take a leaf from late Mandela and enjoy his retirement quietly.
“She said the nation must not worry about the founding president as he is in high spirits”.
Worry…. im not worried, i dont care much about KK, the man is divisive and did bad things to Zambians
Pure hate, learn to forgive ba mwaba jr.
What forgiveness? This man is divisive. Evil itself and he know that himself!
Good ! Get well soon shikulu.We need around.
Speedy recovery Tata wandi. Nalimitemwa sana Ba Kaunda.
Get well soon our dear super Ken.
cali ni ci dictator teaching sata to be the same.die cikala i will cerebrate
Cheswa…Kaunda! Goodness, this grandmother has never married or does she just want to ride onto the name of the (in)famous Kenneth Kaunda?!
I never wish a human being dead. But with KK…
The old Man is tired and Kambwili wants him to be ambassador of the 2019 AFCON bid to lobby support from various African countres. I don’t think so! By then He’ll be in his 90’s. Good grief!!!!
why should anyone care does kaunda himself care for the damage he has brought by supporting these pf because of the hate he has for those mmd thugs that kicked him out of state house hes forgetting that its the same thugs called pf who were in mmd some those thugs are now upnd so for the sick children and mothers and brothers in uth dying because of this kaponya mentality why should we care about kaundas health, is he more human than the people at uth? only hypocrites will feel sorry for him
UPND Leading so far in Katuba, followed bt MMD, NAREP THEN THE REST.
Meawhile according to post Online, VP Scott has said, PF did not go into govt to play BUT to EAT- Scott
KK wamuyaya….. Okay?? Anyway, get well soon boss.
Kaunda was an Independence winner but an economic failure. Zambia is 50 years behind because of his economic policies. I wish him well though but he should stay out of politics completely. He is confusing the PF trying to convince them to bring back Kaundanomics. INDECO, ZNS etc.Very soon the government will start selling sweets and kapenta in government owned supermarkets. God forbid.
Data has failed how can he allow the old dog to teach him tricks Dr kaunda is corrupting him he is not leading the country but kaunda as a shadow leader