Friday, March 7, 2025

Parliament unanimously ratifies two Supreme court judges and five High court judges


Members of Parliament
Members of Parliament

Parliament has unanimously ratified two Supreme court judges and five High court judges which President Michael Sata appointed to serve as puisne judges.

Those appointed are justices Evans Mweembani Hamaundu and Albert Mark Wood as Supreme Court Judges while Justices Betty Mwaka Majula Mung’omba, Mrs. Chilombo Maka-Phiri, Mr. Mwila Chitabo, SC, Mr. William Smith Mweemba and Mr. Charles Chanda are High court judges.

Patriotic Front (PF) Chama South Member of Parliament (MP) Effron Lungu, who moved the motion of the parliamentary select committee, said the nominees were interviewed and qualify to hold the positions since they have vast experience in the judiciary as judges.

United Party for National Development (UPND) Monze Central MP Jack Mwiimbu said nominees were of good standing and they were admitted to the Zambian bar a long time ago.

Meanwhile, Speaker of the National Assembly Patrick Matibini today threatened to curtail the maiden speech presented by newly elected UPND Katuba MP Jonas Shakafuswa who repeatedly used ‘unparliamentary’ language in the House.

“I will curtail your debate honourable member for Katuba. It is unparliamentary here and you can’t use this kind of language in this honourable House,” the Speaker wnred.

Dr. Matibini later advised Mr. Shakafuswa to raise matters of national interest instead of concentrating on debating on individuals.

Mr. Shakafuswa, who was absent from the House for a period of three years, was however re-elected to parliament three days ago by the people of Katuba constituency.

And government has clarified that it has not failed to distribute 2013 agro-farming inputs to the farmers.

Minister of Agriculture and Livestock Bob Sichinga told parliament that all the Farmer Input Support Programme (FISP) packs were distributed in January contrary to claims by some opposition MPs that government has failed to efficiently manage FISP alleging that some people have not received top dressing fertilizers in some constituencies.

Mr. Sichinga has since called on the opposition lawmakers to engage government on fertilizer distributions than advancing false information in parliament and to the press.

Meanwhile, police officers today surrounded parliament premises to keep vigil of the parliamentary proceedings in anticipation of confusion following protest by MPs from opposition political parties.

A check conducted by ZANIS yesterday and today revealed that police officers were deployed both inside and outside the premises.


    • @ ndobo

      Its not only sichinga, who deserves the action of Malukula, its all the PF stooges starting with their boss. Maybe they will begin to tell the truth for once after having the brains shaken a bit.

    • In this day and age sure, parliament, why are you still making those poeple in front, the speaker, the clerk of the national assembly, the deputy speaker wear those ridiculous white whigs. when will you free your minds people. kwena, aba kuwa mwalibatemwa. Its so ridiculous. take those things off, you educated illiterates, as someone put it, with no sense of self love!!!!

  1. In the next government we need a totally new police chiefs not these PF police minions who have been compromised by PF. If they don’t know, their authority is diminishing fast because of being partisan when dealing with political upheavals. They always seem to side with PF ignoring the fact that it s not PF alone paying their salaries it all the Zambians irrespective of which party they support.

    I strongly urge the police officers more especially the top brass to exercise caution and fairness when dealing opposition party members. They should be reminded that we are longer in KK era where they inflict brutal force to citizens with impunity.
    If Sata is deceiving them that he will protect them at all time while they recklessly break the law by punishing only opposition members he is…

  2. Point of correction****
    Effron Lungu is not PF MP, he is MMD. It’s just that he took up a ministerial position in PF government before he was relieved of his duties.

  3. LT I am very annoyed with you. You allow im.beciles imported from the watchdog to insult the President day and night while ululating their friends who are desecrating parliament. On which side are you?


  5. really this sad indeed i could not believe that the UPND MPS could lead to ratify judge hamaundu and judge wood to be supreme court judges. what is wrong with jack mweembu.

    Surely issues of DBZ is a well known matter affecting all zambians, DPP, and his friends are owing us and the people in forefront to protect his friends is judge wood , this other lady judge maka phiri is the one who was in leading the judiciary in that infamous letter to bar dora siliya .

    this is stupid indeed and depressing.

    • As far as Mwimbu is concerned, what qualifies them is:
      a) had been admitted to the bar along time ago
      b) they are of good standing???

      Is it no surprise the QUALITY OF ZAMBIA’S JUDICIARY.
      The Law fraternity in Zed, really have amonutain to climb – starting from ZIALE, throught to current crop of practicing lawyers upto the judges – the quality misses the benchmark by light-years, & that is really being kind to them!

    • This is democracy American style. Those opposition MPs know what they intend to gain personally from this. Closet bootlickers!!

  6. UPND MPs supporting the appointment of biased and unprincipled judges, I am disillusioned who to vote for. I will not vote for UPND.

  7. Iam very disappointed by the Conduct of the opposition in the house . Why rush in to ratifying the appointment of high Court judges without proper investigations Eg Mwila Chitabo is proper PF cadre ask people in Ndola they will tell you. Ee Mulomo chimbwi aitile mpashi Shamububa . Mukepushe naku Chinsali uko afuma bakamweba Baopposition tamwakawinepo umulandu . Finshi Mulebutukila bamambala tamwishibe ati ichuma chamshi Bateka nabakaya.

  8. Ok, UPND is supporting PF misgovernance by allowing them to increase the borrowing threshold and now ratifying the appointment of these judges who dont deserve it. Then we can aswell let the Bemba hegemony to continue. It is us the masses who will vote. Seeing that now UPND is becoming useless even before being voted into government (drunk with Katuba victory and a branch in CB), then let Bembas only continue ruling. PF was very consistent against MMD misgovernance until they were handed over power. Now you 2 years before you get (that is if you even get it).

  9. The truth of the matter is that the UPND supported the ratification because HAMAUNDU is Tonga and Albert wood is of Lozi parentage.
    This is shear tribalism.

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